name: haskell-neo4j-client version: synopsis: A Haskell neo4j client description: Library to interact with Neo4j databases. For now, its API covers basic operations for nodes, relationships, labels and indexes and provides calls to use these in batch mode. . Basic support for Cypher implemented . All code has been tested with Neo4j version 2.0.3 homepage: license: MIT license-file: LICENSE author: Antoni Silvestre maintainer: copyright: (c) 2014 Antoni Silvestre category: Database build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 Test-Suite test-haskell-neo4j-rest-client Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-Source-Dirs: src, tests Main-is: IntegrationTests.hs Build-Depends: base ==4.6.*, bytestring ==0.10.*, test-framework ==0.8.*, test-framework-quickcheck2 ==0.3.*, QuickCheck ==2.7.*, test-framework-hunit ==0.3.*, test-framework-th ==0.2.*, HUnit ==1.2.*, Cabal, text ==1.1.*, http-conduit ==2.1.*, http-types ==0.8.*, resourcet ==1.1.*, data-default ==0.5.*, transformers ==0.4.*, aeson ==0.7.*, vector ==0.10.*, scientific ==0.3.*, unordered-containers ==0.2.*, HTTP ==4000.2.*, lifted-base ==0.2.*, hashable ==1.2.*, mtl ==2.2.* library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Database.Neo4j, Database.Neo4j.Graph, Database.Neo4j.Batch, Database.Neo4j.Cypher other-modules: Database.Neo4j.Types, Database.Neo4j.Http, Database.Neo4j.Node, Database.Neo4j.Relationship, Database.Neo4j.Property, Database.Neo4j.Label, Database.Neo4j.Index, Database.Neo4j.Batch.Node, Database.Neo4j.Batch.Relationship, Database.Neo4j.Batch.Property, Database.Neo4j.Types, Database.Neo4j.Batch.Label build-depends: base ==4.6.*, containers ==0.5.*, text ==1.1.*, http-conduit ==2.1.*, http-types ==0.8.*, bytestring ==0.10.*, resourcet ==1.1.*, data-default ==0.5.*, transformers ==0.4.*, aeson ==0.7.*, vector ==0.10.*, scientific ==0.3.*, unordered-containers ==0.2.*, HTTP ==4000.2.*, lifted-base ==0.2.*, hashable ==1.2.*, mtl ==2.2.*