Name: haskelm Version: 0.0.4 Synopsis: Elm to Haskell translation Description: Library and binary to translate Haskell code into Elm code Homepage: License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple author: Joey Eremondi Maintainer: Copyright: Copyright: (c) 2014 Joey Eremondi Category: Compiler, Language Cabal-version: >=1.9 source-repository head type: git location: git:// Library exposed-modules: Language.Elm.TH hs-Source-Dirs: src other-modules: SourceSyntax.Declaration, SourceSyntax.Expression, SourceSyntax.Helpers, SourceSyntax.Literal, SourceSyntax.Location, SourceSyntax.Module, SourceSyntax.Pattern, SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint, SourceSyntax.Type, Language.Elm.TH.HToE Language.Elm.TH.Json Language.Elm.TH.Util Language.Elm.TH.BaseDecs Build-depends: aeson, base >=4.2 && <5, containers >= 0.3, directory, mtl >= 2, parsec >= 3.1.1, pretty, text, unordered-containers, shakespeare, template-haskell, haskell-src-meta, vector, th-desugar, temporary, split, --Elm, --elm-build-lib, binary, haskell-src-exts Executable haskelm Main-is: Haskelm.hs hs-Source-Dirs: src other-modules: SourceSyntax.Declaration, SourceSyntax.Expression, SourceSyntax.Helpers, SourceSyntax.Literal, SourceSyntax.Location, SourceSyntax.Module, SourceSyntax.Pattern, SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint, SourceSyntax.Type, Language.Elm.TH.HToE Language.Elm.TH.Json Language.Elm.TH.Util Language.Elm.TH --Language.Elm.BuildString Build-depends: aeson, base >=4.2 && <5, containers >= 0.3, directory, mtl >= 2, parsec >= 3.1.1, pretty, text, unordered-containers, shakespeare, template-haskell, haskell-src-meta, vector, th-desugar, temporary, split, Elm, --elm-build-lib, binary, haskell-src-exts Test-Suite test-haskelm Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Hs-Source-Dirs: tests, src Main-is: Main.hs Build-depends: aeson, base >=4.2 && <5, containers >= 0.3, directory, mtl >= 2, parsec >= 3.1.1, pretty, text, unordered-containers, shakespeare, template-haskell, haskell-src-meta, vector, th-desugar, temporary, split, Elm, --elm-build-lib, binary, haskell-src-exts ghc-options: -ddump-splices