{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures #-}

Module      : MZAST
Description : More human-friendly interface for "Interfaces.MZASTBase"
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : Klara Marntirosian <klara.mar@cs.kuleuven.be>, Ruben Pieters
Stability   : experimental

This module defines a more human-friendly interface for the MiniZinc 2.1 language, on top
of "Interfaces.MZASTBase". With the use of this module, one can represent MiniZinc models in Haskell code.

module Interfaces.MZAST (
  -- * Items
  include, constraint, output, (%), solve, satisfy, minimize, maximize,
  (=.), var, par, ann, predicate, function, test,
  -- * Expressions
  -- ** Constants
  true, false, bool, int, float, string,
  -- ** Conditional
  if_, then_, elseif_, else_,
  -- ** Sets
  intSet, floatSet, stringSet, mapSet, set, (#/.),
  -- ** Arrays
  boolArray, intArray, floatArray, stringArray,
  boolArray2, intArray2, floatArray2, stringArray2,
  mapArray, mapArray2, array, array2, (#|.), (!.),
  -- ** Comprehension tail
  (@@), where_,
  -- ** Generator calls
  -- * User defined operations
  prefCall, infCall, prefOp, infOp, let_,
  -- * Types
  -- * Annotations
  annotation, (|:),
  -- * Others
  ModelData, declareOnly, turnToItem,
  module Interfaces.MZASTBase
) where

import Interfaces.MZASTBase
import Data.String
-- import qualified Data.Kind as K

-- Items

-- | Represents a comment in the MiniZinc model.
-- Example:
-- >>> (%) "comment goes here"
-- % comment goes here
(%) :: String -> GItem 'OK
(%) x = Comment' x

-- | Represents an include item in the MiniZinc model. The argument is the filepath.
include :: String -> GItem 'OK
include = Include'

-- | Represents an output item in the MiniZinc model. The elements in the list argument 
-- represent the elements of the MiniZinc array passed to the output item.
-- Example:
-- >>> output [string "x = ", mz_show[var "x"]]
-- output ["x = ", show(x)];
-- If the represented model contains an @output@ item that changes the default format of
-- the solver's solutions, then a custom parser will be needed to get the solver's results
-- back in Haskell. See "Interfaces.FZSolutionParser".
output :: [Expr] -> GItem 'OK
output = Output' 

-- | Represents a non-annotated constraint item in the MiniZinc model.
constraint :: Expr -> GItem 'OK
constraint e = Constrain' (toSimpleExpr e)

-- | Represents a solve item in the MiniZinc model. Used together with one of 'satisfy',
-- 'minimize' or 'maximize' functions, which can also carry annotations.
solve :: Solve -> GItem 'OK
solve = Solve'

-- | Finalizes the representation of a non-annotated solve item. Use '|:' operator to
-- annotate it.
satisfy :: Solve
satisfy = Satisfy []

-- | Finilizes the representation of a non-annotated solve item. Use '|:' operator to
-- annotate it.
minimize :: Expr -> Solve
minimize = Minimize []

-- | Finilizes the representation of a non-annotated solve item. Use '|:' operator to
-- annotate it.
maximize :: Expr -> Solve
maximize = Maximize []

-- Declaring and assigning

declareOnly :: DeclarationSignature -> Declaration
declareOnly ds = Declaration ds [] Nothing

-- | Used to represent declaration items of MiniZinc. These are variable, function, 
-- predicate, test and annotation declaration items.
declare :: Declaration -> Item
declare = Declare

infixl 1 =.
class Assignable a {-i | a -> i-} where
  -- | The operator that represents assignment in MiniZinc code. One can assign a non-
  -- annotated expression to a variable, predicate, test or function either on declaration
  -- or later.
  -- To annotate the expression, use haskelzinc operator '|:'.
  -- Examples:
  -- Assigning to an already declared variable, predicate, test or function 
  -- @x@:
  -- >>> "x" =. 1
  -- Assigning a value to a variable on declaration:
  -- >>> par Int "x" =. 1
  -- Not to be confused with the equality operator, represented in haskelzinc by '=.='.
  (=.) :: a -> Expr -> GItem 'OK

instance i ~ 'DS => Assignable (GItem i) where
  v@(Var' _ _ _)     =. e = 
    Declare' $ Declaration (turnToDS v) [] (Just (toSimpleExpr e))
  f@(Function' _ _ _ _)     =. e =
    Declare' $ Declaration (turnToDS f) [] (Just (toSimpleExpr e))
  p@(Predicate' _ _) =. e = 
    Declare' $ Declaration (turnToDS p) [] (Just (toSimpleExpr e))
  t@(Test' _ _)         =. e = 
    Declare' $ Declaration (turnToDS t) [] (Just (toSimpleExpr e))

instance Assignable String where
  x =. e = Assign' (stringToIdent x) e

class Varr i where
  var :: Type -> String -> GItem i
  par :: Type -> String -> GItem i

instance Varr OK where
  var t n = Declare' (declareOnly (Variable (Dec, t, Simpl n)))
  par t n = Declare' (declareOnly (Variable (Par, t, Simpl n)))

instance Varr DS where
  var = Var' Dec
  par = Var' Par

-- User defined operations

-- | Creates a predicate declaration item. Use the (=.) operator to
-- assign it a body.
predicate :: String       -- ^ The name of the predicate
          -> [GItem 'DS]  -- ^ The signature of the predicate's arguments
          -> GItem 'DS
predicate = Predicate'

-- | Creates a test declaration item. Use the (=.) operator to
-- assign it a body.
test :: String      -- ^ The name of the test
     -> [GItem 'DS] -- ^ The signatures of the test's arguments
     -> GItem 'DS
test = Test'

-- | Creates a function declaration item. Use the (=.) operator to
-- assign it a body.
function :: Inst        -- ^ The inst of the function's returning value
         -> Type        -- ^ The type of the function's returning value
         -> String      -- ^ The name of the function
         -> [GItem 'DS] -- ^ The signature of the function's arguments
         -> GItem 'DS
function = Function' 

-- | Creates an annotation declaration item. Annotations
annotation :: String -> [GItem 'DS] -> GItem 'OK
annotation = Annot'

-- | Creates the representation of a variable of type 'ann'. Use this 
-- function in the declaration of the arguments of a user-defined 
-- annotation.
-- Example:
-- >>> annotation "int_search" [par Array[Int] Dec Int, ann "select", ann "explore"]
-- annotation int_search(array[int] of var int: x, ann: select,
--                       ann: explore);
ann :: String -> GItem 'DS
ann = Var' Par Ann

-- | Used to represent a prefix call to a function, test or predicate.
prefCall :: String  -- ^ The name of the called operation
         -> [Expr]  -- ^ A representation of the arguments
         -> Expr
prefCall name = Call (Simpl name) . map toSimpleExpr

-- | Used to represent an infix (quoted) call to a function, test or predicate.
infCall :: String -- ^ The name of the called operation
        -> Expr   -- ^ A representation of the left operand
        -> Expr   -- ^ A representation of the right operand
        -> Expr
infCall name e1 e2 = Call (Quoted name) $ map toSimpleExpr [e1, e2]

-- | Used to represent a prefix (quoted) call of an operator.
prefOp :: String -> Op
prefOp = Op . Quoted

-- | Used to represent an infix call to an operator.
infOp :: String -> Op
infOp = Op . Simpl

-- Expressions (plain)
__ :: Expr
__ = AnonVar

-- | MiniZinc boolean constant @true@.
true :: Expr
true = BConst True

-- | MiniZinc boolean constant @false@.
false :: Expr
false = BConst False

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc @bool@ constant.
bool :: Bool -> Expr
bool True  = true
bool False = false

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc @integer@ constant.
-- Example:
-- >>> constraint $ "x" !=. 1
-- constraint x != 1;
int :: Int -> Expr
int = IConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc float constant. In most cases,
-- just a Haskell @Float@ value is sufficient for the representation
-- of the MiniZinc @float@ value. This function is provided for when
-- it is necessary to use.
float :: Float -> Expr
float = FConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc string constant. This function is necessary for 
-- the representation of MiniZinc string literals. Just a Haskell @String@ value 
-- is not sufficient.
string :: String -> Expr
string = SConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc set of integers. Its first argument is a list of
-- the set's elements.
-- Example:
-- >>> intSet [1, 3, 5]
-- {1, 3, 5}
intSet :: [Int] -> Expr
intSet = mapSet IConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc set of floats. Its first argument is a list of
-- the set's elements.
floatSet :: [Float] -> Expr
floatSet = mapSet FConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc set of strings. Its first argument is a list of
-- the set's elements.
stringSet :: [String] -> Expr
stringSet = mapSet SConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc set. In @mapSet f ls@, the elements of the MiniZinc 
-- set are represented by the resulting 'Expr's after applying @f@ on the elements of 
-- @ls@.
mapSet :: (a -> Expr) -> [a] -> Expr
mapSet f = SetLit . map f

-- | Used to represent a set of arbitrary type.
-- Example:
-- >>> set [1, 3, 5]
-- {1, 3, 5}
-- haskelzinc does not check for type correctness of the represented MiniZinc set expression.
-- The example below will compile.
-- Example:
-- >>> set [1.0, 3, string "asd"]
-- {1.0, 3, "asd"}
-- For a safer set representation, use functions 'intSet', 'floatSet' and 'stringSet'.
set :: [Expr] -> Expr
set = SetLit

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc array of booleans.
boolArray :: [Bool] -> Expr
boolArray = mapArray BConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc array of integers.
intArray :: [Int] -> Expr
intArray = mapArray IConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc array of floats.
floatArray :: [Float] -> Expr
floatArray = mapArray FConst

-- | Used to represent a MiniZinc array of strings.
stringArray :: [String] -> Expr
stringArray = mapArray SConst

-- | Used to represent a 2-dimensional MiniZinc array of booleans.
boolArray2 :: [[Bool]] -> Expr
boolArray2 = mapArray2 BConst

-- | Used to represent a 2-dimensional MiniZinc array of integers.
intArray2 :: [[Int]] -> Expr
intArray2 = mapArray2 IConst

-- | Used to represent a 2-dimensional MiniZinc array of floats.
floatArray2 :: [[Float]] -> Expr
floatArray2 = mapArray2 FConst

-- | Used to represent a 2-dimensional MiniZinc array of strings.
stringArray2 :: [[String]] -> Expr
stringArray2 = mapArray2 SConst

-- | Represents a 1-dimensional MiniZinc array by mapping, as in the case of
-- 'mapSet'.
mapArray :: (a -> Expr) -> [a] -> Expr
mapArray f = ArrayLit . map f

-- | @mapArray2 f lss@ represents a 2-dimensional MiniZinc array by mapping @f@ to all
-- elements of all lists in @lss@.
mapArray2 :: (a -> Expr) -> [[a]] -> Expr
mapArray2 f = ArrayLit2D . (map (map f))

-- | Represents a 1-dimensional array of arbitrary type. Same safety remarks apply here as with
-- function 'set'.
array :: [Expr] -> Expr
array = ArrayLit

-- | Represents a 2-dimensional array of arbitrary type. Same safety remarks apply here as with
-- function 'set'.
array2 :: [[Expr]] -> Expr
array2 = ArrayLit2D

-- Comprehension

infix 2 #/., #|.
-- | Creates the representation of a MiniZinc set comprehension. In @expr #/. cts@, 
-- @expr@ represents the head expression of the set comprehension and @cts@ is a list of 
-- its generator expressions' representations.
-- Example: 
-- >>> 2 *. "i" #/. [["i"] @@ 0 ... 5]
-- {2 * i | i in 0 .. 5}
(#/.) :: Expr -> [CompTail] -> Expr
e #/. cts = SetComp e (mergeCompTails cts)

-- | Similar to '#/.' for array comprehensions.
(#|.) :: Expr -> [CompTail] -> Expr
e #|. cts = ArrayComp e (mergeCompTails cts)

infix 9 !.
-- | Represents a MiniZinc array access.
-- Examples:
-- >>> "array"!.[1]
-- array[1]
-- >>> "matrix"!.["i", "j"]
-- matrix[i,j]
(!.) :: String -- ^ Array's name
     -> [Expr] -- ^ Indexes of the desired element
     -> Expr
x !. is = ArrayElem (Simpl x) is

-- | Used to construct the representation of a comprehension tail with a single generator 
-- expression. See the example in the documentation for '#/.'.
infix 5 @@
(@@) :: [String] -> Expr -> CompTail
(@@) vars e = ([(map Simpl vars, e)], Nothing)

--infixl 6 `and_`
combineCompTail :: CompTail -> CompTail -> CompTail
combineCompTail (ins1, me1) (ins2, me2) = (ins1 ++ ins2, decideWhere me1 me2)

mergeCompTails :: [CompTail] -> CompTail
mergeCompTails = foldr1 combineCompTail

decideWhere :: Maybe Expr -> Maybe Expr -> Maybe Expr
decideWhere Nothing   Nothing   = Nothing
decideWhere Nothing   (Just e)  = Just e
decideWhere (Just e)  Nothing   = Just e
decideWhere (Just e1) (Just e2) = Just $ Bi (Op (Simpl "/\\")) e1 e2

infix 4 `where_`
-- | Adds a representation for a MiniZinc @where@ clause in a generator expression.
-- Example:
-- >>> "i" *. "j" #/. [["i", "j"] @@ 0 ... 5 `where_` ("i" !=. "j")]
-- {i * j | i, j in 0 .. 5 where i != j}
where_ :: CompTail -> Expr -> CompTail
where_ (gs, _) e = (gs, Just e)

-- Generator calls
-- CompTail list makes no sense to be empty
-- | Used for the representation of a generator call.
-- Examples:
-- >>> forall [["i"] @@ "S1", ["j"] @@ "S2"] "sum" ("x"!.["i", "j"])
-- sum(i in S1, j in S2) (x[i, j])
-- >>> forall [["c"] @@ "C"] "forall" (
-- >>>     forall [["s"] @@ "S"] "sum" (mz_bool2int["bs"!.["s"] =.= "c"])
-- >>> =.= "result"!.["c"])
-- forall(c in C) (sum(s in S) (bool2int(bs[s] = c)) = result[c])
forall :: [CompTail] -- ^ Generator expressions' representation
       -> String     -- ^ The name of the called operation
       -> Expr       -- ^ The head expression of the underlying array comprehension
       -> Expr
forall cts name e = GenCall (Simpl name) (mergeCompTails cts) e

-- Constrained types
-- | Represents a constrained type defined by a set parameter.
-- Example:
-- >>> var (Set Int) "one2three" =. set [1, 2, 3]
-- var set of int: one2three = {1, 2, 3};
-- >>> declare $ variable Dec (ctvar "one2three") "x"
-- var one2three: x;
ctvar :: String -> Type
ctvar = CT . Var . Simpl
-- | Represents a type variable.
($$) :: String -> Type
($$) = VarType

-- | Used together with 'then_' and/or 'elseif_' and 'else_' to represent an if-then-else 
-- MiniZinc expression. In case of multiple alternatives, use 'elseif_', but the last 
-- alternative should be created with the use of 'else_'.
-- Example:
-- >>> if_ true `then_` 1 `else_` 0
-- if true then 1 else 0 endif;
if_ :: Expr -> (Expr -> [(Expr, Expr)])
if_ e = \e1 -> [(e, e1)]

-- | cf. 'if_'
then_ :: (Expr -> [(Expr, Expr)]) -> Expr -> [(Expr, Expr)]
then_ f e = f e

-- | cf. 'if_'
elseif_ :: [(Expr, Expr)] -> Expr -> (Expr -> [(Expr, Expr)])
elseif_ es e = \e1 -> es ++ [(e, e1)]

-- | cf. 'if_'
else_ :: [(Expr, Expr)] -> Expr -> Expr
else_ = ITE

-- | Creates a MiniZinc let-expression.
-- Example: 
-- >>> predicate "posProd"[var Int "x", var Int "y"] =. 
-- >>> let_ [ var Int "z"
-- >>>      , constraint $ "z" =.= "x" *. "y"]
-- >>>      ("z" >. 0)
-- predicate posProd(var int: x, var int: y)
--   = let {var int: z;
--          constraint z = x * y;}
--     in z > 0;
let_ :: [GItem i] -> Expr -> Expr
let_ bs = Let (map turnToItem bs)

-- | allows you to declare multiple parameters at once
-- Example:
-- >>> declarePars Int ["a", "b"]
-- par int: a;
-- par int: b;
declarePars :: Type -> [Ident] -> [DeclarationSignature]
declarePars t li = map (declarePar t) li

-- | allows you to declare multiple decision variables at once
-- Example:
-- >>> declareVars Int ["a", "b"]
-- var int: a;
-- var int: b;
declareVars :: Type -> [Ident] -> [DeclarationSignature]
declareVars t li = map (declareVar t) li

-- Annotations
infixl 4 |:
class Annotatable a where
  -- | Adds a representation of an annotation to components that can be annotated.
  (|:) :: a -> Annotation -> a
  -- | Returns false if the given argument has an empty list of 'Annotation's, true otherwise.
  isAnnotated :: a -> Bool

instance Annotatable AnnExpr where
  (AnnExpr e a1) |: a2 = AnnExpr e (a1 ++ [a2])
  isAnnotated (AnnExpr _ []) = False
  isAnnotated _              = True

instance Annotatable Declaration where
  (Declaration ds a1 me) |: a2 = Declaration ds (a1 ++ [a2]) me
  isAnnotated (Declaration _ [] _) = False
  isAnnotated _                    = True

instance Annotatable Solve where
  (Satisfy a1)    |: a2 = Satisfy (a1 ++ [a2])
  (Minimize a1 e) |: a2 = Minimize (a1 ++ [a2]) e
  (Maximize a1 e) |: a2 = Maximize (a1 ++ [a2]) e
  isAnnotated (Satisfy [])    = False
  isAnnotated (Minimize [] _) = False
  isAnnotated (Maximize [] _) = False
  isAnnotated _               = True

-- Ranges

instance IsString Expr where
  fromString = Var . stringToIdent

-- instance IsString (GItem DS) where
--  fromString = Var'

-- instance IsString Ident where
--   fromString = stringToIdent

instance Num Expr where
  fromInteger = int . fromIntegral
  (+) = Bi (infOp "+") -- (+.)
  (*) = Bi (infOp "*") -- (*.)
  (-) = Bi (infOp "-") -- (-.)
  abs a = prefCall "abs" [a]
  signum a = let lt = Bi (infOp "<")
                 gt = Bi (infOp ">")
             in if_ (a `lt` 0) `then_` (-1)
                `elseif_` (a `gt` 0) `then_` 1
                `else_` 0

instance Fractional Expr where
  fromRational = float . fromRational
  (/) = Bi (infOp "-") -- (/.)
  recip = undefined

-- Auxiliary definitions
data DSorOther = DS | OK 

data GItem (a :: DSorOther) where
  Include'   :: String -> GItem 'OK
  Comment'   :: String -> GItem 'OK
  Declare'   :: Declaration -> GItem 'OK
  Var'       :: Inst -> Type -> String -> GItem 'DS
  Function'  :: Inst -> Type -> String -> [GItem 'DS] -> GItem 'DS -- DeclarationSignature -> GItem 'DS
  Predicate' :: String -> [GItem 'DS] -> GItem 'DS
  Test'      :: String -> [GItem 'DS] -> GItem 'DS
  Annot'     :: String -> [GItem 'DS] -> GItem 'OK
  Assign'    :: Ident -> Expr -> GItem 'OK
  Solve'     :: Solve -> GItem 'OK
  Constrain' :: AnnExpr -> GItem 'OK
  Output'    :: [Expr] -> GItem 'OK

type ModelData = GItem 'OK

turnToParam :: (GItem 'DS) -> Param
turnToParam (Var' _ Ann x) = (Par, Ann, stringToIdent x)
turnToParam (Var' i t x)   = (i, t, stringToIdent x)

turnToDS :: (GItem 'DS) -> DeclarationSignature
turnToDS (Var' i t x) = Variable (i, t, stringToIdent x)
turnToDS (Predicate' name args) = Predicate (stringToIdent name) (map turnToParam args)
turnToDS (Function' i t name args) = Function (i, t, Simpl name) (map turnToParam args)
turnToDS (Test' name args) = Test (stringToIdent name) (map turnToParam args)

turnToItem :: (GItem a) -> Item
turnToItem (Include' file) = Include file
turnToItem (Comment' text) = Comment text
turnToItem (Declare' d)    = Declare d
turnToItem v@(Var' _ _ _)  = 
  Declare $ Declaration (turnToDS v) [] Nothing
turnToItem f@(Function' _ _ _ _) =
  Declare $ Declaration (turnToDS f) [] Nothing
turnToItem p@(Predicate' _ _)    = 
  Declare $ Declaration (turnToDS p) [] Nothing
turnToItem t@(Test' _ _)         =
  Declare $ Declaration (turnToDS t) [] Nothing
turnToItem a@(Annot' n args)     =
  Declare $ Declaration (Annotation' n (map turnToParam args)) [] Nothing
turnToItem (Assign' x e)   = Assign x (toSimpleExpr e)
turnToItem (Solve' s)      = Solve s
turnToItem (Constrain' e)  = Constraint e
turnToItem (Output' o)     = Output (ArrayLit o)