module Data.BTree.Impure.Delete where
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.BTree.Alloc.Class
import Data.BTree.Impure.Insert
import Data.BTree.Impure.Setup
import Data.BTree.Impure.Structures
import Data.BTree.Primitives.Exception
import Data.BTree.Primitives
nodeNeedsMerge :: Node height key val -> Bool
nodeNeedsMerge (Idx children) =
indexNumKeys children < minIdxKeys
nodeNeedsMerge (Leaf items) =
M.size items < minLeafItems
mergeNodes :: (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
=> Height height
-> Node height key val
-> key
-> Node height key val
-> m (Index key (Node height key val))
mergeNodes _ (Leaf leftItems) _middleKey (Leaf rightItems) =
splitLeaf (leftItems <> rightItems)
mergeNodes h (Idx leftIdx) middleKey (Idx rightIdx) =
splitIndex h (mergeIndex leftIdx middleKey rightIdx)
deleteRec :: forall height key val m. (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
=> key
-> Height height
-> NodeId height key val
-> m (Node height key val)
deleteRec key = fetchAndGo
fetchAndGo :: forall hgt. Height hgt
-> NodeId hgt key val
-> m (Node hgt key val)
fetchAndGo hgt nid = do
node <- readNode hgt nid
freeNode hgt nid
recurse hgt node
recurse :: forall hgt. Height hgt
-> Node hgt key val
-> m (Node hgt key val)
recurse hgt (Idx children) = do
let (ctx, childId) = valView key children
subHeight = decrHeight hgt
newChild <- fetchAndGo subHeight childId
let childNeedsMerge = nodeNeedsMerge newChild
if | childNeedsMerge, Just (rKey, rChildId, rCtx) <- rightView ctx -> do
rChild <- readNode subHeight rChildId
freeNode subHeight rChildId
newChildren <- mergeNodes subHeight newChild rKey rChild
newChildrenIds <- traverse (allocNode subHeight) newChildren
return (Idx (putIdx rCtx newChildrenIds))
| childNeedsMerge, Just (lCtx, lChildId, lKey) <- leftView ctx -> do
lChild <- readNode subHeight lChildId
freeNode subHeight lChildId
newChildren <- mergeNodes subHeight lChild lKey newChild
newChildrenIds <- traverse (allocNode subHeight) newChildren
return (Idx (putIdx lCtx newChildrenIds))
| childNeedsMerge -> throw $ TreeAlgorithmError "deleteRec"
"constraint violation, found an index node with a single child"
| otherwise -> do
newChildId <- allocNode subHeight newChild
return (Idx (putVal ctx newChildId))
recurse _hgt (Leaf items) =
case M.lookup key items of
Nothing -> return $ Leaf items
Just (RawValue _) -> return $ Leaf (M.delete key items)
Just (OverflowValue oid) -> do
freeOverflow oid
return $ Leaf (M.delete key items)
deleteTree :: (AllocM m, Key key, Value val)
=> key
-> Tree key val
-> m (Tree key val)
deleteTree k tree
| Tree
{ treeRootId = Nothing
} <- tree
= return tree
| Tree
{ treeHeight = height
, treeRootId = Just rootId
} <- tree
= do
newRootNode <- deleteRec k height rootId
case newRootNode of
Idx index
| Just childNodeId <- fromSingletonIndex index ->
return $! Tree
{ treeHeight = decrHeight height
, treeRootId = Just childNodeId
Leaf items
| M.null items ->
return $! Tree
{ treeHeight = zeroHeight
, treeRootId = Nothing
_ -> do
newRootNodeId <- allocNode height newRootNode
return $! Tree
{ treeHeight = height
, treeRootId = Just newRootNodeId