module Hasmin.Types.Stylesheet (
Expression(..), MediaQuery(..), Rule(..), KeyframeSelector(..),
KeyframeBlock(..), isEmpty
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (Reader, ask)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (singleton, fromText)
import Data.List (sortBy, (\\))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.PrettyPrint.Mainland (Pretty, ppr, strictText,
lbrace, rbrace, (</>), (<+>), comma, folddoc, nest, semi, stack, char)
import Hasmin.Config
import Hasmin.Selector
import Hasmin.Types.Class
import Hasmin.Types.Value
import Hasmin.Types.Declaration
import Hasmin.Types.String
import Hasmin.Types.Numeric
import Hasmin.Utils
data MediaQuery = MediaQuery1 Text Text [Expression]
| MediaQuery2 [Expression]
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Minifiable MediaQuery where
minifyWith (MediaQuery1 t1 t2 es) = MediaQuery1 t1 t2 <$> mapM minifyWith es
minifyWith (MediaQuery2 es) = MediaQuery2 <$> mapM minifyWith es
instance ToText MediaQuery where
toBuilder (MediaQuery1 t1 t2 es) = notOrOnly <> fromText t2 <> expressions
where notOrOnly | T.null t1 = mempty
| otherwise = fromText t1 <> singleton ' '
expressions = foldr (\x xs -> " and " <> toBuilder x <> xs) mempty es
toBuilder (MediaQuery2 es) = mconcatIntersperse toBuilder " and " es
data Expression = Expression Text (Maybe Value)
| InvalidExpression Text
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Minifiable Expression where
minifyWith (Expression t mv) = Expression t <$> mapM minifyWith mv
minifyWith x = pure x
instance ToText Expression where
toBuilder (Expression t mv) =
singleton '(' <> fromText t <> v <> singleton ')'
where v = maybe mempty (\x -> singleton ':' <> toBuilder x) mv
toBuilder (InvalidExpression t) =
singleton '(' <> fromText t <> singleton ')'
data KeyframeSelector = From | To | KFPercentage Percentage
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToText KeyframeSelector where
toText From = "from"
toText To = "to"
toText (KFPercentage p) = toText p
instance Pretty KeyframeSelector where
ppr = strictText . toText
instance Minifiable KeyframeSelector where
minifyWith x = do
conf <- ask
pure $ if shouldMinifyKeyframeSelectors conf
then minifyKFS x
else x
minifyKFS :: KeyframeSelector -> KeyframeSelector
minifyKFS From = KFPercentage $ Percentage 0
minifyKFS (KFPercentage (Percentage 100)) = To
minifyKFS x = x
data KeyframeBlock = KeyframeBlock [KeyframeSelector] [Declaration]
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToText KeyframeBlock where
toBuilder (KeyframeBlock ss ds) =
mconcatIntersperse toBuilder (singleton ',') ss
<> singleton '{'
<> mconcatIntersperse toBuilder (singleton ';') ds
<> singleton '}'
instance Minifiable KeyframeBlock where
minifyWith (KeyframeBlock ss ds) = do
decs <- mapM minifyWith ds
sels <- mapM minifyWith ss
pure $ KeyframeBlock sels decs
type VendorPrefix = Text
data Rule = AtCharset StringType
| AtImport (Either StringType Url) [MediaQuery]
| AtNamespace Text (Either StringType Url)
| AtMedia [MediaQuery] [Rule]
| AtKeyframes VendorPrefix Text [KeyframeBlock]
| AtBlockWithRules Text [Rule]
| AtBlockWithDec Text [Declaration]
| StyleRule [Selector] [Declaration]
deriving (Show)
instance Pretty Rule where
ppr (StyleRule ss ds) = folddoc (\x y -> x <> comma <+> y) (fmap ppr ss)
<+> nest 4 (lbrace </> stack (fmap ((<> semi) . ppr) ds))
</> rbrace
ppr (AtBlockWithRules t rs) = char '@' <> strictText t
<+> nest 4 (lbrace </> stack (fmap ppr rs)) </> rbrace
ppr (AtBlockWithDec t ds) = char '@' <> strictText t
<+> nest 4 (lbrace </> stack (fmap ppr ds)) </> rbrace
ppr _ = error "not implemented (TODO)"
instance ToText Rule where
toBuilder (AtMedia mqs rs) = "@media " <> mconcatIntersperse toBuilder (singleton ',') mqs
<> singleton '{' <> mconcat (fmap toBuilder rs) <> singleton '}'
toBuilder (AtImport esu mqs) = "@import " <> toBuilder esu <> mediaqueries
<> singleton ';'
where mediaqueries =
case mqs of
[] -> mempty
_ -> singleton ' ' <> mconcatIntersperse toBuilder (singleton ',') mqs
toBuilder (AtCharset s) = "@charset " <> toBuilder s <> singleton ';'
toBuilder (AtNamespace t esu) = "@namespace "
<> prefix <> toBuilder esu <> singleton ';'
where prefix = if T.null t
then mempty
else toBuilder t <> singleton ' '
toBuilder (StyleRule ss ds) =
mconcat [mconcatIntersperse toBuilder (singleton ',') ss
,singleton '{'
,mconcatIntersperse toBuilder (singleton ';') ds
,singleton '}']
toBuilder (AtBlockWithRules t rs) =
mconcat [singleton '@', fromText t, singleton '{'
, mconcat (fmap toBuilder rs), singleton '}']
toBuilder (AtBlockWithDec t ds) =
mconcat [singleton '@', fromText t, singleton '{'
,mconcatIntersperse id (singleton ';') (fmap toBuilder ds)
,singleton '}']
toBuilder (AtKeyframes vp n bs) = singleton '@' <> fromText vp <> "keyframes"
<> singleton ' ' <> fromText n <> singleton '{'
<> mconcat (fmap toBuilder bs) <> singleton '}'
instance Minifiable Rule where
minifyWith (AtMedia mqs rs) = liftA2 AtMedia (mapM minifyWith mqs) (mapM minifyWith rs)
minifyWith (AtKeyframes vp n bs) = AtKeyframes vp n <$> mapM minifyWith bs
minifyWith (AtBlockWithRules t rs) = AtBlockWithRules t <$> mapM minifyWith rs
minifyWith (AtBlockWithDec t ds) = do
decs <- cleanRule ds >>= compactLonghands >>= mapM minifyWith
pure $ AtBlockWithDec t decs
minifyWith (StyleRule ss ds) = do
decs <- cleanRule ds >>= compactLonghands >>= mapM minifyWith >>= sortDeclarations
sels <- mapM minifyWith ss >>= removeDuplicateSelectors >>= sortSelectors
pure $ StyleRule sels decs
minifyWith (AtImport esu mqs) = AtImport esu <$> mapM minifyWith mqs
minifyWith (AtCharset s) = AtCharset <$> mapString lowercaseText s
minifyWith x = pure x
cleanRule :: [Declaration] -> Reader Config [Declaration]
cleanRule ds = do
conf <- ask
pure $ if shouldCleanRules conf
then clean ds
else ds
sortSelectors :: [Selector] -> Reader Config [Selector]
sortSelectors sls = do
conf <- ask
pure $ case selectorSorting conf of
Lexicographical -> sortBy lexico sls
NoSorting -> sls
sortDeclarations :: [Declaration] -> Reader Config [Declaration]
sortDeclarations ds = do
conf <- ask
pure $ case declarationSorting conf of
Lexicographical -> sortBy lexico ds
NoSorting -> ds
removeDuplicateSelectors :: [Selector] -> Reader Config [Selector]
removeDuplicateSelectors sls = do
conf <- ask
pure $ if shouldRemoveDuplicateSelectors conf
then nub' sls
else sls
gatherLonghands :: [Declaration] -> Map (Text, Bool) Declaration
gatherLonghands = go Map.empty
where go m [] = m
go m (d@(Declaration p _ i _):ds)
| S.member p longhands = go (Map.insert (p,i) d m) ds
| otherwise = go m ds
longhands = S.fromList (marginLonghands ++ paddingLonghands)
marginLonghands = ["margin-top", "margin-right", "margin-bottom", "margin-left"]
paddingLonghands = ["padding-top", "padding-right", "padding-bottom", "padding-left"]
compactTRBL :: Text -> [Text] -> Map (Text, Bool) Declaration
-> (Maybe Declaration, [Declaration])
compactTRBL name lhs m =
case sequenceA (map getDeclaration lhs) of
Just l -> (Just (Declaration name (shValues l) False False), l)
Nothing -> (Nothing, [])
where getDeclaration x = Map.lookup (x, False) m
shValues = mkValues . map (head . valuesToList . valueList)
compactMargin = compactTRBL "margin" marginLonghands
compactPadding = compactTRBL "padding" paddingLonghands
compacter m ds = compacter' [compactMargin, compactPadding]
where compacter' [] = ds
compacter' (f:fs) = case f m of
(Just sh, l) -> (compacter' fs \\ l) ++ [sh]
(Nothing, _) -> compacter' fs
compactLonghands :: [Declaration] -> Reader Config [Declaration]
compactLonghands ds = do
conf <- ask
pure $ if True
then compacter (gatherLonghands ds) ds
else ds
lexico :: ToText a => a -> a -> Ordering
lexico s1 s2 = compare (toText s1) (toText s2)
isEmpty :: Rule -> Bool
isEmpty (StyleRule _ ds) = null ds
isEmpty (AtMedia _ rs) = null rs || all isEmpty rs
isEmpty (AtKeyframes _ _ kfbs) = null kfbs
isEmpty (AtBlockWithDec _ ds) = null ds
isEmpty (AtBlockWithRules _ rs) = null rs || all isEmpty rs
isEmpty _ = False
nub' :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
nub' = go S.empty
where go _ [] = []
go s (x:xs) | S.member x s = go s xs
| otherwise = x : go (S.insert x s) xs