module Hasmin.Types.Position (
, PosKeyword(..)
, minifyPosition
, p50
, l0
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (singleton, fromText)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Hasmin.Types.Class
import Hasmin.Types.Dimension
import Hasmin.Types.PercentageLength
import Hasmin.Utils
data PosKeyword = PosCenter
| PosLeft
| PosRight
| PosTop
| PosBottom
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToText PosKeyword where
toBuilder PosCenter = "center"
toBuilder PosTop = "top"
toBuilder PosRight = "right"
toBuilder PosBottom = "bottom"
toBuilder PosLeft = "left"
data Position = Position { origin1 :: Maybe PosKeyword
, offset1 :: Maybe PercentageLength
, origin2 :: Maybe PosKeyword
, offset2 :: Maybe PercentageLength
} deriving (Show)
instance Minifiable Position where
minifyWith p = pure $ minifyPosition p
instance ToText Position where
toBuilder (Position a b c d) = mconcatIntersperse fromText (singleton ' ') $ filter (not . T.null) [f a, f b, f c, f d]
where f :: ToText a => Maybe a -> Text
f = maybe mempty toText
minifyPosition :: Position -> Position
minifyPosition p@(Position (Just x) Nothing Nothing Nothing) = f x
where mkPos1 y = Position Nothing y Nothing Nothing
f PosCenter = mkPos1 p50
f PosRight = mkPos1 p100
f PosLeft = mkPos1 l0
f _ = p
minifyPosition p@(Position (Just x) Nothing Nothing (Just y)) =
minifyPos2 x y
where mkPos2 i j = if isZero j
then Position Nothing i Nothing l0
else Position Nothing i Nothing (Just j)
minifyPos2 PosLeft a = mkPos2 l0 a
minifyPos2 PosRight a = mkPos2 p100 a
minifyPos2 PosCenter a = mkPos2 p50 a
minifyPos2 _ _ = p
minifyPosition p@(Position Nothing (Just x) (Just y) Nothing) =
minifyPos2 x y
where mkPos2 i j = if isZero i
then Position Nothing l0 Nothing j
else Position Nothing (Just i) Nothing j
minifyPos2 a PosTop = mkPos2 a l0
minifyPos2 a PosBottom = mkPos2 a p100
minifyPos2 a PosCenter = mkPos2 a p50
minifyPos2 _ _ = p
minifyPosition p@(Position Nothing (Just x) Nothing (Just y)) = f x y
where f :: PercentageLength -> PercentageLength -> Position
f (Left 50) (Left 50) = Position Nothing p50 Nothing Nothing
f (Left 50) (Left 100) = Position (Just PosBottom) Nothing Nothing Nothing
f (Left 100) (Left 100) = Position Nothing p100 Nothing p100
f (Left 100) (Left 50) = Position Nothing p100 Nothing Nothing
f a b
| isZero a = if isZero b
then Position Nothing l0 Nothing l0
else case b of
Left 50 -> Position Nothing l0 Nothing Nothing
Left 100 -> Position Nothing l0 Nothing p100
_ -> p { offset1 = l0 }
| isZero b = case a of
Left 50 -> Position (Just PosTop) Nothing Nothing Nothing
Left 100 -> Position Nothing p100 Nothing l0
_ -> p { offset2 = l0 }
| b == Left 50 = Position Nothing (Just a) Nothing Nothing
| otherwise = p
minifyPosition (Position (Just x) (Just y) Nothing Nothing) =
uncurry (\a b -> Position a b Nothing Nothing) (minAxis x y)
minifyPosition p@(Position (Just x) Nothing (Just y) Nothing) = f x y
where f :: PosKeyword -> PosKeyword -> Position
f PosCenter PosCenter = Position Nothing p50 Nothing Nothing
f PosLeft PosCenter = Position Nothing l0 Nothing Nothing
f PosCenter PosLeft = Position Nothing l0 Nothing Nothing
f PosTop PosLeft = Position Nothing l0 Nothing l0
f PosLeft PosTop = Position Nothing l0 Nothing l0
f PosTop PosCenter = p { origin2 = Nothing }
f PosCenter PosTop = p { origin1 = Just PosTop, origin2 = Nothing }
f PosRight PosTop = Position Nothing p100 Nothing l0
f PosTop PosRight = Position Nothing p100 Nothing l0
f PosRight PosCenter = Position Nothing p100 Nothing Nothing
f PosCenter PosRight = Position Nothing p100 Nothing Nothing
f PosBottom PosLeft = Position Nothing l0 Nothing p100
f PosLeft PosBottom = Position Nothing l0 Nothing p100
f PosBottom PosCenter = p { origin2 = Nothing }
f PosCenter PosBottom = p { origin1 = Just PosBottom, origin2 = Nothing }
f PosBottom PosRight = Position Nothing p100 Nothing p100
f PosRight PosBottom = Position Nothing p100 Nothing p100
f _ _ = p
minifyPosition p@(Position (Just x) (Just y) (Just z) Nothing)
| x == PosTop || x == PosBottom || z == PosLeft || z == PosRight =
minifyPosition $ Position (Just z) Nothing (Just x) (Just y)
| otherwise = minifyPos3 x y z
where minifyPos3 PosLeft b PosBottom
| isZero b = Position Nothing l0 Nothing p100
| b == Left 50 = Position (Just PosBottom) Nothing Nothing Nothing
| otherwise = Position Nothing (Just b) Nothing p100
minifyPos3 PosLeft b PosTop
| isZero b = Position Nothing l0 Nothing l0
| b == Left 50 = Position (Just PosTop) Nothing Nothing Nothing
| otherwise = Position Nothing (Just b) Nothing l0
minifyPos3 PosLeft b PosCenter
| isZero b = Position Nothing l0 Nothing Nothing
| b == Left 50 = Position Nothing p50 Nothing Nothing
| otherwise = Position Nothing (Just b) Nothing p50
minifyPos3 PosRight b PosTop
| isZero b = Position Nothing p100 Nothing l0
| otherwise = Position (Just PosRight) (Just b) Nothing l0
minifyPos3 PosRight b PosBottom
| isZero b = Position Nothing p100 Nothing p100
| otherwise = Position (Just PosRight) (Just b) Nothing p100
minifyPos3 PosRight b PosCenter
| isZero b = Position Nothing p100 Nothing Nothing
| otherwise = Position (Just PosRight) (Just b) Nothing p50
minifyPos3 _ _ _ = p
minifyPosition p@(Position (Just c) Nothing (Just a) (Just b)) = f $ minAxis a b
where f (x, y)
| c == PosLeft && x == Just PosTop && isJust y = minifyPosition $ Position Nothing l0 Nothing y
| otherwise = if Just a == x && Just b == y
then p
else minifyPosition $ p {origin2 = x, offset2 = y }
minifyPosition p@(Position (Just PosLeft) (Just _) (Just PosTop) (Just _)) =
minifyPosition p { origin1 = Nothing, origin2 = Nothing }
minifyPosition (Position (Just a) (Just b) (Just c) (Just d)) =
minifyPos4 a b c d
minifyPosition p = p
minifyPos4 :: PosKeyword -> PercentageLength -> PosKeyword -> PercentageLength -> Position
minifyPos4 v1 v2 v3 v4
| v1 == PosTop || v1 == PosBottom || v3 == PosLeft || v3 == PosRight = minifyPos4' v3 v4 v1 v2
| otherwise = minifyPos4' v1 v2 v3 v4
where minifyPos4' PosLeft a PosTop b = minifyPosition $ Position Nothing (Just a) Nothing (Just b)
minifyPos4' PosRight a PosTop b
| isZero a = minifyPosition $ Position Nothing p100 Nothing (Just b)
| isZero b = minifyPosition $ Position (Just PosRight) (Just a) (Just PosTop) Nothing
| otherwise = Position (Just PosRight) (Just a) (Just PosTop) (Just b)
minifyPos4' PosLeft a PosBottom b
| isZero b = minifyPosition $ Position Nothing (Just a) Nothing p100
| isZero a = minifyPosition $ Position (Just PosLeft) Nothing (Just PosTop) (Just b)
| otherwise = minifyPosition $ Position (Just PosLeft) (Just a) (Just PosBottom) (Just b)
minifyPos4' PosRight a PosBottom b
| isZero a && isZero b = Position Nothing p100 Nothing p100
| otherwise = Position (Just PosRight) (Just a) (Just PosBottom) (Just b)
minifyPos4' a b c d = Position (Just a) (Just b) (Just c) (Just d)
minAxis :: PosKeyword -> PercentageLength -> (Maybe PosKeyword, Maybe PercentageLength)
minAxis PosTop x =
case x of
Left 50 -> (Just PosCenter, Nothing)
b -> if isZero b
then (Just PosTop, Nothing)
else (Just PosTop, Just x)
minAxis PosLeft x =
case x of
Left 50 -> (Just PosCenter, Nothing)
smth -> if isZero smth
then (Just PosLeft, Nothing)
else (Just PosLeft, Just x)
minAxis PosRight x
| isZero x = (Just PosRight, Nothing)
| otherwise = (Just PosRight, Just x)
minAxis PosBottom x
| isZero x = (Just PosBottom, Nothing)
| otherwise = (Just PosBottom, Just x)
minAxis PosCenter x = (Just PosCenter, Just x)
instance Eq Position where
x == y = minify x `equals` minify y
where equals (Position a b c d) (Position e f g h) =
a == e && b == f && c == g && d == h
l0 :: Maybe PercentageLength
l0 = Just (Right (Distance 0 Q))
p100 :: Maybe PercentageLength
p100 = Just $ Left 100
p50 :: Maybe PercentageLength
p50 = Just $ Left 50