module Test.HClTest.Program
( Stream(..)
, Driver(), runDriver
, expect
, expectEOF
, send
, testInteractive
, testStdout
, testExitCode
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.Timeout
import Test.HClTest.Monad
import Test.HClTest.Trace
import Prelude
data Stream = Stdout | Stderr deriving Show
data DriverF a = MatchStream Stream T.Text a
| SendInput T.Text a
| ExpectEOF Stream a
deriving Functor
type Driver = Free DriverF
send :: T.Text -> Driver ()
send = liftF . flip SendInput ()
expect :: Stream -> T.Text -> Driver ()
expect s = liftF . flip (MatchStream s) ()
expectEOF :: Stream -> Driver ()
expectEOF = liftF . flip ExpectEOF ()
runDriver :: Int -> (Handle, Handle, Handle) -> Driver a -> HClTest String a
runDriver time (stdinH,stdoutH,stderrH) = iterM interpret
where interpret :: DriverF (HClTest String a) -> HClTest String a
interpret (SendInput str next) = do
liftIO $ do
BS.hPut stdinH $ T.encodeUtf8 str
hFlush stdinH
traceMsg $ T.unpack $ ">>> " <> str
interpret (MatchStream s str next) = do
let enc = T.encodeUtf8 str
i <- liftIO $ tryGetTimeout (streamH s) time $ BS.length enc
case i of
Left (eof,part)
| eof -> matchFailure str part "<EOF>" "Output was too short."
| otherwise -> matchFailure str part "<Timeout>" "Response timount exceeded"
Right full -> do
unless (T.decodeUtf8 full == str) $ matchFailure str full "" "Output didn't match"
traceMsg $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 full
return ()
interpret (ExpectEOF s next) = do
eof <- liftIO $ hIsEOF (streamH s)
unless eof $ failTest $ unlines
[ "- Output too long -"
, "Stream: " ++ show s
streamH :: Stream -> Handle
streamH Stderr = stderrH
streamH Stdout = stdoutH
matchFailure :: T.Text -> ByteString -> T.Text -> T.Text -> HClTest String a
matchFailure ex got e desc = failTest $ T.unpack $ T.unlines
[ "- Match failure -"
, "Expected: " <> ex
, "Got: " <> T.decodeUtf8 got <> e
, desc
tryGetTimeout :: Handle -> Int -> Int -> IO (Either (Bool,BS.ByteString) BS.ByteString)
tryGetTimeout h time m = runEitherT $ do
eof <- lift (hIsEOF h)
when eof $ left (True,BS.empty)
hasInput <- lift $ hWaitForInput h time
unless hasInput $ left (False,BS.empty)
inp <- lift $ BS.hGetNonBlocking h m
if BS.length inp < m
then do
n <- lift $ tryGetTimeout h time $ m BS.length inp
either left right $ n & _Left._2 %~ mappend inp
else return inp
hReadAvailable :: Int -> Handle -> IO BS.ByteString
hReadAvailable time h = do
eof <- hIsEOF h
if eof
then return BS.empty
else do
hasInput <- hWaitForInput h time
if hasInput
then do
c <- BS.hGetNonBlocking h 1024
mappend c <$> hReadAvailable time h
else return BS.empty
testInteractive :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> Int -> FilePath -> [String] -> Driver ExitCode -> HClTest Trace ()
testInteractive wd envs time prog args driver = do
let cmdline = prog ++ " " ++ unwords args
(Just stdinH, Just stdoutH, Just stderrH, p) <- liftIO $ createProcess (proc prog args)
{ std_in = CreatePipe
, std_out = CreatePipe
, std_err = CreatePipe
, cwd = wd
, env = envs
testStep ("Run command :: " ++ cmdline ++ maybe "" (\x -> " [WD: " ++ x ++ "]") wd) $ do
exitCode <- runDriver time (stdinH,stdoutH,stderrH) driver
liftIO $ hClose stdinH
out <- liftIO $ hReadAvailable time stdoutH
err <- liftIO $ hReadAvailable time stderrH
traceMsg $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 out
traceMsg $ T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 err
exitCode' <- liftIO $ timeout (time * 1000) $ waitForProcess p
liftIO $ when (isNothing exitCode') $ terminateProcess p
case exitCode' of
Nothing -> failTest "- Process didn't exit -\n"
Just exitCode'' ->
unless (exitCode'' == exitCode) $ failTest $ unlines
[ "- Exit code didn't match - "
, "Expected: " ++ show exitCode
, "Got: " ++ show exitCode''
return ()
testStdout :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> Int -> FilePath -> [String] -> ExitCode -> T.Text -> HClTest Trace ()
testStdout wd envs time prog args exit out = testInteractive wd envs time prog args $ exit <$ expect Stdout out <* expectEOF Stdout
testExitCode :: Maybe FilePath -> Maybe [(String, String)] -> Int -> FilePath -> [String] -> ExitCode -> HClTest Trace ()
testExitCode wd envs time prog args = testInteractive wd envs time prog args . return