heavy-log-shortcuts: Simle api for heavy logger

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Deprecated in favor of monad-logger

An alternative shortcut api for heavy-logger, removes vars functionality.

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Versions [RSS] 1.0.0, 1.0.1
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), fast-logger, heavy-logger (>= && <0.4), monad-control, text, text-format-heavy [details]
License MIT
Copyright 2019 Jappie Klooster
Author Jappie Klooster
Maintainer jappieklooster@hotmail.com
Category System
Home page https://github.com/jappeace/template#readme
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Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/jappeace/template
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Readme for heavy-log-shortcuts-1.0.1

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Heavy log shortcuts

An alternative shortcut api for heavy-logger. This has infected several of my projects already so I'm putting it online. Although, it maybe better to use someting like katip I just don't want to invest the time into learning another logging framework.

Removes the vars functionality, fixes not being able to use '{}'. Puts in place some sane default shortcuts.

If we don't want data use:

debug0 "msg"

if we do want data (which is almost always the case):

debug "msg" somedata

If we want multiple datas:

debug "msg" (onedata, twodata)

I usually import this module qualified as Log, then you can do:

Log.debug "oh no my house is on fire" house

Now it reads almost like a sentence.