hedgehog-classes: Hedgehog will eat your typeclass bugs
This library provides Hedgehog properties to ensure
that typeclass instances adhere to the set of laws
that they are supposed to. There are other libraries
that do similar things, such as `genvalidity-hspec` and checkers
This library differs from other solutions by not introducing any
new typeclasses that the user needs to learn, and otherwise minimal
API overhead.
This library is directly inspired by `quickcheck-classes`.
[Skip to Readme]
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
aeson | You can disable the use of the This may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. | Enabled |
comonad | You can disable the use of the This may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. | Enabled |
semirings | You can disable the use of the This may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. | Enabled |
primitive | You can disable the use of the This may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. | Enabled |
vector | You can disable the use of the This may be useful for accelerating builds in sandboxes for expert users. | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- hedgehog-classes- [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (revised from the package)
Note: This package has metadata revisions in the cabal description newer than included in the tarball. To unpack the package including the revisions, use 'cabal get'.
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
Versions [RSS] |,, 0.1.2, 0.2,, 0.2.1, 0.2.2, 0.2.3, 0.2.4,, 0.2.5,,,, (info) |
Change log | CHANGELOG.md |
Dependencies | aeson (>=0.9 && <2.3), base (>=4.12 && <4.21), binary (>=0.8 && <0.9), comonad (>=5.0 && <5.1), containers (>=0.5 && <0.8), hedgehog (>=1 && <1.6), pretty-show (>=1.9 && <1.11), primitive (>=0.6.4 && <0.10), semirings (>=0.2 && <0.8), silently (>=1.2 && <1.3), transformers (>=0.5 && <0.7), vector (>=0.12 && <0.14), wl-pprint-annotated (>=0.0 && <0.2) [details] |
Tested with | ghc ==8.6.5, ghc ==8.8.3, ghc ==8.10.1, ghc ==9.0.1, ghc ==9.2.4, ghc ==9.4.2 |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | 2020 chessai |
Author | chessai |
Maintainer | chessai1996@gmail.com |
Revised | Revision 5 made by chessai at 2024-09-09T15:03:52Z |
Category | Testing |
Home page | https://github.com/hedgehogqa/haskell-hedgehog-classes |
Bug tracker | https://github.com/hedgehogqa/haskell-hedgehog-classes/issues |
Source repo | head: git clone https://github.com/hedgehogqa/haskell-hedgehog-classes.git |
Uploaded | by chessai at 2022-12-17T04:37:06Z |
Distributions | Arch:, LTSHaskell:, NixOS:, Stackage: |
Downloads | 6368 total (47 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs uploaded by user Build status unknown [no reports yet] |