{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}


Internal types and accessors.  There are no guarantees that heist will
preserve backwards compatibility for symbols in this module.  If you use them,
no complaining when your code breaks.


module Heist.Internal.Types
  ( module Heist.Internal.Types.HeistState
  , module Heist.Internal.Types
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import           Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Heist.Compiled.Internal       as C
import qualified Heist.Interpreted.Internal    as I
import           Heist.Internal.Types.HeistState

type TemplateRepo = HashMap TPath DocumentFile

-- | An IO action for getting a template repo from this location.  By not just
-- using a directory path here, we support templates loaded from a database,
-- retrieved from the network, or anything else you can think of.
type TemplateLocation = EitherT [String] IO TemplateRepo

-- | My lens creation function to avoid a dependency on lens.
lens :: Functor f => (t1 -> t) -> (t1 -> a -> b) -> (t -> f a) -> t1 -> f b
lens sa sbt afb s = sbt s <$> afb (sa s)

-- | The splices and templates Heist will use.  To bind a splice simply
-- include it in the appropriate place here.
data SpliceConfig m = SpliceConfig
    { _scInterpretedSplices :: Splices (I.Splice m)
        -- ^ Interpreted splices are the splices that Heist has always had.
        -- They return a list of nodes and are processed at runtime.
    , _scLoadTimeSplices    :: Splices (I.Splice IO)
        -- ^ Load time splices are like interpreted splices because they
        -- return a list of nodes.  But they are like compiled splices because
        -- they are processed once at load time.  All of Heist's built-in
        -- splices should be used as load time splices.
    , _scCompiledSplices    :: Splices (C.Splice m)
        -- ^ Compiled splices return a DList of Chunks and are processed at
        -- load time to generate a runtime monad action that will be used to
        -- render the template.
    , _scAttributeSplices   :: Splices (AttrSplice m)
        -- ^ Attribute splices are bound to attribute names and return a list
        -- of attributes.
    , _scTemplateLocations  :: [TemplateLocation]
        -- ^ A list of all the locations that Heist should get its templates
        -- from.

-- | Lens for interpreted splices
-- :: Simple Lens (SpliceConfig m) (Splices (I.Splice m))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (I.Splice m) -> f (Splices (I.Splice m)))
    -> SpliceConfig m -> f (SpliceConfig m)
scInterpretedSplices = lens _scInterpretedSplices setter
    setter sc v = sc { _scInterpretedSplices = v }

-- | Lens for load time splices
-- :: Simple Lens (SpliceConfig m) (Splices (I.Splice IO))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (I.Splice IO) -> f (Splices (I.Splice IO)))
    -> SpliceConfig m -> f (SpliceConfig m)
scLoadTimeSplices = lens _scLoadTimeSplices setter
    setter sc v = sc { _scLoadTimeSplices = v }

-- | Lens for complied splices
-- :: Simple Lens (SpliceConfig m) (Splices (C.Splice m))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (C.Splice m) -> f (Splices (C.Splice m)))
    -> SpliceConfig m -> f (SpliceConfig m)
scCompiledSplices = lens _scCompiledSplices setter
    setter sc v = sc { _scCompiledSplices = v }

-- | Lens for attribute splices
-- :: Simple Lens (SpliceConfig m) (Splices (AttrSplice m))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (AttrSplice m) -> f (Splices (AttrSplice m)))
    -> SpliceConfig m -> f (SpliceConfig m)
scAttributeSplices = lens _scAttributeSplices setter
    setter sc v = sc { _scAttributeSplices = v }

-- | Lens for template locations
-- :: Simple Lens (SpliceConfig m) [TemplateLocation]
    :: Functor f
    => ([TemplateLocation] -> f [TemplateLocation])
    -> SpliceConfig m -> f (SpliceConfig m)
scTemplateLocations = lens _scTemplateLocations setter
    setter sc v = sc { _scTemplateLocations = v }

instance Monoid (SpliceConfig m) where
    mempty = SpliceConfig mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
    mappend (SpliceConfig a1 b1 c1 d1 e1) (SpliceConfig a2 b2 c2 d2 e2) =
      SpliceConfig (mappend a1 a2) (mappend b1 b2) (mappend c1 c2)
                   (mappend d1 d2) (mappend e1 e2)

data HeistConfig m = HeistConfig
    { _hcSpliceConfig  :: SpliceConfig m
        -- ^ Splices and templates
    , _hcNamespace     :: Text
        -- ^ A namespace to use for all tags that are bound to splices.  Use
        -- empty string for no namespace.
    , _hcErrorNotBound :: Bool
        -- ^ Whether to throw an error when a tag wih the heist namespace does
        -- not correspond to a bound splice.  When not using a namespace, this
        -- flag is ignored.

-- | Lens for the SpliceConfig
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) (SpliceConfig m)
    :: Functor f
    => ((SpliceConfig m) -> f (SpliceConfig m))
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcSpliceConfig = lens _hcSpliceConfig setter
    setter hc v = hc { _hcSpliceConfig = v }

-- | Lens for the namespace
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) Text
    :: Functor f
    => (Text -> f Text)
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcNamespace = lens _hcNamespace setter
    setter hc v = hc { _hcNamespace = v }

-- | Lens for the namespace error flag
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) Bool
    :: Functor f
    => (Bool -> f Bool)
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcErrorNotBound = lens _hcErrorNotBound setter
    setter hc v = hc { _hcErrorNotBound = v }

-- | Lens for interpreted splices
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) (Splices (I.Splice m))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (I.Splice m) -> f (Splices (I.Splice m)))
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcInterpretedSplices = hcSpliceConfig . scInterpretedSplices

-- | Lens for load time splices
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) (Splices (I.Splice IO))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (I.Splice IO) -> f (Splices (I.Splice IO)))
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcLoadTimeSplices = hcSpliceConfig . scLoadTimeSplices 

-- | Lens for compiled splices
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) (Splices (C.Splice m))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (C.Splice m) -> f (Splices (C.Splice m)))
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcCompiledSplices = hcSpliceConfig . scCompiledSplices 

-- | Lens for attribute splices
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) (Splices (AttrSplice m))
    :: Functor f
    => (Splices (AttrSplice m) -> f (Splices (AttrSplice m)))
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcAttributeSplices = hcSpliceConfig . scAttributeSplices 

-- | Lens for template locations
-- :: Simple Lens (HeistConfig m) [TemplateLocation]
    :: Functor f
    => ([TemplateLocation] -> f [TemplateLocation])
    -> HeistConfig m -> f (HeistConfig m)
hcTemplateLocations = hcSpliceConfig . scTemplateLocations