module Heist.Splices.Markdown
, MarkdownException
, NoMarkdownFileException
, markdownTag
, markdownSplice
, pandocSplice
, PandocOptions
, defaultPandocOptions
, setPandocExecutable
, setPandocArgs
, setPandocBaseDir
, setPandocWrapDiv
, pandocExecutable
, pandocArgs
, pandocBaseDir
, pandocWrapDiv
, pandoc
, pandocBS
, readProcessWithExitCode'
) where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Typeable
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath.Posix
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Text.XmlHtml
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Heist.Common
import Heist.Internal.Types.HeistState
import Heist.Interpreted.Internal
data PandocMissingException = PandocMissingException
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show PandocMissingException where
show PandocMissingException =
"Cannot find the \"pandoc\" executable. If you have Haskell, then install it with \"cabal install\". Otherwise you can download it from Then make sure it is in your $PATH."
instance Exception PandocMissingException
data MarkdownException = MarkdownException ByteString
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show MarkdownException where
show (MarkdownException e) =
"Markdown error: pandoc replied:\n\n" ++ BC.unpack e
instance Exception MarkdownException
data NoMarkdownFileException = NoMarkdownFileException
deriving (Typeable)
instance Show NoMarkdownFileException where
show NoMarkdownFileException =
"Markdown error: no file or template in context" ++
" during processing of markdown tag"
instance Exception NoMarkdownFileException where
data PandocOptions = PandocOptions
{ _pandocExecutable :: FilePath
, _pandocArgs :: [String]
, _pandocBaseDir :: Maybe FilePath
, _pandocWrapDiv :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
defaultPandocOptions :: PandocOptions
defaultPandocOptions = PandocOptions "pandoc"
["-S", "--no-wrap"]
(Just "markdown")
setPandocExecutable :: FilePath -> PandocOptions -> PandocOptions
setPandocExecutable e opt = opt { _pandocExecutable = e }
setPandocArgs :: [String] -> PandocOptions -> PandocOptions
setPandocArgs args opt = opt { _pandocArgs = args }
setPandocBaseDir :: Maybe FilePath -> PandocOptions -> PandocOptions
setPandocBaseDir bd opt = opt { _pandocBaseDir = bd }
setPandocWrapDiv :: Maybe Text -> PandocOptions -> PandocOptions
setPandocWrapDiv wd opt = opt { _pandocWrapDiv = wd }
pandocExecutable :: Functor f =>
(FilePath -> f FilePath) -> PandocOptions -> f PandocOptions
pandocExecutable f po = (\e -> po { _pandocExecutable = e})
<$> f (_pandocExecutable po)
pandocArgs :: Functor f =>
([String] -> f [String]) -> PandocOptions -> f PandocOptions
pandocArgs f po = (\a -> po { _pandocArgs = a}) <$> f (_pandocArgs po)
pandocBaseDir :: Functor f =>
(Maybe FilePath -> f (Maybe FilePath)) -> PandocOptions -> f PandocOptions
pandocBaseDir f po = (\b -> po {_pandocBaseDir = b }) <$> f (_pandocBaseDir po)
pandocWrapDiv :: Functor f =>
(Maybe Text -> f (Maybe Text)) -> PandocOptions -> f PandocOptions
pandocWrapDiv f po = (\w -> po {_pandocWrapDiv = w}) <$> f (_pandocWrapDiv po)
markdownTag :: Text
markdownTag = "markdown"
markdownSplice :: MonadIO m => Splice m
markdownSplice= pandocSplice defaultPandocOptions
pandocSplice :: MonadIO m => PandocOptions -> Splice m
pandocSplice PandocOptions{..} = do
templateDir <- liftM (fmap takeDirectory) getTemplateFilePath
pdMD <- liftIO $ findExecutable _pandocExecutable
pandocExe <- case pdMD of
Nothing -> liftIO $ throwIO PandocMissingException
Just pd -> return pd
let withDir tp = fromMaybe tp _pandocBaseDir
pandocFile f tp = pandocWith pandocExe _pandocArgs (withDir tp) f
tree <- getParamNode
(source,markup) <- liftIO $
case getAttribute "file" tree of
Just f -> do
m <- maybe (liftIO $ throwIO NoMarkdownFileException )
(pandocFile (T.unpack f))
return (T.unpack f,m)
Nothing -> do
m <- pandocWithBS pandocExe _pandocArgs $ T.encodeUtf8 $ nodeText tree
return ("inline_splice",m)
let ee = parseHTML source markup
nodeAttrs = case tree of
Element _ a _ -> a
_ -> []
nodeClass = lookup "class" nodeAttrs
attrs = filter (\(name, _) -> name /= "class" && name /= "file") nodeAttrs
case ee of
Left e -> throw $ MarkdownException
$ BC.pack ("Error parsing markdown output: " ++ e)
Right d -> return $ wrapResult nodeClass attrs (docContent d)
wrapResult nodeClass attrs body = case _pandocWrapDiv of
Nothing -> body
Just cls -> let finalAttrs = ("class", appendClass nodeClass cls):attrs
in [Element "div" finalAttrs body]
appendClass Nothing cls = cls
appendClass (Just orig) cls = T.concat [orig, " ", cls]
pandoc :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ByteString
pandoc pandocPath templateDir inputFile = do
sout <- pandocWith pandocPath args templateDir inputFile
return $ BC.concat [ "<div class=\"markdown\">\n"
, sout
, "\n</div>" ]
args = [ "-S", "--no-wrap"]
pandocBS :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
pandocBS pandocPath s = do
sout <- pandocWithBS pandocPath args s
return $ BC.concat [ "<div class=\"markdown\">\n"
, sout
, "\n</div>" ]
args = [ "-S", "--no-wrap" ]
pandocWith :: FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ByteString
pandocWith path args templateDir inputFile = do
(ex, sout, serr) <- readProcessWithExitCode' path args' ""
when (isFail ex) $ throw $ MarkdownException serr
return sout
isFail ExitSuccess = False
isFail _ = True
args' = args ++ [templateDir </> inputFile ]
pandocWithBS :: FilePath -> [String] -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
pandocWithBS pandocPath args s = do
(ex, sout, serr) <- readProcessWithExitCode' pandocPath args s
when (isFail ex) $ throw $ MarkdownException serr
return sout
isFail ExitSuccess = False
isFail _ = True
:: FilePath
-> [String]
-> ByteString
-> IO (ExitCode,ByteString,ByteString)
readProcessWithExitCode' cmd args input = do
(Just inh, Just outh, Just errh, pid) <-
createProcess (proc cmd args){ std_in = CreatePipe,
std_out = CreatePipe,
std_err = CreatePipe }
outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
outM <- newEmptyMVar
errM <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO $ do
out <- B.hGetContents outh
putMVar outM out
putMVar outMVar ()
_ <- forkIO $ do
err <- B.hGetContents errh
putMVar errM err
putMVar outMVar ()
when (not (B.null input)) $ do B.hPutStr inh input; hFlush inh
hClose inh
takeMVar outMVar
takeMVar outMVar
hClose outh
ex <- waitForProcess pid
out <- readMVar outM
err <- readMVar errM
return (ex, out, err)