module Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.KindErrors where
import Top.Types
import Top.Constraint.Information(TypeConstraintInfo(..),PolyTypeConstraintInfo(..))
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Syntax (Range, Type)
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen (Doc)
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Messages.Messages
import Data.List (union)
import qualified Helium.Syntax.UHA_Pretty as PP
type KindErrors = [KindError]
data KindError = MustBeStar Range String Doc Kind
| KindApplication Range Doc Doc Kind Kind
instance TypeConstraintInfo KindError
instance PolyTypeConstraintInfo KindError
mustBeStar :: Range -> String -> Type -> (Kind, Kind) -> KindError
mustBeStar range location uhaType (kind, _) =
MustBeStar range location (PP.text_Syn_Type $ PP.wrap_Type (PP.sem_Type uhaType) PP.Inh_Type) kind
kindApplication :: Range -> Type -> Type -> (Kind, Kind) -> KindError
kindApplication range uhaType1 uhaType2 (kind1, kind2) =
KindApplication range (PP.text_Syn_Type $ PP.wrap_Type (PP.sem_Type uhaType1) PP.Inh_Type) (PP.text_Syn_Type $ PP.wrap_Type (PP.sem_Type uhaType2) PP.Inh_Type) kind1 kind2
instance Show KindError where
show _ = "<kindError>"
instance HasMessage KindError where
getRanges kindError =
case kindError of
MustBeStar r _ _ _ -> [r]
KindApplication r _ _ _ _ -> [r]
getMessage kindError =
case kindError of
MustBeStar _ s d k ->
[ MessageOneLiner (MessageString $ "Illegal type in "++s)
, MessageTable
[ "type" <:> MessageString (show d)
, "kind" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme k)
, "expected kind" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme star)
KindApplication _ d1 d2 k1 k2 ->
[ MessageOneLiner (MessageString "Illegal type in type application")
, MessageTable
[ "type" <:> MessageString (show d1)
, "type constructor" <:> MessageString (show d2)
, "kind" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme k1)
, "does not match" >:> MessageType (toTpScheme k2)
instance Substitutable KindError where
sub |-> kindError =
case kindError of
MustBeStar r s d k -> MustBeStar r s d (sub |-> k)
KindApplication r d1 d2 k1 k2 -> KindApplication r d1 d2 (sub |-> k1) (sub |-> k2)
ftv kindError =
case kindError of
MustBeStar _ _ _ k -> ftv k
KindApplication _ _ _ k1 k2 -> ftv k1 `union` ftv k2