{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module Main where import System.Directory import System.IO import Control.Monad import Data.Function import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Data.Ratio import Control.Applicative import Options.Applicative hiding (str) import Text.Read import Utils import AddCLI import RichText import Types import UnitConversions import Paths_herms -- Global constants recipesFileName :: String recipesFileName = "recipes.herms" versionStr :: String versionStr = "" getRecipeBook :: IO [Recipe] getRecipeBook = do fileName <- getDataFileName recipesFileName contents <- readFile fileName return $ map read $ lines contents getRecipe :: String -> [Recipe] -> Maybe Recipe getRecipe target = listToMaybe . filter ((target ==) . recipeName) saveOrDiscard :: [[String]] -- input for the new recipe -> Maybe Recipe -- maybe an original recipe prior to any editing -> IO () saveOrDiscard input oldRecp = do let newRecipe = readRecipe input putTextLn $ showRecipe newRecipe Nothing putStrLn "Save recipe? (Y)es (N)o (E)dit" response <- getLine if response == "y" || response == "Y" then do recipeBook <- getRecipeBook let recpName = if isNothing oldRecp then recipeName newRecipe else recipeName (fromJust oldRecp) unless (isNothing (readRecipeRef recpName recipeBook)) $ removeSilent [recpName] fileName <- getDataFileName recipesFileName appendFile fileName (show newRecipe ++ "\n") putStrLn "Recipe saved!" else if response == "n" || response == "N" then do putStrLn "Changes discarded." else if response == "e" || response == "E" then do doEdit newRecipe oldRecp else do putStrLn "\nPlease enter ONLY 'y', 'n' or 'e'\n" saveOrDiscard input oldRecp add :: IO () add = do input <- getAddInput saveOrDiscard input Nothing doEdit :: Recipe -> Maybe Recipe -> IO () doEdit recp origRecp = do input <- getEdit (recipeName recp) (description recp) serving amounts units ingrs attrs dirs tag saveOrDiscard input origRecp where serving = show $ servingSize recp ingrList = adjustIngredients (servingSize recp % 1) $ ingredients recp toStr = (\ f -> unlines (map f ingrList)) amounts = toStr (showFrac . quantity) units = toStr unit ingrs = toStr ingredientName dirs = unlines (directions recp) attrs = toStr attribute tag = unlines (tags recp) edit :: String -> IO () edit target = do recipeBook <- getRecipeBook case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> putStrLn $ target ++ " does not exist\n" Just recp -> doEdit recp (Just recp) -- Only supports editing one recipe per command -- | `readRecipeRef target book` interprets the string `target` -- as either an index or a recipe's name and looks up the -- corresponding recipe in the `book` readRecipeRef :: String -> [Recipe] -> Maybe Recipe readRecipeRef target recipeBook = (safeLookup recipeBook . pred =<< readMaybe target) <|> getRecipe target recipeBook importFile :: String -> IO () importFile target = do recipeBook <- getRecipeBook otherRecipeBook <- (map read . lines) <$> readFile target let recipeEq = (==) `on` recipeName let newRecipeBook = deleteFirstsBy recipeEq recipeBook otherRecipeBook ++ otherRecipeBook replaceDataFile recipesFileName $ unlines $ show <$> newRecipeBook if null otherRecipeBook then putStrLn "Nothing to import" else do putStrLn "Imported recipes:" forM_ otherRecipeBook $ \recipe -> putStrLn $ " " ++ recipeName recipe view :: [String] -> Int -> String -> IO () view targets serv convName = do recipeBook <- getRecipeBook let servings = case serv of 0 -> Nothing i -> Just i let conv = case convName of "metric" -> Metric "imperial" -> Imperial _ -> None forM_ targets $ \ target -> putText $ case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> target ~~ " does not exist\n" Just recp -> showRecipe (convertRecipeUnits conv recp) servings viewByStep :: [String] -> Int -> String -> IO () viewByStep targets serv convName = do recipeBook <- getRecipeBook let servings = case serv of 0 -> Nothing i -> Just i let conv = case convName of "metric" -> Metric "imperial" -> Imperial _ -> None hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering forM_ targets $ \ target -> case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> putStr $ target ++ " does not exist\n" Just recp -> viewRecipeByStep (convertRecipeUnits conv recp) servings viewRecipeByStep :: Recipe -> Maybe Int -> IO () viewRecipeByStep recp servings = do putText $ showRecipeHeader recp servings let steps = showRecipeSteps recp forM_ (init steps) $ \ step -> do putStr $ step ++ " [more]" getLine putStr $ last steps ++ "\n" list :: [String] -> Bool -> Bool -> IO () list inputTags groupByTags nameOnly = do recipes <- getRecipeBook let recipesWithIndex = zip [1..] recipes let targetRecipes = filterByTags inputTags recipesWithIndex if groupByTags then listByTags nameOnly inputTags targetRecipes else listDefault nameOnly targetRecipes filterByTags :: [String] -> [(Int, Recipe)] -> [(Int, Recipe)] filterByTags [] = id filterByTags inputTags = filter (inTags . tags . snd) where inTags r = all (`elem` r) inputTags listDefault :: Bool -> [(Int, Recipe)] -> IO () listDefault nameOnly (unzip -> (indices, recipes)) = do let recipeList = map showRecipeInfo recipes size = length $ show $ length recipeList strIndices = map (padLeft size . show) indices if nameOnly then mapM_ (putStrLn . recipeName) recipes else mapM_ putTextLn $ zipWith (\ i -> ((i ~~ ". ") ~~)) strIndices recipeList listByTags :: Bool -> [String] -> [(Int, Recipe)] -> IO () listByTags nameOnly inputTags recipesWithIdx = do let tagsRecipes :: [[(String, (Int, Recipe))]] tagsRecipes = groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ concat $ flip map recipesWithIdx $ \recipeWithIdx -> map (flip (,) recipeWithIdx) $ tags $ snd recipeWithIdx forM_ tagsRecipes $ \tagRecipes -> do putTextLn $ bold $ fontColor Magenta $ fst $ head tagRecipes -- Tag name forM_ (map snd tagRecipes) $ \(i, recipe) -> if nameOnly then putStrLn $ recipeName recipe else putTextLn $ " " ~~ show i ~~ ". " ~~ showRecipeInfo recipe putStrLn "" showRecipeInfo :: Recipe -> RichText showRecipeInfo recipe = name ~~ "\n\t" ~~ desc ~~ "\n\t[Tags: " ~~ showTags ~~ "]" where name = fontColor Blue $ recipeName recipe desc = (takeFullWords . description) recipe showTags = fontColor Green $ (intercalate ", " . tags) recipe takeFullWords :: String -> String takeFullWords = (unwords . takeFullWords' 0 . words) where takeFullWords' n (x:[]) | (length x + n) > 40 = [] | otherwise = [x] takeFullWords' n (x:xs) | (length x + n) > 40 = [x ++ "..."] | otherwise = [x] ++ takeFullWords' ((length x) + n) xs -- | @replaceDataFile fp str@ replaces the target data file @fp@ with -- the new content @str@ in a safe manner: it opens a temporary file -- first, writes to it, closes the handle, removes the target, -- and finally moves the temporary file over to the target @fp@. replaceDataFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO () replaceDataFile fp str = do (tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "herms_temp" hPutStr tempHandle str hClose tempHandle fileName <- getDataFileName fp removeFile fileName renameFile tempName fileName -- | @removeWithVerbosity v recipes@ deletes the @recipes@ from the -- book, listing its work only if @v@ is set to @True@. -- This subsumes both @remove@ and @removeSilent@. removeWithVerbosity :: Bool -> [String] -> IO () removeWithVerbosity v targets = do recipeBook <- getRecipeBook mrecipes <- forM targets $ \ target -> do -- Resolve the recipes all at once; this way if we remove multiple -- recipes based on their respective index, all of the index are -- resolved based on the state the book was in before we started to -- remove anything let mrecp = readRecipeRef target recipeBook () <- putStr $ case mrecp of Nothing -> target ++ " does not exist.\n" Just r -> guard v *> "Removing recipe: " ++ recipeName r ++ "...\n" return mrecp -- Remove all the resolved recipes at once let newRecipeBook = recipeBook \\ catMaybes mrecipes replaceDataFile recipesFileName $ unlines $ show <$> newRecipeBook remove :: [String] -> IO () remove = removeWithVerbosity True removeSilent :: [String] -> IO () removeSilent = removeWithVerbosity False shop :: [String] -> Int -> IO () shop targets serv = do recipeBook <- getRecipeBook let getFactor recp | serv == 0 = servingSize recp % 1 | otherwise = serv % 1 let ingrts = concatMap (\target -> case readRecipeRef target recipeBook of Nothing -> [] Just recp -> adjustIngredients (getFactor recp) $ ingredients recp) targets forM_ (sort ingrts) $ \ingr -> putStrLn $ showIngredient 1 ingr -- Writes an empty recipes file if it doesn't exist checkFileExists :: IO () checkFileExists = do fileName <- getDataFileName recipesFileName fileExists <- doesFileExist fileName unless fileExists (do dirName <- getDataDir createDirectoryIfMissing True dirName writeFile fileName "") main :: IO () main = execParser commandPI >>= runWithOpts -- @runWithOpts runs the action of selected command. runWithOpts :: Command -> IO () runWithOpts (List tags group nameOnly) = list tags group nameOnly runWithOpts Add = add runWithOpts (Edit target) = edit target runWithOpts (Import target) = importFile target runWithOpts (Remove targets) = remove targets runWithOpts (View targets serving step conversion) = if step then viewByStep targets serving conversion else view targets serving conversion runWithOpts (Shop targets serving) = shop targets serving ------------------------------ ------------ CLI ------------- ------------------------------ -- | 'Command' data type represents commands of CLI data Command = List [String] Bool Bool -- ^ shows recipes | Add -- ^ adds the recipe (interactively) | Edit String -- ^ edits the recipe | Import String -- ^ imports a recipe file | Remove [String] -- ^ removes specified recipes | View [String] Int Bool String -- ^ shows specified recipes with given serving | Shop [String] Int -- ^ generates the shopping list for given recipes listP, addP, editP, removeP, viewP, shopP :: Parser Command listP = List <$> (words <$> tagsP) <*> groupByTagsP <*> nameOnlyP addP = pure Add editP = Edit <$> recipeNameP importP = Import <$> fileNameP removeP = Remove <$> severalRecipesP viewP = View <$> severalRecipesP <*> servingP <*> stepP <*> conversionP shopP = Shop <$> severalRecipesP <*> servingP -- | @groupByTagsP is flag for grouping recipes by tags groupByTagsP :: Parser Bool groupByTagsP = switch ( long "group" <> short 'g' <> help "group recipes by tags" ) -- | @nameOnlyP is flag for showing recipe names only nameOnlyP :: Parser Bool nameOnlyP = switch ( long "name-only" <> short 'n' <> help "show only recipe names" ) -- | @tagsP returns the parser of tags tagsP :: Parser String tagsP = strOption ( long "tags" <> value "" <> metavar "TAGS" <> help "show recipes with particular flags" ) -- | @servingP returns the parser of number of servings. servingP :: Parser Int servingP = option auto ( long "serving" <> short 's' <> help "specify serving size when viewing" <> showDefault <> value 0 <> metavar "INT" ) stepP :: Parser Bool stepP = switch ( long "step" <> short 't' <> help "Whether to show one step at a time" ) -- | @recipeNameP parses the string of recipe name. recipeNameP :: Parser String recipeNameP = strArgument ( metavar "RECIPE_NAME" <> help "index or Recipe name") -- | @fileNameP parses the string of a file name. fileNameP :: Parser String fileNameP = strArgument ( metavar "FILE_NAME" <> help "file name") -- | @severalRecipesP parses several recipe names at once -- and returns the parser of list of names severalRecipesP :: Parser [String] severalRecipesP = many recipeNameP -- | @conversionP flags recipes for unit conversion conversionP :: Parser String conversionP = strOption (long "convert" <> short 'c' <> help "Converts recipe units to either metric or imperial." <> metavar "CONV_UNIT" <> value "none") -- @optP parses particular command. optP :: Parser Command optP = subparser $ command "list" (info (helper <*> listP) (progDesc "list recipes")) <> command "view" (info (helper <*> viewP) (progDesc "view the particular recipes")) <> command "add" (info (helper <*> addP) (progDesc "add a new recipe (interactively)")) <> command "edit" (info (helper <*> editP) (progDesc "edit a recipe")) <> command "import" (info (helper <*> importP) (progDesc "import a recipe file")) <> command "remove" (info (helper <*> removeP) (progDesc "remove the particular recipes")) <> command "shopping" (info (helper <*> shopP) (progDesc "generate a shopping list for given recipes")) versionOption :: Parser (a -> a) versionOption = infoOption versionStr (long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Show version") -- @prsr is the main parser of all CLI arguments. commandPI :: ParserInfo Command commandPI = info ( helper <*> versionOption <*> optP ) $ fullDesc <> progDesc "HeRM's: a Haskell-based Recipe Manager. Type \"herms --help\" for options"