module Text.XML.Expat.Annotated (
module Text.XML.Expat.Internal.NodeClass,
module Text.XML.Expat.Internal.Qualified,
module Text.XML.Expat.Internal.Namespaced,
) where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Text.XML.Expat.SAX ( Encoding(..)
, GenericXMLString(..)
, ParseOptions(..)
, defaultParseOptions
, SAXEvent(..)
, XMLParseError(..)
, XMLParseException(..)
, XMLParseLocation(..) )
import qualified Text.XML.Expat.SAX as SAX
import Text.XML.Expat.Internal.Namespaced
import Text.XML.Expat.Internal.NodeClass
import Text.XML.Expat.Internal.Qualified
import Control.Monad (mplus, mzero)
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.List.Class (List(..), ListItem(..), cons, foldlL, joinM)
import Data.Monoid
data NodeG a c tag text =
Element {
eName :: !tag,
eAttributes :: ![(tag,text)],
eChildren :: c (NodeG a c tag text),
eAnn :: a
} |
Text !text
type instance ListOf (NodeG a c tag text) = c (NodeG a c tag text)
type Node a tag text = NodeG a [] tag text
instance (Show tag, Show text, Show a) => Show (NodeG a [] tag text) where
showsPrec d (Element na at ch an) = showParen (d > 10) $
("Element "++) . showsPrec 11 na . (" "++) .
showsPrec 11 at . (" "++) .
showsPrec 11 ch . (" "++) .
showsPrec 11 an
showsPrec d (Text t) = showParen (d > 10) $ ("Text "++) . showsPrec 11 t
instance (Eq tag, Eq text, Eq a) => Eq (NodeG a [] tag text) where
Element na1 at1 ch1 an1 == Element na2 at2 ch2 an2 =
na1 == na2 &&
at1 == at2 &&
ch1 == ch2 &&
an1 == an2
Text t1 == Text t2 = t1 == t2
_ == _ = False
instance (NFData tag, NFData text, NFData a) => NFData (NodeG a [] tag text) where
rnf (Element nam att chi ann) = rnf (nam, att, chi, ann)
rnf (Text txt) = rnf txt
instance (Functor c, List c) => NodeClass (NodeG a) c where
textContentM (Element _ _ children _) = foldlL mappend mempty $ joinM $ fmap textContentM children
textContentM (Text txt) = return txt
isElement (Element _ _ _ _) = True
isElement _ = False
isText (Text _) = True
isText _ = False
isCData _ = False
isProcessingInstruction _ = False
isComment _ = False
isNamed _ (Text _) = False
isNamed nm (Element nm' _ _ _) = nm == nm'
getName (Text _) = mempty
getName (Element name _ _ _) = name
hasTarget _ _ = False
getTarget _ = mempty
getAttributes (Text _) = []
getAttributes (Element _ attrs _ _) = attrs
getChildren (Text _) = mzero
getChildren (Element _ _ ch _) = ch
getText (Text txt) = txt
getText (Element _ _ _ _) = mempty
modifyName _ node@(Text _) = node
modifyName f (Element n a c ann) = Element (f n) a c ann
modifyAttributes _ node@(Text _) = node
modifyAttributes f (Element n a c ann) = Element n (f a) c ann
modifyChildren _ node@(Text _) = node
modifyChildren f (Element n a c ann) = Element n a (f c) ann
mapAllTags _ (Text t) = Text t
mapAllTags f (Element n a c ann) = Element (f n) (map (first f) a) (fmap (mapAllTags f) c) ann
modifyElement _ (Text t) = Text t
modifyElement f (Element n a c ann) =
let (n', a', c') = f (n, a, c)
in Element n' a' c' ann
mapNodeContainer f (Element n a ch an) = do
ch' <- mapNodeListContainer f ch
return $ Element n a ch' an
mapNodeContainer _ (Text t) = return $ Text t
mkText = Text
instance (Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass (NodeG (Maybe a)) c where
mkElement name attrs children = Element name attrs children Nothing
instance (Functor c, List c) => MkElementClass (NodeG ()) c where
mkElement name attrs children = Element name attrs children ()
type UNode a text = Node a text text
type LNode tag text = Node XMLParseLocation tag text
type ULNode text = LNode text text
type QNode a text = Node a (QName text) text
type QLNode text = LNode (QName text) text
type NNode a text = Node a (NName text) text
type NLNode text = LNode (NName text) text
modifyAnnotation :: (a -> a) -> Node a tag text -> Node a tag text
f `modifyAnnotation` Element na at ch an = Element na at ch (f an)
_ `modifyAnnotation` Text t = Text t
mapAnnotation :: (a -> b) -> Node a tag text -> Node b tag text
f `mapAnnotation` Element na at ch an = Element na at (map (f `mapAnnotation`) ch) (f an)
_ `mapAnnotation` Text t = Text t
saxToTree :: GenericXMLString tag =>
[(SAXEvent tag text, a)]
-> (Node a tag text, Maybe XMLParseError)
saxToTree events =
let (nodes, mError, _) = ptl events
in (findRoot nodes, mError)
findRoot (elt@(Element _ _ _ _):_) = elt
findRoot (_:nodes) = findRoot nodes
findRoot [] = Element (gxFromString "") [] [] (error "saxToTree null annotation")
ptl ((StartElement name attrs, ann):rema) =
let (children, err1, rema') = ptl rema
elt = Element name attrs children ann
(out, err2, rema'') = ptl rema'
in (elt:out, err1 `mplus` err2, rema'')
ptl ((EndElement _, _):rema) = ([], Nothing, rema)
ptl ((CharacterData txt, _):rema) =
let (out, err, rema') = ptl rema
in (Text txt:out, err, rema')
ptl ((FailDocument err, _):_) = ([], Just err, [])
ptl (_:rema) = ptl rema
ptl [] = ([], Nothing, [])
saxToTreeG :: forall l a tag text . (GenericXMLString tag, List l, Monad (ItemM l)) =>
l (SAXEvent tag text, a)
-> ItemM l (NodeG a l tag text)
saxToTreeG events = do
(elts, _) <- process events
findRoot elts
findRoot :: l (NodeG a l tag text) -> ItemM l (NodeG a l tag text)
findRoot elts = do
li <- runList elts
case li of
Cons elt@(Element _ _ _ _) _ -> return elt
Cons _ rema -> findRoot rema
Nil -> return $ Element (gxFromString "") mzero mzero (error "saxToTree null annotation")
process :: l (SAXEvent tag text, a)
-> ItemM l (l (NodeG a l tag text), l (SAXEvent tag text, a))
process events = do
li <- runList events
case li of
Nil -> return (mzero, mzero)
Cons (StartElement name attrs, ann) rema -> do
(children, rema') <- process rema
(out, rema'') <- process rema'
return (Element name attrs children ann `cons` out, rema'')
Cons (EndElement _, _) rema -> return (mzero, rema)
Cons (CharacterData txt, _) rema -> do
(out, rema') <- process rema
return (Text txt `cons` out, rema')
Cons _ rema -> process rema
parse :: (GenericXMLString tag, GenericXMLString text) =>
ParseOptions tag text
-> L.ByteString
-> (LNode tag text, Maybe XMLParseError)
parse opts bs = saxToTree $ SAX.parseLocations opts bs
parseG :: (GenericXMLString tag, GenericXMLString text, List l) =>
ParseOptions tag text
-> l ByteString
-> ItemM l (NodeG XMLParseLocation l tag text)
parseG opts = saxToTreeG . SAX.parseLocationsG opts
parseThrowing :: (GenericXMLString tag, GenericXMLString text) =>
ParseOptions tag text
-> L.ByteString
-> LNode tag text
parseThrowing opts bs = fst $ saxToTree $ SAX.parseLocationsThrowing opts bs
parse' :: (GenericXMLString tag, GenericXMLString text) =>
ParseOptions tag text
-> B.ByteString
-> Either XMLParseError (LNode tag text)
parse' opts doc = case parse opts (L.fromChunks [doc]) of
(xml, Nothing) -> Right xml
(_, Just err) -> Left err