{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Text.XML.Expat.ParseFormat where
import Text.XML.Expat.Extended
import Text.XML.Expat.Format
import qualified Text.XML.Expat.Tree as Tree
import qualified Text.XML.Expat.Annotated as Annotated
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (hUnitTestToTests)
import Test.HUnit
tests = hUnitTestToTests $
TestList $ concatMap mkTests pfTests
pfTests :: [PFTest]
pfTests = [
PFTest {
pfName = "quotation",
pfXML = "\n" `mappend`
"This \"text with quotations\" should be escaped.\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
"//\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
pfDoc = mkPlainDocument $
Element "test" [] [
Text "\n",
Element "sample" [("id","5")] [Text "This \"text with quotations\" should be escaped."] (),
Text "\n",
Element "mytest" [] [
Text "\n",
Text "//",
CData "\nThis \"text with quotations\" should not be escaped.\nAnother line goes here.\n\nAnd more.\n//",
Text "\n"
] (),
Text "\n",
Misc (ProcessingInstruction "php" "somecode(); "),
Text "\n",
Misc (Comment " this is a comment "),
Text "\n"
] (),
pfOutXML = [(Extended,
"\n" `mappend`
-- " gets translated into " here but not inside CDATA.
"This "text with quotations" should be escaped.\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
"//\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
"\n" `mappend`
"" )],
pfImpls = [Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "xmlDecl1",
pfXML = "\n",
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" Nothing Nothing)) Nothing [] (Element "hello" [] [] ()),
pfOutXML = [],
pfImpls = [Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "xmlDecl2",
pfXML = "\n",
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" (Just "ISO-8859-1") Nothing)) Nothing [] (Element "hello" [] [] ()),
pfOutXML = [],
pfImpls = [Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "xmlDecl3",
pfXML = "\n",
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" Nothing (Just True))) Nothing [] (Element "hello" [] [] ()),
pfOutXML = [],
pfImpls = [Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "xmlDecl4",
pfXML = "\n",
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" Nothing (Just False))) Nothing [] (Element "hello" [] [] ()),
pfOutXML = [],
pfImpls = [Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "topLevelMiscs1",
pfXML = "\n\n\n",
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" Nothing Nothing)) Nothing [
ProcessingInstruction "process" "My code",
Comment " And a comment "
] (Element "hello" [] [] ()),
pfOutXML = [],
pfImpls = [Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "topLevelMiscs2",
-- Test that we can read processing instructions and comments from after the root element.
pfXML = "\n\n\n" `mappend`
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" Nothing Nothing)) Nothing [
ProcessingInstruction "process" "My code",
Comment " And a comment ",
Comment " Also afterwards ",
ProcessingInstruction "php" "something();"
] (Element "hello" [] [] ()),
-- In the output they appear *before* the root element, however.
pfOutXML = [(Extended,
"\n\n\n" `mappend`
pfImpls = [Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "basic",
pfXML = "\n" `mappend`
"Cat & mouseIn between" `mappend`
"Dog & bone" `mappend`
"Rose & Crown",
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" (Just "UTF-8") Nothing)) Nothing [] (
Element "second" [] [Element "test" [] [Element "test1" [("type","expression")]
[Text "Cat ",Text "&",Text " mouse"] (),Text "In between",
Element "test2" [("type","communication"),("language","Rhyming slang")]
[Text "Dog &",Text " bone"] ()] (),Element "test" []
[Text "Ro", Text "se & Crown"] ()] ()), -- Test text normalization
pfOutXML = [],
pfImpls = [Tree, Annotated, Extended]
PFTest {
pfName = "escaping of >",
pfXML = "\n]]>",
pfDoc = Document (Just (XMLDeclaration "1.0" (Just "UTF-8") Nothing)) Nothing [] (
Element "text" [] [Text "]]>"] ()),
pfOutXML = [],
pfImpls = [Extended]
-- | Recursively append all adjacent Text nodes.
normalizeText :: (NodeClass n [], Monoid text) => n [] tag text -> n [] tag text
normalizeText = modifyChildren combine
combine (t1:t2:ns) | isText t1 && isText t2 = combine ((mkText $ getText t1 `mappend` getText t2):ns)
combine (e:ns) | isElement e = normalizeText e : combine ns
combine (n:ns) = n:combine ns
combine [] = []
mkTests :: PFTest -> [Test]
mkTests pf = flip concatMap (pfImpls pf) $ \impl ->
case impl of
Tree -> [
TestLabel (pfName pf ++ "-tree") $ TestCase $ do
case Tree.parse' defaultParseOptions (pfXML pf) of
Left err -> assertFailure $ "parse failed: "++show err
Right root0 -> do
let root = normalizeText root0
sbDoc = normalizeText $ fromElement (getRoot $ pfDoc pf)
assertEqual "parse match" sbDoc (root :: Tree.UNode Text)
let sb = fromMaybe (pfXML pf) (impl `lookup` pfOutXML pf)
bs = format' root
assertEqual "format match" sb bs
Annotated -> [
TestLabel (pfName pf ++ "-tree") $ TestCase $ do
case Annotated.parse' defaultParseOptions (pfXML pf) of
Left err -> assertFailure $ "parse failed: "++show err
Right root0 -> do
let root = normalizeText $ Annotated.mapAnnotation (const ()) root0
sbDoc = normalizeText $ fromElement (getRoot $ pfDoc pf)
assertEqual "parse match" sbDoc (root :: Annotated.UNode () Text)
let sb = fromMaybe (pfXML pf) (impl `lookup` pfOutXML pf)
bs = format' root
assertEqual "format match" sb bs
Extended -> [
TestLabel (pfName pf ++ "-extended") $ TestCase $ do
case parse' defaultParseOptions (pfXML pf) of
Left err -> assertFailure $ "parse failed: "++show err
Right doc0 -> do
let doc = modifyRoot normalizeText $ mapDocumentAnnotation (const ()) doc0
assertEqual "parse match" (modifyRoot normalizeText $ pfDoc pf) doc
let sb = fromMaybe (pfXML pf) (impl `lookup` pfOutXML pf)
bs = formatDocument' (pfDoc pf)
assertEqual "format match" sb bs
data Impl = Tree | Annotated | Extended deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PFTest = PFTest {
pfName :: String,
pfXML :: ByteString,
pfDoc :: UDocument () Text,
pfOutXML :: [(Impl, ByteString)], -- ^ Output XML where it differs from the input XML
pfImpls :: [Impl]