module Data.Geometry.KDTree where
import Control.Lens hiding (imap, element, Empty, (:<))
import Data.BinaryTree
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Ext
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Geometry.Box
import Data.Geometry.Point
import Data.Geometry.Properties
import Data.Geometry.Vector
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Seq (LSeq(..), ViewL(..))
import qualified Data.Seq as Seq
import Data.Util
import qualified Data.Vector.Fixed as FV
import GHC.TypeLits
import Prelude hiding (replicate)
newtype Coord (d :: Nat) = Coord { unCoord :: Int}
instance KnownNat d => Eq (Coord d) where
(Coord i) == (Coord j) = (i `mod` d) == (j `mod` d)
d = fromInteger . natVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy d)
instance KnownNat d => Show (Coord d) where
show (Coord i) = show $ 1 + (i `mod` d)
d = fromInteger . natVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy d)
instance KnownNat d => Enum (Coord d) where
toEnum i = Coord $ 1 + (i `mod` d)
d = fromInteger . natVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy d)
fromEnum = subtract 1 . unCoord
data Split d r = Split !(Coord d) !r !(Box d () r)
deriving instance (Show r, Arity d, KnownNat d) => Show (Split d r)
deriving instance (Eq r, Arity d, KnownNat d) => Eq (Split d r)
type Split' d r = SP (Coord d) r
newtype KDTree' d p r = KDT { unKDT :: BinLeafTree (Split d r) (Point d r :+ p) }
deriving instance (Show p, Show r, Arity d, KnownNat d) => Show (KDTree' d p r)
deriving instance (Eq p, Eq r, Arity d, KnownNat d) => Eq (KDTree' d p r)
data KDTree d p r = Empty
| Tree (KDTree' d p r)
deriving instance (Show p, Show r, Arity d, KnownNat d) => Show (KDTree d p r)
deriving instance (Eq p, Eq r, Arity d, KnownNat d) => Eq (KDTree d p r)
toMaybe :: KDTree d p r -> Maybe (KDTree' d p r)
toMaybe Empty = Nothing
toMaybe (Tree t) = Just t
buildKDTree :: (Arity d, KnownNat d, Index' 0 d, Ord r)
=> [Point d r :+ p] -> KDTree d p r
buildKDTree = maybe Empty (Tree . buildKDTree') . NonEmpty.nonEmpty
buildKDTree' :: (Arity d, KnownNat d, Index' 0 d, Ord r)
=> NonEmpty.NonEmpty (Point d r :+ p) -> KDTree' d p r
buildKDTree' = KDT . addBoxes . build (Coord 1) . toPointSet . Seq.fromNonEmpty
addBoxes t = let bbt = foldUpData (\l _ r -> boundingBoxList' [l,r])
(boundingBox . (^.core)) t
in zipExactWith (\(SP c m) b -> Split c m b) const t bbt
ordNub :: Ord a => NonEmpty.NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty.NonEmpty a
ordNub = fmap NonEmpty.head . NonEmpty.group1 . NonEmpty.sort
toPointSet :: (Arity d, Ord r)
=> LSeq n (Point d r :+ p) -> PointSet (LSeq n) d p r
toPointSet = FV.imap sort . FV.replicate
sort i = Seq.unstableSortBy (compareOn $ 1 + i)
compareOn :: (Ord r, Arity d)
=> Int -> Point d r :+ e -> Point d r :+ e -> Ordering
compareOn i p q = let f = (^.core.unsafeCoord i)
in (f p, p^.core) `compare` (f q, q^.core)
build :: (Index' 0 d, Arity d, KnownNat d, Ord r)
=> Coord d
-> PointSet (LSeq 1) d p r
-> BinLeafTree (Split' d r) (Point d r :+ p)
build i ps = case asSingleton ps of
Left p -> Leaf p
Right ps' -> let (l,m,r) = splitOn i ps'
j = succ i
in Node (build j l) m (build j r)
reportSubTree :: KDTree' d p r -> NonEmpty.NonEmpty (Point d r :+ p)
reportSubTree = NonEmpty.fromList . F.toList . unKDT
searchKDTree :: (Arity d, Ord r)
=> Box d q r -> KDTree d p r -> [Point d r :+ p]
searchKDTree qr = maybe [] (searchKDTree' qr) . toMaybe
searchKDTree' :: (Arity d, Ord r)
=> Box d q r -> KDTree' d p r -> [Point d r :+ p]
searchKDTree' qr = search . unKDT
search (Leaf p)
| (p^.core) `intersects` qr = [p]
| otherwise = []
search t@(Node l (Split _ _ b) r)
| b `containedIn` qr = F.toList t
| otherwise = l' ++ r'
l' = if qr `intersects` boxOf l then search l else []
r' = if qr `intersects` boxOf r then search r else []
boxOf :: (Arity d, Ord r) => BinLeafTree (Split d r) (Point d r :+ p) -> Box d () r
boxOf (Leaf p) = boundingBox (p^.core)
boxOf (Node _ (Split _ _ b) _) = b
containedIn :: (Arity d, Ord r) => Box d q r -> Box d p r -> Bool
(Box (CWMin p :+ _) (CWMax q :+ _)) `containedIn` b = all (`intersects` b) [p,q]
type PointSet seq d p r = Vector d (seq (Point d r :+ p))
splitOn :: (Arity d, KnownNat d, Ord r)
=> Coord d
-> PointSet (LSeq 2) d p r
-> ( PointSet (LSeq 1) d p r
, Split' d r
, PointSet (LSeq 1) d p r)
splitOn c@(Coord i) pts = (l, SP c (m^.core.unsafeCoord i), r)
m = let xs = fromJust $ pts^?element' (i1)
in xs `Seq.index` (F.length xs `div` 2)
f = bimap Seq.promise Seq.promise
. Seq.partition (\p -> compareOn i p m == LT)
(l,r) = unzip' . fmap f $ pts
unzip' = bimap vectorFromListUnsafe vectorFromListUnsafe . unzip . F.toList
asSingleton :: (Index' 0 d, Arity d) => PointSet (LSeq 1) d p r
-> Either (Point d r :+ p) (PointSet (LSeq 2) d p r)
asSingleton v = case Seq.viewl $ v^.element (C :: C 0) of
_ :< _ Seq.:<< _ -> Right $ coerce v
p :< _ -> Left p