{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
module Data.Geometry.PolyLine where

import           Control.Lens
import           Data.Bifunctor
import           Data.Ext
import           Data.Geometry.Box
import           Data.Geometry.LineSegment
import           Data.Geometry.Point
import           Data.Geometry.Properties
import           Data.Geometry.Transformation
import           Data.Geometry.Vector
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import           Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Seq2 as S2
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq

-- * d-dimensional Polygonal Lines (PolyLines)

-- | A Poly line in R^d
newtype PolyLine d p r = PolyLine { _points :: S2.Seq2 (Point d r :+ p) }
makeLenses ''PolyLine

deriving instance (Show r, Show p, Arity d) => Show    (PolyLine d p r)
deriving instance (Eq r, Eq p, Arity d)     => Eq      (PolyLine d p r)
deriving instance (Ord r, Ord p, Arity d)   => Ord     (PolyLine d p r)

instance Arity d => Functor (PolyLine d p) where
  fmap f (PolyLine ps) = PolyLine $ fmap (first (fmap f)) ps

type instance Dimension (PolyLine d p r) = d
type instance NumType   (PolyLine d p r) = r

instance Semigroup (PolyLine d p r) where
  (PolyLine pts) <> (PolyLine pts') = PolyLine $ pts <> pts'

instance Arity d => IsBoxable (PolyLine d p r) where
  boundingBox = boundingBoxList . NE.fromList . toListOf (points.traverse.core)

instance (Num r, AlwaysTruePFT d) => IsTransformable (PolyLine d p r) where
  transformBy = transformPointFunctor

instance PointFunctor (PolyLine d p) where
  pmap f = over points (fmap (first f))

instance Arity d => Bifunctor (PolyLine d) where
  bimap f g (PolyLine pts) = PolyLine $ fmap (bimap (fmap g) f) pts

-- | pre: The input list contains at least two points
fromPoints :: [Point d r :+ p] -> PolyLine d p r
fromPoints = PolyLine . S2.fromList

-- | pre: The input list contains at least two points. All extra vields are
-- initialized with mempty.
fromPoints' :: (Monoid p) => [Point d r] -> PolyLine d p r
fromPoints' = fromPoints . map (\p -> p :+ mempty)

-- | We consider the line-segment as closed.
fromLineSegment                     :: LineSegment d p r -> PolyLine d p r
fromLineSegment ~(LineSegment' p q) = fromPoints [p,q]

-- | Convert to a closed line segment by taking the first two points.
asLineSegment                              :: PolyLine d p r -> LineSegment d p r
asLineSegment (PolyLine (S2.Seq2 p mid q)) = ClosedLineSegment p (f $ Seq.viewl mid)
    f Seq.EmptyL    = q
    f (q' Seq.:< _) = q'

-- | Stricter version of asLineSegment that fails if the Polyline contains more
-- than two points.
asLineSegment'                            :: PolyLine d p r -> Maybe (LineSegment d p r)
asLineSegment' (PolyLine (S2.Seq2 p m q))
  | Seq.null m                            = Just $ ClosedLineSegment p q
  | otherwise                             = Nothing