Changelog for hgeometry-combinatorial-
#+STARTUP: showeverything
* Changelog
** 0.12
- Add Data.Double.Approximate: Floating point numbers take take
imprecision into account when ordering.
- Add Data.Double.Shaman: Floating point numbers that keep track of
error bounds while not being more than an order of magnitude slower
than native floating point numbers.
- Add Data.PlanarGraph.Immutable and Data.PlanarGraph.Mutable: New
planargraph implementation that supports efficient updates and queries.
** 0.11
- Changed the implementation of Two and Three in Data.Util
(hgeometry-combinatorial). Now they have proper Functor, Foldable,
and Traversable instances.
- Added Data.RealNumber.Rational wrapping the Rational type giving
some more readable show/read instances
- Added function to compute levels in a Rose-Tree
- Moved the binary searching functions from Data.Sequence.Util into
Algorithms.BinarySearch, also added a version for fractional types
that stops at a given threshold.
- Removed Data.BalBST and Data.SlowSeq
- Moved Measured from Data.BinaryTree into a separate module.
** 0.10
- More Instances
** 0.9
- First release in which hgeometry-combinatorial was split off from hgeometry.