{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Haskell.Ide.Engine.Cradle where import HIE.Bios as BIOS import HIE.Bios.Types as BIOS import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadFunctions import Distribution.Helper (Package, projectPackages, pUnits, pSourceDir, ChComponentInfo(..), unChModuleName, Ex(..), ProjLoc(..), QueryEnv, mkQueryEnv, runQuery, Unit, unitInfo, uiComponents, ChEntrypoint(..), UnitInfo(..)) import Distribution.Helper.Discover (findProjects, getDefaultDistDir) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, sortOn, find) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe, isJust) import Data.Ord (Down(..)) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Foldable (toList) import Control.Exception import System.FilePath import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, canonicalizePath, findExecutable) import System.Exit import System.Process (readCreateProcessWithExitCode, shell) -- | Find the cradle that the given File belongs to. -- -- First looks for a "hie.yaml" file in the directory of the file -- or one of its parents. If this file is found, the cradle -- is read from the config. If this config does not comply to the "hie.yaml" -- specification, an error is raised. -- -- If no "hie.yaml" can be found, the implicit config is used. -- The implicit config uses different heuristics to determine the type -- of the project that may or may not be accurate. findLocalCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle findLocalCradle fp = do cradleConf <- BIOS.findCradle fp crdl <- case cradleConf of Just yaml -> do debugm $ "Found \"" ++ yaml ++ "\" for \"" ++ fp ++ "\"" BIOS.loadCradle yaml Nothing -> cabalHelperCradle fp logm $ "Module \"" ++ fp ++ "\" is loaded by Cradle: " ++ show crdl return crdl -- | Check if the given cradle is a stack cradle. -- This might be used to determine the GHC version to use on the project. -- If it is a stack-cradle, we have to use `stack path --compiler-exe` -- otherwise we may ask `ghc` directly what version it is. isStackCradle :: Cradle -> Bool isStackCradle = (`elem` ["stack", "Cabal-Helper-Stack", "Cabal-Helper-Stack-None"]) . BIOS.actionName . BIOS.cradleOptsProg -- | Check if the given cradle is a cabal cradle. -- This might be used to determine the GHC version to use on the project. -- If it is a stack-cradle, we have to use `stack path --compiler-exe` -- otherwise we may ask `ghc` directly what version it is. isCabalCradle :: Cradle -> Bool isCabalCradle = (`elem` ["cabal" , "Cabal-Helper-Cabal-V1" , "Cabal-Helper-Cabal-V2" , "Cabal-Helper-Cabal-V1-Dir" , "Cabal-Helper-Cabal-V2-Dir" , "Cabal-Helper-Cabal-None" ] ) . BIOS.actionName . BIOS.cradleOptsProg -- | Execute @ghc@ that is based on the given cradle. -- Output must be a single line. If an error is raised, e.g. the command -- failed, a @Nothing@ is returned. -- The exact error is written to logs. -- -- E.g. for a stack cradle, we use `stack ghc` and for a cabal cradle -- we are taking the @ghc@ that is on the path. execProjectGhc :: Cradle -> [String] -> IO (Maybe String) execProjectGhc crdl args = do isStackInstalled <- isJust <$> findExecutable "stack" -- isCabalInstalled <- isJust <$> findExecutable "cabal" ghcOutput <- if isStackCradle crdl && isStackInstalled then do logm "Use Stack GHC" catch (Just <$> tryCommand stackCmd) $ \(_ :: IOException) -> do errorm $ "Command `" ++ stackCmd ++"` failed." execWithGhc -- The command `cabal v2-exec -v0 ghc` only works if the project has been -- built already. -- This command must work though before the project is build. -- Therefore, fallback to "ghc" on the path. -- -- else if isCabalCradle crdl && isCabalInstalled then do -- let cmd = "cabal v2-exec -v0 ghc -- " ++ unwords args -- catch (Just <$> tryCommand cmd) $ \(_ ::IOException) -> do -- errorm $ "Command `" ++ cmd ++ "` failed." -- return Nothing else do logm "Use Plain GHC" execWithGhc debugm $ "GHC Output: \"" ++ show ghcOutput ++ "\"" return ghcOutput where stackCmd = "stack ghc -- " ++ unwords args plainCmd = "ghc " ++ unwords args execWithGhc = catch (Just <$> tryCommand plainCmd) $ \(_ :: IOException) -> do errorm $ "Command `" ++ plainCmd ++"` failed." return Nothing tryCommand :: String -> IO String tryCommand cmd = do (code, sout, serr) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (shell cmd) "" case code of ExitFailure e -> do let errmsg = concat [ "`" , cmd , "`: Exit failure: " , show e , ", stdout: " , sout , ", stderr: " , serr ] errorm errmsg throwIO $ userError errmsg ExitSuccess -> return $ T.unpack . T.strip . head . T.lines $ T.pack sout -- | Get the directory of the libdir based on the project ghc. getProjectGhcLibDir :: Cradle -> IO (Maybe FilePath) getProjectGhcLibDir crdl = execProjectGhc crdl ["--print-libdir"] >>= \case Nothing -> do errorm "Could not obtain the libdir." return Nothing mlibdir -> return mlibdir -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | Finds a Cabal v2-project, Cabal v1-project or a Stack project relative to the given FilePath. Cabal v2-project and Stack have priority over Cabal v1-project. This entails that if a Cabal v1-project can be identified, it is first checked whether there are Stack projects or Cabal v2-projects before it is concluded that this is the project root. Cabal v2-projects and Stack projects are equally important. Due to the lack of user-input we have to guess which project it should rather be. This guessing has no guarantees and may change at any time. === Example: Assume the following project structure: / └── Foo/ ├── Foo.cabal ├── stack.yaml ├── cabal.project ├── src │ └── Lib.hs └── B/ ├── B.cabal └── src/ └── Lib2.hs Assume the call @findCabalHelperEntryPoint "/Foo/B/src/Lib2.hs"@. We now want to know to which project "/Foo/B/src/Lib2.hs" belongs to and what the projects root is. If we only do a naive search to find the first occurrence of either "B.cabal", "stack.yaml", "cabal.project" or "Foo.cabal", we might assume that the location of "B.cabal" marks the project's root directory of which "/Foo/B/src/Lib2.hs" is part of. However, there is also a "cabal.project" and "stack.yaml" in the parent directory, which add the package "B" as a package. So, the compilation of the package "B", and the file "src/Lib2.hs" in it, does not only depend on the definitions in "B.cabal", but also on "stack.yaml" and "cabal.project". The project root is therefore "/Foo/". Only if there is no "stack.yaml" or "cabal.project" in any of the ancestor directories, it is safe to assume that "B.cabal" marks the root of the project. Thus: >>> findCabalHelperEntryPoint "/Foo/B/src/Lib2.hs Just (Ex (ProjLocStackYaml { plStackYaml = "/Foo/"})) or >>> findCabalHelperEntryPoint "/Foo/B/src/Lib2.hs Just (Ex (ProjLocV2File { plProjectDirV2 = "/Foo/"})) In the given example, it is not guaranteed which project type is found, it is only guaranteed that it will not identify the project as a cabal v1-project. Note that with cabal-helper version (1.0), by default a *.cabal file is identified as a 'ProjLocV2Dir' project. The same issue as before exists and we look for a 'ProjLocV2File' or 'ProjLocStackYaml' before deciding that 'ProjLocV2Dir' marks the project root. Note that this will not return any project types for which the corresponding build tool is not on the PATH. This is "stack" and "cabal" for stack and cabal (both v1 and v2) projects respectively. -} findCabalHelperEntryPoint :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Ex ProjLoc)) findCabalHelperEntryPoint fp = do allProjs <- concat <$> mapM findProjects (ancestors (takeDirectory fp)) debugm $ "Cabal-Helper found these projects: " ++ show (map (\(Ex x) -> show x) allProjs) -- We only want to return projects that we have the build tools installed for isStackInstalled <- isJust <$> findExecutable "stack" isCabalInstalled <- isJust <$> findExecutable "cabal" let supportedProjs = filter (\x -> supported x isStackInstalled isCabalInstalled) allProjs debugm $ "These projects have the build tools installed: " ++ show (map (\(Ex x) -> show x) supportedProjs) case filter (\p -> isCabalV2FileProject p || isStackProject p) supportedProjs of (x:_) -> return $ Just x [] -> case filter isCabalProject supportedProjs of (x:_) -> return $ Just x [] -> return Nothing where supported :: Ex ProjLoc -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool supported (Ex ProjLocStackYaml {}) stackInstalled _ = stackInstalled supported (Ex ProjLocV2Dir {}) _ cabalInstalled = cabalInstalled supported (Ex ProjLocV2File {}) _ cabalInstalled = cabalInstalled supported (Ex ProjLocV1Dir {}) _ cabalInstalled = cabalInstalled supported (Ex ProjLocV1CabalFile {}) _ cabalInstalled = cabalInstalled isStackProject :: Ex ProjLoc -> Bool isStackProject (Ex ProjLocStackYaml {}) = True isStackProject _ = False isCabalV2FileProject :: Ex ProjLoc -> Bool isCabalV2FileProject (Ex ProjLocV2File {}) = True isCabalV2FileProject _ = False isCabalProject :: Ex ProjLoc -> Bool isCabalProject (Ex ProjLocV1CabalFile {}) = True isCabalProject (Ex ProjLocV1Dir {}) = True isCabalProject (Ex ProjLocV2File {}) = True isCabalProject (Ex ProjLocV2Dir {}) = True isCabalProject _ = False {- | Given a FilePath, find the cradle the FilePath belongs to. Finds the Cabal Package the FilePath is most likely a part of and creates a cradle whose root directory is the directory of the package the File belongs to. It is not required that the FilePath given actually exists. If it does not exist or is not part of any of the packages in the project, a "None"-cradle is produced. See for what a "None"-cradle is. The "None"-cradle can still be used to query for basic information, such as the GHC version used to build the project. However, it can not be used to load any of the files in the project. == General Approach Given a FilePath that we want to load, we need to create a cradle that can compile and load the given FilePath. In Cabal-Helper, there is no notion of a cradle, but a project consists of multiple packages that contain multiple units. Each unit may consist of multiple components. A unit is the smallest part of code that Cabal (the library) can compile. Examples are executables, libraries, tests or benchmarks are all units. Each of this units has a name that is unique within a build-plan, such as "exe:hie" which represents the executable of the Haskell IDE Engine. In principle, a unit is what hie-bios considers to be a cradle. However, to find out to which unit a FilePath belongs, we have to initialise the unit, e.g. configure its dependencies and so on. When discovering a cradle we do not want to pay for this upfront, but rather when we actually want to load a Module in the project. Therefore, we only identify the package the FilePath is part of and decide which unit to load when 'runCradle' is executed. Thus, to find the options required to compile and load the given FilePath, we have to do the following: 1. Identify the package that contains the FilePath (should be unique) Happens in 'cabalHelperCradle' 2. Find the unit that that contains the FilePath (May be non-unique) Happens in 'cabalHelperAction' 3. Find the component that exposes the FilePath (May be non-unique) Happens in 'cabalHelperAction' === Identify the package that contains the FilePath The function 'cabalHelperCradle' does the first step only. It starts by querying Cabal-Helper to find the project's root. See 'findCabalHelperEntryPoint' for details how this is done. Once the root of the project is defined, we query Cabal-Helper for all packages that are defined in the project and match by the packages source directory which package the given FilePath is most likely to be a part of. E.g. if the source directory of the package is the most concrete prefix of the FilePath, the FilePath is in that package. After the package is identified, we create a cradle where cradle's root directory is set to the package's source directory. This is necessary, because compiler options obtained from a component, are relative to the source directory of the package the component is part of. === Find the unit that that contains the FilePath In 'cabalHelperAction' we want to load a given FilePath, already knowing which package the FilePath is part of. Now we obtain all Units that are part of the package and match by the source directories (plural is intentional), to which unit the given FilePath most likely belongs to. If no unit can be obtained, e.g. for every unit, no source directory is a prefix of the FilePath, we return an error code, since this is not allowed to happen. If there are multiple matches, which is possible, we check whether any of the components defined in the unit exposes or defines the given FilePath as a module. === Find the component that exposes the FilePath A component defines the options that are necessary to compile a FilePath that is in the component. It also defines which modules are in the component. Therefore, we translate the given FilePath into a module name, relative to the unit's source directory, and check if the module name is exposed by the component. There is a special case, executables define a FilePath, for the file that contains the 'main'-function, that is relative to the unit's source directory. After the component has been identified, we can actually retrieve the options required to load and compile the given file. == Examples === Mono-Repo Assume the project structure: / └── Mono/ ├── cabal.project ├── stack.yaml ├── A/ │ ├── A.cabal │ └── Lib.hs └── B/ ├── B.cabal └── Exe.hs Currently, Haskell IDE Engine needs to know on startup which GHC version is needed to compile the project. This information is needed to show warnings to the user if the GHC version on the project does not agree with the GHC version that was used to compile Haskell IDE Engine. Therefore, the function 'findLocalCradle' is invoked with a dummy FilePath, such as "/Mono/Lib.hs". Since there will be no package that contains this dummy FilePath, the result will be a None-cradle. Either >>> findLocalCradle "/Mono/Lib.hs" Cradle { cradleRootDir = "/Mono/", CradleAction { actionName = "Cabal-Helper-Stack-None", ..} } or: >>> findLocalCradle "/Mono/Lib.hs" Cradle { cradleRootDir = "/Mono/", CradleAction { actionName = "Cabal-Helper-Cabal-V2-None", ..} } The cradle result of this invocation is only used to obtain the GHC version, which is safe, since it only checks if the cradle is a 'stack' project or a 'cabal' project. If we are trying to load the executable: >>> findLocalCradle "/Mono/B/Exe.hs" Cradle { cradleRootDir = "/Mono/B/", CradleAction { actionName = "Cabal-Helper-Cabal-V2", ..} } we will detect correctly the compiler options, by first finding the appropriate package, followed by traversing the units in the package and finding the component that exposes the executable by FilePath. === No explicit executable folder Assume the project structure: / └── Library/ ├── cabal.project ├── stack.yaml ├── Library.cabal └── src ├── Lib.hs └── Exe.hs There are different dependencies for the library "Lib.hs" and the executable "Exe.hs". If we are trying to load the executable "src/Exe.hs" we will correctly identify the executable unit, and correctly initialise dependencies of "exe:Library". It will be correct even if we load the unit "lib:Library" before the "exe:Library" because the unit "lib:Library" does not expose a module "Exe". === Sub package Assume the project structure: / └── Repo/ ├── cabal.project ├── stack.yaml ├── Library.cabal ├── src | └── Lib.hs └── SubRepo ├── SubRepo.cabal └── Lib2.hs When we try to load "/Repo/SubRepo/Lib2.hs", we need to identify root of the project, which is "/Repo/" but set the root directory of the cradle responsible to load "/Repo/SubRepo/Lib2.hs" to "/Repo/SubRepo", since the compiler options obtained from Cabal-Helper are relative to the package source directory, which is "/Repo/SubRepo". -} cabalHelperCradle :: FilePath -> IO Cradle cabalHelperCradle file = do projM <- findCabalHelperEntryPoint file case projM of Nothing -> do errorm $ "Could not find a Project for file: " ++ file cwd <- getCurrentDirectory return Cradle { cradleRootDir = cwd , cradleOptsProg = CradleAction { actionName = "Direct" , runCradle = \_ _ -> return $ CradleSuccess ComponentOptions { componentOptions = [file, fixImportDirs cwd "-i."] , componentDependencies = [] } } } Just (Ex proj) -> do logm $ "Cabal-Helper decided to use: " ++ show proj -- Find the root of the project based on project type. let root = projectRootDir proj -- Create a suffix for the cradle name. -- Purpose is mainly for easier debugging. let actionNameSuffix = projectSuffix proj debugm $ "Cabal-Helper dirs: " ++ show [root, file] let dist_dir = getDefaultDistDir proj env <- mkQueryEnv proj dist_dir packages <- runQuery projectPackages env -- Find the package the given file may belong to. -- If it does not belong to any package, create a none-cradle. -- We might want to find a cradle without actually loading anything. -- Useful if we only want to determine a ghc version to use. case packages `findPackageFor` file of Nothing -> do debugm $ "Could not find a package for the file: " ++ file debugm "This is perfectly fine if we only want to determine the GHC version." return Cradle { cradleRootDir = root , cradleOptsProg = CradleAction { actionName = "Cabal-Helper-" ++ actionNameSuffix ++ "-None" , runCradle = \_ _ -> return CradleNone } } Just realPackage -> do debugm $ "Cabal-Helper cradle package: " ++ show realPackage -- Field `pSourceDir` often has the form `/./plugin` -- but we only want `/plugin` normalisedPackageLocation <- canonicalizePath $ pSourceDir realPackage debugm $ "Cabal-Helper normalisedPackageLocation: " ++ normalisedPackageLocation return Cradle { cradleRootDir = normalisedPackageLocation , cradleOptsProg = CradleAction { actionName = "Cabal-Helper-" ++ actionNameSuffix , runCradle = \_ fp -> cabalHelperAction (Ex proj) env realPackage normalisedPackageLocation fp } } where -- | Fix occurrences of "-i." to "-i" -- Flags obtained from cabal-helper are relative to the package -- source directory. This is less resilient to using absolute paths, -- thus, we fix it here. fixImportDirs :: FilePath -> String -> String fixImportDirs base_dir arg = if "-i" `isPrefixOf` arg then let dir = drop 2 arg -- the flag "-i" has special meaning. in if not (null dir) && isRelative dir then ("-i" ++ base_dir dir) else arg else arg -- | Cradle Action to query for the ComponentOptions that are needed -- to load the given FilePath. -- This Function is not supposed to throw any exceptions and use -- 'CradleLoadResult' to indicate errors. cabalHelperAction :: Ex ProjLoc -- ^ Project location, can be used -- to present error build-tool -- agnostic error messages. -> QueryEnv v -- ^ Query Env created by 'mkQueryEnv' -- with the appropriate 'distdir' -> Package v -- ^ Package this cradle is part for. -> FilePath -- ^ Root directory of the cradle -- this action belongs to. -> FilePath -- ^ FilePath to load, expected to be an absolute path. -> IO (CradleLoadResult ComponentOptions) cabalHelperAction proj env package root fp = do -- Get all unit infos the given FilePath may belong to let units = pUnits package -- make the FilePath to load relative to the root of the cradle. let relativeFp = makeRelative root fp debugm $ "Relative Module FilePath: " ++ relativeFp getComponent proj env (toList units) relativeFp >>= \case Right comp -> do let fs' = getFlags comp let fs = map (fixImportDirs root) fs' let targets = getTargets comp relativeFp let ghcOptions = fs ++ targets debugm $ "Flags for \"" ++ fp ++ "\": " ++ show ghcOptions debugm $ "Component Infos: " ++ show comp return $ CradleSuccess ComponentOptions { componentOptions = ghcOptions , componentDependencies = [] } Left err -> return $ CradleFail $ CradleError (ExitFailure 2) err -- | Get the component the given FilePath most likely belongs to. -- Lazily ask units whether the given FilePath is part of one of their -- component's. -- If a Module belongs to multiple components, it is not specified which -- component will be loaded. -- The given FilePath must be relative to the Root of the project -- the given units belong to. getComponent :: forall pt. Ex ProjLoc -> QueryEnv pt -> [Unit pt] -> FilePath -> IO (Either [String] ChComponentInfo) getComponent proj env unitCandidates fp = getComponent' [] [] unitCandidates >>= \case (tried, failed, Nothing) -> return (Left $ buildErrorMsg tried failed) (_, _, Just comp) -> return (Right comp) where getComponent' :: [UnitInfo] -> [(Unit pt, IOException)] -> [Unit pt] -> IO ([UnitInfo], [(Unit pt, IOException)], Maybe ChComponentInfo) getComponent' triedUnits failedUnits [] = return (triedUnits, failedUnits, Nothing) getComponent' triedUnits failedUnits (unit : units) = try (runQuery (unitInfo unit) env) >>= \case Left (e :: IOException) -> do warningm $ "Catching and swallowing an IOException: " ++ show e warningm $ "The Exception was thrown in the context of finding" ++ " a component for \"" ++ fp ++ "\" in the unit: " ++ show unit getComponent' triedUnits ((unit, e):failedUnits) units Right ui -> do let components = Map.elems (uiComponents ui) debugm $ "Unit Info: " ++ show ui case find (fp `partOfComponent`) components of Nothing -> getComponent' (ui:triedUnits) failedUnits units comp -> return (triedUnits, failedUnits, comp) buildErrorMsg :: [UnitInfo] -> [(Unit pt, IOException)] -> [String] buildErrorMsg triedUnits failedUnits = concat [ [ "Could not obtain flags for: \"" ++ fp ++ "\"." , "" ] , concat [ concat [ [ "This module was not part of any component we are aware of." , "" ] , concatMap ppShowUnitInfo triedUnits , [ "" , "" ] , if isStackProject proj then stackSpecificInstructions else cabalSpecificInstructions ] | not (null triedUnits) ] , concat [ [ "We could not build all components." , "If one of these components exposes this Module, make sure they compile." , "You can try to invoke the commands yourself." , "The following commands failed:" ] ++ concatMap (ppShowIOException . snd) failedUnits | not (null failedUnits) ] ] stackSpecificInstructions :: [String] stackSpecificInstructions = [ "To expose a module, refer to:" , "https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/GUIDE/" , "If you are using `package.yaml` then you don't have to manually expose modules." , "Maybe you didn't set the source directories for your project correctly." ] cabalSpecificInstructions :: [String] cabalSpecificInstructions = [ "To expose a module, refer to:" , "https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/developing-packages.html" , "" ] ppShowUnitInfo :: UnitInfo -> [String] ppShowUnitInfo u = u & uiComponents & Map.toList & map (\(name, info) -> "Component: " ++ show name ++ " with source directory: " ++ show (ciSourceDirs info) ) ppShowIOException :: IOException -> [String] ppShowIOException e = [ "" , show e ] -- | Check whether the given FilePath is part of the Component. -- A FilePath is part of the Component if and only if: -- -- * One Component's 'ciSourceDirs' is a prefix of the FilePath -- * The FilePath, after converted to a module name, -- is a in the Component's Targets, or the FilePath is -- the executable in the component. -- -- The latter is achieved by making the FilePath relative to the 'ciSourceDirs' -- and then replacing Path separators with ".". -- To check whether the given FilePath is the executable of the Component, -- we have to check whether the FilePath, including 'ciSourceDirs', -- is part of the targets in the Component. partOfComponent :: -- | FilePath relative to the package root. FilePath -> -- | Component to check whether the given FilePath is part of it. ChComponentInfo -> Bool partOfComponent fp' comp | inTargets (ciSourceDirs comp) fp' (getTargets comp fp') = True | otherwise = False where -- Check if the FilePath is in an executable or setup's main-is field inMainIs :: FilePath -> Bool inMainIs fp | ChExeEntrypoint mainIs _ <- ciEntrypoints comp = mainIs == fp | ChSetupEntrypoint mainIs <- ciEntrypoints comp = mainIs == fp | otherwise = False inTargets :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> [String] -> Bool inTargets sourceDirs fp targets | Just relative <- relativeTo fp sourceDirs = any (`elem` targets) [getModuleName relative, fp] || inMainIs relative | otherwise = False getModuleName :: FilePath -> String getModuleName fp = map (\c -> if isPathSeparator c then '.' else c) (dropExtension fp) -- | Get the flags necessary to compile the given component. getFlags :: ChComponentInfo -> [String] getFlags = ciGhcOptions -- | Get all Targets of a Component, since we want to load all components. -- FilePath is needed for the special case that the Component is an Exe. -- The Exe contains a Path to the Main which is relative to some entry -- in 'ciSourceDirs'. -- We monkey-patch this by supplying the FilePath we want to load, -- which is part of this component, and select the 'ciSourceDir' we actually want. -- See the Documentation of 'ciSourceDir' to why this contains multiple entries. getTargets :: ChComponentInfo -> FilePath -> [String] getTargets comp fp = case ciEntrypoints comp of ChSetupEntrypoint {} -> [] ChLibEntrypoint { chExposedModules, chOtherModules } -> map unChModuleName (chExposedModules ++ chOtherModules) ChExeEntrypoint { chMainIs, chOtherModules } -> [sourceDir chMainIs | Just sourceDir <- [sourceDirs]] ++ map unChModuleName chOtherModules where sourceDirs = find (`isFilePathPrefixOf` fp) (ciSourceDirs comp) -- | For all packages in a project, find the project the given FilePath -- belongs to most likely. findPackageFor :: NonEmpty (Package pt) -> FilePath -> Maybe (Package pt) findPackageFor packages fp = packages & NonEmpty.toList & sortOn (Down . pSourceDir) & filter (\p -> pSourceDir p `isFilePathPrefixOf` fp) & listToMaybe projectRootDir :: ProjLoc qt -> FilePath projectRootDir ProjLocV1CabalFile { plProjectDirV1 } = plProjectDirV1 projectRootDir ProjLocV1Dir { plProjectDirV1 } = plProjectDirV1 projectRootDir ProjLocV2File { plProjectDirV2 } = plProjectDirV2 projectRootDir ProjLocV2Dir { plProjectDirV2 } = plProjectDirV2 projectRootDir ProjLocStackYaml { plStackYaml } = takeDirectory plStackYaml projectSuffix :: ProjLoc qt -> FilePath projectSuffix ProjLocV1CabalFile {} = "Cabal-V1" projectSuffix ProjLocV1Dir {} = "Cabal-V1-Dir" projectSuffix ProjLocV2File {} = "Cabal-V2" projectSuffix ProjLocV2Dir {} = "Cabal-V2-Dir" projectSuffix ProjLocStackYaml {} = "Stack" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Utility functions to manipulate FilePath's -- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Helper function to make sure that both FilePaths are normalised. -- Checks whether the first FilePath is a Prefix of the second FilePath. -- Intended usage: -- -- >>> isFilePathPrefixOf "./src/" "./src/File.hs" -- True -- -- >>> isFilePathPrefixOf "./src" "./src/File.hs" -- True -- -- >>> isFilePathPrefixOf "./src/././" "./src/File.hs" -- True -- -- >>> isFilePathPrefixOf "./src" "./src-dir/File.hs" -- False isFilePathPrefixOf :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool isFilePathPrefixOf dir fp = isJust $ stripFilePath dir fp -- | Strip the given directory from the filepath if and only if -- the given directory is a prefix of the filepath. -- -- >>> stripFilePath "app" "app/File.hs" -- Just "File.hs" -- >>> stripFilePath "src" "app/File.hs" -- Nothing -- >>> stripFilePath "src" "src-dir/File.hs" -- Nothing -- >>> stripFilePath "." "src/File.hs" -- Just "src/File.hs" -- >>> stripFilePath "app/" "./app/Lib/File.hs" -- Just "Lib/File.hs" -- >>> stripFilePath "/app/" "./app/Lib/File.hs" -- Nothing -- Nothing since '/app/' is absolute -- >>> stripFilePath "/app" "/app/Lib/File.hs" -- Just "Lib/File.hs" stripFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath stripFilePath "." fp | isRelative fp = Just fp | otherwise = Nothing stripFilePath dir' fp' | Just relativeFpParts <- splitDir `stripPrefix` splitFp = Just (joinPath relativeFpParts) | otherwise = Nothing where dir = normalise dir' fp = normalise fp' splitFp = splitPath fp splitDir = splitPath dir stripPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys) | x `equalFilePath` y = stripPrefix xs ys | otherwise = Nothing stripPrefix [] ys = Just ys stripPrefix _ [] = Nothing -- | Obtain all ancestors from a given directory. -- -- >>> ancestors "a/b/c/d/e" -- [ "a/b/c/d/e", "a/b/c/d", "a/b/c", "a/b", "a", "." ] -- -- >>> ancestors "/a/b/c/d/e" -- [ "/a/b/c/d/e", "/a/b/c/d", "/a/b/c", "/a/b", "/a", "/" ] -- -- >>> ancestors "/a/b.hs" -- [ "/a/b.hs", "/a", "/" ] -- -- >>> ancestors "a/b.hs" -- [ "a/b.hs", "a", "." ] -- -- >>> ancestors "a/b/" -- [ "a/b" ] ancestors :: FilePath -> [FilePath] ancestors dir | subdir `equalFilePath` dir = [dir] | otherwise = dir : ancestors subdir where subdir = takeDirectory dir -- | Assuming a FilePath "src/Lib/Lib.hs" and a list of directories -- such as ["src", "app"], returns either the given FilePath -- with a matching directory stripped away. -- If there are multiple matches, e.g. multiple directories are a prefix -- of the given FilePath, return the first match in the list. -- Returns Nothing, if not a single -- given directory is a prefix of the FilePath. -- -- >>> relativeTo "src/Lib/Lib.hs" ["src"] -- Just "Lib/Lib.hs" -- -- >>> relativeTo "src/Lib/Lib.hs" ["app"] -- Nothing -- -- >>> relativeTo "src/Lib/Lib.hs" ["src", "src/Lib"] -- Just "Lib/Lib.hs" relativeTo :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> Maybe FilePath relativeTo file sourceDirs = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (`stripFilePath` file) sourceDirs -- | Returns a user facing display name for the cradle type, -- e.g. "Stack project" or "GHC session" cradleDisplay :: IsString a => BIOS.Cradle -> a cradleDisplay cradle = fromString result where result | "stack" `isInfixOf` name = "Stack project" | "cabal-v1" `isInfixOf` name = "Cabal (V1) project" | "cabal" `isInfixOf` name = "Cabal project" | "direct" `isInfixOf` name = "GHC session" | "multi" `isInfixOf` name = "Multi Component project" | otherwise = "project" name = map toLower $ BIOS.actionName (BIOS.cradleOptsProg cradle)