{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Language.Erlang.NodeData ( DistributionVersion(..)
                                , matchDistributionVersion
                                , DistributionFlag(..)
                                , DistributionFlags
                                , putDistributionFlags
                                , getDistributionFlags
                                , NodeType(..)
                                , NodeProtocol(..)
                                , NodeData(..)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Bits

import Util.Binary


data DistributionVersion = Zero
                         | R4
                         | NeverUsed
                         | R5C
                         | R6
                         | R6B
                         deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded, Ord)

instance Binary DistributionVersion where
  put = putWord16be . fromIntegral . fromEnum

  get = do
    c <- getWord16be
    return $ toEnum $ fromIntegral c


matchDistributionVersion :: NodeData -> NodeData -> Maybe DistributionVersion
matchDistributionVersion NodeData {protocol = localProto, hiVer = localHi, loVer = localLo} NodeData {protocol = remoteProto, hiVer = remoteHi, loVer = remoteLo}
  | localProto /= remoteProto = Nothing
  | localHi < remoteLo = Nothing
  | localLo > remoteHi = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just (max localHi remoteHi)


data DistributionFlag = PUBLISHED            --  The node should be published and part of the global namespace
                      | ATOM_CACHE           --  The node implements an atom cache (obsolete)
                      | EXTENDED_REFERENCES  --  The node implements extended (3 * 32 bits) references. This is required today. If not present connection will be refused.
                      | DIST_MONITOR         --  The node implements distributed process monitoring.
                      | FUN_TAGS             --  The node uses separate tag for fun's (lambdas) in the distribution protocol.
                      | DIST_MONITOR_NAME    --  The node implements distributed named process monitoring.
                      | HIDDEN_ATOM_CACHE    --  The (hidden) node implements atom cache (obsolete)
                      | NEW_FUN_TAGS         --  The node understand new fun-tags
                      | EXTENDED_PIDS_PORTS  --  The node is capable of handling extended pids and ports. This is required today. If not present connection will be refused.
                      | EXPORT_PTR_TAG
                      | BIT_BINARIES
                      | NEW_FLOATS           --  The node understands new float format
                      | UNICODE_IO
                      | DIST_HDR_ATOM_CACHE  --  The node implements atom cache in distribution header.
                      | SMALL_ATOM_TAGS      --  The node understand the SMALL_ATOM_EXT tag
                      | UTF8_ATOMS           --  The node understand UTF-8 encoded atoms
                      deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded, Ord)

type DistributionFlags = [DistributionFlag]

putDistributionFlags :: DistributionFlags -> Put
putDistributionFlags flags = do
  putWord32be $ toBits flags
      toBits :: DistributionFlags -> Word32
      toBits = foldl (flip $ (.|.) . toBit) 0

getDistributionFlags :: Get DistributionFlags
getDistributionFlags = do
  fromBits <$> getWord32be
      fromBits :: Word32 -> DistributionFlags
      fromBits bits = [flag | flag <- [minBound..maxBound], bits .&. toBit flag /= 0]

toBit :: DistributionFlag -> Word32
toBit PUBLISHED           = 0x00001
toBit ATOM_CACHE          = 0x00002
toBit DIST_MONITOR        = 0x00008
toBit FUN_TAGS            = 0x00010
toBit DIST_MONITOR_NAME   = 0x00020 -- NOT USED
toBit NEW_FUN_TAGS        = 0x00080
toBit EXPORT_PTR_TAG      = 0x00200 -- NOT SUPPORTED
toBit BIT_BINARIES        = 0x00400
toBit NEW_FLOATS          = 0x00800
toBit UNICODE_IO          = 0x01000
toBit DIST_HDR_ATOM_CACHE = 0x02000
toBit SMALL_ATOM_TAGS     = 0x04000
toBit UTF8_ATOMS          = 0x10000


data NodeType = NormalNode
              | HiddenNode
              deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)

instance Binary NodeType where
  put NormalNode = putWord8 77
  put HiddenNode = putWord8 72

  get = do
    nodeType <- getWord8
    case nodeType of
      77 -> return NormalNode
      72 -> return HiddenNode
      _  -> fail $ "Bad node type: " ++ show nodeType


data NodeProtocol = TcpIpV4
                  deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)

instance Binary NodeProtocol where
  put = putWord8 . fromIntegral . fromEnum

  get = do
    c <- getWord8
    return $ toEnum $ fromIntegral c


data NodeData = NodeData { portNo        :: Word16
                         , nodeType      :: NodeType
                         , protocol      :: NodeProtocol
                         , hiVer         :: DistributionVersion
                         , loVer         :: DistributionVersion
                         , aliveName     :: BS.ByteString
                         , extra         :: BS.ByteString
              deriving (Eq, Show)


instance Binary NodeData where
  put NodeData {..} = do
    putWord16be portNo
    put nodeType
    put protocol
    put hiVer
    put loVer
    putLength16beByteString aliveName
    putLength16beByteString extra

  get = do
    NodeData                  <$>
      getWord16be             <*>
      get                     <*>
      get                     <*>
      get                     <*>
      get                     <*>
      getLength16beByteString <*>
