hkd-delta: Definition of "Delta structures" for higher kinded data.

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A library for calculating and applying changes (deltas) of/to data, with emphasis on automatic delta calculations for Higher Kinded Data (HKD). To get started, see or the documentation in HKD.Class.

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License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Trevor Cook
Author Trevor Cook
Category Data
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A library for finding differences in higher kinded data (HKD).

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Test where

import HKD.Delta
import GHC.Generics
import Generics.OneLiner
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T

The HasDelta class is central to this library, with it we declare how differences in a type are measured, whether or not the differences can always be measured, and functions for measuring and applying differences. The below, for example, declares that 'Text' has a difference, 'Change Text', (Where the 'Change' type is equivalent to 'Maybe'--but treated specially in some cases by this library). The instance states that the difference will allways be measurable, and the calc and apply methods just look for non-equal values.

instance HasDelta Text where
  type DeltaOf Text = Change Text
  type DeltaAlways Text = True
  calcDelta = calcDeltaNEQ
  applyDelta = applyDeltaNEQ

neqText = calcDelta @Text "a" "ab"
--neqTex = Changed "ab"
eqText = calcDelta @Text "a" "a"
-- eqText = Unchanged

Having defined a basic type, we next look at automatically generating delta functionality for more interesting types. First, we define a data type in Higher Kinded Data style

type Citizen = Citizen' Z
data Citizen' f = Citizen { name        :: HK f Text
                          , occupation  :: HK f Text }
                    deriving Generic
deriving instance (Constraints (Citizen' f) Show)  --provided by one-liner
  => Show (Citizen' f)

Each field in our data is parameterized by a type constructor, f, and a type function, HK which together control the expression of the data at that field. A custom defined Z "escapes" from higher kinding, allowing the data to just be itself. Another custom designed data, Delta makes the data express the DeltaReturn of the data, which-- generally--is either a change in the data or a new copy of the data.

data Z a
data Delta a
type family HK (f :: * -> *) (a :: *) :: * where
  HK Z a = a
  HK Delta a = DeltaReturn a

Next the Citizen is declared to have a delta, defined as simply the Citizen' in the Delta state. This library is designed to work with data such as this, and so no further definitions are needed. DeltaAlways, calcDelta, and applyDelta are derived via Generic mechanisms. instance HasDelta Citizen where type DeltaOf Citizen = Citizen' Delta

Here we demonstrate a calculated difference between two citizens, Mary and Mark.

mary :: Citizen
mary = Citizen "Mary" "Police"
mark :: Citizen
mark = Citizen "Mark" "Police"
compMaryMark = calcDelta mary mark
-- compMaryMark = Citizen {name = Changed "Mark"
--                        , occupation = Unchanged}

Here we demonstrate the patching of a Citizen with a delta

mayorMike :: Citizen
mayorMike = Citizen  "Mike" "Mayor"
mayorMark = applyDelta mayorMike compMaryMark
-- mayorMark = Citizen {name = "Mark", occupation = "Mayor"}

As noted, the 'Changed' constructor belongs to the Change type. And this library provides special handling for Change deltas. Speciffically, it allows Unchanged values to be propagated down a delta, such that all unchanged fields result in an Unchanged delta.

For instance first observe the following delta is the same as Unchanged

dMaryMary = calcDelta mary mary
-- dMaryMary = Citizen {name = Unchanged, occupation = Unchanged}

That is, if we apply it to any value, x, we must get, x. applyDelta x dMaryMary == x

We can capture this equality by specifying the DeltaOf as a Change Type

instance HasDelta Citizen where
  type DeltaOf Citizen = Change (Citizen' Delta)

the calculation dMaryMary now results in.

-- dMaryMary = Unchanged

There is another special type, Revise, this libraries version of Either. It is used when a data type has more than one construction.

type Vehicle = Vehicle' Z
data Vehicle' f = Car { carType :: HK f Text }
               | CrashedCar { howBad :: HK f Text } deriving (Generic)
deriving instance (Constraints (Vehicle' f) Show)
  => Show (Vehicle' f)

instance HasDelta Vehicle where
  type DeltaOf Vehicle = Change (Vehicle' Delta)
  --type DeltaAlways = False (derived by a type family)

Now, two different Cars will result in an 'Update (DeltaOf)'

colorDiff = calcDelta (Car "red" :: Vehicle) (Car "blue")
--colorDiff = Update (Changed (Car {carType = Changed "blue"}))

A difference in different constructors just returns the second value, since the two different constructions cannot be generically compared.

carDiff = calcDelta (Car "red"::Vehicle) (CrashedCar "very bad")
-- carDiff = Replace (CrashedCar {howBad = "very bad"})

Additionally, because Revise is traversable, we can quickly find that whether or not a 'Revise a (Change b)' is a change.

colorDiff' = sequenceA colorDiff
-- colorDiff' = Changed (Update (Car {carType = Changed "blue"}))
colorDiff'' = sequenceA $ calcDelta (Car "red" :: Vehicle)(Car "red" :: Vehicle)
-- colorDiff'' = Unchanged