hlbfgsb: Haskell binding to L-BFGS-B version 3.0

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Haskell bindings to Nocedal's 3.0 version of the Limited memory - Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno - Bounded optimization algorithm.

Initial version, but functional. So far no support for limiting iteration count. A more powerful interface should be developed.

Notice: The fortran code is marked pure, althugh it tends to write to standard output at troubled times (should be fixed at some point in time).

From homepage: Software for Large-scale Bound-constrained Optimization L-BFGS-B is a limited-memory quasi-Newton code for bound-constrained optimization, i.e. for problems where the only constraints are of the form l <= x <= u. The current release is version 3.0. The distribution file was last changed on 2011-08-02.




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Versions [RSS]
Dependencies base (>=4 && <5), vector (>=0.9) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Ivan Labáth
Maintainer ivan@hlbfgsb.ksp.sk
Category Math
Home page http://people.ksp.sk/~ivan/hlbfgsb
Source repo head: darcs get http://people.ksp.sk/~ivan/hlbfgsb
this: darcs get http://people.ksp.sk/~ivan/hlbfgsb --tag
Uploaded by IvanLabath at 2012-05-04T11:04:43Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 1186 total (2 in the last 30 days)
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