hlcm: Fast algorithm for mining closed frequent itemsets

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Closed frequent itemsets are patterns that occur more than a defined threshold in a transactional database. This program is a Haskell implementation of the LCM2 algorithm by Takeaki Uno and Hiroki Arimura, which is the fastest algorithm for this task. This implementation can make use of several threads.

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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.2.1, 0.2.2
Dependencies array (>=0.2), base (>=3 && <4), bytestring, bytestring-csv, containers (>=0.3), haskell98, parallel (>=2.2) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Alexandre Termier, Simon Marlow, Satnam Singh
Maintainer Alexandre.Termier@imag.fr
Category Algorithms, Data Mining
Home page http://membres-liglab.imag.fr/termier/HLCM/hlcm.html
Uploaded by AlexandreTermier at 2010-06-16T10:20:51Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables benchHLCM, hlcm
Downloads 1869 total (3 in the last 30 days)
Rating 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs uploaded by user
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Readme for hlcm-0.2.2

[back to package description]
HLCM, the parallel closed frequent itemset miner in Haskell.
(c) 2010, Alexandre Termier


Discovering frequent itemsets consists in finding patterns that are 
often repeated in data. 
The data is a list of transactions, and each transaction is composed of items.
It is easier to see with the "supermarket" analogy : 
 - an item is a product that a customer buys
 - a transaction is the list of products bought by a customer. 

A transaction database will then be the list of purchases at a supermarket.
The frequent itemsets will then be the products that are often bought together by customers.
Finding those can lead to important insights about the data. 
In the supermarket case, the goal is to better understand the buying habits of customers. 

Closed frequent itemsets is a subset of frequent itemsets, without information loss.
I.e., knowing the closed frequent itemsets is sufficient to recompute all the frequent itemsets. 
Basically, there are lots of redundancies in frequent itemsets, and these redundancies are 
eliminated in closed frequent itemsets.
Algorithms for computing closed frequent itemsets are orders of magnitude faster than traditional
algorithms to discover frequent itemsets such as Apriori, and are thus heavily recommanded.

LCM is the fastest of those algorithms. It has been proposed in 2004 by Takeaki Uno and Hiroki Arimura.
HLCM allows Haskell users to benefit from this excellent algorithm, either as a library
or as a standalone program.

Installation : 

runhaskell Setup configure --user
runhaskell Setup build

Recommanded but not mandatory: runhaskell Setup haddock --executable
(builds the HTML documentation)

runhaskell Setup install

You can also use cabal with : cabal install hlcm  (XXX VERIFY THIS)

Sample datasets :

Several datasets are given in the Data directory.
You first have to decompress them :

cd Data
tar xvzf datasets.tgz

The toy datasets are : 

 * simple.csv : a csv file with 3 transactions that could come from a grocery store
 * simple.num : same as simple.csv, but items are represented by integers
 * mushroom_expanded.csv : a dataset about mushrooms, where the items are long strings.
   More infos here : http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Mushroom

See the haddock documentation of hlcm for examples on how to mine these datasets.

Benchmarking parallel runtime :

One of the purposes of HLCM is to be a real-world benchmark for the Haskell RTS when using only semi-implicit parallelism.

The benchmark datasets provided are :
 * mushroom.dat : a small size dataset, with around 8000 transactions. 
   A support threshold of 6000 gives very few items, whereas a support 
   thresold of 100 should give more work to the processors.
 * connect.dat : a complex dataset, with around 60000 transactions.
   A support threshold of 15000  will run in a few minutes and allow 
   to have a good estimate of speedup. 

More datasets can be found here : http://fimi.cs.helsinki.fi/data/
These dataset can be directly used by HLCM with any preprocessing.

Be warned that currently, HLCM is not very efficient at loading data files, and does so sequentially (no parallelism here).
Huge datasets such as kosarak can be handled, but loading time only will take several minutes.

You can tinker with parallel strategy and parameters by using benchHLCM. 
See the haddock documentation for explanations on parameters.