hledger-flow: An hledger workflow focusing on automated statement import and classification.

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Versions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0.14.4
Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), containers, foldl, hledger-flow, stm, text, time, turtle [details]
License GPL-3.0-only
Copyright 2018 Andreas Pauley
Author Andreas Pauley <hledger-flow@pauley.org.za>
Maintainer Andreas Pauley <hledger-flow@pauley.org.za>
Category Finance, Console
Home page https://github.com/apauley/hledger-flow#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/apauley/hledger-flow/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/apauley/hledger-flow
Uploaded by apauley at 2019-04-06T18:13:58Z


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Hledger Flow

What is it?

hledger-flow is a command-line executable program that gives you a guided hledger workflow. It focuses on automated processing of electronic statements as much as possible, as opposed to manually adding your own hledger journal entries.

Manual entries are still possible, we just think it saves time in the long run to automatically process a statement whenever one is available.

It started when I realized that the scripts I wrote while playing around with the ideas in adept's Full-fledged Hledger isn't really specific to my own finances, and can be shared.

Overview of the Basic Workflow

  1. Save an input CSV file to a specific directory.
  2. Add an hledger rules file. Include some classification rules if you want.
  3. Run hledger-flow import

Add all your files to your favourite version control system.

The generated journal that you most likely want to use as your LEDGER_FILE is called all-years.journal. This has include directives to all the automatically imported journals, as well as includes for your own manually managed journal entries.

In a typical software project we don't add generated files to version control, but in this case I think it is a good idea to add all the generated files to version control as well - when you inevitably change something, e.g. how you classify transactions in your rules file, then you can easily see if your change had the desired effect by looking at a diff.

Who should use this?

hledger-flow is intended for you if:

How Stable is it?

We're not close to a 1.0 release yet, which means that we can still make changes if needed.

That being said, some parts have been used and tested extensively and are likely to remain stable. Have a look at the "Stability of this Feature" sections in the feature reference below.

I add future work, ideas and thoughts as Github issues and in TODO.org, so have a look there for more clues as to what may likely change.

Let me know if you can think of some improvements.

Detailed Step-By-Step Guide

Have a look at the detailed step-by-step instructions and the files in the documentation directory.

For a visual overview, check out the slide show version of the same step-by-step instructions:


You can see the example imported financial transactions as it was generated by the step-by-step instructions here:


After Cloning This Repository

This repository has some submodules included, mostly related to the examples in the documentation.

You need to initialise and update the submodules:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Build Instructions

CircleCI Build Status

You need a recent version of stack installed.

Then run:

stack test
stack install

Which should end with this:

Copied executables to ~/.local/bin:
- hledger-flow

Ensure that ${HOME}/.local/bin is in your PATH.

Usually this means adding this to your ~/.bashrc:


Building with older Haskell Versions

To build using an older version of GHC and related dependencies, point stack to one of the other yaml files:

stack test --stack-yaml stack-8.4.4.yaml
stack test --stack-yaml stack-8.2.2.yaml

Feature Reference

Input Files

Your input files will probably be CSV files with a line for each transaction, although other file types will work fine if you use a preprocess or a construct script that can read them. These scripts are explained later.

We mostly use conventions based on a predefined directory structure for your input statements.

For example, assuming you have a savings account at mybank, you'll put your first CSV statement here: import/john/mybank/savings/1-in/2018/123456789_2018-06-30.csv.

Some people may want to include accounts belonging to their spouse as part of the household finances: import/spouse/otherbank/checking/1-in/2018/987654321_2018-06-30.csv.

More About Input Files

All files and directories under the import directory is related to the automatic importing and classification of transactions.

The directory directly under import is meant to indicate the owner or custodian of the accounts below it. It mostly has an impact on reporting. You may want to have separate reports for import/mycompany and import/personal.

Below the directory for the owner we can indicate where an account is held. For a bank account you may choose to name it import/john/mybank.

If your underground bunker filled with gold has CSV statements linked to it, then you can absolutely create import/john/secret-treasure-room.

Under the directory for the financial institution, you'll have a directory for each account at that institution, e.g. import/mycompany/bigbankinc/customer-deposits and import/mycompany/bigbankinc/expense-account.

Next you'll create a directory named 1-in. This is to distinguish it from 2-preprocessed and 3-journal which will be auto-generated later.

Under 1-in you'll create a directory for the year, e.g. 2018, and within that you can copy the statements for that year: import/john/mybank/savings/1-in/2018/123456789_2018-06-30.csv

Stability of this Feature

The basic owner/bank/account/year structure has been used and tested fairly extensively, I don't expect a need for it to change.

I'm open to suggestions for improvement though.

Rules Files

If your input file is in CSV format, or converted to CSV by your preprocess script, then you'll need an hledger rules file.

hledger-flow will try to find a rules file for each statement in a few places. The same rules file is typically used for all statements of a specific account, or even for all accounts of the same specific bank.

Statement-specific Rules Files

What happens if some of the statements for an account has a different format than the others?

This can happen if you normally get your statements directly from your bank, but some statements you had to download from somewhere else, like Mint, because your bank is being daft with older statements.

In order to tell hledger-flow that you want to override the rules file for a specific statement, you need to add a suffix, separated by an underscore (_) and starting with the letters rfo (rules file override) to the filename of that statement.

For example: assuming you've named your statement 99966633_20171223_1844_rfo-mint.csv.

hledger-flow will look for a rules file named rfo-mint.rules in the following places:

Example rules file usage

A common scenario is multiple accounts that share the same file format, but have different account1 directives.

One possible approach would be to include a shared rules file in your account-specific rules file.

If you are lucky enough that all statements at mybank share a common format across all accounts, then you can include a rules file that just defines the parts that are shared across accounts.

Two accounts at mybank may have rules files similar to these.

A checking account at mybank:

# Saved as: import/john/mybank/checking/mybank-checking.rules
include ../../../mybank-shared.rules
account1 Assets:Current:John:MyBank:Checking

Another account at mybank:

# Saved as: import/alice/mybank/savings/mybank-savings.rules
include ../../../mybank-shared.rules
account1 Assets:Current:Alice:MyBank:Savings

Where import/mybank-shared.rules may define some shared attributes:

skip 1

fields date, description, amount, balance

date-format %Y-%m-%d
currency $

Another possible approach could be to use your preprocess script to write out a CSV file that has extra fields for account1 and account2.

You could then create the above mentioned global import/mybank.rules with the fields defined more or less like this:

fields date, description, amount, balance, account1, account2

Stability of this Feature

Rules files are a stable feature within hledger, and we're just using the normal hledger rules files. The account, bank and statement-specific rules files have been used and tested fairly extensively, I don't expect this to change.

Let me know if you think it should change.

Opening and Closing Balances

Opening Balances

hledger-flow looks for a file named YEAR-opening.journal in each account directory, where YEAR corresponds to an actual year directory, eg. 1983 (if you have electronic statements dating back to 1983). Example: import/john/mybank/savings/1983-opening.journal

If it exists the file will automatically be included at the beginning of the generated journal include file for that year.

You need to edit this file for each account to specify the opening balance at the date of the first available transaction.

An opening balance may look something like this:

2018-06-01 Savings Account Opening Balance
assets:Current:MyBank:Savings               $102.01
equity:Opening Balances:MyBank:Savings

Closing Balances

Similar to opening balances, hledger-flow looks for an optional file named YEAR-closing.journal in each account directory. Example: import/john/mybank/savings/1983-closing.journal

If it exists the file will automatically be included at the end of the generated journal include file for that year.

A closing balance may look something like this:

2018-06-01 Savings Account Closing Balance
assets:Current:MyBank:Savings               $-234.56 = $0.00
equity:Closing Balances:MyBank:Savings

Example Opening and Closing Journal Files

As an example, assuming that the relevant year is 2019 and hledger-flow is about to generate import/john/mybank/savings/2019-include.journal, then one or both of the following files will be added to the include file if they exist:

  1. import/john/mybank/savings/2019-opening.journal
  2. import/john/mybank/savings/2019-closing.journal

The opening.journal will be included just before the other included entries, while the closing.journal will be included just after the other entries in that include file.

An include file may look like this:

cat import/john/mybank/savings/2019-include.journal
### Generated by hledger-flow - DO NOT EDIT ###

!include 2019-opening.journal
!include 3-journal/2019/123456789_2019-01-30
!include 2019-closing.journal

Stability of this Feature

The opening balances file works well in my opinion, I don't expect it to change. I'm only using closing balances in one or two places, so maybe that could do with some suggestions from people who use this more than myself.

The preprocess Script

Sometimes the statements you get from your bank is less than suitable for automatic processing. Or maybe you just want to make it easier for the hledger rules file to do its thing by adding some useful columns.

If you put a script called preprocess in the account directory, e.g. import/john/mybank/savings/preprocess, then hledger-flow will call that script for each input statement.

The preprocess script will be called with 4 positional parameters:

  1. The path to the input statement, e.g. import/john/mybank/savings/1-in/2018/123456789_2018-06-30.csv
  2. The path to an output file that can be sent to hledger, e.g. import/john/mybank/savings/2-preprocessed/2018/123456789_2018-06-30.csv
  3. The name of the bank, e.g. mybank
  4. The name of the account, e.g. savings
  5. The name of the owner, e.g. john

Your preprocess script is expected to:

Stability of this Feature

Stable and tested.

The construct Script

If you need even more power and flexibility than what you can get from the preprocess script and hledger's CSV import functionality, then you can create your own custom script to construct transactions exactly as you need them.

At the expense of more construction work for you, of course.

As an example, hledger's CSV import currently only supports two postings per transaction, even though hledger itself is perfectly happy with transactions containing more than two postings, e.g.:

2019-02-01 Mortgage Payment
Liabilities:Mortgage                                $1000.00
Expenses:Interest:Real Estate                         $833.33
Assets:Cash                                         -$1833.33

The construct script can be used in addition to the preprocess script, or on it's own. But since the construct script is more powerful than the preprocess script, you could tell your construct script to do anything that the preprocess script would have done.

Save your construct script in the account directory, e.g. import/john/mybank/savings/construct.

hledger-flow will call your construct script with 4 positional parameters:

  1. The path to the input statement, e.g. import/john/mybank/savings/1-in/2018/123456789_2018-06-30.csv
  2. A "-" (indicating that output should be sent to stdout)
  3. The name of the bank, e.g. mybank
  4. The name of the account, e.g. savings
  5. The name of the owner, e.g. john

Your construct script is expected to:

Stability of this Feature

Stable and tested.

Manually Managed Journals

Not every transaction in your life comes with CSV statements.

Sometimes you just need to add a transaction for that time you loaned a friend some money.

hledger-flow looks for pre-import and post-import files related to each generated include file as part of the import.

You can enter your own transactions manually into these files.

You can run hledger-flow import --verbose to see exactly which files are being looked for.

As an example, assuming that the relevant year is 2019 and hledger-flow is about to generate import/john/2019-include.journal, then one or both of the following files will be added to the include file if they exist:

  1. import/john/_manual_/2019/pre-import.journal
  2. import/john/_manual_/2019/post-import.journal

The pre-import.journal will be included just before the other included entries, while the post-import.journal will be included just after the other entries in that include file.

An include file may look like this:

cat import/john/2019-include.journal
### Generated by hledger-flow - DO NOT EDIT ###

!include _manual_/2019/pre-import.journal
!include mybank/2019-include.journal
!include otherbank/2019-include.journal
!include _manual_/2019/post-import.journal

Stability of this Feature

It works, but the naming of _manual_ looks a bit weird. Should it be changed?

Compatibility with Ledger

When writing out the journal include files, hledger-flow sorts the include statements by filename.

Ledger fails any balance assertions when the transactions aren't included in chronological order.

An easy way around this is to name your input files so that March's statement is listed before December's statement.

Another option is to add --permissive to any ledger command.

So you should easily be able to use both ledger and hledger on these journals.

Project Goals

My hledger files started to collect a bunch of supporting code that weren't really specific to my financial situation.

I want to extract and share as much as possible of that supporting code.

Adept's goals also resonated with me:

I've given a talk at Lambda Luminaries Johannesburg featuring hledger and hledger-flow.


How does hledger-flow differ from Full-fledged Hledger?

Full-fledged Hledger is a brilliant system, and hledger-flow continues to learn much from it.

It has great documentation that does an excellent job of not only showing how things can be done, but also why it is such a great idea.

hledger-flow can be seen as a specific implementation of the Full-fledged Hledger system, with a few implementation details that are different.

Full-fledged Hledger Hledger: Make It So
FFH describes itself as a tutorial with helper scripts that you can start using and adapt to your needs. I started by following the FFH tutorial, and changed bits and pieces over time to suit my needs. The "owner/bank/account" structure for example.
FFH is more open-ended: you can start with the basic scripts and over time turn it into something that solves your needs exactly. But you'll also end up with more code that you need to maintain yourself. Hledger Flow is less open-ended. For example, you have to adopt the "owner/bank/account" structure precisely as specified. But this allows Hledger Flow to do more work for you.
Maintaining include files are currently part of the user's responsibility. Hledger Flow generates flexible include files for you, and automatically includes opening/closing journals if the appropriately named files are present on disk.
FFH actually generates some useful reports right now. Hledger Flow still plans to get this done one day. The "owner/bank/account" structure may look a bit much at first, but it allows us to run separate queries/reports for me/my spouse/my business etc and also allows for reports covering all of it in a an overall view.
FFH chose scripts and build files that you can easily modify as you go along, but this requires a Haskell runtime to be installed everywhere it needs to run. The included docker image helps to make it less of an issue. Hledger Flow distributes a compiled binary. This means users or deployment targets don't need extra dependencies installed, they can just run a CLI program. This also provides a clearer distinction between what is provided, and what users need to do.
The FFH build scripts requires familiarity with Haskell and the Shake build system. Users may need to write preprocess or construct hooks, but in a language of their choice.
Input files are assumed to always be CSV files. Hledger Flow de-empasises the need that input files must be in CSV format. Input files can be in any format that a preprocess or construct hook can read.