-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | This is a compatibility module that abstracts over the -- concrete choice of logging framework so users can plug in whatever -- framework they want to. module Ide.Logger ( Priority(..) , Recorder(..) , WithPriority(..) , logWith , cmap , cmapIO , cfilter , withFileRecorder , makeDefaultStderrRecorder , makeDefaultHandleRecorder , LoggingColumn(..) , cmapWithPrio , withBacklog , lspClientMessageRecorder , lspClientLogRecorder , module PrettyPrinterModule , renderStrict , toCologActionWithPrio , defaultLoggingColumns ) where import Colog.Core (LogAction (..), Severity, WithSeverity (..)) import qualified Colog.Core as Colog import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId) import Control.Concurrent.Extra (Lock, newLock, withLock) import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically, flushTBQueue, isFullTBQueue, newTBQueueIO, newTVarIO, readTVarIO, writeTBQueue, writeTVar) import Control.Exception (IOException) import Control.Monad (unless, when, (>=>)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant (contramap)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text import Data.Time (defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, getCurrentTime) import GHC.Stack (CallStack, HasCallStack, SrcLoc (SrcLoc, srcLocModule, srcLocStartCol, srcLocStartLine), callStack, getCallStack, withFrozenCallStack) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message (SMethod (SMethod_WindowLogMessage, SMethod_WindowShowMessage)) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types (LogMessageParams (..), MessageType (..), ShowMessageParams (..)) import Language.LSP.Server import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP import Prettyprinter as PrettyPrinterModule import Prettyprinter.Render.Text (renderStrict) import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (AppendMode), hClose, hFlush, openFile, stderr) import UnliftIO (MonadUnliftIO, finally, try) data Priority -- Don't change the ordering of this type or you will mess up the Ord -- instance = Debug -- ^ Verbose debug logging. | Info -- ^ Useful information in case an error has to be understood. | Warning -- ^ These error messages should not occur in a expected usage, and -- should be investigated. | Error -- ^ Such log messages must never occur in expected usage. deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Enum, Bounded) data WithPriority a = WithPriority { priority :: Priority, callStack_ :: CallStack, payload :: a } deriving Functor -- | Note that this is logging actions _of the program_, not of the user. -- You shouldn't call warning/error if the user has caused an error, only -- if our code has gone wrong and is itself erroneous (e.g. we threw an exception). newtype Recorder msg = Recorder { logger_ :: forall m. (MonadIO m) => msg -> m () } logWith :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m) => Recorder (WithPriority msg) -> Priority -> msg -> m () logWith recorder priority msg = withFrozenCallStack $ logger_ recorder (WithPriority priority callStack msg) instance Semigroup (Recorder msg) where (<>) Recorder{ logger_ = logger_1 } Recorder{ logger_ = logger_2 } = Recorder { logger_ = \msg -> logger_1 msg >> logger_2 msg } instance Monoid (Recorder msg) where mempty = Recorder { logger_ = \_ -> pure () } instance Contravariant Recorder where contramap f Recorder{ logger_ } = Recorder { logger_ = logger_ . f } cmap :: (a -> b) -> Recorder b -> Recorder a cmap = contramap cmapWithPrio :: (a -> b) -> Recorder (WithPriority b) -> Recorder (WithPriority a) cmapWithPrio f = cmap (fmap f) cmapIO :: (a -> IO b) -> Recorder b -> Recorder a cmapIO f Recorder{ logger_ } = Recorder { logger_ = (liftIO . f) >=> logger_ } cfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Recorder a -> Recorder a cfilter p Recorder{ logger_ } = Recorder { logger_ = \msg -> when (p msg) (logger_ msg) } textHandleRecorder :: Handle -> Recorder Text textHandleRecorder handle = Recorder { logger_ = \text -> liftIO $ Text.hPutStrLn handle text *> hFlush handle } makeDefaultStderrRecorder :: MonadIO m => Maybe [LoggingColumn] -> m (Recorder (WithPriority (Doc a))) makeDefaultStderrRecorder columns = do lock <- liftIO newLock makeDefaultHandleRecorder columns lock stderr withFileRecorder :: MonadUnliftIO m => FilePath -- ^ Log file path. -> Maybe [LoggingColumn] -- ^ logging columns to display. `Nothing` uses `defaultLoggingColumns` -> (Either IOException (Recorder (WithPriority (Doc d))) -> m a) -- ^ action given a recorder, or the exception if we failed to open the file -> m a withFileRecorder path columns action = do lock <- liftIO newLock let makeHandleRecorder = makeDefaultHandleRecorder columns lock fileHandle :: Either IOException Handle <- liftIO $ try (openFile path AppendMode) case fileHandle of Left e -> action $ Left e Right fileHandle -> finally (makeHandleRecorder fileHandle >>= action . Right) (liftIO $ hClose fileHandle) makeDefaultHandleRecorder :: MonadIO m => Maybe [LoggingColumn] -- ^ built-in logging columns to display. Nothing uses the default -> Lock -- ^ lock to take when outputting to handle -> Handle -- ^ handle to output to -> m (Recorder (WithPriority (Doc a))) makeDefaultHandleRecorder columns lock handle = do let Recorder{ logger_ } = textHandleRecorder handle let threadSafeRecorder = Recorder { logger_ = \msg -> liftIO $ withLock lock (logger_ msg) } let loggingColumns = fromMaybe defaultLoggingColumns columns let textWithPriorityRecorder = cmapIO (textWithPriorityToText loggingColumns) threadSafeRecorder pure (cmap docToText textWithPriorityRecorder) where docToText = fmap (renderStrict . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions) data LoggingColumn = TimeColumn | ThreadIdColumn | PriorityColumn | DataColumn | SourceLocColumn defaultLoggingColumns :: [LoggingColumn] defaultLoggingColumns = [TimeColumn, PriorityColumn, DataColumn] textWithPriorityToText :: [LoggingColumn] -> WithPriority Text -> IO Text textWithPriorityToText columns WithPriority{ priority, callStack_, payload } = do textColumns <- mapM loggingColumnToText columns pure $ Text.intercalate " | " textColumns where showAsText :: Show a => a -> Text showAsText = Text.pack . show utcTimeToText utcTime = Text.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%6QZ" utcTime priorityToText :: Priority -> Text priorityToText = showAsText threadIdToText = showAsText callStackToSrcLoc :: CallStack -> Maybe SrcLoc callStackToSrcLoc callStack = case getCallStack callStack of (_, srcLoc) : _ -> Just srcLoc _ -> Nothing srcLocToText = \case Nothing -> "" Just SrcLoc{ srcLocModule, srcLocStartLine, srcLocStartCol } -> Text.pack srcLocModule <> "#" <> showAsText srcLocStartLine <> ":" <> showAsText srcLocStartCol loggingColumnToText :: LoggingColumn -> IO Text loggingColumnToText = \case TimeColumn -> do utcTime <- getCurrentTime pure (utcTimeToText utcTime) SourceLocColumn -> pure $ (srcLocToText . callStackToSrcLoc) callStack_ ThreadIdColumn -> do threadId <- myThreadId pure (threadIdToText threadId) PriorityColumn -> pure (priorityToText priority) DataColumn -> pure payload -- | Given a 'Recorder' that requires an argument, produces a 'Recorder' -- that queues up messages until the argument is provided using the callback, at which -- point it sends the backlog and begins functioning normally. withBacklog :: (v -> Recorder a) -> IO (Recorder a, v -> IO ()) withBacklog recFun = do -- Arbitrary backlog capacity backlog <- newTBQueueIO 100 let backlogRecorder = Recorder $ \it -> liftIO $ atomically $ do -- If the queue is full just drop the message on the floor. This is most likely -- to happen if the callback is just never going to be called; in which case -- we want neither to build up an unbounded backlog in memory, nor block waiting -- for space! full <- isFullTBQueue backlog unless full $ writeTBQueue backlog it -- The variable holding the recorder starts out holding the recorder that writes -- to the backlog. recVar <- newTVarIO backlogRecorder -- The callback atomically swaps out the recorder for the final one, and flushes -- the backlog to it. let cb arg = do let recorder = recFun arg toRecord <- atomically $ writeTVar recVar recorder >> flushTBQueue backlog for_ toRecord (logger_ recorder) -- The recorder we actually return looks in the variable and uses whatever is there. let varRecorder = Recorder $ \it -> do r <- liftIO $ readTVarIO recVar logger_ r it pure (varRecorder, cb) -- | Creates a recorder that sends logs to the LSP client via @window/showMessage@ notifications. lspClientMessageRecorder :: LanguageContextEnv config -> Recorder (WithPriority Text) lspClientMessageRecorder env = Recorder $ \WithPriority {..} -> liftIO $ LSP.runLspT env $ LSP.sendNotification SMethod_WindowShowMessage ShowMessageParams { _type_ = priorityToLsp priority, _message = payload } -- | Creates a recorder that sends logs to the LSP client via @window/logMessage@ notifications. lspClientLogRecorder :: LanguageContextEnv config -> Recorder (WithPriority Text) lspClientLogRecorder env = Recorder $ \WithPriority {..} -> liftIO $ LSP.runLspT env $ LSP.sendNotification SMethod_WindowLogMessage LogMessageParams { _type_ = priorityToLsp priority, _message = payload } priorityToLsp :: Priority -> MessageType priorityToLsp = \case Debug -> MessageType_Log Info -> MessageType_Info Warning -> MessageType_Warning Error -> MessageType_Error toCologActionWithPrio :: (MonadIO m, HasCallStack) => Recorder (WithPriority msg) -> LogAction m (WithSeverity msg) toCologActionWithPrio (Recorder _logger) = LogAction $ \WithSeverity{..} -> do let priority = severityToPriority getSeverity _logger $ WithPriority priority callStack getMsg where severityToPriority :: Severity -> Priority severityToPriority Colog.Debug = Debug severityToPriority Colog.Info = Info severityToPriority Colog.Warning = Warning severityToPriority Colog.Error = Error