# Wingman for Haskell
"Focus on the important stuff; delegate the rest"
## Dedication
> There's a lot of automation that can happen that isn't a replacement of
> humans, but of mind-numbing behavior.
> --Stewart Butterfield
## Overview
Wingman writes the boring, auxiliary code, so you don't have to. Generate
functions from type signatures, and intelligently complete holes.
## Getting Started
Wingman for Haskell is enabled by default in all [official release of Haskell
Language Server.][hls] Just hover over a typed hole, run the "Attempt to
fill hole" code action, *et voila!*
[hls]: https://github.com/haskell/haskell-language-server/releases
## Usage
When enabled, Wingman for Haskell will remove HLS support for hole-fit code
actions. These code actions are provided by GHC and make typechecking extremely
slow in the presence of typed holes. Because Wingman relies so heavily on typed
holes, these features are in great tension.
The solution: we just remove the hole-fit actions. If you'd prefer to use these
actions, you can get them back by compiling HLS without the Wingman plugin.
## Editor Configuration
### Enabling Jump to Hole
Set the `haskell.plugin.tactics.config.hole_severity` config option to `4`, or
`hint` if your editor uses a GUI for its configuration. This has the potential
to negatively impact performance --- please holler if you notice any appreciable
slowdown by enabling this option.
### coc.nvim
The following vimscript maps Wingman code-actions to your leader key:
" use [h and ]h to navigate between holes
nnoremap [h :call CocActionAsync('diagnosticPrevious', 'hint')
nnoremap ]h :call JumpToNextHole()
" d to perform a pattern match, n to fill a hole
nnoremap d :set operatorfunc=WingmanDestructg@l
nnoremap n :set operatorfunc=WingmanFillHoleg@l
nnoremap r :set operatorfunc=WingmanRefineg@l
nnoremap c :set operatorfunc=WingmanUseCtorg@l
nnoremap a :set operatorfunc=WingmanDestructAllg@l
function! s:JumpToNextHole()
call CocActionAsync('diagnosticNext', 'hint')
function! s:GotoNextHole()
" wait for the hole diagnostics to reload
sleep 500m
" and then jump to the next hole
normal 0
call JumpToNextHole()
function! s:WingmanRefine(type)
call CocAction('codeAction', a:type, ['refactor.wingman.refine'])
call GotoNextHole()
function! s:WingmanDestruct(type)
call CocAction('codeAction', a:type, ['refactor.wingman.caseSplit'])
call GotoNextHole()
function! s:WingmanDestructAll(type)
call CocAction('codeAction', a:type, ['refactor.wingman.splitFuncArgs'])
call GotoNextHole()
function! s:WingmanFillHole(type)
call CocAction('codeAction', a:type, ['refactor.wingman.fillHole'])
call GotoNextHole()
function! s:WingmanUseCtor(type)
call CocAction('codeAction', a:type, ['refactor.wingman.useConstructor'])
call GotoNextHole()
### Emacs
When using Emacs, wingman actions should be available out-of-the-box and
show up e.g. when using `M-x helm-lsp-code-actions RET` provided by
[helm-lsp](https://github.com/emacs-lsp/helm-lsp) or as popups via
Additionally, if you want to bind wingman actions directly to specific
keybindings or use them from Emacs Lisp, you can do so like this:
``` emacs-lisp
;; will define elisp functions for the given lsp code actions, prefixing the
;; given function names with "lsp"
(lsp-make-interactive-code-action wingman-fill-hole "refactor.wingman.fillHole")
(lsp-make-interactive-code-action wingman-case-split "refactor.wingman.caseSplit")
(lsp-make-interactive-code-action wingman-refine "refactor.wingman.refine")
(lsp-make-interactive-code-action wingman-split-func-args "refactor.wingman.spltFuncArgs")
(lsp-make-interactive-code-action wingman-use-constructor "refactor.wingman.useConstructor")
;; example key bindings
(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c d") #'lsp-wingman-case-split)
(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c n") #'lsp-wingman-fill-hole)
(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c r") #'lsp-wingman-refine)
(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c c") #'lsp-wingman-use-constructor)
(define-key haskell-mode-map (kbd "C-c a") #'lsp-wingman-split-func-args)
### Other Editors
Please open a PR if you have a working configuration!
## Features
* [Type-directed code synthesis][auto], including pattern matching and recursion
* [Automatic case-splitting][case] --- just run the "Case split on " code action
* [Smart next actions][next], for those times it can't read your mind
[auto]: https://haskellwingman.dev/foldr.gif
[case]: https://haskellwingman.dev/case-split.gif
[next]: https://haskellwingman.dev/intros.gif
## Support
Please consider [pledging on Patreon][patreon] to support the project and get
access to cutting-edge features.
[patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/wingman_for_haskell