{- | Module : Numeric.GSL.ODE Copyright : (c) Alberto Ruiz 2010 License : GPL Maintainer : Alberto Ruiz (aruiz at um dot es) Stability : provisional Portability : uses ffi Solution of ordinary differential equation (ODE) initial value problems. <http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Ordinary-Differential-Equations.html> A simple example: @import Numeric.GSL import Numeric.LinearAlgebra import Graphics.Plot xdot t [x,v] = [v, -0.95*x - 0.1*v] ts = linspace 100 (0,20 :: Double) sol = odeSolve xdot [10,0] ts main = mplot (ts : toColumns sol)@ -} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Numeric.GSL.ODE ( odeSolve, odeSolveV, ODEMethod(..), Jacobian ) where import Data.Packed.Internal import Numeric.GSL.Internal import Foreign.Ptr(FunPtr, nullFunPtr, freeHaskellFunPtr) import Foreign.C.Types import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- type Jacobian = Double -> Vector Double -> Matrix Double -- | Stepping functions data ODEMethod = RK2 -- ^ Embedded Runge-Kutta (2, 3) method. | RK4 -- ^ 4th order (classical) Runge-Kutta. The error estimate is obtained by halving the step-size. For more efficient estimate of the error, use the embedded methods. | RKf45 -- ^ Embedded Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (4, 5) method. This method is a good general-purpose integrator. | RKck -- ^ Embedded Runge-Kutta Cash-Karp (4, 5) method. | RK8pd -- ^ Embedded Runge-Kutta Prince-Dormand (8,9) method. | RK2imp Jacobian -- ^ Implicit 2nd order Runge-Kutta at Gaussian points. | RK4imp Jacobian -- ^ Implicit 4th order Runge-Kutta at Gaussian points. | BSimp Jacobian -- ^ Implicit Bulirsch-Stoer method of Bader and Deuflhard. The method is generally suitable for stiff problems. | RK1imp Jacobian -- ^ Implicit Gaussian first order Runge-Kutta. Also known as implicit Euler or backward Euler method. Error estimation is carried out by the step doubling method. | MSAdams -- ^ A variable-coefficient linear multistep Adams method in Nordsieck form. This stepper uses explicit Adams-Bashforth (predictor) and implicit Adams-Moulton (corrector) methods in P(EC)^m functional iteration mode. Method order varies dynamically between 1 and 12. | MSBDF Jacobian -- ^ A variable-coefficient linear multistep backward differentiation formula (BDF) method in Nordsieck form. This stepper uses the explicit BDF formula as predictor and implicit BDF formula as corrector. A modified Newton iteration method is used to solve the system of non-linear equations. Method order varies dynamically between 1 and 5. The method is generally suitable for stiff problems. -- | A version of 'odeSolveV' with reasonable default parameters and system of equations defined using lists. odeSolve :: (Double -> [Double] -> [Double]) -- ^ xdot(t,x) -> [Double] -- ^ initial conditions -> Vector Double -- ^ desired solution times -> Matrix Double -- ^ solution odeSolve xdot xi ts = odeSolveV RKf45 hi epsAbs epsRel (l2v xdot) (fromList xi) ts where hi = (ts@>1 - ts@>0)/100 epsAbs = 1.49012e-08 epsRel = 1.49012e-08 l2v f = \t -> fromList . f t . toList -- | Evolution of the system with adaptive step-size control. odeSolveV :: ODEMethod -> Double -- ^ initial step size -> Double -- ^ absolute tolerance for the state vector -> Double -- ^ relative tolerance for the state vector -> (Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double) -- ^ xdot(t,x) -> Vector Double -- ^ initial conditions -> Vector Double -- ^ desired solution times -> Matrix Double -- ^ solution odeSolveV RK2 = odeSolveV' 0 Nothing odeSolveV RK4 = odeSolveV' 1 Nothing odeSolveV RKf45 = odeSolveV' 2 Nothing odeSolveV RKck = odeSolveV' 3 Nothing odeSolveV RK8pd = odeSolveV' 4 Nothing odeSolveV (RK2imp jac) = odeSolveV' 5 (Just jac) odeSolveV (RK4imp jac) = odeSolveV' 6 (Just jac) odeSolveV (BSimp jac) = odeSolveV' 7 (Just jac) odeSolveV (RK1imp jac) = odeSolveV' 8 (Just jac) odeSolveV MSAdams = odeSolveV' 9 Nothing odeSolveV (MSBDF jac) = odeSolveV' 10 (Just jac) odeSolveV' :: CInt -> Maybe (Double -> Vector Double -> Matrix Double) -- ^ optional jacobian -> Double -- ^ initial step size -> Double -- ^ absolute tolerance for the state vector -> Double -- ^ relative tolerance for the state vector -> (Double -> Vector Double -> Vector Double) -- ^ xdot(t,x) -> Vector Double -- ^ initial conditions -> Vector Double -- ^ desired solution times -> Matrix Double -- ^ solution odeSolveV' method mbjac h epsAbs epsRel f xiv ts = unsafePerformIO $ do let n = dim xiv fp <- mkDoubleVecVecfun (\t -> aux_vTov (checkdim1 n . f t)) jp <- case mbjac of Just jac -> mkDoubleVecMatfun (\t -> aux_vTom (checkdim2 n . jac t)) Nothing -> return nullFunPtr sol <- vec xiv $ \xiv' -> vec (checkTimes ts) $ \ts' -> createMIO (dim ts) n (ode_c (method) h epsAbs epsRel fp jp // xiv' // ts' ) "ode" freeHaskellFunPtr fp return sol foreign import ccall safe "ode" ode_c :: CInt -> Double -> Double -> Double -> FunPtr (Double -> TVV) -> FunPtr (Double -> TVM) -> TVVM ------------------------------------------------------- checkdim1 n v | dim v == n = v | otherwise = error $ "Error: "++ show n ++ " components expected in the result of the function supplied to odeSolve" checkdim2 n m | rows m == n && cols m == n = m | otherwise = error $ "Error: "++ show n ++ "x" ++ show n ++ " Jacobian expected in odeSolve" checkTimes ts | dim ts > 1 && all (>0) (zipWith subtract ts' (tail ts')) = ts | otherwise = error "odeSolve requires increasing times" where ts' = toList ts