module Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Algorithms (
inv, pinv, pinvTol,
det, invlndet,
rank, rcond,
leftSV, rightSV,
eig, eigSH, eigSH',
eigenvalues, eigenvaluesSH, eigenvaluesSH',
qr, rq,
chol, cholSH, mbCholSH,
lu, luPacked,
Normed(..), NormType(..),
eps, peps, i,
unpackQR, unpackHess,
) where
import Data.Packed.Internal hiding ((//))
import Data.Packed.Matrix
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.LAPACK as LAPACK
import Data.List(foldl1')
import Data.Array
import Numeric.ContainerBoot
class (Product t,
Convert t,
Container Vector t,
Container Matrix t,
Normed Matrix t,
Normed Vector t,
Floating t,
RealOf t ~ Double) => Field t where
svd' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t)
thinSVD' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t)
sv' :: Matrix t -> Vector Double
luPacked' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, [Int])
luSolve' :: (Matrix t, [Int]) -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
linearSolve' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
cholSolve' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
linearSolveSVD' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
linearSolveLS' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
eig' :: Matrix t -> (Vector (Complex Double), Matrix (Complex Double))
eigSH'' :: Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t)
eigOnly :: Matrix t -> Vector (Complex Double)
eigOnlySH :: Matrix t -> Vector Double
cholSH' :: Matrix t -> Matrix t
mbCholSH' :: Matrix t -> Maybe (Matrix t)
qr' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
hess' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
schur' :: Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
instance Field Double where
svd' = svdRd
thinSVD' = thinSVDRd
sv' = svR
luPacked' = luR
luSolve' (l_u,perm) = lusR l_u perm
linearSolve' = linearSolveR
cholSolve' = cholSolveR
linearSolveLS' = linearSolveLSR
linearSolveSVD' = linearSolveSVDR Nothing
eig' = eigR
eigSH'' = eigS
eigOnly = eigOnlyR
eigOnlySH = eigOnlyS
cholSH' = cholS
mbCholSH' = mbCholS
qr' = unpackQR . qrR
hess' = unpackHess hessR
schur' = schurR
instance Field (Complex Double) where
svd' = svdC
thinSVD' = thinSVDC
svd' = svdCd
thinSVD' = thinSVDCd
sv' = svC
luPacked' = luC
luSolve' (l_u,perm) = lusC l_u perm
linearSolve' = linearSolveC
cholSolve' = cholSolveC
linearSolveLS' = linearSolveLSC
linearSolveSVD' = linearSolveSVDC Nothing
eig' = eigC
eigOnly = eigOnlyC
eigSH'' = eigH
eigOnlySH = eigOnlyH
cholSH' = cholH
mbCholSH' = mbCholH
qr' = unpackQR . qrC
hess' = unpackHess hessC
schur' = schurC
square m = rows m == cols m
vertical m = rows m >= cols m
exactHermitian m = m `equal` ctrans m
svd :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t)
svd = svd'
thinSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t)
thinSVD = thinSVD'
singularValues :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector Double
singularValues = sv'
fullSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix Double, Matrix t)
fullSVD m = (u,d,v) where
(u,s,v) = svd m
d = diagRect 0 s r c
r = rows m
c = cols m
compactSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double, Matrix t)
compactSVD m = (u', subVector 0 d s, v') where
(u,s,v) = thinSVD m
d = rankSVD (1*eps) m s `max` 1
u' = takeColumns d u
v' = takeColumns d v
rightSV :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t)
rightSV m | vertical m = let (_,s,v) = thinSVD m in (s,v)
| otherwise = let (_,s,v) = svd m in (s,v)
leftSV :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Vector Double)
leftSV m | vertical m = let (u,s,_) = svd m in (u,s)
| otherwise = let (u,s,_) = thinSVD m in (u,s)
luPacked :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, [Int])
luPacked = luPacked'
luSolve :: Field t => (Matrix t, [Int]) -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
luSolve = luSolve'
linearSolve :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
linearSolve = linearSolve'
cholSolve :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
cholSolve = cholSolve'
linearSolveSVD :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
linearSolveSVD = linearSolveSVD'
linearSolveLS :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
linearSolveLS = linearSolveLS'
eig :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector (Complex Double), Matrix (Complex Double))
eig = eig'
eigenvalues :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector (Complex Double)
eigenvalues = eigOnly
eigSH' :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t)
eigSH' = eigSH''
eigenvaluesSH' :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector Double
eigenvaluesSH' = eigOnlySH
eigSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Vector Double, Matrix t)
eigSH m | exactHermitian m = eigSH' m
| otherwise = error "eigSH requires complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix"
eigenvaluesSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector Double
eigenvaluesSH m | exactHermitian m = eigenvaluesSH' m
| otherwise = error "eigenvaluesSH requires complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix"
qr :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
qr = qr'
rq :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
rq m = (r,q) where
(q',r') = qr $ trans $ rev1 m
r = rev2 (trans r')
q = rev2 (trans q')
rev1 = flipud . fliprl
rev2 = fliprl . flipud
hess :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
hess = hess'
schur :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
schur = schur'
mbCholSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> Maybe (Matrix t)
mbCholSH = mbCholSH'
cholSH :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
cholSH = cholSH'
chol :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
chol m | exactHermitian m = cholSH m
| otherwise = error "chol requires positive definite complex hermitian or real symmetric matrix"
invlndet :: Field t
=> Matrix t
-> (Matrix t, (t, t))
invlndet m | square m = (im,(ladm,sdm))
| otherwise = error $ "invlndet of nonsquare "++ shSize m ++ " matrix"
lp@(lup,perm) = luPacked m
s = signlp (rows m) perm
dg = toList $ takeDiag $ lup
ladm = sum $ map (log.abs) dg
sdm = s* product (map signum dg)
im = luSolve lp (ident (rows m))
det :: Field t => Matrix t -> t
det m | square m = s * (product $ toList $ takeDiag $ lup)
| otherwise = error $ "det of nonsquare "++ shSize m ++ " matrix"
where (lup,perm) = luPacked m
s = signlp (rows m) perm
lu :: Field t => Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t, Matrix t, t)
lu = luFact . luPacked
inv :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
inv m | square m = m `linearSolve` ident (rows m)
| otherwise = error $ "inv of nonsquare "++ shSize m ++ " matrix"
pinv :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
pinv = pinvTol 1
pinvTol :: Field t => Double -> Matrix t -> Matrix t
pinvTol t m = conj v' `mXm` diag s' `mXm` ctrans u' where
(u,s,v) = thinSVD m
sl@(g:_) = toList s
s' = real . fromList . map rec $ sl
rec x = if x <= g*tol then x else 1/x
tol = (fromIntegral (max r c) * g * t * eps)
r = rows m
c = cols m
d = dim s
u' = takeColumns d u
v' = takeColumns d v
rankSVD :: Element t
=> Double
-> Matrix t
-> Vector Double
-> Int
rankSVD teps m s = ranksv teps (max (rows m) (cols m)) (toList s)
ranksv :: Double
-> Int
-> [Double]
-> Int
ranksv teps maxdim s = k where
g = maximum s
tol = fromIntegral maxdim * g * teps
s' = filter (>tol) s
k = if g > teps then length s' else 0
eps :: Double
eps = 2.22044604925031e-16
peps :: RealFloat x => x
peps = x where x = 2.0 ** fromIntegral (1 floatDigits x)
i :: Complex Double
i = 0:+1
nullspaceSVD :: Field t
=> Either Double Int
-> Matrix t
-> (Vector Double, Matrix t)
-> [Vector t]
nullspaceSVD hint a (s,v) = vs where
tol = case hint of
Left t -> t
_ -> eps
k = case hint of
Right t -> t
_ -> rankSVD tol a s
vs = drop k $ toRows $ ctrans v
nullspacePrec :: Field t
=> Double
-> Matrix t
-> [Vector t]
nullspacePrec t m = nullspaceSVD (Left (t*eps)) m (rightSV m)
nullVector :: Field t => Matrix t -> Vector t
nullVector = last . nullspacePrec 1
orth :: Field t => Matrix t -> [Vector t]
orth m = take r $ toColumns u
(u,s,_) = compactSVD m
r = ranksv eps (max (rows m) (cols m)) (toList s)
haussholder :: (Field a) => a -> Vector a -> Matrix a
haussholder tau v = ident (dim v) `sub` (tau `scale` (w `mXm` ctrans w))
where w = asColumn v
zh k v = fromList $ replicate (k1) 0 ++ (1:drop k xs)
where xs = toList v
zt 0 v = v
zt k v = join [subVector 0 (dim v k) v, konst 0 k]
unpackQR :: (Field t) => (Matrix t, Vector t) -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
unpackQR (pq, tau) = (q,r)
where cs = toColumns pq
m = rows pq
n = cols pq
mn = min m n
r = fromColumns $ zipWith zt ([m1, m2 .. 1] ++ repeat 0) cs
vs = zipWith zh [] cs
hs = zipWith haussholder (toList tau) vs
q = foldl1' mXm hs
unpackHess :: (Field t) => (Matrix t -> (Matrix t,Vector t)) -> Matrix t -> (Matrix t, Matrix t)
unpackHess hf m
| rows m == 1 = ((1><1)[1],m)
| otherwise = (uH . hf) m
uH (pq, tau) = (p,h)
where cs = toColumns pq
m = rows pq
n = cols pq
mn = min m n
h = fromColumns $ zipWith zt ([m2, m3 .. 1] ++ repeat 0) cs
vs = zipWith zh [] cs
hs = zipWith haussholder (toList tau) vs
p = foldl1' mXm hs
rcond :: Field t => Matrix t -> Double
rcond m = last s / head s
where s = toList (singularValues m)
rank :: Field t => Matrix t -> Int
rank m = rankSVD eps m (singularValues m)
diagonalize m = if rank v == n
then Just (l,v)
else Nothing
where n = rows m
(l,v) = if exactHermitian m
then let (l',v') = eigSH m in (real l', v')
else eig m
matFunc :: (Complex Double -> Complex Double) -> Matrix (Complex Double) -> Matrix (Complex Double)
matFunc f m = case diagonalize m of
Just (l,v) -> v `mXm` diag (mapVector f l) `mXm` inv v
Nothing -> error "Sorry, matFunc requires a diagonalizable matrix"
golubeps :: Integer -> Integer -> Double
golubeps p q = a * fromIntegral b / fromIntegral c where
a = 2^^(3pq)
b = fact p * fact q
c = fact (p+q) * fact (p+q+1)
fact n = product [1..n]
epslist :: [(Int,Double)]
epslist = [ (fromIntegral k, golubeps k k) | k <- [1..]]
geps delta = head [ k | (k,g) <- epslist, g<delta]
expm :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
expm = expGolub
expGolub :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
expGolub m = iterate msq f !! j
where j = max 0 $ floor $ logBase 2 $ pnorm Infinity m
a = m */ fromIntegral ((2::Int)^j)
q = geps eps
eye = ident (rows m)
work (k,c,x,n,d) = (k',c',x',n',d')
where k' = k+1
c' = c * fromIntegral (qk+1) / fromIntegral ((2*qk+1)*k)
x' = a <> x
n' = n |+| (c' .* x')
d' = d |+| (((1)^k * c') .* x')
(_,_,_,nf,df) = iterate work (1,1,eye,eye,eye) !! q
f = linearSolve df nf
msq x = x <> x
(<>) = multiply
v */ x = scale (recip x) v
(.*) = scale
(|+|) = add
sqrtm :: Field t => Matrix t -> Matrix t
sqrtm = sqrtmInv
sqrtmInv x = fst $ fixedPoint $ iterate f (x, ident (rows x))
where fixedPoint (a:b:rest) | pnorm PNorm1 (fst a |-| fst b) < peps = a
| otherwise = fixedPoint (b:rest)
fixedPoint _ = error "fixedpoint with impossible inputs"
f (y,z) = (0.5 .* (y |+| inv z),
0.5 .* (inv y |+| z))
(.*) = scale
(|+|) = add
(|-|) = sub
signlp r vals = foldl f 1 (zip [0..r1] vals)
where f s (a,b) | a /= b = s
| otherwise = s
swap (arr,s) (a,b) | a /= b = (arr // [(a, arr!b),(b,arr!a)],s)
| otherwise = (arr,s)
fixPerm r vals = (fromColumns $ elems res, sign)
where v = [0..r1]
s = toColumns (ident r)
(res,sign) = foldl swap (listArray (0,r1) s, 1) (zip v vals)
triang r c h v = (r><c) [el s t | s<-[0..r1], t<-[0..c1]]
where el p q = if qp>=h then v else 1 v
luFact (l_u,perm) | r <= c = (l ,u ,p, s)
| otherwise = (l',u',p, s)
r = rows l_u
c = cols l_u
tu = triang r c 0 1
tl = triang r c 0 0
l = takeColumns r (l_u |*| tl) |+| diagRect 0 (konst 1 r) r r
u = l_u |*| tu
(p,s) = fixPerm r perm
l' = (l_u |*| tl) |+| diagRect 0 (konst 1 c) r c
u' = takeRows c (l_u |*| tu)
(|+|) = add
(|*|) = mul
data NormType = Infinity | PNorm1 | PNorm2 | Frobenius
class (RealFloat (RealOf t)) => Normed c t where
pnorm :: NormType -> c t -> RealOf t
instance Normed Vector Double where
pnorm PNorm1 = norm1
pnorm PNorm2 = norm2
pnorm Infinity = normInf
pnorm Frobenius = norm2
instance Normed Vector (Complex Double) where
pnorm PNorm1 = norm1
pnorm PNorm2 = norm2
pnorm Infinity = normInf
pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2
instance Normed Vector Float where
pnorm PNorm1 = norm1
pnorm PNorm2 = norm2
pnorm Infinity = normInf
pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2
instance Normed Vector (Complex Float) where
pnorm PNorm1 = norm1
pnorm PNorm2 = norm2
pnorm Infinity = normInf
pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2
instance Normed Matrix Double where
pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns
pnorm PNorm2 = (@>0) . singularValues
pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans
pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten
instance Normed Matrix (Complex Double) where
pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns
pnorm PNorm2 = (@>0) . singularValues
pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans
pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten
instance Normed Matrix Float where
pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns
pnorm PNorm2 = realToFrac . (@>0) . singularValues . double
pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans
pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten
instance Normed Matrix (Complex Float) where
pnorm PNorm1 = maximum . map (pnorm PNorm1) . toColumns
pnorm PNorm2 = realToFrac . (@>0) . singularValues . double
pnorm Infinity = pnorm PNorm1 . trans
pnorm Frobenius = pnorm PNorm2 . flatten
relativeError :: (Normed c t, Container c t) => c t -> c t -> Int
relativeError x y = dig (norm (x `sub` y) / norm x)
where norm = pnorm Infinity
dig r = round $ logBase 10 (realToFrac r :: Double)
geigSH' :: Field t
=> Matrix t
-> Matrix t
-> (Vector Double, Matrix t)
geigSH' a b = (l,v')
u = cholSH b
iu = inv u
c = ctrans iu <> a <> iu
(l,v) = eigSH' c
v' = iu <> v
(<>) = mXm