module Numeric.GSL.SimulatedAnnealing (
, SimulatedAnnealingParams(..)
) where
import Numeric.GSL.Internal
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix hiding(step)
import Data.Vector.Storable(generateM)
import Foreign.Storable(Storable(..))
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils(with)
import Foreign.Ptr(Ptr, FunPtr, nullFunPtr)
import Foreign.StablePtr(StablePtr, newStablePtr, deRefStablePtr, freeStablePtr)
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, writeIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef')
data SimulatedAnnealingParams = SimulatedAnnealingParams {
n_tries :: CInt
, iters_fixed_T :: CInt
, step_size :: Double
, boltzmann_k :: Double
, cooling_t_initial :: Double
, cooling_mu_t :: Double
, cooling_t_min :: Double
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
instance Storable SimulatedAnnealingParams where
sizeOf p = sizeOf (n_tries p) +
sizeOf (iters_fixed_T p) +
sizeOf (step_size p) +
sizeOf (boltzmann_k p) +
sizeOf (cooling_t_initial p) +
sizeOf (cooling_mu_t p) +
sizeOf (cooling_t_min p)
alignment p = alignment (step_size p)
peek ptr = SimulatedAnnealingParams <$>
peekByteOff ptr 0 <*>
peekByteOff ptr i <*>
peekByteOff ptr (2*i) <*>
peekByteOff ptr (2*i + d) <*>
peekByteOff ptr (2*i + 2*d) <*>
peekByteOff ptr (2*i + 3*d) <*>
peekByteOff ptr (2*i + 4*d)
i = sizeOf (0 :: CInt)
d = sizeOf (0 :: Double)
poke ptr sap = do
pokeByteOff ptr 0 (n_tries sap)
pokeByteOff ptr i (iters_fixed_T sap)
pokeByteOff ptr (2*i) (step_size sap)
pokeByteOff ptr (2*i + d) (boltzmann_k sap)
pokeByteOff ptr (2*i + 2*d) (cooling_t_initial sap)
pokeByteOff ptr (2*i + 3*d) (cooling_mu_t sap)
pokeByteOff ptr (2*i + 4*d) (cooling_t_min sap)
i = sizeOf (0 :: CInt)
d = sizeOf (0 :: Double)
type P a = StablePtr (IORef a)
copyConfig :: P a -> P a -> IO ()
copyConfig src' dest' = do
dest <- deRefStablePtr dest'
src <- deRefStablePtr src'
readIORef src >>= writeIORef dest
copyConstructConfig :: P a -> IO (P a)
copyConstructConfig x = do
conf <- deRefRead x
newconf <- newIORef conf
newStablePtr newconf
destroyConfig :: P a -> IO ()
destroyConfig p = do
freeStablePtr p
deRefRead :: P a -> IO a
deRefRead p = deRefStablePtr p >>= readIORef
wrapEnergy :: (a -> Double) -> P a -> Double
wrapEnergy f p = unsafePerformIO $ f <$> deRefRead p
wrapMetric :: (a -> a -> Double) -> P a -> P a -> Double
wrapMetric f x y = unsafePerformIO $ f <$> deRefRead x <*> deRefRead y
wrapStep :: Int
-> (Vector Double -> Double -> a -> a)
-> P a
-> Double
-> IO ()
wrapStep nrand f (GSLRNG rng) confptr stepSize = do
v <- generateM nrand (\_ -> gslRngUniform rng)
conf <- deRefStablePtr confptr
modifyIORef' conf $ f v stepSize
wrapPrint :: (a -> String) -> P a -> IO ()
wrapPrint pf ptr = deRefRead ptr >>= putStr . pf >> hFlush stdout
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
mkEnergyFun :: (P a -> Double) -> IO (FunPtr (P a -> Double))
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
mkMetricFun :: (P a -> P a -> Double) -> IO (FunPtr (P a -> P a -> Double))
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
mkStepFun :: (GSLRNG -> P a -> Double -> IO ())
-> IO (FunPtr (GSLRNG -> P a -> Double -> IO ()))
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
mkCopyFun :: (P a -> P a -> IO ()) -> IO (FunPtr (P a -> P a -> IO ()))
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
mkCopyConstructorFun :: (P a -> IO (P a)) -> IO (FunPtr (P a -> IO (P a)))
foreign import ccall safe "wrapper"
mkDestructFun :: (P a -> IO ()) -> IO (FunPtr (P a -> IO ()))
foreign import ccall safe "gsl_rng.h gsl_rng_uniform"
gslRngUniform :: Ptr GSLRNG -> IO Double
foreign import ccall safe "gsl-aux.h siman"
siman :: CInt
-> Ptr SimulatedAnnealingParams
-> P a
-> FunPtr (P a -> Double)
-> FunPtr (P a -> P a -> Double)
-> FunPtr (GSLRNG -> P a -> Double -> IO ())
-> FunPtr (P a -> P a -> IO ())
-> FunPtr (P a -> IO (P a))
-> FunPtr (P a -> IO ())
-> FunPtr (P a -> IO ())
-> IO CInt
simanSolve :: Int
-> Int
-> SimulatedAnnealingParams
-> a
-> (a -> Double)
-> (a -> a -> Double)
-> (Vector Double -> Double -> a -> a)
-> Maybe (a -> String)
-> a
simanSolve seed nrand params conf e m step printfun =
unsafePerformIO $ with params $ \paramptr -> do
ewrap <- mkEnergyFun $ wrapEnergy e
mwrap <- mkMetricFun $ wrapMetric m
stepwrap <- mkStepFun $ wrapStep nrand step
confptr <- newIORef conf >>= newStablePtr
cpwrap <- mkCopyFun copyConfig
ccwrap <- mkCopyConstructorFun copyConstructConfig
dwrap <- mkDestructFun destroyConfig
pwrap <- case printfun of
Nothing -> return nullFunPtr
Just pf -> mkDestructFun $ wrapPrint pf
siman (fromIntegral seed)
paramptr confptr
ewrap mwrap stepwrap cpwrap ccwrap dwrap pwrap // check "siman"
result <- deRefRead confptr
freeStablePtr confptr
return result