{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections     #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Docker.Nix.FetchDocker
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2016 Awake Networks
-- License     :  Apache-2.0
-- Maintainer  :  Awake Networks <opensource@awakenetworks.com>
-- Stability   :  stable

module Data.Docker.Nix.FetchDocker where

import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except         as Except
import           Data.Aeson.Lens
import qualified Data.Bifunctor               as Bifunctor
import           Data.Coerce
import           Data.Fix
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Text                    (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                    as Text
import           Data.Text.Encoding           (decodeUtf8')
import           Data.Text.Encoding.Error
import           Nix.Expr
import           URI.ByteString

import           Data.Docker.Image.Types
import           Data.Docker.Nix.Lib          as Nix.Lib
import           Hocker.Lib
import           Network.Wreq.Docker.Registry (pluckLayersFrom)
import           Hocker.Types
import           Hocker.Types.Exceptions
import           Hocker.Types.ImageTag

{- Example output of the pretty-printed, generated Nix expression AST.
{ fetchdocker, fetchDockerConfig, fetchDockerLayer }:
fetchdocker rec {
  name = "debian";
  registry = "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/";
  repository = "library";
  imageName = "debian";
  tag = "latest";
  imageConfig = fetchDockerConfig {
    inherit registry repository imageName tag;
    sha256 = "1viqbygsz9547jy830f2lk2hcrxjf7gl9h1xda9ws5kap8yw50ry";
  imageLayers = let
    layer0 = fetchDockerLayer {
      inherit registry repository imageName;
      layerDigest = "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9";
      sha256 = "1fcmx3aklbr24qsjhm6cvmhqhmrxr6xlpq75mzrk0dj2gz36g8hh";
    in [ layer0 ];

-- | @fetchdocker@ function name.
constFetchdocker :: Text
constFetchdocker       = "fetchdocker"

-- | @fetchDockerConfig@ function name.
constFetchDockerConfig :: Text
constFetchDockerConfig = "fetchDockerConfig"

-- | @fetchDockerLayer@ function name.
constFetchDockerLayer :: Text
constFetchDockerLayer  = "fetchDockerLayer"

-- | Generate a Nix expression AST from a @HockerImageMeta@
-- record.
-- This function checks that the supplied manifest JSON contains a key
-- in the top-level object describing what version of the manifest we
-- have.
generate :: HockerImageMeta -> IO (Either HockerException NExpr)
generate dim@HockerImageMeta{..} = runExceptT $
  case (manifestJSON ^? key "schemaVersion" . _Integer) of
    Just 2  -> do
      nixhash      <- Hocker.Lib.findExec "nix-hash"
      configDigest <- Nix.Lib.toBase32Nix nixhash . Base16Digest $ pluckedConfigDigest
      layerDigests <- forM pluckedLayerDigests $ \d16 ->
        (Base16Digest d16,) <$> (Nix.Lib.toBase32Nix nixhash $ Base16Digest d16)

      ExceptT (pure $ generateFetchDockerExpr dim configDigest layerDigests)
    Just v  ->
      throwError $ HockerException ("Expected a version 2 manifest but got version " <> (show v)) Nothing Nothing
    Nothing ->
      throwError $ HockerException "No key 'schemaVersion' in JSON object" Nothing Nothing

    -- 'stripHashId' is necessary because digests in the manifest are
    -- prefixed by the hash algorithm used to generate them
    pluckedConfigDigest = Hocker.Lib.stripHashId $ manifestJSON ^. key "config" . key "digest" . _String
    pluckedLayerDigests = Hocker.Lib.stripHashId <$> pluckLayersFrom manifestJSON

{-| Generate a top-level Nix Expression AST from a 'HockerImageMeta'
record, a config digest, and a list of layer digests.

The generated AST, pretty printed, may look similar to the following:

> { fetchdocker, fetchDockerConfig, fetchDockerLayer }:
> fetchdocker rec {
>   name = "debian";
>   registry = "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/";
>   repository = "library";
>   imageName = "debian";
>   tag = "latest";
>   imageConfig = fetchDockerConfig {
>     inherit registry repository imageName tag;
>     sha256 = "1viqbygsz9547jy830f2lk2hcrxjf7gl9h1xda9ws5kap8yw50ry";
>   };
>   imageLayers = let
>     layer0 = fetchDockerLayer {
>       inherit registry repository imageName;
>       layerDigest = "10a267c67f423630f3afe5e04bbbc93d578861ddcc54283526222f3ad5e895b9";
>       sha256 = "1fcmx3aklbr24qsjhm6cvmhqhmrxr6xlpq75mzrk0dj2gz36g8hh";
>     };
>     in [ layer0 ];
> }
generateFetchDockerExpr :: HockerImageMeta -> ConfigDigest -> [(Base16Digest, Base32Digest)] -> Either HockerException NExpr
generateFetchDockerExpr dim@HockerImageMeta{..} configDigest layerDigests = do
  let commonInherits =
        [ StaticKey "registry"
        , StaticKey "repository"
        , StaticKey "imageName"
  let genLayerId i = mkSym . Text.pack $ "layer" <> show i
  let fetchconfig = mkFetchDockerConfig (inherit $ ((StaticKey "tag"):commonInherits)) configDigest
      fetchlayers =
         (mkFetchDockerLayers (inherit commonInherits) layerDigests)
         (mkList $ fmap genLayerId [0..(Prelude.length layerDigests)-1])
  fetchDockerExpr <- mkFetchDocker dim fetchconfig fetchlayers
        [ ("fetchdocker",       Nothing)
        , ("fetchDockerConfig", Nothing)
        , ("fetchDockerLayer",  Nothing)
        ]) fetchDockerExpr)

-- | Generate a @fetchdocker { ... }@ function call and argument
-- attribute set. Please see 'generateFetchDockerExpr' documentation
-- for an example of full output.
mkFetchDocker :: HockerImageMeta -> NExpr -> NExpr -> Either HockerException NExpr
mkFetchDocker HockerImageMeta{..} fetchconfig fetchlayers = do
  registry <- Bifunctor.first mkHockerException serializedRegistry
    (mkApp (mkSym constFetchdocker)
      [ ("name",        mkStr $ fromMaybe imageName altImageName)
      , ("registry",    mkStr registry)
      , ("repository",  mkStr imageRepo)
      , ("imageName",   mkStr imageName)
      , ("tag",         mkStr (Text.pack $ coerce imageTag))
      , ("imageConfig", fetchconfig)
      , ("imageLayers", fetchlayers)
    serializedRegistry = decodeUtf8' (serializeURIRef' dockerRegistry)
    mkHockerException (DecodeError err char) =
      HockerException (err <> " " <> (show char)) Nothing Nothing
    mkHockerException err =
      HockerException (show err) Nothing Nothing

-- | Generate a @fetchDockerConfig { ... }@ function call and
-- argument attrset.
-- This function takes an argument for a list of static keys to
-- inherit from the parent attribute set; it helps reduce the noise in
-- the output expression.
mkFetchDockerConfig :: Binding NExpr -> Base32Digest -> NExpr
mkFetchDockerConfig inherits (Base32Digest digest) =
    mkApp (mkSym constFetchDockerConfig)
          (Fix $ NSet [ inherits, "sha256" $= (mkStr digest) ])

-- | Generate a list of Nix expression ASTs representing
-- @fetchDockerLayer { ... }@ function calls.
-- This function takes an argument for a list of static keys to
-- inherit from the parent attribute set; it helps reduce the noise in
-- the output expression.
-- NB: the hash digest tuple in the second argument is the base16
-- encoded hash digest plucked from the image's manifest JSON and a
-- @nix-hash@ base32 encoded copy.
-- This is necessary because fixed output derivations require a
-- pre-computed hash (which we have, thanks to the manifest) and the
-- hash must be base32 encoded using @nix-hash@'s own base32
-- encoding. The base16 encoded hash digest is needed intact in order
-- for the @fetchDockerLayer@ builder script (which calls the
-- @hocker-layer@ utility) to download the layer from a docker
-- registry.
mkFetchDockerLayers :: Binding NExpr -> [(Base16Digest, Base32Digest)] -> [Binding NExpr]
mkFetchDockerLayers inherits layerDigests =
  fmap mkFetchLayer $ Prelude.zip [0..(Prelude.length layerDigests)] layerDigests
    mkLayerId i = Text.pack $ "layer" <> show i
    mkFetchLayer (i, ((Base16Digest d16), (Base32Digest d32))) =
      (mkLayerId i) $= mkApp (mkSym constFetchDockerLayer)
                             (Fix $ NSet
                                [ inherits
                                , "layerDigest" $= (mkStr d16) -- Required in order to perform a registry request
                                , "sha256"      $= (mkStr d32) -- Required by Nix for fixed output derivations