-- |
-- Module      : HoldEm
-- Copyright   : (c) Joe Vargas 2014
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : jxv@hush.com
-- Stability   : stable
-- Portability : portable

module HoldEm
    ( Rank(..)  -- :: Rank
    , Suit(..)  -- :: Suit
    , Card(..)  -- :: Card
    , Hand(..)  -- :: Hand
    , PHand     -- :: PHand
    , HandSet   -- :: HandSet
    , Table(..) -- :: Table
    , deck      -- :: [Card]
    , bestHand  -- :: PHand -> Table -> Hand
    , deal      -- :: RandomGen g => g -> Int -> Either (Table, [PHand])
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import qualified System.Random as Random
import qualified Safe       as Safe
import qualified Safe.Exact as Safe


-- | Value of a card.
data Rank = R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 | R9 | R10 | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
        deriving (Enum, Ord, Bounded, Eq)

-- | Family of a card.
data Suit = Clubs | Hearts | Diamonds | Spades
        deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq)

-- | Combined record for Rank and Suit.
data Card = Card { rank :: Rank, suit :: Suit }
        deriving (Eq)

-- | The value of a playable hand.
--   Use its instance of Ord for comparing better hands.
data Hand
    = High      Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
    | Pair1     Rank Rank Rank Rank
    | Pair2     Rank Rank Rank
    | Kind3     Rank Rank Rank
    | Straight  Rank
    | Flush     Rank Rank Rank Rank Rank
    | FHouse    Rank Rank
    | Kind4     Rank Rank
    | SFlush    Rank
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | A dealt hand to a player.
type PHand = (Card, Card)

-- | A set of 5 cards which can be played.
type HandSet = (Card, Card, Card, Card, Card)

-- | The cards on the board.
data Table = Table
        { flop :: (Card, Card, Card)
        , turn :: Card
        , river :: Card 
        } deriving (Show, Eq)


instance Show Rank where
    show r = case r of
        R2 -> "2"; R3 -> "3"; R4 -> "4"; R5 -> "5"; R6 -> "6"; R7 -> "7"; R8 -> "8"
        R9 -> "9"; R10 -> "10"; Jack -> "J"; Queen -> "Q"; King -> "K"; Ace -> "A"

instance Show Suit where
    show s = case s of Clubs -> "c"; Hearts -> "h"; Diamonds -> "d"; Spades -> "s"

instance Show Card where
    show (Card r s) = (show r) ++ (show s)

-- | The Ord instance of Card compares the ranks and ignores suits.
instance Ord Card where
    compare (Card a _) (Card v _) = compare a v

-- | All possible cards in a deck.
deck :: [Card]
deck = [Card r s | s <- [minBound..maxBound], r <- [minBound..maxBound]]

-- | Generates initial data for a game.
--   The number of players must be between 2 and 9 inclusively.
--   And, the length of the returning [PHand] will match the number of players.
deal :: Random.RandomGen g
     => g
     -> Int 
     -> Either String (Table, [PHand])
deal rg numPlayers
  | numPlayers < 2 || numPlayers > 9 = Left "must be 2-9 players"
  | otherwise = Right $
        let (a:b:c:d:e:cs) = map snd $ List.sort $ zip (Random.randoms rg :: [Int]) deck
            foldPHands xs = let (x:y:_,xs') = List.splitAt 2 xs in (x,y) : foldPHands xs'
        in (Table (a,b,c) d e, take numPlayers $ foldPHands cs)

-- | Finds the highest scoring hand from a player's hand and the table.
bestHand :: PHand -> Table -> (Hand, HandSet)
bestHand (a,b) (Table (c,d,e) f g) = Maybe.fromMaybe high tryFst
    seven = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g]
    handsMay = [ sFlushMay, kind4May, fHouseMay, flushMay
               , straightMay, kind3May, pair2May, pair1May ]
    tryFst = foldr (<|>) Nothing (map ($ seven) handsMay)
    high = let (v:w:x:y:z:_) = revSort seven
           in (High (rank v) (rank w) (rank x) (rank y) (rank z), (v,w,x,y,z))

-- | Finds 'One Pair'
pair1May :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
pair1May xs = do
    h:hs <- Safe.takeExactMay 4 (clusterByRank xs)
    a:b:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 2 h
    c:d:e:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 3 (List.concat hs)
    Just (Pair1 (rank a) (rank c) (rank d) (rank e), (a,b,c,d,e))

-- | Finds 'Two Pair'
pair2May :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
pair2May xs = do
    h:i:j:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 3 (clusterByRank xs)
    a:b:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 2 h
    c:d:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 2 i
    e <- Safe.headMay j
    Just (Pair2 (rank a) (rank c) (rank e), (a,b,c,d,e))

-- | Finds 'Three of a Kind'
kind3May :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
kind3May xs = do
    h:hs <- Safe.takeExactMay 3 (clusterByRank xs)
    a:b:c:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 3 h
    d:e:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 2 (List.concat hs)
    Just (Kind3 (rank a) (rank d) (rank e), (a,b,c,d,e))

-- | Finds 'Straight'
straightMay :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
straightMay xs = do
    h <- Safe.headMay $ filter
            (\h -> let rs = map rank h
                   in length h == 5 && (revConsecutive rs || rs == [R5,R4,R3,R2,Ace]))
            (possible xs)
    a:b:c:d:e:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 5 h
    Just (Straight (rank a), (a,b,c,d,e))
    cvtLow x = if map rank x == [Ace,R5,R4,R3,R2] then (tail x) ++ [head x] else x
    possible = revSort
             . map cvtLow
             . List.subsequences
             . revSort
             . List.nubBy (\a b -> rank a == rank b)

-- | Finds 'Flush'
flushMay :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
flushMay xs = do
    h <- Safe.headMay (clusterBySuit xs)
    a:b:c:d:e:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 5 (revSort h)
    Just (Flush (rank a) (rank b) (rank c) (rank d) (rank e), (a,b,c,d,e))

-- | Finds 'Full House'
fHouseMay :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
fHouseMay xs = do
    h:i:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 2 (clusterByRank xs)
    a:b:c:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 3 h
    d:e:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 2 i
    Just (FHouse (rank a) (rank d), (a,b,c,d,e))

-- | Finds 'Four of a Kind'
kind4May :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
kind4May xs = do
    h:i:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 2 (clusterByRank xs)
    a:b:c:d:[] <- Safe.takeExactMay 4 h
    e <- Safe.headMay i
    Just (Kind4 (rank a) (rank e), (a,b,c,d,e))

-- | Finds 'Straight Flush'
sFlushMay :: [Card] -> Maybe (Hand, HandSet)
sFlushMay xs = do
    xs' <- Safe.headMay (clusterBySuit xs)
    (h,set) <- flushMay xs'
    case h of Straight r -> Just (SFlush r, set); _ -> Nothing

-- | Separates all cards by rank, then descendingly sorts them by length.
clusterByRank :: [Card] -> [[Card]]
clusterByRank = List.sortBy (\a b -> compare (length b) (length a))
              . List.groupBy (\x y -> rank x == rank y)
              . revSort

-- | Separates all cards by suit, then descendingly sorts them by length.
clusterBySuit :: [Card] -> [[Card]]
clusterBySuit = List.sortBy (\a b -> compare (length b) (length a))
              . List.groupBy (\x y -> suit x == suit y)
              . List.sortBy (\a b -> cmp (suit a) (suit b))
    cmp a b = case a of
        Clubs    -> case b of Clubs -> EQ; Hearts -> LT; Diamonds -> LT; Spades -> LT
        Hearts   -> case b of Clubs -> GT; Hearts -> EQ; Diamonds -> LT; Spades -> LT
        Diamonds -> case b of Clubs -> GT; Hearts -> GT; Diamonds -> EQ; Spades -> LT
        Spades   -> case b of Clubs -> GT; Hearts -> GT; Diamonds -> GT; Spades -> EQ

-- | A descending sort.
revSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
revSort = List.sortBy (flip compare)

-- | Returns true if all elements are in consecutive and descending order.
revConsecutive :: (Enum a, Eq a, Bounded a) => [a] -> Bool
revConsecutive as = case as of
    [] -> True;
    [a] -> True
    (a:b:as) -> b /= maxBound && a == succ b && revConsecutive (b:as) 

-- | Quick test suite based on
-- > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_hold_%27em#Sample_showdown
tests :: Bool
tests =
    let tbl   = Table (Card R4 Clubs, Card King Spades, Card R4 Hearts)
                      (Card R8 Spades)
                      (Card R7 Spades)
        bob   = (Card Ace Clubs, Card R4 Diamonds)
        carol = (Card Ace Spades, Card R9 Spades)
        ted   = (Card King Hearts, Card King Diamonds)
        alice = (Card R5 Diamonds, Card R6 Diamonds)
    in Kind3 R4 Ace King       == fst (bestHand bob   tbl) &&
       Flush Ace King R9 R8 R7 == fst (bestHand carol tbl) &&
       FHouse King R4          == fst (bestHand ted   tbl) &&
       Straight R8             == fst (bestHand alice tbl)