#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 709
#elif __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 703
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 701
module Compiler.Hoopl.Dataflow
( DataflowLattice(..), JoinFun, OldFact(..), NewFact(..), Fact, mkFactBase
, ChangeFlag(..), changeIf
, FwdPass(..)
, FwdTransfer(..), mkFTransfer, mkFTransfer3
, FwdRewrite(..), mkFRewrite, mkFRewrite3, noFwdRewrite
, wrapFR, wrapFR2
, BwdPass(..)
, BwdTransfer(..), mkBTransfer, mkBTransfer3
, wrapBR, wrapBR2
, BwdRewrite(..), mkBRewrite, mkBRewrite3, noBwdRewrite
, analyzeAndRewriteFwd, analyzeAndRewriteBwd
import Compiler.Hoopl.Block
import Compiler.Hoopl.Collections
import Compiler.Hoopl.Checkpoint
import Compiler.Hoopl.Fuel
import Compiler.Hoopl.Graph hiding (Graph)
import Compiler.Hoopl.Label
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
data DataflowLattice a = DataflowLattice
{ fact_name :: String
, fact_bot :: a
, fact_join :: JoinFun a
type JoinFun a = Label -> OldFact a -> NewFact a -> (ChangeFlag, a)
newtype OldFact a = OldFact a
newtype NewFact a = NewFact a
data ChangeFlag = NoChange | SomeChange deriving (Eq, Ord)
changeIf :: Bool -> ChangeFlag
changeIf changed = if changed then SomeChange else NoChange
mkFactBase :: forall f. DataflowLattice f -> [(Label, f)] -> FactBase f
mkFactBase lattice = foldl add mapEmpty
where add :: FactBase f -> (Label, f) -> FactBase f
add map (lbl, f) = mapInsert lbl newFact map
where newFact = case mapLookup lbl map of
Nothing -> f
Just f' -> snd $ join lbl (OldFact f') (NewFact f)
join = fact_join lattice
data FwdPass m n f
= FwdPass { fp_lattice :: DataflowLattice f
, fp_transfer :: FwdTransfer n f
, fp_rewrite :: FwdRewrite m n f }
newtype FwdTransfer n f
= FwdTransfer3 { getFTransfer3 ::
( n C O -> f -> f
, n O O -> f -> f
, n O C -> f -> FactBase f
) }
newtype FwdRewrite m n f
= FwdRewrite3 { getFRewrite3 ::
( n C O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n C O, FwdRewrite m n f))
, n O O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O O, FwdRewrite m n f))
, n O C -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O C, FwdRewrite m n f))
) }
wrapFR :: (forall e x. (n e x -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, FwdRewrite m n f )))
-> (n' e x -> f' -> m' (Maybe (Graph n' e x, FwdRewrite m' n' f')))
-> FwdRewrite m n f
-> FwdRewrite m' n' f'
wrapFR wrap (FwdRewrite3 (f, m, l)) = FwdRewrite3 (wrap f, wrap m, wrap l)
:: (forall e x . (n1 e x -> f1 -> m1 (Maybe (Graph n1 e x, FwdRewrite m1 n1 f1))) ->
(n2 e x -> f2 -> m2 (Maybe (Graph n2 e x, FwdRewrite m2 n2 f2))) ->
(n3 e x -> f3 -> m3 (Maybe (Graph n3 e x, FwdRewrite m3 n3 f3)))
-> FwdRewrite m1 n1 f1
-> FwdRewrite m2 n2 f2
-> FwdRewrite m3 n3 f3
wrapFR2 wrap2 (FwdRewrite3 (f1, m1, l1)) (FwdRewrite3 (f2, m2, l2)) =
FwdRewrite3 (wrap2 f1 f2, wrap2 m1 m2, wrap2 l1 l2)
mkFTransfer3 :: (n C O -> f -> f)
-> (n O O -> f -> f)
-> (n O C -> f -> FactBase f)
-> FwdTransfer n f
mkFTransfer3 f m l = FwdTransfer3 (f, m, l)
mkFTransfer :: (forall e x . n e x -> f -> Fact x f) -> FwdTransfer n f
mkFTransfer f = FwdTransfer3 (f, f, f)
mkFRewrite3 :: forall m n f. FuelMonad m
=> (n C O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n C O)))
-> (n O O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O O)))
-> (n O C -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O C)))
-> FwdRewrite m n f
mkFRewrite3 f m l = FwdRewrite3 (lift f, lift m, lift l)
where lift :: forall t t1 a. (t -> t1 -> m (Maybe a)) -> t -> t1 -> m (Maybe (a, FwdRewrite m n f))
lift rw node fact = liftM (liftM asRew) (withFuel =<< rw node fact)
asRew :: forall t. t -> (t, FwdRewrite m n f)
asRew g = (g, noFwdRewrite)
noFwdRewrite :: Monad m => FwdRewrite m n f
noFwdRewrite = FwdRewrite3 (noRewrite, noRewrite, noRewrite)
noRewrite :: Monad m => a -> b -> m (Maybe c)
noRewrite _ _ = return Nothing
mkFRewrite :: FuelMonad m => (forall e x . n e x -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x)))
-> FwdRewrite m n f
mkFRewrite f = mkFRewrite3 f f f
type family Fact x f :: *
type instance Fact C f = FactBase f
type instance Fact O f = f
:: forall m n f e x entries. (CheckpointMonad m, NonLocal n, LabelsPtr entries)
=> FwdPass m n f
-> MaybeC e entries
-> Graph n e x -> Fact e f
-> m (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO x f)
analyzeAndRewriteFwd pass entries g f =
do (rg, fout) <- arfGraph pass (fmap targetLabels entries) g f
let (g', fb) = normalizeGraph rg
return (g', fb, distinguishedExitFact g' fout)
distinguishedExitFact :: forall n e x f . Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> MaybeO x f
distinguishedExitFact g f = maybe g
where maybe :: Graph n e x -> MaybeO x f
maybe GNil = JustO f
maybe (GUnit {}) = JustO f
maybe (GMany _ _ x) = case x of NothingO -> NothingO
JustO _ -> JustO f
type Entries e = MaybeC e [Label]
arfGraph :: forall m n f e x .
(NonLocal n, CheckpointMonad m) => FwdPass m n f ->
Entries e -> Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
arfGraph pass@FwdPass { fp_lattice = lattice,
fp_transfer = transfer,
fp_rewrite = rewrite } entries = graph
graph :: Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
block :: forall e x .
Block n e x -> f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
node :: forall e x . (ShapeLifter e x)
=> n e x -> f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact x f)
body :: [Label] -> LabelMap (Block n C C)
-> Fact C f -> m (DG f n C C, Fact C f)
cat :: forall e a x f1 f2 f3.
(f1 -> m (DG f n e a, f2))
-> (f2 -> m (DG f n a x, f3))
-> (f1 -> m (DG f n e x, f3))
graph GNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
graph (GUnit blk) = block blk
graph (GMany e bdy x) = (e `ebcat` bdy) `cat` exit x
ebcat :: MaybeO e (Block n O C) -> Body n -> Fact e f -> m (DG f n e C, Fact C f)
exit :: MaybeO x (Block n C O) -> Fact C f -> m (DG f n C x, Fact x f)
exit (JustO blk) = arfx block blk
exit NothingO = \fb -> return (dgnilC, fb)
ebcat entry bdy = c entries entry
where c :: MaybeC e [Label] -> MaybeO e (Block n O C)
-> Fact e f -> m (DG f n e C, Fact C f)
c NothingC (JustO entry) = block entry `cat` body (successors entry) bdy
c (JustC entries) NothingO = body entries bdy
c _ _ = error "bogus GADT pattern match failure"
block BNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
block (BlockCO l b) = node l `cat` block b
block (BlockCC l b n) = node l `cat` block b `cat` node n
block (BlockOC b n) = block b `cat` node n
block (BMiddle n) = node n
block (BCat b1 b2) = block b1 `cat` block b2
block (BSnoc h n) = block h `cat` node n
block (BCons n t) = node n `cat` block t
node n f
= do { grw <- frewrite rewrite n f
; case grw of
Nothing -> return ( singletonDG f n
, ftransfer transfer n f )
Just (g, rw) ->
let pass' = pass { fp_rewrite = rw }
f' = fwdEntryFact n f
in arfGraph pass' (fwdEntryLabel n) g f' }
cat ft1 ft2 f = do { (g1,f1) <- ft1 f
; (g2,f2) <- ft2 f1
; return (g1 `dgSplice` g2, f2) }
arfx :: forall thing x .
NonLocal thing
=> (thing C x -> f -> m (DG f n C x, Fact x f))
-> (thing C x -> Fact C f -> m (DG f n C x, Fact x f))
arfx arf thing fb =
arf thing $ fromJust $ lookupFact (entryLabel thing) $ joinInFacts lattice fb
body entries blockmap init_fbase
= fixpoint Fwd lattice do_block entries blockmap init_fbase
do_block :: forall x. Block n C x -> FactBase f
-> m (DG f n C x, Fact x f)
do_block b fb = block b entryFact
where entryFact = getFact lattice (entryLabel b) fb
joinInFacts :: DataflowLattice f -> FactBase f -> FactBase f
joinInFacts (lattice @ DataflowLattice {fact_bot = bot, fact_join = fj}) fb =
mkFactBase lattice $ map botJoin $ mapToList fb
where botJoin (l, f) = (l, snd $ fj l (OldFact bot) (NewFact f))
forwardBlockList :: (NonLocal n, LabelsPtr entry)
=> entry -> Body n -> [Block n C C]
forwardBlockList entries blks = postorder_dfs_from blks entries
data BwdPass m n f
= BwdPass { bp_lattice :: DataflowLattice f
, bp_transfer :: BwdTransfer n f
, bp_rewrite :: BwdRewrite m n f }
newtype BwdTransfer n f
= BwdTransfer3 { getBTransfer3 ::
( n C O -> f -> f
, n O O -> f -> f
, n O C -> FactBase f -> f
) }
newtype BwdRewrite m n f
= BwdRewrite3 { getBRewrite3 ::
( n C O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n C O, BwdRewrite m n f))
, n O O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O O, BwdRewrite m n f))
, n O C -> FactBase f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O C, BwdRewrite m n f))
) }
wrapBR :: (forall e x .
Shape x
-> (n e x -> Fact x f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, BwdRewrite m n f )))
-> (n' e x -> Fact x f' -> m' (Maybe (Graph n' e x, BwdRewrite m' n' f')))
-> BwdRewrite m n f
-> BwdRewrite m' n' f'
wrapBR wrap (BwdRewrite3 (f, m, l)) =
BwdRewrite3 (wrap Open f, wrap Open m, wrap Closed l)
wrapBR2 :: (forall e x . Shape x
-> (n1 e x -> Fact x f1 -> m1 (Maybe (Graph n1 e x, BwdRewrite m1 n1 f1)))
-> (n2 e x -> Fact x f2 -> m2 (Maybe (Graph n2 e x, BwdRewrite m2 n2 f2)))
-> (n3 e x -> Fact x f3 -> m3 (Maybe (Graph n3 e x, BwdRewrite m3 n3 f3))))
-> BwdRewrite m1 n1 f1
-> BwdRewrite m2 n2 f2
-> BwdRewrite m3 n3 f3
wrapBR2 wrap2 (BwdRewrite3 (f1, m1, l1)) (BwdRewrite3 (f2, m2, l2)) =
BwdRewrite3 (wrap2 Open f1 f2, wrap2 Open m1 m2, wrap2 Closed l1 l2)
mkBTransfer3 :: (n C O -> f -> f) -> (n O O -> f -> f) ->
(n O C -> FactBase f -> f) -> BwdTransfer n f
mkBTransfer3 f m l = BwdTransfer3 (f, m, l)
mkBTransfer :: (forall e x . n e x -> Fact x f -> f) -> BwdTransfer n f
mkBTransfer f = BwdTransfer3 (f, f, f)
mkBRewrite3 :: forall m n f. FuelMonad m
=> (n C O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n C O)))
-> (n O O -> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O O)))
-> (n O C -> FactBase f -> m (Maybe (Graph n O C)))
-> BwdRewrite m n f
mkBRewrite3 f m l = BwdRewrite3 (lift f, lift m, lift l)
where lift :: forall t t1 a. (t -> t1 -> m (Maybe a)) -> t -> t1 -> m (Maybe (a, BwdRewrite m n f))
lift rw node fact = liftM (liftM asRew) (withFuel =<< rw node fact)
asRew :: t -> (t, BwdRewrite m n f)
asRew g = (g, noBwdRewrite)
noBwdRewrite :: Monad m => BwdRewrite m n f
noBwdRewrite = BwdRewrite3 (noRewrite, noRewrite, noRewrite)
mkBRewrite :: FuelMonad m
=> (forall e x . n e x -> Fact x f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x)))
-> BwdRewrite m n f
mkBRewrite f = mkBRewrite3 f f f
arbGraph :: forall m n f e x .
(NonLocal n, CheckpointMonad m) => BwdPass m n f ->
Entries e -> Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact e f)
arbGraph pass@BwdPass { bp_lattice = lattice,
bp_transfer = transfer,
bp_rewrite = rewrite } entries = graph
graph :: Graph n e x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n e x, Fact e f)
block :: forall e x . Block n e x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n e x, f)
node :: forall e x . (ShapeLifter e x)
=> n e x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n e x, f)
body :: [Label] -> Body n -> Fact C f -> m (DG f n C C, Fact C f)
cat :: forall e a x info info' info''.
(info' -> m (DG f n e a, info''))
-> (info -> m (DG f n a x, info'))
-> (info -> m (DG f n e x, info''))
graph GNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
graph (GUnit blk) = block blk
graph (GMany e bdy x) = (e `ebcat` bdy) `cat` exit x
ebcat :: MaybeO e (Block n O C) -> Body n -> Fact C f -> m (DG f n e C, Fact e f)
exit :: MaybeO x (Block n C O) -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n C x, Fact C f)
exit (JustO blk) = arbx block blk
exit NothingO = \fb -> return (dgnilC, fb)
ebcat entry bdy = c entries entry
where c :: MaybeC e [Label] -> MaybeO e (Block n O C)
-> Fact C f -> m (DG f n e C, Fact e f)
c NothingC (JustO entry) = block entry `cat` body (successors entry) bdy
c (JustC entries) NothingO = body entries bdy
c _ _ = error "bogus GADT pattern match failure"
block BNil = \f -> return (dgnil, f)
block (BlockCO l b) = node l `cat` block b
block (BlockCC l b n) = node l `cat` block b `cat` node n
block (BlockOC b n) = block b `cat` node n
block (BMiddle n) = node n
block (BCat b1 b2) = block b1 `cat` block b2
block (BSnoc h n) = block h `cat` node n
block (BCons n t) = node n `cat` block t
node n f
= do { bwdres <- brewrite rewrite n f
; case bwdres of
Nothing -> return (singletonDG entry_f n, entry_f)
where entry_f = btransfer transfer n f
Just (g, rw) ->
do { let pass' = pass { bp_rewrite = rw }
; (g, f) <- arbGraph pass' (fwdEntryLabel n) g f
; return (g, bwdEntryFact lattice n f)} }
cat ft1 ft2 f = do { (g2,f2) <- ft2 f
; (g1,f1) <- ft1 f2
; return (g1 `dgSplice` g2, f1) }
arbx :: forall thing x .
NonLocal thing
=> (thing C x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n C x, f))
-> (thing C x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n C x, Fact C f))
arbx arb thing f = do { (rg, f) <- arb thing f
; let fb = joinInFacts lattice $
mapSingleton (entryLabel thing) f
; return (rg, fb) }
body entries blockmap init_fbase
= fixpoint Bwd lattice do_block (map entryLabel (backwardBlockList entries blockmap)) blockmap init_fbase
do_block :: forall x. Block n C x -> Fact x f -> m (DG f n C x, LabelMap f)
do_block b f = do (g, f) <- block b f
return (g, mapSingleton (entryLabel b) f)
backwardBlockList :: (LabelsPtr entries, NonLocal n) => entries -> Body n -> [Block n C C]
backwardBlockList entries body = reverse $ forwardBlockList entries body
:: (CheckpointMonad m, NonLocal n, LabelsPtr entries)
=> BwdPass m n f
-> MaybeC e entries -> Graph n e x -> Fact x f
-> m (Graph n e x, FactBase f, MaybeO e f)
analyzeAndRewriteBwd pass entries g f =
do (rg, fout) <- arbGraph pass (fmap targetLabels entries) g f
let (g', fb) = normalizeGraph rg
return (g', fb, distinguishedEntryFact g' fout)
distinguishedEntryFact :: forall n e x f . Graph n e x -> Fact e f -> MaybeO e f
distinguishedEntryFact g f = maybe g
where maybe :: Graph n e x -> MaybeO e f
maybe GNil = JustO f
maybe (GUnit {}) = JustO f
maybe (GMany e _ _) = case e of NothingO -> NothingO
JustO _ -> JustO f
updateFact :: DataflowLattice f
-> LabelMap (DBlock f n C C)
-> Label -> f
-> ([Label], FactBase f)
-> ([Label], FactBase f)
updateFact lat newblocks lbl new_fact (cha, fbase)
| NoChange <- cha2, lbl `mapMember` newblocks = (cha, fbase)
| otherwise = (lbl:cha, mapInsert lbl res_fact fbase)
(cha2, res_fact)
= case lookupFact lbl fbase of
Nothing -> (SomeChange, new_fact_debug)
Just old_fact -> join old_fact
where join old_fact =
fact_join lat lbl
(OldFact old_fact) (NewFact new_fact)
(_, new_fact_debug) = join (fact_bot lat)
data Direction = Fwd | Bwd
fixpoint :: forall m n f. (CheckpointMonad m, NonLocal n)
=> Direction
-> DataflowLattice f
-> (Block n C C -> Fact C f -> m (DG f n C C, Fact C f))
-> [Label]
-> LabelMap (Block n C C)
-> (Fact C f -> m (DG f n C C, Fact C f))
fixpoint direction lat do_block entries blockmap init_fbase
= do
(fbase, newblocks) <- loop init_fbase entries mapEmpty
return (GMany NothingO newblocks NothingO,
mapDeleteList (mapKeys blockmap) fbase)
dep_blocks :: LabelMap [Label]
dep_blocks = mapFromListWith (++)
[ (l, [entryLabel b])
| b <- mapElems blockmap
, l <- case direction of
Fwd -> [entryLabel b]
Bwd -> successors b
:: FactBase f
-> [Label]
-> LabelMap (DBlock f n C C)
-> m (FactBase f, LabelMap (DBlock f n C C))
loop fbase [] newblocks = return (fbase, newblocks)
loop fbase (lbl:todo) newblocks = do
case mapLookup lbl blockmap of
Nothing -> loop fbase todo newblocks
Just blk -> do
(rg, out_facts) <- do_block blk fbase
let (changed, fbase') = mapFoldWithKey
(updateFact lat newblocks)
([],fbase) out_facts
let to_analyse
= filter (`notElem` todo) $
concatMap (\l -> mapFindWithDefault [] l dep_blocks) changed
let newblocks' = case rg of
GMany _ blks _ -> mapUnion blks newblocks
loop fbase' (todo ++ to_analyse) newblocks'
type Graph = Graph' Block
type DG f = Graph' (DBlock f)
data DBlock f n e x = DBlock f (Block n e x)
instance NonLocal n => NonLocal (DBlock f n) where
entryLabel (DBlock _ b) = entryLabel b
successors (DBlock _ b) = successors b
dgnil :: DG f n O O
dgnilC :: DG f n C C
dgSplice :: NonLocal n => DG f n e a -> DG f n a x -> DG f n e x
normalizeGraph :: forall n f e x .
NonLocal n => DG f n e x
-> (Graph n e x, FactBase f)
normalizeGraph g = (mapGraphBlocks dropFact g, facts g)
where dropFact :: DBlock t t1 t2 t3 -> Block t1 t2 t3
dropFact (DBlock _ b) = b
facts :: DG f n e x -> FactBase f
facts GNil = noFacts
facts (GUnit _) = noFacts
facts (GMany _ body exit) = bodyFacts body `mapUnion` exitFacts exit
exitFacts :: MaybeO x (DBlock f n C O) -> FactBase f
exitFacts NothingO = noFacts
exitFacts (JustO (DBlock f b)) = mapSingleton (entryLabel b) f
bodyFacts :: LabelMap (DBlock f n C C) -> FactBase f
bodyFacts body = mapFoldWithKey f noFacts body
where f :: forall t a x. Label -> DBlock a t C x -> LabelMap a -> LabelMap a
f lbl (DBlock f _) fb = mapInsert lbl f fb
dgnil = GNil
dgnilC = GMany NothingO emptyBody NothingO
dgSplice = splice fzCat
where fzCat :: DBlock f n e O -> DBlock t n O x -> DBlock f n e x
fzCat (DBlock f b1) (DBlock _ b2) = DBlock f (b1 `blockAppend` b2)
class ShapeLifter e x where
singletonDG :: f -> n e x -> DG f n e x
fwdEntryFact :: NonLocal n => n e x -> f -> Fact e f
fwdEntryLabel :: NonLocal n => n e x -> MaybeC e [Label]
ftransfer :: FwdTransfer n f -> n e x -> f -> Fact x f
frewrite :: FwdRewrite m n f -> n e x
-> f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, FwdRewrite m n f))
bwdEntryFact :: NonLocal n => DataflowLattice f -> n e x -> Fact e f -> f
btransfer :: BwdTransfer n f -> n e x -> Fact x f -> f
brewrite :: BwdRewrite m n f -> n e x
-> Fact x f -> m (Maybe (Graph n e x, BwdRewrite m n f))
instance ShapeLifter C O where
singletonDG f n = gUnitCO (DBlock f (BlockCO n BNil))
fwdEntryFact n f = mapSingleton (entryLabel n) f
bwdEntryFact lat n fb = getFact lat (entryLabel n) fb
ftransfer (FwdTransfer3 (ft, _, _)) n f = ft n f
btransfer (BwdTransfer3 (bt, _, _)) n f = bt n f
frewrite (FwdRewrite3 (fr, _, _)) n f = fr n f
brewrite (BwdRewrite3 (br, _, _)) n f = br n f
fwdEntryLabel n = JustC [entryLabel n]
instance ShapeLifter O O where
singletonDG f = gUnitOO . DBlock f . BMiddle
fwdEntryFact _ f = f
bwdEntryFact _ _ f = f
ftransfer (FwdTransfer3 (_, ft, _)) n f = ft n f
btransfer (BwdTransfer3 (_, bt, _)) n f = bt n f
frewrite (FwdRewrite3 (_, fr, _)) n f = fr n f
brewrite (BwdRewrite3 (_, br, _)) n f = br n f
fwdEntryLabel _ = NothingC
instance ShapeLifter O C where
singletonDG f n = gUnitOC (DBlock f (BlockOC BNil n))
fwdEntryFact _ f = f
bwdEntryFact _ _ f = f
ftransfer (FwdTransfer3 (_, _, ft)) n f = ft n f
btransfer (BwdTransfer3 (_, _, bt)) n f = bt n f
frewrite (FwdRewrite3 (_, _, fr)) n f = fr n f
brewrite (BwdRewrite3 (_, _, br)) n f = br n f
fwdEntryLabel _ = NothingC
getFact :: DataflowLattice f -> Label -> FactBase f -> f
getFact lat l fb = case lookupFact l fb of Just f -> f
Nothing -> fact_bot lat