LIBPQTYPES INSTALLTION GUIDE ---------------------------- *) UNIX BUILDS For quick builds, run the below: ]# ./configure ]# make ]# make install (Also `make uninstall', which removes all installed headers, libs and mans pages) By default, only a shared library is built. To build a static library, use the `--enable-static' option. To build a thread-safe version, use the `--enable-thread-safety' option. To use libpqtypes in a thread-safe environment, the system must have pthreads installed. Most systems will have /usr/include/pthread.h and /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib/ The default prefix is `/usr/local', so if the `--prefix' option is not specified the header file(s) will be installed at /usr/local/include and the library file(s) will be installed at /usr/local/lib. If your system doesn't include a `long long' data type, resulting in a library compile error, you can specify an alternative by setting PQT_LONG_LONG=data_type during configure. ]# CFLAGS="-DPQT_LONG_LONG=my_int8" ./configure Files installed: - $(prefix)/include/libpqtypes.h - $(prefix)/lib/ When `--enable-static' is specified: - $(prefix)/lib/libpqtypes.a To dynamically link with libpqtypes, pass -lpqtypes to the linker. *) MINGW AND CYGWIN BUILDS There is no configure for MinGW or Cygwin. Execute the below from the root of the source tar ball within the cygwin shell or msys. ]# make -f Makefile.win32 [options] [targets] *) MSVC BUILDS MSVC versions 6, 7 and 8 have all been tested. Versions prior to 6 may work but are not supported. The MSVC build uses `nmake' and can be executed from the root of the source tar ball at a DOS prompt: > nmake -f win32.mak [options] [targets] *) MINGW, CYGWIN & MSVC BUILDS: For the below examples, MAKE is defined as: # MSVC MAKE = nmake -f win32.mak # CYGWIN & MINGW MAKE = make -f Makefile.win32 Targets: all - build the libpqtypes library test - build the libpqtypes regression test clean - delete all files generated by compiles install - Install the binaries, headers and man3 pages uninstall - Uninstalls libpqtypes, reverse of install target Thread-safe: $(MAKE) MT=1 NOTE: MinGW and/or Cygwin may require installing pthreads. Specify alternative 64-bit int data type: $(MAKE) PQT_LONG_LONG=my_int8 Global make & nmake compiler/linker variables: CC = C compiler INC = includes CFLAGS = compiler flags LPATH = library path. MINGW and CYGWIN use -L while MSVC can supply a single path # If libpq is not installed and you use MSVC, try this (replace paths): > $(MAKE) INC="-Ic:\pgsql\src\interfaces\libpq" LPATH="-Ic:\pgsql\src\interfaces\libpq\Release" Files generated: libpqtypes.dll - Windows DLL libpqtypesdll.lib - Import lib for DLL libpqtypes.lib - Static library Where to install files: - System Include Path: libpqtypes.h - System Library Path: libpqtypes.dll - System Library Path: libpqtypesdll.lib - System Library Path: libpqtypes.lib (static lib)