# hpqtypes-extras- (2018-07-11) * API addition: `sqlWhereAnyE` ([#16](https://github.com/scrive/hpqtypes-extras/pull/16)). # hpqtypes-extras- (2018-07-11) * Support hpqtypes- * Drop support for GHC < 8. # hpqtypes-extras- (2018-03-18) * Add support for GHC 8.4. * Drop support for GHC 7.8. # hpqtypes-extras- (2018-01-25) * Introduce `checkPKPresence` to enforce primary keys on all tables supplied to `checkDatabase` * Introduce an options data type, `ExtrasOptions` # hpqtypes-extras- (2018-01-09) * Changed `getDBTableNames` to only schemas explicitly in search path, rather than an exclusion list. Affects table version and unknown tables checks. # hpqtypes-extras- (2017-12-08) * Changed internal representation of PrimaryKey to NubList (#11) This will break existing PKs set on multiple columns unless they are alphabetically sorted in the defining list. # hpqtypes-extras- (2017-11-24) * Introduced tsvector postgres type and indexing methods GIN and BTree # hpqtypes-extras- (2017-07-21) * Now depends on 'log-base' instead of 'log'. # hpqtypes-extras- (2017-07-20) * Improved migration order sanity checking (#7). # hpqtypes-extras- (2017-05-17) * Add drop table migrations. * Add a test suite. * Improve documentation. * Add option to force commit after every migration. # hpqtypes-extras-1.2.4 (2016-07-28) * Initial release.