{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Persistent ( wrapSqlBackend, wrapSqlBackend', ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Acquire.Internal import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import Data.IORef import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vault.Strict as Vault import Database.Persist.Sql import Database.Persist.SqlBackend (MkSqlBackendArgs (connRDBMS), emptySqlBackendHooks, getConnVault, getRDBMS, modifyConnVault, setConnHooks) import Database.Persist.SqlBackend.Internal import OpenTelemetry.Attributes (Attributes) import OpenTelemetry.Common import OpenTelemetry.Context import OpenTelemetry.Context.ThreadLocal (adjustContext, getContext) import OpenTelemetry.Resource import OpenTelemetry.Trace.Core import OpenTelemetry.Trace.Monad (MonadTracer (..)) import System.Clock import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import UnliftIO.Exception {- Design notes: In some OTel export destinations like Honeycomb, the cost is per-span. Consquently, we want to minimize the number of spans we create. In particular, we want to avoid creating a span for every query, since they add up cost-wise. However, we also want to capture transactions as spans. Therefore, for pool acquisitions we track the time between trying to acquire the connection and the time the connection is obtained as an attribute on the initial span. -} instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (MonadTracer m) => MonadTracer (ReaderT SqlBackend m) where getTracer = lift OpenTelemetry.Trace.Monad.getTracer instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (MonadTracer m) => MonadTracer (ReaderT SqlReadBackend m) where getTracer = lift OpenTelemetry.Trace.Monad.getTracer instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (MonadTracer m) => MonadTracer (ReaderT SqlWriteBackend m) where getTracer = lift OpenTelemetry.Trace.Monad.getTracer originalConnectionKey :: Vault.Key SqlBackend originalConnectionKey = unsafePerformIO Vault.newKey {-# NOINLINE originalConnectionKey #-} insertOriginalConnection :: SqlBackend -> SqlBackend -> SqlBackend insertOriginalConnection conn original = modifyConnVault (Vault.insert originalConnectionKey original) conn lookupOriginalConnection :: SqlBackend -> Maybe SqlBackend lookupOriginalConnection = Vault.lookup originalConnectionKey . getConnVault connectionLevelAttributesKey :: Vault.Key (H.HashMap Text Attribute) connectionLevelAttributesKey = unsafePerformIO Vault.newKey {-# NOINLINE connectionLevelAttributesKey #-} {- | Wrap a 'SqlBackend' with appropriate tracing context and attributes so that queries are tracked appropriately in the tracing hierarchy. -} wrapSqlBackend :: MonadIO m => H.HashMap Text Attribute -- ^ Attributes that are specific to providers like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. -> SqlBackend -> m SqlBackend wrapSqlBackend attrs conn_ = do tp <- getGlobalTracerProvider wrapSqlBackend' tp attrs conn_ {- | Wrap a 'SqlBackend' with appropriate tracing context and attributes so that queries are tracked appropriately in the tracing hierarchy. -} wrapSqlBackend' :: MonadIO m => TracerProvider -> H.HashMap Text Attribute -- ^ Attributes that are specific to providers like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. -> SqlBackend -> m SqlBackend wrapSqlBackend' tp attrs conn_ = do let conn = Data.Maybe.fromMaybe conn_ (lookupOriginalConnection conn_) {- A connection is acquired when the connection pool is asked for a connection. The runSqlPool function in Persistent then immediately begins a transaction and ensures the transaction is committed or rolled back. Since we want to capture the transaction as a span, we have to use track the current Span in flight. We do this because we can't hand off the Span between connBegin/connCommit/connRollback as return values. -} connParentSpan <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing connSpanInFlight <- liftIO $ newIORef Nothing -- TODO add schema to tracerOptions? let t = makeTracer tp $detectInstrumentationLibrary tracerOptions let hooks = emptySqlBackendHooks { hookGetStatement = \conn sql stmt -> do pure $ Statement { stmtQuery = \ps -> do ctxt <- getContext let spanCreator = do s <- createSpan t ctxt sql (defaultSpanArguments {kind = Client, attributes = H.insert "db.statement" (toAttribute sql) attrs}) adjustContext (insertSpan s) pure (lookupSpan ctxt, s) spanCleanup (parent, s) = do s `endSpan` Nothing adjustContext $ \ctx -> maybe (removeSpan ctx) (`insertSpan` ctx) parent (p, child) <- mkAcquire spanCreator spanCleanup annotateBasics child conn case stmtQuery stmt ps of Acquire stmtQueryAcquireF -> Acquire $ \f -> handleAny ( \(SomeException err) -> do recordException child [("exception.escaped", toAttribute True)] Nothing err endSpan child Nothing throwIO err ) (stmtQueryAcquireF f) , stmtExecute = \ps -> do inSpan' t sql (defaultSpanArguments {kind = Client, attributes = H.insert "db.statement" (toAttribute sql) attrs}) $ \s -> do annotateBasics s conn stmtExecute stmt ps , stmtReset = stmtReset stmt , stmtFinalize = stmtFinalize stmt } } conn' = conn { connHooks = hooks , connBegin = \f mIso -> do ctxt <- getContext s <- createSpan t ctxt "transaction" (defaultSpanArguments {kind = Client, attributes = attrs}) annotateBasics s conn writeIORef connSpanInFlight (Just s) writeIORef connParentSpan (lookupSpan ctxt) adjustContext (insertSpan s) case mIso of Nothing -> pure () Just iso -> addAttribute s "db.transaction.isolation" $ case iso of ReadUncommitted -> "read uncommitted" :: Text ReadCommitted -> "read committed" RepeatableRead -> "repeatable read" Serializable -> "serializable" connBegin conn f mIso , connCommit = \f -> do spanInFlight <- readIORef connSpanInFlight parentSpan <- readIORef connParentSpan let act = do (Timestamp tsStart) <- getTimestamp result <- tryAny $ connCommit conn f (Timestamp tsEnd) <- getTimestamp forM_ spanInFlight $ \s -> do addAttributes s [ ("db.transaction.outcome", toAttribute ("committed" :: Text)) , ("db.transaction.commit_duration_ns", toAttribute $ fromIntegral @Integer @Int $ toNanoSecs (diffTimeSpec tsStart tsEnd) `div` 1000) ] endSpan s Nothing case result of Left (SomeException err) -> do recordException s [("exception.escaped", toAttribute True)] Nothing err throwIO err Right _ -> pure () act `finally` do adjustContext $ \ctx -> maybe (removeSpan ctx) (`insertSpan` ctx) parentSpan forM_ spanInFlight $ \s -> endSpan s Nothing , connRollback = \f -> do spanInFlight <- readIORef connSpanInFlight parentSpan <- readIORef connParentSpan let act = do (Timestamp tsStart) <- getTimestamp result <- tryAny $ connRollback conn f e@(Timestamp tsEnd) <- getTimestamp forM_ spanInFlight $ \s -> do addAttributes s [ ("db.transaction.outcome", toAttribute ("rolled back" :: Text)) , ("db.transaction.commit_duration_microseconds", toAttribute $ fromIntegral @Integer @Int $ toNanoSecs (diffTimeSpec tsStart tsEnd `div` 1000)) ] endSpan s (Just e) case result of Left (SomeException err) -> do recordException s [("exception.escaped", toAttribute True)] Nothing err throwIO err Right _ -> pure () act `finally` do adjustContext $ \ctx -> maybe (removeSpan ctx) (`insertSpan` ctx) parentSpan forM_ spanInFlight $ \s -> endSpan s Nothing , -- TODO: This doesn't work when we wrap the connections for the pool. connClose = do inSpan' t "close connection" (defaultSpanArguments {kind = Client, attributes = attrs}) $ \s -> do annotateBasics s conn connClose conn } pure $ insertOriginalConnection conn' conn annotateBasics :: (MonadIO m) => Span -> SqlBackend -> m () annotateBasics span conn = do addAttributes span [ ("db.system", toAttribute $ getRDBMS conn) ]