-- | Sound file functions. module Sound.Sc3.Common.SoundFile where import System.Environment {- base -} import System.IO.Unsafe {- base -} import System.Process {- process -} import System.Directory {- directory -} import System.FilePath {- filepath -} import qualified Sound.Sc3.Common.Base {- hsc3 -} {- | Find the file fn (case-sensitively) starting from dir. Runs the system command "find" (so UNIX only). Note that fn must be a file name not a relative path name. > findFileFromDirectory "/home/rohan/data/audio" "metal.wav" -} findFileFromDirectory :: String -> String -> IO (Maybe String) findFileFromDirectory dir fn = do r <- System.Process.readProcess "find" [dir, "-name", fn] "" case lines r of [] -> return Nothing [r0] -> return (Just r0) _ -> error "findFileFromDirectory: multiple files?" {- | Find the file fn starting from dir. If dir/fn names a file return that file, else call findFileFromDirectory. Note this will not find dir/p/q/r given q/r, the query must be either p/q/r or r. > findFileAtOrFromDirectory "/home/rohan/data/audio" "instr/bosendorfer/072/C5.aif" -} findFileAtOrFromDirectory :: String -> String -> IO (Maybe String) findFileAtOrFromDirectory dir fn = do isAtDir <- doesFileExist (dir fn) if isAtDir then return (Just (dir fn)) else findFileFromDirectory dir fn {- | Run findFileAtOrFromDirectory for each entry in path until the file is found, or not. > findFileAtOrFromPath ["/home/rohan/rd/data/"] "20.2-LW+RD.flac" -} findFileAtOrFromPath :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findFileAtOrFromPath path fn = case path of [] -> return Nothing dir : path' -> do m <- findFileAtOrFromDirectory dir fn case m of Just r -> return (Just r) Nothing -> findFileAtOrFromPath path' fn -- | SFDIR environment variable. sfDir :: IO FilePath sfDir = getEnv "SFDIR" -- | SFPATH environment variable. sfPath :: IO FilePath sfPath = getEnv "SFPATH" {- | Find file fn at 'sfDir' directly or along 'sfPath'. If fn is either absolute or names a relative file and if that file exists it is returned. If sdDir/fn exists it is returned. Else each directory at sfPath is searched (recursively) in turn. Despite the name this will find any file type along the SFDIR and SFPATH, i.e. .sfz files &etc. > mapM sfFindFile ["/home/rohan/data/audio/metal.wav", "pf-c5.aif", "20.2-LW+RD.flac"] -} sfFindFile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) sfFindFile fn = do dir <- sfDir path <- fmap (Sound.Sc3.Common.Base.string_split_at_char ':') sfPath isFn <- doesFileExist fn isDir <- doesFileExist (dir fn) if isFn then return (Just fn) else if isDir then return (Just (dir fn)) else findFileAtOrFromPath path fn -- | sfFindFile or error. sfResolveFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath sfResolveFile fn = do m <- sfFindFile fn case m of Nothing -> error ("sfResolveFile: " ++ fn) Just r -> return r {- | Unsafe sfResolveFile. For resolving sound file names at read only sound file archives this is quite safe. -} sfResolve :: FilePath -> FilePath sfResolve = unsafePerformIO . sfResolveFile {- | Return the number of channels at fn. Runs the system command "soxi" (so UNIX only). > sfResolveFile "metal.wav" >>= sfNumChannels >>= print -} sfNumChannels :: FilePath -> IO Int sfNumChannels fn = fmap read (System.Process.readProcess "soxi" ["-c", fn] "") {- | Return the sample rate of fn. Runs the system command "soxi" (so UNIX only). > sfResolveFile "metal.wav" >>= sfSampleRate >>= print -} sfSampleRate :: FilePath -> IO Int sfSampleRate fn = fmap read (System.Process.readProcess "soxi" ["-r", fn] "") {- | Return the number of frames at fn. Runs the system command "soxi" (so UNIX only). > sfResolveFile "metal.wav" >>= sfFrameCount >>= print -} sfFrameCount :: FilePath -> IO Int sfFrameCount fn = fmap read (System.Process.readProcess "soxi" ["-s", fn] "") {- | Return the number of channels, sample-rate and number of frames at fn. Runs the system command "soxi" (so UNIX only). > sfResolveFile "metal.wav" >>= sfMetadata >>= print -} sfMetadata :: FilePath -> IO (Int, Int, Int) sfMetadata fn = do nc <- sfNumChannels fn sr <- sfSampleRate fn nf <- sfFrameCount fn return (nc, sr, nf) {- | Unsafe sfMetadata. For fetching sound file information from read only sound file archives this is quite safe. > sfInfo (sfResolve "metal.wav") == (1,44100,1029664) > sfInfo (sfResolve "pf-c5.aif") == (2,44100,576377) -} sfInfo :: FilePath -> (Int, Int, Int) sfInfo = unsafePerformIO . sfMetadata