{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {- | Unique identifier types and classes. Used by non-deterministic (noise) and non-sharable (demand) unit generators. -} module Sound.Sc3.Common.Uid where import Data.Functor.Identity {- base -} import Data.List {- base -} import qualified Data.Unique as Unique {- base -} import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as Reader {- transformers -} import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as State {- transformers -} import qualified Data.Digest.Murmur32 as Murmur32 {- murmur-hash -} import qualified Sound.Sc3.Common.Base as Base {- hsc3 -} -- * Id & Uid -- | Identifiers are integers. type Id = Int -- | A class indicating a monad (and functor and applicative) that will generate a sequence of unique integer identifiers. class (Functor m, Applicative m, Monad m) => Uid m where generateUid :: m Int -- | Requires FlexibleInstances. instance Uid (State.StateT Int Identity) where generateUid = State.get >>= \n -> State.put (n + 1) >> return n instance Uid IO where generateUid = fmap Unique.hashUnique Unique.newUnique instance Uid m => Uid (Reader.ReaderT t m) where generateUid = Reader.ReaderT (const generateUid) -- * Uid_St -- | 'State.State' Uid. type Uid_St = State.State Int -- | Alias for 'runIdentity'. uid_id_eval :: Identity t -> t uid_id_eval = runIdentity {- | 'State.evalState' with initial state of zero. > uid_st_eval (replicateM 3 generateUid) == [0, 1, 2] -} uid_st_eval :: Uid_St t -> t uid_st_eval x = State.evalState x 0 -- | Thread state through sequence of 'State.runState'. uid_st_seq :: [Uid_St t] -> ([t], Int) uid_st_seq = let swap (p, q) = (q, p) step_f n x = swap (State.runState x n) in swap . mapAccumL step_f 0 {- | 'fst' of 'uid_st_seq'. > uid_st_seq_ (replicate 3 generateUid) == [0, 1, 2] -} uid_st_seq_ :: [Uid_St t] -> [t] uid_st_seq_ = fst . uid_st_seq -- * Lift -- | Unary Uid lift. liftUid1 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn1 a b) -> Base.Fn1 a (m b) liftUid1 fn a = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a) -- | Binary Uid lift. liftUid2 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn2 a b c) -> Base.Fn2 a b (m c) liftUid2 fn a b = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a b) -- | Ternary Uid lift. liftUid3 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn3 a b c d) -> Base.Fn3 a b c (m d) liftUid3 fn a b c = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a b c) -- | Quaternary Uid lift. liftUid4 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn4 a b c d e) -> Base.Fn4 a b c d (m e) liftUid4 fn a b c d = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a b c d) -- | 5-parameter Uid lift. liftUid5 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn5 a b c d e f) -> Base.Fn5 a b c d e (m f) liftUid5 fn a b c d e = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a b c d e) -- | 6-parameter Uid lift. liftUid6 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn6 a b c d e f g) -> Base.Fn6 a b c d e f (m g) liftUid6 fn a b c d e f = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a b c d e f) -- | 10-parameter Uid lift. liftUid10 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn10 a b c d e f g h i j k) -> Base.Fn10 a b c d e f g h i j (m k) liftUid10 fn a b c d e f g h i j = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a b c d e f g h i j) -- | 11-parameter Uid lift. liftUid11 :: Uid m => (Int -> Base.Fn11 a b c d e f g h i j k l) -> Base.Fn11 a b c d e f g h i j k (m l) liftUid11 fn a b c d e f g h i j k = do z <- generateUid return (fn z a b c d e f g h i j k) -- * ID {- | Typeclass to constrain Ugen identifiers. Char inputs are hashed to generate longer seeds for when ir (constant) random Ugens are optimised. > map resolveID [0::Int,1] == [0, 1] > map resolveID ['α', 'β'] == [1439603815, 4131151318] > map resolveID [('α', 'β'),('β', 'α')] == [3538183581, 3750624898] > map resolveID [('α',('α', 'β')),('β',('α', 'β'))] == [0020082907, 2688286317] > map resolveID [('α', 'α', 'β'),('β', 'α', 'β')] == [0020082907, 2688286317] -} class Murmur32.Hashable32 a => ID a where resolveID :: a -> Id resolveID = fromIntegral . Murmur32.asWord32 . Murmur32.hash32 instance ID Char instance ID Int where resolveID = id instance (ID p, ID q) => ID (p, q) instance (ID p, ID q, ID r) => ID (p, q, r) {- | /n/ identifiers from /x/. > id_seq 10 'α' == [1439603815 .. 1439603824] -} id_seq :: ID a => Int -> a -> [Id] id_seq n x = take n [resolveID x ..]