{- | Binary 'Graph Definition' as understood by @scsynth@. There are both binary and text encoders and decoders. -} module Sound.Sc3.Server.Graphdef where import Control.Monad {- base -} import Data.List {- base -} import Data.Maybe {- base -} import Text.Printf {- base -} import qualified Safe {- safe -} import qualified Sound.Osc.Datum as Datum {- hosc -} import qualified Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator as Operator {- hsc3 -} import qualified Sound.Sc3.Common.Rate as Rate {- hsc3 -} -- * Type -- | Names are Ascii strings (ie. ByteString.Char8) type Name = Datum.Ascii -- | Controls are a name and a ugen-index. type Control = (Name, Int) -- | Constants are floating point. type Sample = Double -- | Ugen indices are Int. type Ugen_Index = Int -- | Port indices are Int. type Port_Index = Int {- | Index used to indicate constants at Ugen inputs. Ie. if the ugen-index is this value (-1) it indicates a constant. -} constant_index :: Ugen_Index constant_index = -1 -- | Inputs are a ugen-index and a port-index. data Input = Input Ugen_Index Port_Index deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Rates are encoded as integers (IR = 0, KR = 1, AR = 2, DR = 3). type Rate = Int -- | Outputs each indicate a Rate. type Output = Rate -- | Secondary (special) index, used by operator Ugens to select operation. type Special = Int -- | Unit generator type. type Ugen = (Name, Rate, [Input], [Output], Special) -- | 'Ugen' name. ugen_name_str :: Ugen -> String ugen_name_str (nm, _, _, _, _) = Datum.ascii_to_string nm -- | 'Ugen' name, using operator name if appropriate. ugen_name_op :: Ugen -> String ugen_name_op (nm, _, _, _, k) = let s = Datum.ascii_to_string nm in fromMaybe s (Operator.ugen_operator_name s k) -- | 'Ugen' 'Rate'. ugen_rate :: Ugen -> Rate ugen_rate (_, r, _, _, _) = r ugen_rate_enum :: Ugen -> Rate.Rate ugen_rate_enum = toEnum . ugen_rate -- | 'Ugen' 'Input's. ugen_inputs :: Ugen -> [Input] ugen_inputs (_, _, i, _, _) = i -- | 'Ugen' 'Output's. ugen_outputs :: Ugen -> [Output] ugen_outputs (_, _, _, o, _) = o -- | Predicate to examine Ugen name and decide if it is a control. ugen_is_control :: Ugen -> Bool ugen_is_control = (`elem` ["Control", "LagControl", "TrigControl"]) . ugen_name_str -- | Input is a Ugen (ie. not a constant, indicated by a ugen-index of -1) and the Ugen is a control. input_is_control :: Graphdef -> Input -> Bool input_is_control g (Input u _) = (u /= constant_index) && ugen_is_control (graphdef_ugen g u) -- | Graph definition type. data Graphdef = Graphdef { graphdef_name :: Name , graphdef_constants :: [Sample] , graphdef_controls :: [(Control, Sample)] , graphdef_ugens :: [Ugen] } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Lookup Ugen by index. graphdef_ugen :: Graphdef -> Ugen_Index -> Ugen graphdef_ugen g = Safe.atNote "graphdef_ugen" (graphdef_ugens g) -- | Lookup Control and default value by index. graphdef_control :: Graphdef -> Int -> (Control, Sample) graphdef_control g = Safe.atNote "graphdef_controls" (graphdef_controls g) -- | nid of constant. graphdef_constant_nid :: Graphdef -> Int -> Int graphdef_constant_nid _ = id -- | nid of control. graphdef_control_nid :: Graphdef -> Int -> Int graphdef_control_nid g = (+) (length (graphdef_constants g)) -- | nid of Ugen. graphdef_ugen_nid :: Graphdef -> Int -> Int graphdef_ugen_nid g n = graphdef_control_nid g 0 + length (graphdef_controls g) + n {- | "SCgf" encoded as 32-bit unsigned integer. >> map fromEnum "SCgf" [83, 67, 103, 102] >>> import Sound.Osc.Coding.Byte >>> decode_i32 (encode_ascii (Datum.ascii "SCgf")) == scgf_i32 True -} scgf_i32 :: Num n => n scgf_i32 = 1396926310 -- * Get -- | Get functions for Graphdef types, (str_f,i8_f,i16_f,i32_f,f32_f) type Get_Functions m = (m Name, m Int, m Int, m Int, m Double) -- | Get a 'Control'. get_control :: Monad m => (Get_Functions m, m Int) -> m Control get_control ((get_str, _, _, _, _), get_i) = do nm <- get_str ix <- get_i return (nm, ix) -- | Get an 'Input'. get_input :: Monad m => m Int -> m Input get_input get_i = liftM2 Input get_i get_i -- | Get a 'Ugen' get_ugen :: Monad m => (Get_Functions m, m Int) -> m Ugen get_ugen ((get_str, get_i8, get_i16, _, _), get_i) = do name <- get_str rate <- get_i8 number_of_inputs <- get_i number_of_outputs <- get_i special <- get_i16 inputs <- replicateM number_of_inputs (get_input get_i) outputs <- replicateM number_of_outputs get_i8 return ( name , rate , inputs , outputs , special ) -- | Get a 'Graphdef'. Supports version 0|1 and version 2 files. Ignores variants. get_graphdef :: Monad m => Get_Functions m -> m Graphdef get_graphdef c@(get_str, _, get_i16, get_i32, get_f32) = do magic <- get_i32 version <- get_i32 let get_i = case version of 0 -> get_i16 1 -> get_i16 -- version one allows variants, which are not allowed by hsc3 2 -> get_i32 _ -> error ("get_graphdef: version not at {zero | one | two}: " ++ show version) number_of_definitions <- get_i16 when (magic /= scgf_i32) (error "get_graphdef: illegal magic string") when (number_of_definitions /= 1) (error "get_graphdef: non unary graphdef file") name <- get_str number_of_constants <- get_i constants <- replicateM number_of_constants get_f32 number_of_control_defaults <- get_i control_defaults <- replicateM number_of_control_defaults get_f32 number_of_controls <- get_i controls <- replicateM number_of_controls (get_control (c, get_i)) number_of_ugens <- get_i ugens <- replicateM number_of_ugens (get_ugen (c, get_i)) return ( Graphdef name constants (zip controls control_defaults) ugens ) -- * Encode (version zero) -- | Encode functions for Graphdef types (join_f,str_f,i8_f,i16_f,i32_f,f32_f,com_f) type Encode_Functions t = ([t] -> t, Name -> t, Int -> t, Int -> t, Int -> t, Double -> t, String -> t) encode_input_f :: Encode_Functions t -> Input -> t encode_input_f (join_f, _, _, i16_f, _, _, _) (Input u p) = join_f (map i16_f [u, p]) encode_control_f :: Encode_Functions t -> Control -> t encode_control_f (join_f, str_f, _, i16_f, _, _, _) (nm, k) = join_f [str_f nm, i16_f k] encode_ugen_f :: Encode_Functions t -> Ugen -> t encode_ugen_f enc (nm, r, i, o, s) = let (join_f, str_f, i8_f, i16_f, _, _, com_f) = enc in join_f [ com_f "ugen-name" , str_f nm , com_f "ugen-rate" , i8_f r , com_f "ugen-number-of-inputs" , i16_f (length i) , com_f "ugen-number-of-outputs" , i16_f (length o) , com_f "ugen-special" , i16_f s , com_f "ugen-inputs (ugen-index,port-index)" , join_f (map (encode_input_f enc) i) , com_f "ugen-output-rates" , join_f (map i8_f o) ] encode_graphdef_f :: Encode_Functions t -> Graphdef -> t encode_graphdef_f enc (Graphdef nm cs ks us) = let (join_f, str_f, _, i16_f, i32_f, f32_f, com_f) = enc (ks_ctl, ks_def) = unzip ks in join_f [ com_f "SCgf" , i32_f scgf_i32 , com_f "version" , i32_f 0 , com_f "number of graphs" , i16_f 1 , com_f "name" , str_f nm , com_f "number-of-constants" , i16_f (length cs) , com_f "constant-values" , join_f (map f32_f cs) , com_f "number-of-controls" , i16_f (length ks_def) , com_f "control-default-values" , join_f (map f32_f ks_def) , com_f "number-of-controls" , i16_f (length ks_ctl) , com_f "controls" , join_f (map (encode_control_f enc) ks_ctl) , com_f "number-of-ugens" , i16_f (length us) , join_f (map (encode_ugen_f enc) us) ] -- * Stat -- | Simple statistics printer for 'Graphdef'. graphdef_stat :: Graphdef -> String graphdef_stat (Graphdef nm cs ks us) = let f g = let h (x : xs) = (x, length (x : xs)) h [] = error "graphdef_stat" in show . map h . group . sort . map g sq pp_f = intercalate "," (pp_f (map ugen_name_op us)) in unlines [ "name : " ++ show nm , "number of constants : " ++ show (length cs) , "number of controls : " ++ show (length ks) , "number of unit generators : " ++ show (length us) , "unit generator rates : " ++ f ugen_rate us , "unit generator set : " ++ sq (nub . sort) , "unit generator sequence : " ++ sq id ] -- * Dump Ugens -- | Pretty print Ugen in the manner of SynthDef>>dumpUgens. ugen_dump_ugen_str :: [Sample] -> [Ugen] -> Ugen_Index -> Ugen -> String ugen_dump_ugen_str c_sq u_sq ix u = let in_brackets :: String -> String in_brackets x = printf "[%s]" x input_pp (Input i j) = let ui = u_sq !! i in if i >= 0 then if length (ugen_outputs ui) > 1 then printf "%d_%s:%d" i (ugen_name_op ui) j else printf "%d_%s" i (ugen_name_op ui) else printf "%f" (c_sq !! j) inputs_pp = in_brackets . intercalate "," . map input_pp in printf "%d_%s, %s, %s" ix (ugen_name_op u) (show (ugen_rate_enum u)) (inputs_pp (ugen_inputs u)) -- | Print graphdef in format equivalent to SynthDef>>dumpUgens in SuperCollider graphdef_dump_ugens_str :: Graphdef -> [String] graphdef_dump_ugens_str (Graphdef _nm cs _ks us) = zipWith (ugen_dump_ugen_str cs us) [0 ..] us {- | 'putStrLn' of 'unlines' of 'graphdef_dump_ugens_str' > import Sound.Sc3.Server.Graphdef > import Sound.Sc3.Server.Graphdef.Io > dir = "/home/rohan/sw/rsc3-disassembler/scsyndef/" > pp nm = read_graphdef_file (dir ++ nm) >>= graphdef_dump_ugens > pp "simple.scsyndef" > pp "with-ctl.scsyndef" > pp "mce.scsyndef" > pp "mrg.scsyndef" -} graphdef_dump_ugens :: Graphdef -> IO () graphdef_dump_ugens = putStrLn . unlines . graphdef_dump_ugens_str