-- | Brackets module Sound.Sc3.Ugen.Brackets where import Data.Bifunctor {- base -} import qualified Sound.Osc.Packet as Osc {- hosc -} {- | Brackets are two sets of Open Sound Control messages that can be associated with a Ugen. The first is to be run prior to the graph being executed, the other after it has ended. -} type Brackets = ([Osc.Message], [Osc.Message]) -- | No messages. emptyBrackets :: Brackets emptyBrackets = ([], []) {- | Combine a sequence of Brackets into one Bracket. >>> f = Data.Bifunctor.bimap concat concat . unzip >>> f [(['a'],['A']),(['b'],['B'])] ("ab","AB") -} concatBrackets :: [Brackets] -> Brackets concatBrackets = bimap concat concat . unzip