module HsDev.Client.Commands (
runClient, runCommand
) where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), (<.>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import Control.Monad.Catch (try, catch, bracket, SomeException(..))
import Data.Aeson hiding (Result, Error)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T (append, null)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import qualified System.Log.Simple as Log
import qualified System.Log.Simple.Base as Log
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified System.Directory.Watcher as W
import System.Directory.Paths
import Text.Format
import HsDev.Error
import HsDev.Database.SQLite as SQLite
import HsDev.Inspect (preload, asModule)
import HsDev.Scan (upToDate, getFileContents)
import HsDev.Server.Message as M
import HsDev.Server.Types
import HsDev.Sandbox hiding (findSandbox)
import qualified HsDev.Sandbox as S (findSandbox)
import HsDev.Symbols
import qualified HsDev.Tools.AutoFix as AutoFix
import qualified HsDev.Tools.Cabal as Cabal
import HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Session
import HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Worker (clearTargets)
import qualified HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Compat as Compat
import qualified HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Check as Check
import qualified HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Types as Types
import qualified HsDev.Tools.Hayoo as Hayoo
import qualified HsDev.Tools.HDocs as HDocs
import qualified HsDev.Tools.HLint as HLint
import qualified HsDev.Tools.Types as Tools
import HsDev.Util
import HsDev.Watcher
import qualified HsDev.Database.Update as Update
runClient :: (ToJSON a, ServerMonadBase m) => CommandOptions -> ClientM m a -> ServerM m Result
runClient copts = mapServerM toResult . runClientM where
toResult :: (ToJSON a, ServerMonadBase m) => ReaderT CommandOptions m a -> m Result
toResult act = liftM errorToResult $ runReaderT (try (try act)) copts
mapServerM :: (m a -> n b) -> ServerM m a -> ServerM n b
mapServerM f = ServerM . mapReaderT f . runServerM
errorToResult :: ToJSON a => Either SomeException (Either HsDevError a) -> Result
errorToResult = either (Error . UnhandledError . displayException) (either Error (Result . toJSON))
toValue :: (ToJSON a, Monad m) => m a -> m Value
toValue = liftM toJSON
runCommand :: ServerMonadBase m => Command -> ClientM m Value
runCommand Ping = toValue $ return $ object ["message" .= ("pong" :: String)]
runCommand (Listen (Just l)) = case Log.level (pack l) of
Nothing -> hsdevError $ OtherError $ "invalid log level: {}" ~~ l
Just lev -> bracket (serverSetLogLevel lev) serverSetLogLevel $ \_ -> runCommand (Listen Nothing)
runCommand (Listen Nothing) = toValue $ do
serverListen >>= mapM_ (commandNotify . Notification . toJSON)
runCommand (SetLogLevel l) = case Log.level (pack l) of
Nothing -> hsdevError $ OtherError $ "invalid log level: {}" ~~ l
Just lev -> toValue $ do
lev' <- serverSetLogLevel lev
Log.sendLog Log.Debug $ "log level changed from '{}' to '{}'" ~~ show lev' ~~ show lev
Log.sendLog Log.Info $ "log level updated to: {}" ~~ show lev
runCommand (Scan projs cabal sboxes fs paths' ghcs' docs' infer') = toValue $ do
sboxes' <- getSandboxes sboxes
updateProcess (Update.UpdateOptions [] ghcs' docs' infer') $ concat [
[Update.scanCabal ghcs' | cabal],
map (Update.scanSandbox ghcs') sboxes',
[Update.scanFiles (zip fs (repeat ghcs'))],
map (Update.scanProject ghcs') projs,
map (Update.scanDirectory ghcs') paths']
runCommand (SetFileContents f mcts) = toValue $ serverSetFileContents f mcts
runCommand (RefineDocs projs fs)
| HDocs.hdocsSupported = toValue $ do
projects <- traverse findProject projs
mods <- do
projMods <- liftM concat $ forM projects $ \proj -> do
ms <- loadModules "select id from modules where cabal == ? and json_extract(tags, '$.docs') is null"
(Only $ proj ^. projectCabal)
p <- SQLite.loadProject (proj ^. projectCabal)
return $ set (each . moduleId . moduleLocation . moduleProject) (Just p) ms
fileMods <- liftM concat $ forM fs $ \f ->
loadModules "select id from modules where file == ? and json_extract(tags, '$.docs') is null"
(Only f)
return $ projMods ++ fileMods
updateProcess def [Update.scanDocs mods]
| otherwise = hsdevError $ OtherError "docs not supported"
runCommand (InferTypes projs fs) = toValue $ do
projects <- traverse findProject projs
mods <- do
projMods <- liftM concat $ forM projects $ \proj -> do
ms <- loadModules "select id from modules where cabal == ? and json_extract(tags, '$.types') is null"
(Only $ proj ^. projectCabal)
p <- SQLite.loadProject (proj ^. projectCabal)
return $ set (each . moduleId . moduleLocation . moduleProject) (Just p) ms
fileMods <- liftM concat $ forM fs $ \f ->
loadModules "select id from modules where file == ? and json_extract(tags, '$.types') is null"
(Only f)
return $ projMods ++ fileMods
updateProcess def [Update.inferModTypes mods]
runCommand (Remove projs cabal sboxes files) = toValue $ withSqlConnection $ SQLite.transaction_ SQLite.Immediate $ do
canRemove pdbs = do
from' <- State.get
return $ null $ filter (pdbs `isSubStack`) $ delete pdbs from'
removePackageDb' pdbs = do
w <- lift $ askSession sessionWatcher
can <- canRemove pdbs
when can $ do
State.modify (delete pdbs)
ms <- liftM (map fromOnly) $ query_
"select from modules as m, package_dbs as ps where m.package_name == ps.package_name and m.package_version == ps.package_version;"
removePackageDb (topPackageDb pdbs)
mapM_ SQLite.removeModule ms
liftIO $ unwatchPackageDb w $ topPackageDb pdbs
removePackageDbStack = mapM_ removePackageDb' . packageDbStacks
w <- askSession sessionWatcher
projects <- traverse findProject projs
sboxes' <- getSandboxes sboxes
forM_ projects $ \proj -> do
ms <- liftM (map fromOnly) $ query "select id from modules where cabal == ?;" (Only $ proj ^. projectCabal)
SQLite.removeProject proj
mapM_ SQLite.removeModule ms
liftIO $ unwatchProject w proj
allPdbs <- liftM (map fromOnly) $ query_ @(Only PackageDb) "select package_db from package_dbs;"
dbPDbs <- inSessionGhc $ mapM restorePackageDbStack allPdbs
flip State.evalStateT dbPDbs $ do
when cabal $ removePackageDbStack userDb
forM_ sboxes' $ \sbox -> do
pdbs <- lift $ inSessionGhc $ sandboxPackageDbStack sbox
removePackageDbStack pdbs
forM_ files $ \file -> do
ms <- query @_ @(ModuleId :. Only Int)
(toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ [""],
where_ ["mu.file == ?"]])
(Only file)
forM_ ms $ \(m :. Only i) -> do
SQLite.removeModule i
liftIO . unwatchModule w $ (m ^. moduleLocation)
runCommand RemoveAll = toValue $ do
w <- askSession sessionWatcher
wdirs <- liftIO $ readMVar (W.watcherDirs w)
liftIO $ forM_ (M.toList wdirs) $ \(dir, (isTree, _)) -> (if isTree then W.unwatchTree else W.unwatchDir) w dir
runCommand InfoPackages = toValue $
query_ @ModulePackage "select package_name, package_version from package_dbs;"
runCommand InfoProjects = toValue $ do
ps <- query_ @(Only Path) "select cabal from projects;"
mapM (SQLite.loadProject . fromOnly) ps
runCommand InfoSandboxes = toValue $ do
rs <- query_ @(Only PackageDb) "select distinct package_db from package_dbs;"
return [pdb | Only pdb <- rs]
runCommand (InfoSymbol sq filters True _) = toValue $ do
(conds, params) = targetFilters "m" (Just "s") filters
queryNamed @SymbolId
(toQuery $ mconcat [
where_ [" like :pattern escape '\\'"],
where_ conds])
([":pattern" := likePattern sq] ++ params)
runCommand (InfoSymbol sq filters False _) = toValue $ do
(conds, params) = targetFilters "m" (Just "s") filters
queryNamed @Symbol
(toQuery $ mconcat [
where_ [" like :pattern escape '\\'"],
where_ conds])
([":pattern" := likePattern sq] ++ params)
runCommand (InfoModule sq filters h _) = toValue $ do
(conds, params) = targetFilters "mu" Nothing filters
rs <- queryNamed @(Only Int :. ModuleId)
(toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ [""],
where_ [" like :pattern escape '\\'"],
where_ conds])
([":pattern" := likePattern sq] ++ params)
if h
then return (toJSON $ map (\(_ :. m) -> m) rs)
else liftM toJSON $ forM rs $ \(Only mid :. mheader) -> do
[(docs, fixities)] <- query @_ @(Maybe Text, Maybe Value) "select, m.fixities from modules as m where ( == ?);"
(Only mid)
fixities' = fromMaybe [] (fixities >>= fromJSON')
imports' <- query @_ @Import (toQuery $ mconcat [
qImport "i",
where_ ["i.module_id = ?"]])
(Only mid)
exports' <- query @_ @Symbol (toQuery $ mconcat [
from_ ["exports as e"],
where_ ["e.module_id == ?", "e.symbol_id =="]])
(Only mid)
return $ Module mheader docs imports' exports' fixities' mempty Nothing
runCommand (InfoProject (Left projName)) = toValue $ findProject projName
runCommand (InfoProject (Right projPath)) = toValue $ liftIO $ searchProject (view path projPath)
runCommand (InfoSandbox sandbox') = toValue $ liftIO $ searchSandbox sandbox'
runCommand (Lookup nm fpath) = toValue $
fmap (map (\(s :. m) -> ImportedSymbol s m)) $ query @_ @(Symbol :. ModuleId) (toQuery $ mconcat [
from_ ["projects_modules_scope as pms", "modules as srcm", "exports as e"],
where_ [
"pms.cabal is srcm.cabal",
"srcm.file = ?",
"pms.module_id = e.module_id",
" = s.module_id",
" = e.symbol_id",
"e.module_id =",
" = ?"]])
(fpath ^. path, nm)
runCommand (Whois nm fpath) = toValue $ do
q = nameModule $ toName nm
ident = nameIdent $ toName nm
query @_ @Symbol (toQuery $ mconcat [
from_ ["modules as srcm", "scopes as sc"],
where_ [
" == sc.module_id",
" == sc.symbol_id",
"srcm.file == ?",
"sc.qualifier is ?",
" == ?"]])
(fpath ^. path, q, ident)
runCommand (Whoat l c fpath) = toValue $ do
rs <- query @_ @Symbol (toQuery $ mconcat [
from_ ["names as n", "modules as srcm"],
where_ [
" == n.module_id",
" == n.resolved_module",
" == n.resolved_name",
"s.what == n.resolved_what",
" == n.symbol_id",
"srcm.file == ?",
"(?, ?) between (n.line, n.column) and (n.line_to, n.column_to)"]])
(fpath ^. path, l, c)
locals <- do
defs <- query @_ @(ModuleId :. (Text, Int, Int, Maybe Text)) (toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ ["", "n.def_line", "n.def_column", "n.inferred_type"],
from_ ["names as n"],
where_ [
" == n.module_id",
"n.def_line is not null",
"n.def_column is not null",
"mu.file == ?",
"(?, ?) between (n.line, n.column) and (n.line_to, n.column_to)"]])
(fpath ^. path, l, c)
return [
Symbol {
_symbolId = SymbolId nm mid,
_symbolDocs = Nothing,
_symbolPosition = Just (Position defLine defColumn),
_symbolInfo = Function ftype
} | (mid :. (nm, defLine, defColumn, ftype)) <- defs]
return $ rs ++ locals
runCommand (ResolveScopeModules sq fpath) = toValue $ do
pids <- query @_ @(Only (Maybe Path)) "select m.cabal from modules as m where (m.file == ?);"
(Only $ fpath ^. path)
case pids of
[] -> hsdevError $ OtherError $ "module at {} not found" ~~ fpath
[Only proj] -> query @_ @ModuleId (toQuery $ mconcat [
from_ ["projects_modules_scope as msc"],
where_ [
"msc.module_id ==",
"msc.cabal is ?",
" like ? escape '\\'"]])
(proj, likePattern sq)
_ -> fail "Impossible happened: several projects for one module"
runCommand (ResolveScope sq fpath) = toValue $
query @_ @(Scoped SymbolId) (toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ ["sc.qualifier"],
from_ ["scopes as sc", "modules as srcm"],
where_ [
" == sc.module_id",
"sc.symbol_id ==",
"srcm.file == ?",
" like ? escape '\\'"]])
(fpath ^. path, likePattern sq)
runCommand (FindUsages l c fpath) = toValue $ do
us <- do
sids <- query @_ @(Only (Maybe Int)) (toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ ["n.symbol_id"],
from_ ["names as n", "modules as srcm"],
where_ [
"n.module_id ==",
"(?, ?) between (n.line, n.column) and (n.line_to, n.column_to)",
"srcm.file = ?"]])
(l, c, fpath)
when (length sids > 1) $ Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "multiple symbols found at location {0}:{1}:{2}" ~~ fpath ~~ l ~~ c
msid = join $ fmap fromOnly $ listToMaybe sids
query @_ @SymbolUsage (toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ ["n.qualifier"],
select_ ["n.line", "n.column", "n.line_to", "n.column_to"],
from_ ["names as n"],
where_ [
"n.symbol_id == ?",
" == n.symbol_id",
" == n.module_id"]])
(Only msid)
locals <- do
defs <- query @_ @(ModuleId :. Only Text :. Position :. Only (Maybe Text) :. Region) (toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ ["", "n.def_line", "n.def_column", "n.inferred_type", "n.line", "n.column", "n.line_to", "n.column_to"],
from_ ["names as n", "names as defn"],
where_ [
"n.module_id =",
"n.def_line = defn.def_line",
"n.def_column = defn.def_column",
"defn.module_id =",
"(?, ?) between (defn.line, defn.column) and (defn.line_to, defn.column_to)",
"mu.file = ?"]])
(l, c, fpath ^. path)
return $ do
(mid :. Only nm :. defPos :. Only ftype :. useRgn) <- defs
sym = Symbol {
_symbolId = SymbolId nm mid,
_symbolDocs = Nothing,
_symbolPosition = Just defPos,
_symbolInfo = Function ftype }
return $ SymbolUsage sym Nothing mid useRgn
return $ us ++ locals
runCommand (Complete input True fpath) = toValue $
query @_ @Symbol (toQuery $ mconcat [
from_ ["modules as srcm", "exports as e"],
where_ [
"e.module_id in (select union select module_id from projects_modules_scope where (((cabal is null) and (srcm.cabal is null)) or (cabal == srcm.cabal)))",
" == e.symbol_id",
"msrc.file == ?",
" like ? escape '\\'"]])
(fpath ^. path, likePattern (SearchQuery input SearchPrefix))
runCommand (Complete input False fpath) = toValue $
query @_ @(Scoped Symbol) (toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ ["c.qualifier"],
from_ ["completions as c", "modules as srcm"],
where_ [
"c.module_id ==",
"c.symbol_id ==",
"srcm.file == ?",
"c.completion like ? escape '\\'"]])
(fpath ^. path, likePattern (SearchQuery input SearchPrefix))
runCommand (Hayoo hq p ps) = toValue $ liftM concat $ forM [p .. p + pred ps] $ \i -> liftM
(mapMaybe Hayoo.hayooAsSymbol . Hayoo.resultResult) $
liftIO $ hsdevLift $ Hayoo.hayoo hq (Just i)
runCommand (CabalList packages') = toValue $ liftIO $ hsdevLift $ Cabal.cabalList $ map unpack packages'
runCommand (UnresolvedSymbols fs) = toValue $ liftM concat $ forM fs $ \f -> do
rs <- query @_ @(Maybe String, String, Int, Int) "select n.qualifier,, n.line, n.column from modules as m, names as n where ( == n.module_id) and (m.file == ?) and (n.resolve_error is not null);"
(Only $ f ^. path)
return $ map (\(m, nm, line, column) -> object [
"qualifier" .= m,
"name" .= nm,
"line" .= line,
"column" .= column]) rs
runCommand (Lint fs lints) = toValue $ liftM concat $ forM fs $ \fsrc -> do
FileSource f c <- actualFileContents fsrc
liftIO $ hsdevLift $ HLint.hlint lints (view path f) c
runCommand (Check fs ghcs' clear) = toValue $ Log.scope "check" $
liftM concat $ mapM (runCheck ghcs' clear) fs
runCommand (CheckLint fs ghcs' lints clear) = toValue $ do
fs' <- mapM actualFileContents fs
checkMsgs <- liftM concat $ mapM (runCheck ghcs' clear) fs'
lintMsgs <- liftIO $ hsdevLift $ liftM concat $ mapM (\(FileSource f c) -> HLint.hlint lints (view path f) c) fs'
return $ checkMsgs ++ lintMsgs
runCommand (Types fs ghcs' clear) = toValue $ do
liftM concat $ forM fs $ \fsrc@(FileSource file msrc) -> do
mcached' <- getCached file msrc
FileSource _ msrc' <- actualFileContents fsrc
maybe (updateTypes file msrc') return mcached'
getCached :: ServerMonadBase m => Path -> Maybe Text -> ClientM m (Maybe [Tools.Note Types.TypedExpr])
getCached _ (Just _) = return Nothing
getCached file' Nothing = do
actual' <- sourceUpToDate file'
mid <- query @_ @((Bool, Int) :. ModuleId)
(toQuery $ mconcat [
select_ ["json_extract(tags, '$.types') is 1", ""],
where_ ["mu.file = ?"]])
(Only file')
when (length mid > 1) $ Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "multiple modules with same file = {}" ~~ file'
when (null mid) $ hsdevError $ NotInspected $ FileModule file' Nothing
[(hasTypes', mid') :. modId] = mid
if actual' && hasTypes'
then do
types' <- query @_ @(Region :. Types.TypedExpr) "select line, column, line_to, column_to, expr, type from types where module_id = ?;" (Only mid')
liftM Just $ forM types' $ \(rgn :. texpr) -> return Tools.Note {
Tools._noteSource = modId ^. moduleLocation,
Tools._noteRegion = rgn,
Tools._noteLevel = Nothing,
Tools._note = set Types.typedExpr Nothing texpr }
else return Nothing
updateTypes file msrc = do
sess <- getSession
m <- setFileSourceSession ghcs' file
types' <- inSessionGhc $ do
when clear clearTargets
Update.cacheGhcWarnings sess [m ^. moduleId . moduleLocation] $
Types.fileTypes m msrc
updateProcess def [Update.setModTypes (m ^. moduleId) types']
return $ set (each . Tools.note . Types.typedExpr) Nothing types'
runCommand (AutoFix ns) = toValue $ return $ AutoFix.corrections ns
runCommand (Refactor ns rest isPure) = toValue $ do
files <- liftM (ordNub . sort) $ mapM findPath $ mapMaybe (preview $ Tools.noteSource . moduleFile) ns
runFix file = do
unless isPure $ do
liftIO $ readFileUtf8 (view path file) >>= writeFileUtf8 (view path file) . AutoFix.refact fixRefacts'
return newCorrs'
findCorrs :: Path -> [Tools.Note AutoFix.Refact] -> [Tools.Note AutoFix.Refact]
findCorrs f = filter ((== Just f) . preview (Tools.noteSource . moduleFile))
fixCorrs' = findCorrs file ns
upCorrs' = findCorrs file rest
fixRefacts' = fixCorrs' ^.. each . Tools.note
newCorrs' = AutoFix.update fixRefacts' upCorrs'
liftM concat $ mapM runFix files
runCommand (Rename nm newName fpath) = toValue $ do
m <- refineSourceModule fpath
mname = m ^. moduleId . moduleName
makeNote mloc r = Tools.Note {
Tools._noteSource = mloc,
Tools._noteRegion = r,
Tools._noteLevel = Nothing,
Tools._note = AutoFix.Refact "rename" (AutoFix.replace (AutoFix.fromRegion r) newName) }
defRenames <- do
defRegions <- query @_ @Region "select n.line, n.column, n.line_to, n.column_to from names as n, modules as m where == n.module_id and == ? and == ? and def_line is not null;" (
return $ map (makeNote (m ^. moduleId . moduleLocation)) defRegions
usageRenames <- do
usageRegions <- query @_ @(Only Path :. Region) "select m.file, n.line, n.column, n.line_to, n.column_to from names as n, modules as m where n.module_id == and m.file is not null and n.resolved_module == ? and n.resolved_name == ?;" (
return $ map (\(Only p :. r) -> makeNote (FileModule p Nothing) r) usageRegions
return $ defRenames ++ usageRenames
runCommand (GhcEval exprs mfile) = toValue $ do
mfile' <- traverse actualFileContents mfile
case mfile' of
Nothing -> inSessionGhc ghciSession
Just (FileSource f mcts) -> do
m <- setFileSourceSession [] f
inSessionGhc $ interpretModule m mcts
inSessionGhc $ mapM (tryRepl . evaluate) exprs
runCommand (GhcType exprs mfile) = toValue $ do
mfile' <- traverse actualFileContents mfile
case mfile' of
Nothing -> inSessionGhc ghciSession
Just (FileSource f mcts) -> do
m <- setFileSourceSession [] f
inSessionGhc $ interpretModule m mcts
inSessionGhc $ mapM (tryRepl . expressionType) exprs
runCommand Langs = toValue $ return Compat.languages
runCommand Flags = toValue $ return ["-f" ++ prefix ++ f |
f <- Compat.flags,
prefix <- ["", "no-"]]
runCommand (Link hold) = toValue $ commandLink >> when hold commandHold
runCommand StopGhc = toValue $ do
inSessionGhc $ do
ms <- findSessionBy (const True)
forM_ ms $ \s -> do
Log.sendLog Log.Trace $ "stopping session: {}" ~~ view sessionKey s
deleteSession $ view sessionKey s
runCommand Exit = toValue serverExit
targetFilter :: Text -> Maybe Text -> TargetFilter -> (Text, [NamedParam])
targetFilter mtable _ (TargetProject proj) = (
"{t}.cabal in (select cabal from projects where name == :project or cabal == :project)" ~~ ("t" ~% mtable),
[":project" := proj])
targetFilter mtable _ (TargetFile f) = ("{t}.file == :file" ~~ ("t" ~% mtable), [":file" := f])
targetFilter mtable Nothing (TargetModule nm) = ("{t}.name == :module_name" ~~ ("t" ~% mtable), [":module_name" := nm])
targetFilter mtable (Just stable) (TargetModule nm) = (
"({t}.name == :module_name) or ({s}.id in (select e.symbol_id from exports as e, modules as em where e.module_id == and == :module_name))"
~~ ("t" ~% mtable)
~~ ("s" ~% stable),
[":module_name" := nm])
targetFilter mtable _ (TargetPackage p) = (tpl ~~ ("t" ~% mtable), params) where
pkg = fromMaybe (mkPackage p) (readMaybe (unpack p))
| T.null (pkg ^. packageVersion) = "{t}.package_name == :package_name"
| otherwise = "{t}.package_name == :package_name and {t}.package_version == :package_version"
| T.null (pkg ^. packageVersion) = [pname]
| otherwise = [pname, pver]
pname = ":package_name" := (pkg ^. packageName)
pver = ":package_version" := (pkg ^. packageVersion)
targetFilter mtable _ TargetInstalled = ("{t}.package_name is not null" ~~ ("t" ~% mtable), [])
targetFilter mtable _ TargetSourced = ("{t}.file is not null" ~~ ("t" ~% mtable), [])
targetFilter mtable _ TargetStandalone = ("{t}.file is not null and {t}.cabal is null" ~~ ("t" ~% mtable), [])
targetFilters :: Text -> Maybe Text -> [TargetFilter] -> ([Text], [NamedParam])
targetFilters mtable stable = second concat . unzip . map (targetFilter mtable stable)
likePattern :: SearchQuery -> Text
likePattern (SearchQuery input stype) = case stype of
SearchExact -> escapedInput
SearchPrefix -> escapedInput `T.append` "%"
SearchInfix -> "%" `T.append` escapedInput `T.append` "%"
SearchSuffix -> "%" `T.append` escapedInput
escapedInput = escapeLike input
instance ToJSON Log.Message where
toJSON m = object [
"time" .= Log.messageTime m,
"level" .= show (Log.messageLevel m),
"component" .= show (Log.messageComponent m),
"scope" .= show (Log.messageScope m),
"text" .= Log.messageText m]
instance FromJSON Log.Message where
parseJSON = withObject "log-message" $ \v -> Log.Message <$>
(v .:: "time") <*>
((v .:: "level") >>= maybe (fail "invalid level") return . readMaybe) <*>
(read <$> (v .:: "component")) <*>
(read <$> (v .:: "scope")) <*>
(v .:: "text")
runCheck :: CommandMonad m => [String] -> Bool -> FileSource -> m [Tools.Note Tools.OutputMessage]
runCheck ghcs' clear = actualFileContents >=> check' where
check' (FileSource file mcts) = Log.scope "run-check" $ do
Log.sendLog Log.Trace $ "setting file source session for {}" ~~ file
sess <- getSession
m <- setFileSourceSession ghcs' file
Log.sendLog Log.Trace "file source session set"
ns <- inSessionGhc $ do
when clear clearTargets
Update.cacheGhcWarnings sess [m ^. moduleId . moduleLocation] $
Check.check m mcts
if null ns
then do
ns' <- Update.cachedWarnings [m ^. moduleId . moduleLocation]
unless (null ns') $
Log.sendLog Log.Trace $ "returning {} cached warnings for {}" ~~ length ns' ~~ file
return ns'
else return ns
findPath :: (CommandMonad m, Paths a) => a -> m a
findPath = paths findPath' where
findPath' :: CommandMonad m => FilePath -> m FilePath
findPath' f = do
r <- commandRoot
liftIO $ canonicalizePath (normalise $ if isRelative f then r </> f else f)
findSandbox :: CommandMonad m => Path -> m Sandbox
findSandbox fpath = do
fpath' <- findPath fpath
sbox <- liftIO $ S.findSandbox fpath'
maybe (hsdevError $ FileNotFound fpath') return sbox
sourceUpToDate :: CommandMonad m => Path -> m Bool
sourceUpToDate fpath = do
fpath' <- findPath fpath
insps <- query @_ @Inspection "select inspection_time, inspection_opts from modules where file = ?;" (Only fpath')
when (length insps > 1) $ Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "multiple modules with same file = {}" ~~ fpath'
(return False)
(upToDate (FileModule fpath' Nothing) [])
(listToMaybe insps)
refineSourceModule :: CommandMonad m => Path -> m Module
refineSourceModule fpath = do
fpath' <- findPath fpath
ids <- query "select id, cabal from modules where file == ?;" (Only fpath')
case ids of
[] -> hsdevError (NotInspected $ FileModule fpath' Nothing)
((i, mcabal):_) -> do
when (length ids > 1) $ Log.sendLog Log.Warning $ "multiple modules with same file = {}" ~~ fpath'
m <- SQLite.loadModule i
case mcabal of
Nothing -> do
[insp] <- query @_ @Inspection "select inspection_time, inspection_opts from modules where id = ?;" (Only i)
fresh' <- upToDate (m ^. moduleId . moduleLocation) [] insp
if fresh'
then return m
else do
defs <- askSession sessionDefines
mcts <- fmap (fmap snd) $ getFileContents fpath'
ip' <- runInspect (m ^. moduleId . moduleLocation) $ preload (m ^. moduleId . moduleName) defs [] mcts
case ip' ^? inspected of
Just p' -> return $ set moduleImports (p' ^. asModule . moduleImports) m
Nothing -> return m
Just cabal' -> do
proj' <- SQLite.loadProject cabal'
return $ set (moduleId . moduleLocation . moduleProject) (Just proj') m
actualFileContents :: CommandMonad m => FileSource -> m FileSource
actualFileContents (FileSource fpath Nothing) = fmap (FileSource fpath . fmap snd) (getFileContents fpath)
actualFileContents fcts = return fcts
setFileSourceSession :: CommandMonad m => [String] -> Path -> m Module
setFileSourceSession opts fpath = do
m <- refineSourceModule fpath
inSessionGhc $ targetSession opts m
return m
getSandboxes :: CommandMonad m => [Path] -> m [Sandbox]
getSandboxes = traverse (findPath >=> findSandbox)
findProject :: CommandMonad m => Text -> m Project
findProject proj = do
proj' <- liftM addCabal $ findPath proj
ps <- liftM (map fromOnly) $ query "select cabal from projects where (cabal == ?) or (name == ?);" (view path proj', proj)
case ps of
[] -> hsdevError $ ProjectNotFound proj
_ -> SQLite.loadProject (head ps)
addCabal p
| takeExtension (view path p) == ".cabal" = p
| otherwise = over path (\p' -> p' </> (takeBaseName p' <.> "cabal")) p
updateProcess :: ServerMonadBase m => Update.UpdateOptions -> [Update.UpdateM IO ()] -> ClientM m ()
updateProcess uopts acts = hoist liftIO $ do
copts <- getOptions
inSessionUpdater $ hoist (flip runReaderT copts) $ runClientM $ mapM_ (Update.runUpdate uopts . runAct) acts
runAct act = catch act onError
onError e = Log.sendLog Log.Error $ "{}" ~~ (e :: HsDevError)