name: hsdev version: synopsis: Haskell development library description: Haskell development library and tool with support of autocompletion, symbol info, go to declaration, find references, hayoo search etc. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Alexandr `Voidex` Ruchkin maintainer: -- copyright: category: Development build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 extra-source-files: tests/test-package/*.hs tests/test-package/test-package.cabal tests/data/base.sql tests/data/ModuleTwo.modified.hs tests/data/ModuleTwo.broken.hs data/hsdev.sql source-repository head type: git location: git:// flag docs description: build with haddock/hdocs to support scanning docs default: True library hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-tabs if !flag(docs) cpp-options: -DNODOCS exposed-modules: Control.Apply.Util Control.Concurrent.FiniteChan Control.Concurrent.Worker Control.Concurrent.Util Data.Deps Data.Help Data.Lisp Data.Maybe.JustIf Data.LookupTable HsDev HsDev.Client.Commands HsDev.Database.SQLite HsDev.Database.SQLite.Instances HsDev.Database.SQLite.Schema HsDev.Database.SQLite.Schema.TH HsDev.Database.SQLite.Select HsDev.Database.SQLite.Transaction HsDev.Database.Update HsDev.Database.Update.Types HsDev.Display HsDev.Error HsDev.Inspect HsDev.Inspect.Definitions HsDev.Inspect.Order HsDev.Inspect.Resolve HsDev.Inspect.Types HsDev.PackageDb HsDev.PackageDb.Types HsDev.Project HsDev.Project.Compat HsDev.Project.Types HsDev.Scan HsDev.Scan.Browse HsDev.Server.Base HsDev.Server.Commands HsDev.Server.Message HsDev.Server.Message.Lisp HsDev.Server.Types HsDev.Sandbox HsDev.Stack HsDev.Symbols HsDev.Symbols.Name HsDev.Symbols.Class HsDev.Symbols.HaskellNames HsDev.Symbols.Location HsDev.Symbols.Documented HsDev.Symbols.Resolve HsDev.Symbols.Parsed HsDev.Symbols.Types HsDev.Tools.AutoFix HsDev.Tools.Base HsDev.Tools.Cabal HsDev.Tools.ClearImports HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Base HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Check HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Compat HsDev.Tools.Ghc.MGhc HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Prelude HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Repl HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Session HsDev.Tools.Ghc.System HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Types HsDev.Tools.Ghc.Worker HsDev.Tools.Hayoo HsDev.Tools.HDocs HsDev.Tools.HLint HsDev.Tools.Refact HsDev.Tools.Tabs HsDev.Tools.Types HsDev.Types HsDev.Util HsDev.Version HsDev.Watcher HsDev.Watcher.Types System.Directory.Paths System.Directory.Watcher if os(windows) build-depends: Win32 >= 2.3.0 exposed-modules: System.Win32.PowerShell System.Win32.FileMapping.NamePool System.Win32.FileMapping.Memory else build-depends: unix >= 2.7.0 if impl(ghc >= 8.2) && impl(ghc < 8.3) if flag(docs) build-depends: haddock-api >= 2.18.0 && < 2.19.0 build-depends: ghc == 8.2.*, ghc-boot, directory >= if impl(ghc >= 8.0) && impl(ghc < 8.2) if flag(docs) build-depends: haddock-api >= 2.17.0 && < 2.18.0 build-depends: ghc >= 8.0.0 && < 8.1.0, ghc-boot, directory >= if impl(ghc < 8.0) if flag(docs) build-depends: haddock-api >= 2.16.0 && < 2.17.0 build-depends: ghc >= 7.10.0 && < 7.11.0, bin-package-db, directory == 1.2.2.* if flag(docs) build-depends: hdocs >= 0.5.1 build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5, aeson >= 0.7.0, aeson-pretty >= 0.7.0, array >= 0.5.0, async >= 2.0, attoparsec >= 0.11.0, bytestring >= 0.10.0, Cabal >= 1.22.0, containers >= 0.5, cpphs >= 1.19.0, data-default >= 0.5.0, deepseq >= 1.4.0, exceptions >= 0.6.0, filepath >= 1.4.0, fsnotify >= 0.2.1, ghc-paths >= 0.1.0, ghc-syb-utils >= 0.2.3, haskell-names >= 0.9.0 && < 0.10.0, haskell-src-exts >= 1.18.0 && < 1.21.0, hformat >= 0.3.0, hlint >= 1.9.13 && < 2.1, HTTP >= 4000.2.0, lens >= 4.8, lifted-base >= 0.2, monad-control >= 1.0, monad-loops >= 0.4, mmorph >= 1.0 && < 1.2, mtl >= 2.2.0, network >= 2.6.0, optparse-applicative >= 0.11, process >= 1.2.0, regex-pcre-builtin >= 0.94, scientific >= 0.3, simple-log == 0.9.*, stm == 2.4.*, direct-sqlite >= 2.3.21, sqlite-simple, syb >= 0.5.1, template-haskell, text >= 1.2.0, text-region >= 0.3, time >= 1.5.0, transformers >= 0.4.0, transformers-base >= 0.4.0, uniplate >= 1.6.0, unordered-containers >= 0.2.0, vector >= 0.10.0 executable hsdev main-is: hsdev.hs hs-source-dirs: tools ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs "-with-rtsopts=-N4" build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5, hsdev, aeson >= 0.7.0, aeson-pretty >= 0.7.0, bytestring >= 0.10.0, containers >= 0.5, deepseq >= 1.4.0, directory, exceptions >= 0.6.0, filepath >= 1.4.0, monad-loops >= 0.4.0, mtl >= 2.2.0, network >= 2.6.0, optparse-applicative >= 0.11, process >= 1.2.0, text >= 1.2.0, transformers >= 0.4.0, unordered-containers >= 0.2.0 test-suite test main-is: Test.hs hs-source-dirs: tests ghc-options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5, hsdev, aeson >= 0.7.0, aeson-lens >= 0.5.0, async >= 2.0, data-default >= 0.5.0, deepseq >= 1.4.0, directory, filepath >= 1.4.0, containers >= 0.5.0, hformat == 0.3.*, hspec, lens >= 4.8, mtl >= 2.2.0, text >= 1.2.0