{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-| Copyright : © 2017–2022 Albert Krewinkel License : MIT Tests for Aeson–Lua glue. -} import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, object, (.=)) import Data.Text (Text) import HsLua.Core as Lua import HsLua.Marshalling import HsLua.Aeson import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (assert) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?=), testCase) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Test.QuickCheck.Monadic as QC #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap #if !MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,3) import Data.Aeson.Key (Key, fromText) import Data.Scientific (Scientific, fromFloatDigits) #endif #else import Data.Scientific (Scientific, fromFloatDigits) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as KeyMap #endif -- | Run this spec. main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests -- | Aeson tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "hslua-aeson" [ testGroup "Value" [ testProperty "can be round-tripped through the stack" $ assertRoundtripEqual pushValue peekValue , testProperty "can roundtrip a bool nested in 50 layers of arrays" $ \b -> QC.monadicIO $ do let go _ x = Aeson.Array $ Vector.fromList [x] mkValue a = foldr go (Aeson.Bool a) [(1::Int) .. 50] x <- QC.run . run @Lua.Exception $ do pushValue $ mkValue b forcePeek $ peekValue top return (x === mkValue b) , testProperty "can roundtrip a bool nested in 50 layers of objects" $ \b -> QC.monadicIO $ do let go _ x = Aeson.Object $ KeyMap.fromList [("x", x)] mkValue a = foldr go (Aeson.Bool a) [(1::Int) .. 50] x <- QC.run . run @Lua.Exception $ do pushValue $ mkValue b forcePeek $ peekValue top return (x === mkValue b) , testProperty "can roundtrip a null nested in 50 layers of objects" $ \() -> QC.monadicIO $ do let go _ x = Aeson.Object $ KeyMap.fromList [("x", x)] mkValue = foldr go Aeson.Null [(1::Int) .. 50] x <- QC.run . run @Lua.Exception $ do pushValue mkValue forcePeek $ peekValue top return (x === mkValue) ] , testGroup "via JSON" [ testProperty "can roundtrip 'Maybe Text' via JSON" $ assertRoundtripEqual @(Maybe Int) pushViaJSON peekViaJSON , testProperty "can roundtrip '(Int, Float)' via JSON" $ assertRoundtripEqual @(Int, Float) pushViaJSON peekViaJSON , testProperty "can roundtrip 'Either Bool Text' via JSON" $ assertRoundtripEqual @(Either Bool Text) pushViaJSON peekViaJSON ] , testGroup "special encodings" [ testGroup "__toaeson" [ testCase "respect __toaeson metamethod" . run @Lua.Exception $ do pushTwentyThree TwentyThree val <- forcePeek $ peekValue top liftIO $ object [ "title" .= (23 :: Int) ] @?= val ] , testGroup "__tojson" [ testCase "respect __tojson metamethod" . run @Lua.Exception $ do newtable -- object newtable -- metatable pushHaskellFunction (1 <$ pushText "{\"answer\": 42}") setfield (nth 2) "__tojson" setmetatable (nth 2) val <- forcePeek $ peekValue top liftIO $ object [ "answer" .= (42 :: Int) ] @?= val ] ] ] assertRoundtripEqual :: Eq a => Pusher Lua.Exception a -> Peeker Lua.Exception a -> a -> Property assertRoundtripEqual pushX peekX x = QC.monadicIO $ do y <- QC.run $ roundtrip pushX peekX x assert (x == y) roundtrip :: Pusher Lua.Exception a -> Peeker Lua.Exception a -> a -> IO a roundtrip pushX peekX x = run $ do pushX x size <- gettop when (size /= 1) $ failLua $ "not the right amount of elements on the stack: " ++ show size result <- forcePeek $ peekX top afterPeekSize <- gettop when (afterPeekSize /= 1) $ failLua $ "peeking modified the stack: " ++ show afterPeekSize return result -- aeson defines instances for Arbitrary since #if !MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,3) luaNumberToScientific :: Lua.Number -> Scientific luaNumberToScientific = fromFloatDigits . (realToFrac :: Lua.Number -> Double) instance Arbitrary Aeson.Value where arbitrary = arbitraryValue 9 #if MIN_VERSION_aeson(2,0,0) instance Arbitrary Key where arbitrary = fmap fromText arbitrary instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (KeyMap.KeyMap a) where arbitrary = fmap KeyMap.fromList arbitrary #endif arbitraryValue :: Int -> Gen Aeson.Value arbitraryValue size = frequency [ (1, return Aeson.Null) , (4, Aeson.Bool <$> arbitrary) -- Note: we don't draw numbers from the whole possible range, but -- only from the range of numbers that Lua can handle without -- rounding errors. This is ok, as JSON doesn't define a required -- precision, and (usually) matches the behavior of JavaScript. , (4, Aeson.Number . luaNumberToScientific . Lua.Number <$> arbitrary) , (4, Aeson.String <$> arbitrary) , (2, resize (size - 1) $ Aeson.Array <$> arbitrary) , (2, resize (size - 1) $ Aeson.Object <$> arbitrary) ] #endif -- -- Type for __toaeson tests -- -- | Example type with custom JSON encoding. data TwentyThree = TwentyThree instance ToJSON TwentyThree where toJSON _ = object [ "title" .= (23 :: Int) ] peekTwentyThree :: Peeker e TwentyThree peekTwentyThree = reportValueOnFailure "TwentyThree" (`Lua.fromuserdata` "TwentyThree") pushTwentyThree :: LuaError e => Pusher e TwentyThree pushTwentyThree _ = do Lua.newhsuserdatauv TwentyThree 0 created <- Lua.newudmetatable "TwentyThree" when created $ do pushToAeson (fmap Aeson.toJSON . peekTwentyThree) setfield (nth 2) "__toaeson" setmetatable (nth 2)