module Network.Hawk.Server
, authenticatePayload
, authenticateBewitRequest
, AuthReqOpts(..)
, authenticate
, authenticateBewit
, authenticateMessage
, HawkReq(..)
, AuthOpts(..)
, Credentials(..)
, CredentialsFunc
, NonceFunc
, Nonce
, def
, AuthResult
, AuthResult'(..)
, AuthSuccess(..)
, AuthFail(..)
, authValue
, authFailMessage
, header
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteArray (constEq)
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI (..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, decodeUtf8')
import Control.Error.Safe (rightMay)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (Header, hAuthorization, hContentType)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (Method, methodGet, methodPost)
import Network.HTTP.Types.URI (renderQuery)
import Network.Wai (Request, rawPathInfo,
rawQueryString, queryString,
remoteHost, requestMethod,
requestHeaderHost, requestHeaders)
import Network.Hawk.Internal.Types
import Network.Hawk.Internal
import Network.Hawk.Internal.Server
import Network.Hawk.Internal.Server.Types
import Network.Hawk.Internal.Server.Header
import Network.Hawk.Util
import Network.Iron.Util (b64urldec, justRight)
data AuthReqOpts = AuthReqOpts
{ saHostHeaderName :: Maybe (CI ByteString)
, saHost :: Maybe ByteString
, saPort :: Maybe ByteString
, saBewitParam :: ByteString
, saOpts :: AuthOpts
data AuthOpts = AuthOpts
{ saCheckNonce :: NonceFunc
, saTimestampSkew :: NominalDiffTime
, saLocaltimeOffset :: NominalDiffTime
instance Default AuthReqOpts where
def = AuthReqOpts Nothing Nothing Nothing "bewit" def
instance Default AuthOpts where
def = AuthOpts (\x t n -> return True) 60 0
authenticateRequest :: MonadIO m => AuthReqOpts -> CredentialsFunc m t
-> Request -> Maybe BL.ByteString -> m (AuthResult t)
authenticateRequest opts creds req body = do
let hreq = hawkReq opts req body
if BS.null (hrqAuthorization hreq)
then return $ Left (AuthFailBadRequest "Missing Authorization header" Nothing)
else authenticate (saOpts opts) creds hreq
authenticateBewit' (creds, t) req bewit
| mac `constEq` (bewitMac bewit) = Right (AuthSuccess creds arts t)
| otherwise = Left (AuthFailUnauthorized "Bad mac" (Just creds) (Just arts))
arts = bewitArtifacts req bewit
mac = serverMac creds HawkBewit arts
bewitArtifacts :: HawkReq -> Bewit -> HeaderArtifacts
bewitArtifacts HawkReq{..} Bewit{..} =
HeaderArtifacts hrqMethod hrqHost hrqPort hrqBewitlessUrl
"" bewitExp "" "" Nothing (Just bewitExt) Nothing Nothing
authenticateBewitRequest :: MonadIO m => AuthReqOpts -> CredentialsFunc m t
-> Request -> m (AuthResult t)
authenticateBewitRequest opts creds req =
authenticateBewit (saOpts opts) creds (hawkReq opts req Nothing)
authenticateBewit :: MonadIO m => AuthOpts -> CredentialsFunc m t
-> HawkReq -> m (AuthResult t)
authenticateBewit opts getCreds hrq@HawkReq{..} = do
now <- getServerTime opts
case checkBewit hrq now of
Right bewit -> do
mcreds <- first unauthorized <$> getCreds (bewitId bewit)
return $ case mcreds of
Right creds -> authenticateBewit' creds hrq bewit
Left e -> undefined
Left e -> return (Left e)
checkBewit :: HawkReq -> POSIXTime -> Either AuthFail Bewit
checkBewit HawkReq{..} now = do
checkMethod hrqMethod
checkLength hrqUrl
encBewit <- checkEmpty hrqBewit
checkHeader hrqAuthorization
bewit <- first unauthorized $ decodeBewit encBewit
checkAttrs bewit
checkExpiry bewit now
return bewit
checkLength url | BS.length url <= urlMaxLength = Right ()
| otherwise = Left (badRequest "Resource path exceeds max length")
urlMaxLength = 4096
checkEmpty (Just "") = Left (unauthorized "Empty bewit")
checkEmpty Nothing = Left (unauthorized "")
checkEmpty (Just b) = Right b
checkMethod m = if m == "GET" || m == "HEAD" then Right ()
else Left (unauthorized "Invalid method")
checkHeader h = if BS.null h then Right ()
else Left (badRequest "Multiple authentications")
checkAttrs (Bewit i _ m _) = if T.null i || BS.null m
then Left (badRequest "Missing bewit attributes")
else Right ()
checkExpiry b now = if now < bewitExp b then Right ()
else Left (AuthFailUnauthorized ("Access expired " ++ show (bewitExp b)) Nothing Nothing)
unauthorized e = AuthFailUnauthorized e Nothing Nothing
badRequest e = AuthFailBadRequest e Nothing
getServerTime :: MonadIO m => AuthOpts -> m POSIXTime
getServerTime AuthOpts{..} = (+ saLocaltimeOffset) <$> liftIO getPOSIXTime
hawkReq :: AuthReqOpts -> Request -> Maybe BL.ByteString -> HawkReq
hawkReq AuthReqOpts{..} req body = HawkReq
{ hrqMethod = requestMethod req
, hrqUrl = baseUrl <> rawQueryString req
, hrqHost = justString (saHost <|> host)
, hrqPort = port
, hrqAuthorization = justString $ lookup hAuthorization $ requestHeaders req
, hrqPayload = PayloadInfo ct <$> body
, hrqBewit = fmap justString <$> lookup saBewitParam $ queryString req
, hrqBewitlessUrl = baseUrl <> bewitQueryString
baseUrl = rawPathInfo req
hostHdr = maybe (requestHeaderHost req) (flip lookup (requestHeaders req)) saHostHeaderName
(host, port) = case parseHostnamePort <$> hostHdr of
Nothing -> (Nothing, Nothing)
(Just ("", p)) -> (Nothing, p)
(Just (h, Just p)) -> (Just h, Just p)
(Just (h, Nothing)) -> (Just h, Nothing)
ct = justString $ lookup hContentType $ requestHeaders req
justString = fromMaybe ""
bewitQueryString = renderQuery True $ removeBewit (queryString req)
removeBewit = filter ((/= saBewitParam) . fst)
authenticate :: MonadIO m => AuthOpts -> CredentialsFunc m t -> HawkReq -> m (AuthResult t)
authenticate opts getCreds req@HawkReq{..} = do
case parseServerAuthorizationHeader hrqAuthorization of
Right sah -> let arts = headerArtifacts req sah
in authenticateBase HawkHeader opts getCreds arts hrqPayload sah
Left err -> return $ Left err
authenticateMessage :: MonadIO m
=> AuthOpts
-> CredentialsFunc m t
-> ByteString
-> Maybe Int
-> BL.ByteString
-> MessageAuth
-> m (AuthResult t)
authenticateMessage opts getCreds host port msg auth =
authenticateBase HawkMessage opts getCreds arts payload sah
arts = msgArts host port auth
payload = Just (PayloadInfo "" msg)
sah = msgAuth auth
msgAuth :: MessageAuth -> AuthorizationHeader
msgAuth MessageAuth{..} = AuthorizationHeader
{ sahId = msgId
, sahTs = msgTimestamp
, sahNonce = msgNonce
, sahMac = msgMac
, sahHash = Just msgHash
, sahExt = Nothing
, sahApp = Nothing
, sahDlg = Nothing
msgArts :: ByteString -> Maybe Int -> MessageAuth -> HeaderArtifacts
msgArts host port MessageAuth{..} = HeaderArtifacts
{ haMethod = ""
, haHost = host
, haPort = port
, haResource = ""
, haId = ""
, haTimestamp = msgTimestamp
, haNonce = msgNonce
, haMac = ""
, haHash = Just msgHash
, haExt = Nothing
, haApp = Nothing
, haDlg = Nothing
authenticateBase :: MonadIO m => HawkType -> AuthOpts -> CredentialsFunc m t
-> HeaderArtifacts -> Maybe PayloadInfo
-> AuthorizationHeader -> m (AuthResult t)
authenticateBase ty opts getCreds arts payload sah@AuthorizationHeader{..} = do
now <- getServerTime opts
creds <- getCreds sahId
case creds of
Right creds' -> do
nonce <- liftIO $ saCheckNonce opts (scKey (fst creds')) sahTs sahNonce
return $ authenticate' ty now opts creds' nonce arts payload sah
Left e -> return $ Left (AuthFailUnauthorized e Nothing (Just arts))
authenticate' :: HawkType -> POSIXTime -> AuthOpts -> (Credentials, t) -> Bool
-> HeaderArtifacts -> Maybe PayloadInfo -> AuthorizationHeader
-> AuthResult t
authenticate' ty now opts (creds, t) nonce arts payload sah@AuthorizationHeader{..} = do
let doCheck = authResult creds arts t
doCheckExp = authResultExp now creds arts t
mac = serverMac creds ty arts
if mac `constEq` sahMac then do
doCheck $ checkPayloadHash (scAlgorithm creds) sahHash payload
doCheck $ checkNonce nonce
doCheckExp $ checkExpiration now (saTimestampSkew opts) sahTs
doCheck $ Right ()
else Left (AuthFailUnauthorized "Bad mac" (Just creds) (Just arts))
authResult :: Credentials -> HeaderArtifacts -> t
-> Either String a -> Either AuthFail (AuthSuccess t)
authResult c a t (Right _) = Right (AuthSuccess c a t)
authResult c a _ (Left e) = Left (AuthFailUnauthorized e (Just c) (Just a))
authResultExp :: POSIXTime -> Credentials -> HeaderArtifacts -> t
-> Either String a -> Either AuthFail (AuthSuccess t)
authResultExp _ c a t (Right _) = Right (AuthSuccess c a t)
authResultExp now c a _ (Left e) = Left (AuthFailStaleTimeStamp e now c a)
headerArtifacts :: HawkReq -> AuthorizationHeader -> HeaderArtifacts
headerArtifacts HawkReq{..} AuthorizationHeader{..} =
HeaderArtifacts hrqMethod hrqHost hrqPort hrqUrl
sahId sahTs sahNonce sahMac sahHash sahExt sahApp sahDlg
authenticatePayload :: AuthSuccess t -> PayloadInfo -> Either String ()
authenticatePayload (AuthSuccess c a _) p =
checkPayloadHash (scAlgorithm c) (haHash a) (Just p)
checkNonce :: Bool -> Either String ()
checkNonce True = Right ()
checkNonce False = Left "Invalid nonce"
checkExpiration :: POSIXTime -> NominalDiffTime -> POSIXTime -> Either String ()
checkExpiration now skew ts = if abs (ts now) <= skew then Right ()
else Left "Expired seal"
data AuthorizationHeader = AuthorizationHeader
{ sahId :: Text
, sahTs :: POSIXTime
, sahNonce :: ByteString
, sahMac :: ByteString
, sahHash :: Maybe ByteString
, sahExt :: Maybe ExtData
, sahApp :: Maybe Text
, sahDlg :: Maybe Text
} deriving Show
parseServerAuthorizationHeader :: ByteString -> AuthResult' AuthorizationHeader
parseServerAuthorizationHeader = parseHeaderServer allKeys serverAuthHeader
allKeys = ["id", "ts", "nonce", "hash", "ext", "mac", "app", "dlg"]
parseHeaderServer :: [ByteString] -> (AuthAttrs -> Either String hdr) -> ByteString -> AuthResult' hdr
parseHeaderServer keys hdr = parseResult . parseHeader keys hdr
parseResult :: Either String (AuthScheme, hdr) -> AuthResult' hdr
parseResult (Right ("Hawk", h)) = Right h
parseResult (Right _) = Left (AuthFailUnauthorized "Hawk" Nothing Nothing)
parseResult (Left e) = Left (AuthFailBadRequest e Nothing)
serverAuthHeader :: AuthAttrs -> Either String AuthorizationHeader
serverAuthHeader m = do
id <- decodeUtf8 <$> authAttr m "id"
ts <- join (readTs <$> authAttr m "ts")
nonce <- authAttr m "nonce"
mac <- authAttr m "mac"
return $ AuthorizationHeader id ts nonce mac
(authAttrMaybe m "hash") (authAttrMaybe m "ext")
(decodeUtf8 <$> authAttrMaybe m "app")
(decodeUtf8 <$> authAttrMaybe m "dlg")
data Bewit = Bewit
{ bewitId :: Text
, bewitExp :: POSIXTime
, bewitMac :: ByteString
, bewitExt :: ByteString
} deriving Show
decodeBewit :: ByteString -> Either String Bewit
decodeBewit s = decode s >>= fourParts >>= bewit
decode = fmap (S8.split '\\') . fixMsg . b64urldec
fourParts [a, b, c, d] = Right (a, b, c, d)
fourParts _ = Left "Invalid bewit structure"
bewit = justRight "Invalid bewit structure" . bewit'
bewit' (id, exp, mac, ext) = Bewit <$> decodeId id
<*> readTsMaybe exp
<*> pure mac <*> pure ext
fixMsg = first (const "Invalid bewit encoding")
decodeId = rightMay . decodeUtf8'