htree: a library to build and work with heterogeneous, type level indexed rose trees

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This library implements a heterogeneous rose-tree (HTree) that is indexed by a type-level rosetree (TyTree).

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Dependencies base (>=4.20 && <5) [details]
Tested with ghc ==9.10.1
License AGPL-3.0-or-later
Author mangoiv
Category Data
Uploaded by mangoiv at 2024-11-15T15:25:40Z
Distributions NixOS:
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Readme for htree-

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built on haskell ci hackage

htree: heterogeneous rose tree

This library implements a heterogeneous rose-tree (HTree) that is indexed by a type-level rosetree (TyTree).

It also offers some useful functions, highlights include:

  • searching in the tree and creating evidence on the term-level via typeclasses
  • record-dot syntax for accessing elements in the tree.
  • mapping and traversing trees

to develop

  • with direnv: direnv allow
  • only with nix: nix develop
  • to run all checks: nix flake check -Lv systems configurations
  • build with nix nix build (or on ghc96, nix build .#ghc96-htree)
  • documentation in the form of continuously deployed haddock can be found at


pattern I :: forall a. a -> Identity a
pattern I a = Identity a

-- the type that the tree is going to be indexed by
type Ex =
  TyNode Int
   [ TyNode Int
       [ TyNode Int '[]
       , TyNode Bool '[]
       , TyNode String '[ TyNode Int '[]]
    , TyNode Int '[]

-- we create an HTree of the example type 'Ex'
ex :: HTree Identity Ex
ex =
  HNode 5 do
    HNode 12 do
      HNode 13 HNil
        ::: HNode (I False) HNil
        ::: HNode "test" (HNode 9 HNil ::: HNil)
        ::: HNil
      ::: HNode 43 HNil
      ::: HNil

-- we can create a labeled Tree and search via DFS and BFS in it
-- the search happens on the type-level
type LabeledTree = TyNodeL "top" Int
  [ TyNodeL "inter" Int '[ TyNodeL "foo" Int '[] ]
  , TyNodeL "foo" Int '[]

-- >>> getElem DFS "foo" Int labeledTree
-- Identity 69
-- >>> getElem BFS "foo" Int labeledTree
-- Identity 67
labeledTree :: HTree Identity LabeledTree
labeledTree = 42 `HNodeL` HNodeL 4 (HNodeL 69 HNil ::: HNil) ::: HNodeL 67 HNil ::: HNil