module Network.HTTP.Client.Connection
( connectionReadLine
, connectionReadLineWith
, connectionDropTillBlankLine
, dummyConnection
, openSocketConnection
, openSocketConnectionSize
, makeConnection
, socketConnection
) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, empty)
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Network.HTTP.Client.Types
import Network.Socket (Socket, HostAddress)
import qualified Network.Socket as NS
import Network.Socket.ByteString (sendAll, recv)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Function (fix)
connectionReadLine :: Connection -> IO ByteString
connectionReadLine conn = do
bs <- connectionRead conn
when (S.null bs) $ throwHttp IncompleteHeaders
connectionReadLineWith conn bs
connectionDropTillBlankLine :: Connection -> IO ()
connectionDropTillBlankLine conn = fix $ \loop -> do
bs <- connectionReadLine conn
unless (S.null bs) loop
connectionReadLineWith :: Connection -> ByteString -> IO ByteString
connectionReadLineWith conn bs0 =
go bs0 id 0
go bs front total =
case S.break (== charLF) bs of
(_, "") -> do
let total' = total + S.length bs
when (total' > 4096) $ throwHttp OverlongHeaders
bs' <- connectionRead conn
when (S.null bs') $ throwHttp IncompleteHeaders
go bs' (front . (bs:)) total'
(x, S.drop 1 -> y) -> do
unless (S.null y) $! connectionUnread conn y
return $! killCR $! S.concat $! front [x]
charLF, charCR :: Word8
charLF = 10
charCR = 13
killCR :: ByteString -> ByteString
killCR bs
| S.null bs = bs
| S.last bs == charCR = S.init bs
| otherwise = bs
dummyConnection :: [ByteString]
-> IO (Connection, IO [ByteString], IO [ByteString])
dummyConnection input0 = do
iinput <- newIORef input0
ioutput <- newIORef []
return (Connection
{ connectionRead = atomicModifyIORef iinput $ \input ->
case input of
[] -> ([], empty)
x:xs -> (xs, x)
, connectionUnread = \x -> atomicModifyIORef iinput $ \input -> (x:input, ())
, connectionWrite = \x -> atomicModifyIORef ioutput $ \output -> (output ++ [x], ())
, connectionClose = return ()
}, atomicModifyIORef ioutput $ \output -> ([], output), readIORef iinput)
makeConnection :: IO ByteString
-> (ByteString -> IO ())
-> IO ()
-> IO Connection
makeConnection r w c = do
istack <- newIORef []
closedVar <- newIORef False
let close = do
closed <- atomicModifyIORef closedVar (\closed -> (True, closed))
unless closed $
_ <- mkWeakIORef istack close
return $! Connection
{ connectionRead = do
closed <- readIORef closedVar
when closed $ throwHttp ConnectionClosed
join $ atomicModifyIORef istack $ \stack ->
case stack of
x:xs -> (xs, return x)
[] -> ([], r)
, connectionUnread = \x -> do
closed <- readIORef closedVar
when closed $ throwHttp ConnectionClosed
atomicModifyIORef istack $ \stack -> (x:stack, ())
, connectionWrite = \x -> do
closed <- readIORef closedVar
when closed $ throwHttp ConnectionClosed
w x
, connectionClose = close
socketConnection :: Socket
-> Int
-> IO Connection
socketConnection socket chunksize = makeConnection
(recv socket chunksize)
(sendAll socket)
(NS.close socket)
openSocketConnection :: (Socket -> IO ())
-> Maybe HostAddress
-> String
-> Int
-> IO Connection
openSocketConnection f = openSocketConnectionSize f 8192
openSocketConnectionSize :: (Socket -> IO ())
-> Int
-> Maybe HostAddress
-> String
-> Int
-> IO Connection
openSocketConnectionSize tweakSocket chunksize hostAddress' host' port' = do
let hints = NS.defaultHints {
, NS.addrSocketType = NS.Stream
addrs <- case hostAddress' of
Nothing ->
NS.getAddrInfo (Just hints) (Just host') (Just $ show port')
Just ha ->
{ NS.addrFlags = []
, NS.addrFamily = NS.AF_INET
, NS.addrSocketType = NS.Stream
, NS.addrProtocol = 6
, NS.addrAddress = NS.SockAddrInet (toEnum port') ha
, NS.addrCanonName = Nothing
firstSuccessful addrs $ \addr ->
(NS.socket (NS.addrFamily addr) (NS.addrSocketType addr)
(NS.addrProtocol addr))
(\sock -> do
NS.setSocketOption sock NS.NoDelay 1
tweakSocket sock
NS.connect sock (NS.addrAddress addr)
socketConnection sock chunksize)
firstSuccessful :: [NS.AddrInfo] -> (NS.AddrInfo -> IO a) -> IO a
firstSuccessful [] _ = error "getAddrInfo returned empty list"
firstSuccessful (a:as) cb =
cb a `E.catch` \(e :: E.IOException) ->
case as of
[] -> E.throwIO e
_ -> firstSuccessful as cb