{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, myThreadId, throwTo, threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.Async (async, waitAnyCancel) import Control.Monad (forever, when, void) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString import Data.Default.Class (def) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import qualified Network.HTTP2 as HTTP2 import qualified Network.TLS as TLS import qualified Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher as TLS import Options.Applicative import System.IO import Network.HTTP2.Client import Network.HTTP2.Client.Helpers type Path = ByteString type Verb = ByteString data PostData = PostBytestring !ByteString | PostFileContent FilePath deriving Show postDataForString :: String -> PostData postDataForString ('@':filepath) = PostFileContent filepath postDataForString content = PostBytestring (ByteString.pack content) data ServerPushSwitch = PushEnabled | PushDisabled deriving Show data Verbosity = Verbose | NonVerbose deriving Show data UseTLS = UseTLS | PlainText deriving Show data QueryArgs = QueryArgs { _host :: !HostName , _port :: !PortNumber , _verb :: !Verb , _path :: !Path , _extraHeaders :: ![(ByteString, ByteString)] , _extraTrailers :: ![(ByteString, ByteString)] , _postData :: !(Maybe PostData) , _interPingDelay :: !Int , _pingTimeout :: !Int , _interFlowControlUpdates :: !Int , _settingsMaxConcurrency :: !Int , _settingsAllowServerPush :: !ServerPushSwitch , _settingsMaxFrameSize :: !Int , _settingsMaxHeaderBlockSize :: !Int , _settingsInitialWindowSize :: !Int , _initialWindowKick :: !Int , _concurrentQueriesCount :: !Int , _numberQueries :: !Int , _finalDelay :: !Int , _finalMessage :: !ByteString , _encoderBufsize :: !Int , _decoderBufsize :: !Int , _downloadPrefix :: !FilePath , _verboseDebug :: !Verbosity , _useTLS :: !UseTLS } deriving Show clientArgs :: Parser QueryArgs clientArgs = QueryArgs <$> host <*> port <*> verb <*> path <*> extraHeaders <*> extraTrailers <*> postData <*> milliseconds "inter-ping-delay-ms" 0 <*> milliseconds "ping-timeout-ms" 5000 <*> milliseconds "inter-flow-control-updates-ms" 1000 <*> concurrency <*> allowPush <*> frameBytes <*> headersBytes <*> initialWindowBytes <*> initialWindowKick <*> numConcurrentThreads <*> numQueriesPerThread <*> milliseconds "delay-before-quitting-ms" 0 <*> kthxByeMessage <*> encoderBufSize <*> decoderBufSize <*> downloadPrefix <*> verboseDebug <*> useTLS where bstrOption = fmap ByteString.pack . strOption milliseconds what base = fmap (*1000) $ option auto (long what <> value base) keyval kv = let (k,v1) = ByteString.break (== ':') kv in (k, ByteString.drop 1 v1) host = strOption (long "host" <> value "") path = bstrOption (long "path" <> value "/") port = option auto (long "port" <> value 443) verb = bstrOption (long "verb" <> value "GET") extraHeaders = many (fmap keyval $ bstrOption (short 'H')) extraTrailers = many (fmap keyval $ bstrOption (short 'T')) postData = optional (fmap postDataForString (strOption (short 'd'))) concurrency = option auto (long "max-concurrency" <> value 100) allowPush = flag PushEnabled PushDisabled (long "disable-server-push") frameBytes = option auto (long "max-frame-size" <> value 1048576) headersBytes = option auto (long "max-headers-list-size" <> value 1048576) initialWindowBytes = option auto (long "initial-window-size" <> value 10485760) initialWindowKick = option auto (long "initial-window-kick" <> value 0) numConcurrentThreads = option auto (long "num-concurrent-threads" <> value 1) numQueriesPerThread = option auto (long "num-queries-per-thread" <> value 1) kthxByeMessage = bstrOption (long "exit-greeting" <> value "kthxbye (>;_;<)") encoderBufSize = option auto (long "hpack-encoder-buffer-size" <> value 4096) decoderBufSize = option auto (long "hpack-decoder-buffer-size" <> value 4096) downloadPrefix = strOption (long "push-files-prefix" <> value ":stdout-pp") verboseDebug = flag NonVerbose Verbose (long "verbose") useTLS = flag UseTLS PlainText (long "plain-text") main :: IO () main = execParser opts >>= client where opts = info (helper <*> clientArgs) (mconcat [ fullDesc , header "http2-client-exe: a CLI HTTP2 client written in Haskell" ]) client :: QueryArgs -> IO () client QueryArgs{..} = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering -- If we need to post data then we prepare an upload function. -- Otherwise the function does nothing but we tell the server that we are -- finished with the stream after HTTP headers. -- -- Note that this implementation reads the body from files and into memory -- (better for testing concurrency, worse for large uploads). (headersFlags, dataPostFunction) <- case (_extraTrailers, _postData) of ([], (Just (PostBytestring dataPayload))) -> return $ (id, upload dataPayload HTTP2.setEndStream) ([], (Just (PostFileContent filepath))) -> do dataPayload <- ByteString.readFile filepath return $ (id, upload dataPayload HTTP2.setEndStream) ([], Nothing) -> return $ (HTTP2.setEndStream, \_ _ _ _ -> return ()) (_, (Just (PostBytestring dataPayload))) -> return $ (id, (\c ofc s sofc -> do upload dataPayload id c ofc s sofc trailers s _extraTrailers HTTP2.setEndStream )) (_, (Just (PostFileContent filepath))) -> do dataPayload <- ByteString.readFile filepath return $ (id, (\c ofc s sofc -> do upload dataPayload id c ofc s sofc trailers s _extraTrailers HTTP2.setEndStream )) (_, Nothing) -> return $ (id, (\_ _ s _ -> do trailers s _extraTrailers HTTP2.setEndStream )) let headersPairs = [ (":method", _verb) , (":scheme", "https") , (":path", _path) , (":authority", ByteString.pack _host) ] <> _extraHeaders <> [("Trailer", ByteString.unwords $ fmap fst _extraTrailers)] let ppHandler n idx _ stream ppHdrs streamFlowControl _ = void $ forkIO $ do let pushpath = fromMaybe "unspecified-path" (lookup ":path" ppHdrs) timePrint ("push stream started" :: String, pushpath) ret <- fromStreamResult <$> waitStream stream streamFlowControl (ppHandler n idx) either (\e -> timePrint e) (dump PushPromiseFile pushpath n idx _downloadPrefix) ret timePrint ("push stream ended" :: String) let conf = [ (HTTP2.SettingsMaxFrameSize, _settingsMaxFrameSize) , (HTTP2.SettingsMaxConcurrentStreams, _settingsMaxConcurrency) , (HTTP2.SettingsMaxHeaderBlockSize, _settingsMaxHeaderBlockSize) , (HTTP2.SettingsInitialWindowSize, _settingsInitialWindowSize) , (HTTP2.SettingsEnablePush, case _settingsAllowServerPush of PushEnabled -> 1 ; PushDisabled -> 0) ] timePrint conf let tlsSetting = case _useTLS of UseTLS -> Just tlsParams PlainText -> Nothing frameConn <- newHttp2FrameConnection _host _port tlsSetting let wrappedFrameConn = frameConn { _makeFrameClientStream = \sid -> let frameClient = (_makeFrameClientStream frameConn) sid in frameClient { _sendFrames = \mkFrames -> do xs <- mkFrames print $ (">>> "::String, _getStreamId frameClient, map snd xs) _sendFrames frameClient (pure xs) } , _serverStream = let currentServerStrean = _serverStream frameConn in currentServerStrean { _nextHeaderAndFrame = do hdrFrame@(hdr,_) <- _nextHeaderAndFrame currentServerStrean print ("<<< "::String, HTTP2.streamId hdr, hdrFrame) return hdrFrame } } parentThread <- myThreadId let withConn = case _verboseDebug of Verbose -> runHttp2Client wrappedFrameConn _encoderBufsize _decoderBufsize conf defaultGoAwayHandler printUnhandledFrame NonVerbose -> runHttp2Client frameConn _encoderBufsize _decoderBufsize conf (throwTo parentThread) ignoreFallbackHandler withConn $ \conn -> do _addCredit (_incomingFlowControl conn) _initialWindowKick _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do updated <- _updateWindow $ _incomingFlowControl conn when updated $ timePrint ("sending flow-control update" :: String) threadDelay _interFlowControlUpdates _ <- forkIO $ when (_interPingDelay > 0) $ forever $ do threadDelay _interPingDelay (t0, t1, pingReply) <- ping conn _pingTimeout "pingpong" timePrint $ ("ping-reply:" :: String, pingReply, diffUTCTime t1 t0) let go 0 idx = timePrint $ "done worker: " <> show idx go n idx = do _ <- (withHttp2Stream conn $ \stream -> let initStream = headers stream headersPairs headersFlags handler streamINFlowControl streamOUTFlowControl = do timePrint $ "stream started " <> show (idx, n) _ <- async $ do dataPostFunction conn (_outgoingFlowControl conn) stream streamOUTFlowControl ret <- fromStreamResult <$> waitStream stream streamINFlowControl (ppHandler n idx) either (\e -> timePrint e) (dump MainFile _path n idx _downloadPrefix) ret timePrint $ "stream ended " <> show (idx, n) in StreamDefinition initStream handler) go (n - 1) idx _ <- waitAnyCancel =<< traverse (async . go _numberQueries) [1 .. _concurrentQueriesCount] when (_finalDelay > 0) (threadDelay _finalDelay) _gtfo conn HTTP2.NoError _finalMessage where tlsParams = TLS.ClientParams { TLS.clientWantSessionResume = Nothing , TLS.clientUseMaxFragmentLength = Nothing , TLS.clientServerIdentification = (_host, ByteString.pack $ show _port) , TLS.clientUseServerNameIndication = True , TLS.clientShared = def , TLS.clientHooks = def { TLS.onServerCertificate = \_ _ _ _ -> return [] } , TLS.clientSupported = def { TLS.supportedCiphers = TLS.ciphersuite_default } , TLS.clientDebug = def } data DumpType = MainFile | PushPromiseFile dump :: DumpType -> Path -> Int -> Int -> FilePath -> StreamResponse -> IO () dump MainFile _ _ _ ":none" (hdrs, _, trls) = do timePrint hdrs timePrint trls dump MainFile _ _ _ ":stdout" (hdrs, body, trls) = do timePrint hdrs ByteString.putStrLn body timePrint trls dump PushPromiseFile _ _ _ ":stdout" (hdrs, _, trls) = do timePrint hdrs timePrint trls dump MainFile _ _ _ ":stdout-pp" (hdrs, body, trls) = do timePrint hdrs ByteString.putStrLn body timePrint trls dump PushPromiseFile _ _ _ ":stdout-pp" (hdrs, body, trls) = do timePrint hdrs ByteString.putStrLn body timePrint trls dump _ querystring nquery nthread prefix (hdrs, body, trls) = do timePrint hdrs ByteString.writeFile filepath body timePrint trls where filepath = mconcat [ prefix , "/" , show nquery , "." , show nthread , ByteString.unpack $ cleanPath querystring ] cleanPath = ByteString.takeWhile (/= '?') . ByteString.map (\c -> if c == '/' then '_' else c) timePrint :: Show a => a -> IO () timePrint x = do tst <- getCurrentTime ByteString.hPutStrLn stderr $ ByteString.pack $ show (tst, x) printUnhandledFrame :: FallBackFrameHandler printUnhandledFrame (fh,fp) = timePrint ("UNHANDLED:"::String, fh, fp)