{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- Tests for hvega, using tasty-golden. The idea is that we check the JSON serialization of a specification against a previously-generated value, stored as a separate file. This allows external checks of the spec (e.g. by validating against the Vega-Lite schema), and tests in visualizers. That is, the main aim is to perform a series of regression tests, rather than unit or property tests. Each module - based on the Elm VegaLite tests - provides a labelled-list of VegaLite specifications, as testSpecs :: [(String, VegaLite)] and these labels are used as the file name of the "golden" file (with a ".vl" suffix) in a sub-directory for the module. To make the output easier to compare against, the Aeson pretty-printer is used. This relies on the pretty-printer being deterministic (i.e. the key/value pairs of dictionaries get displayed in the same order). -} import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import Data.Aeson (Value) import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty (Config(confCompare), encodePretty', defConfig) import System.FilePath ((), (<.>)) import Test.Tasty (defaultMain, TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.Golden (goldenVsString) import Prelude hiding (filter, repeat) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite -- Test specifications -- import qualified AxisTests as AxT import qualified ColorTests as ColT import qualified CompositeTests as CompT import qualified ConditionalTests as CondT import qualified ConfigTests as ConfT import qualified DataTests as DT import qualified EncodingTests import qualified FillStrokeTests as FST import qualified FilterTests import qualified GeoTests as GT import qualified HyperlinkTests as HT import qualified ImageTests as ImT import qualified InteractionTests as IT import qualified LegendTests as LT import qualified MarkTests import qualified NullTests as NT import qualified PositionTests as PT import qualified ProjectionTests as PjT import qualified ScaleTests as ScT import qualified ShapeTests as ShT import qualified SortTests as SoT import qualified TextFormatTests as TfT import qualified TimeTests as TmT import qualified TooltipTests as TT import qualified TrailTests as TrT import qualified TransformTests import qualified ViewCompositionTests as VT import qualified WindowTransformTests as WT -- extend from the "tests" to gallery plots import qualified Gallery.Advanced as GADV import qualified Gallery.Area as GA import qualified Gallery.Bar as GB import qualified Gallery.Dist as GD import qualified Gallery.Error as GE import qualified Gallery.Facet as GF import qualified Gallery.Geo as GG import qualified Gallery.Histogram as GalleryHistogram import qualified Gallery.Interaction as GI import qualified Gallery.Label as GLBL import qualified Gallery.Layer as GLYR import qualified Gallery.Line as GLN import qualified Gallery.Multi as GM import qualified Gallery.Repeat as GR import qualified Gallery.Scatter as GS import qualified Gallery.Table as GTBL -- Ensure we have a repeatable ordering for the output. -- Hopefully this is repeatable enough (brought on by -- changes in hashable but it makes sense to -- do this here as I hadn't realised that the default -- encodePretty didn't actually apply any sorting to -- the keys). -- encodePretty :: Value -> BL8.ByteString encodePretty = encodePretty' config where config = defConfig { confCompare = compare } -- The "golden" output is "tests/specs/