For the latest version of this document, please see []( ## Updated the tutorial, adding in a new plot to introduce the addition of a second axis to the visualization (`parallaxBreakdown`). ## Thanks to (in no order): Matthew Pickering (mpickering), Adam Conner-Sax (adamConnerSax), and Jo Wood (jwoLondon). This is a large release, in that it greatly-improves the functionality of hvega (more-closely aligning it with version 3.4.0 of the Vega-Lite specification), but does provide a number of **breaking changes** (a number of functions and constructors have either been removed or had some combination of being renamed, argument types have changed, or the number of arguments has been changed). The documentation has also seen a number of additions and improvements. A large number of functions, data types, and constructors for data types have been added, based on version 1.12.0 (and the development version of the next release) of the elm-vegalite module. Thanks to Jo Wood for doing all the work! The Haddock documentation indicates new symbols with the `since` label. ### Bug fixes Corrected the serialization of the `datasets` function, reported by Matthew Pickering as [issue 29]( Improved the output to better-match the Vega Lite 3.4.0 specification. Note that hvega does not guarantee that it always creates valid output, in part because this would complicate the API, but also because the Vega-Lite specification is changing (e.g. I reported several issues with version 3.3.0 of the specification during development of this release, some of which have been addressed in the 3.4.0 version). ### New functions, symbols, and types The error-related types and functions discussed below are based on changes provided by Adam Conner-Sax. `toVegaLiteSchema` has been added to allow you to specify a different Vega-Lite schema. `toVegaLite` uses version 3 but version 4 is being worked on as I type this. The `vlSchema` function has been added, along with `vlSchema4`, `vlSchema3`, and `vlSchema2` values. The `toHtmlWith` and `toHtmlFileWith` functions have been added to support more control over the embedding of the Vega-Lite visualizations, and the versions of the required Javascript libraries used by the `toHtmlXXX` routines has been updated. The `VLProperty` type now exports its constructors, to support users who may need to tweak or augment the JSON Vega-Lite specification created by `hvega` (see [issue 17]( It has also gained several new constructors and associated functions, which are given in brackets after the constructor: `VLAlign` (`align`); `VLBounds` (`bounds`); `VLCenter` (`center`, `centerRC`); `VLColumns` (`columns`); `VLConcat` (`vlConcat`); `VLSpacing` (`alignRC`, `spacing`, `spacingRC`); `VLUserMetadata` (`usermetadata`); and `VLViewBackground` (`viewBackground`). It is expected that you will be using the functions rather the constructors! The `ZIndex` type has been added: this provides constructors for the common options - `ZFront` and `ZBack` - and a fall-through (`ZValue`) as a protection against future changes to the Vega-Lite specification. Four new type aliases have been added: `Angle`, `Color`, `Opacity`, and `ZIndex`. These do not provide any new functionality but do document intent. The `noData` function has been added to let compositions define the source of the data (whether it is from the parent or not), and data sources can be named with `dataName`. Data can be created with `dataSequence`, `dataSequenceAs`, and `sphere`. Graticules can be created with `graticule`. The `NullValue` type has been added to `DataValue` to support data sources that are missing elements, but for more-complex cases it is suggested that you create your data as an Aeson Value and then use `dataFromJson`. Support for data imputation (creating new values based on existing data) has been added, as discussed below. The alignment, size, and composition of plots can be defined and changed with `align`, `alignRC`, `bounds`, `center`, `centerRC`, `columns`, `spacing`, and `spacingRC`. Plots can be combined and arranged with: `facet`, `facetFlow`, `repeat`, `repeatFlow`, and `vlConcat` New functions for use in a `transform`: `flatten`, `flattenAs`, `fold`, `foldAs`, `impute`, and `stack`. New functions for use with `encoding`: `fillOpacity`, `strokeOpacity`, `strokeWidth`, The ability to arrange specifications has added the "flow" option (aka "repeat"). This is seen in the addition of the `Flow` constructor to the `Arrangement` type - which is used with `ByRepeatOp`, `HRepeat`, `MRepeat`, `ORepeat`, `PRepeat`, and `TRepeat`. The `Mark` type has gained `Boxplot`, `ErrorBar`, `ErrorBand`, and `Trail` constructors. The `MarkProperty` type has gained `MBorders`, `MBox`, `MExtent`, `MHeight`, `MHRef`, `MLine`, `MMedian`, `MOrder`, `MOutliers`, `MNoOutliers`, `MPoint`, `MRule`, `MStrokeCap`, `MStrokeJoin`, `MStrokeMiterLimit`, `MTicks`, `MTooltip`, `MWidth`, `MX`, `MX2`, `MXOffset`, `MX2Offset`, `MY`, `MY2`, `MYOffset`, and `MY2Offset` constructors. The `Position` type has added `XError`, `XError2`, `YError`, and `YError2` constructors. The `MarkErrorExtent` type was added. The `BooleanOp` type has gained the `FilterOp` and `FilterOpTrans` constructors which lets you use `Filter` expressions as part of a boolean operation. The `Filter` type has also gained expresiveness, with the `FLessThan`, `FLessThanEq`, `FGreaterThan`, `FGreaterThanEq`, and `FValid`. The `Format` type has gained the `DSV` constructor, which allow you to specify the separator character for column data. The MarkChannel type has been expanded to include: `MBinned`, `MSort`, `MTitle`, and `MNoTitle`. The PositionChannel type has added `PHeight`, `PWidth`, `PNumber`, `PBinned`, `PImpute`, `PTitle`, and `PNoTitle` constructors. The LineMarker and PointMarker types have been added for use with `MLine` and `MPoint` respectively (both from `MarkProperty`). The ability to define the binning property with `binAs`, `DBin`, `FBin`, `HBin`, `MBin`, `OBin`, `PBin`, and `TBin` has been expanded by adding the `AlreadyBinned` and `BinAnchor` constructors to `BinProperty`, as well as changing the `Divide` constructor (as described below). The `StrokeCap` and `StrokeJoin` types has been added. These are used with `MStrokeCap`, `VBStrokeCap`, and `ViewStrokeCap` and `MStrokeJoin`, `VBStrokeJoin`, and `ViewStrokeJoin` respectively. The `StackProperty` constructor has been added with the `StOffset` and `StSort` constructors. As discussed below this is a breaking change since the old StackProperty type has been renamed to `StackOffset`. The `ScaleProperty` type has seen significant enhancement, by adding the constructors: `SAlign`, `SBase`, `SBins`, `SConstant` and `SExponent`. THe `Scale` tye has added `ScSymLog` `ScQuantile`, `ScQuantize`, and `ScThreshold`. The `SortProperty` type has new constructors: `CustomSort`, `ByRepeatOp`, `ByFieldOp`, and `ByChannel`. See the breaking-changes section below for the constructors that were removed. The `AxisProperty` type has seen significant additions, including: `AxBandPosition`, `AxDomainColor`, `AxDomainDash`, `AxDomainDashOffset`, `AxDomainOpacity`, `AxDomainWidth`, `AxFormatAsNum`, `AxFormatAsTemporal`, `AxGridColor`, `AxGridDash`, `AxGridDashOffset`, `AxGridOpacity`, `AxGridWidth`, `AxLabelAlign`, `AxLabelBaseline`, `AxLabelNoBound`, `AxLabelBound`, `AxLabelBoundValue`, `AxLabelColor`, `AxLabelNoFlush`, `AxLabelFlush`, `AxLabelFlushValue`, `AxLabelFlushOffset`, `AxLabelFont`, `AxLabelFontSize`, `AxLabelFontStyle`, `AxLabelFontWeight`, `AxLabelLimit`, `AxLabelOpacity`, `AxLabelSeparation`, `AxTickColor`, `AxTickDash`, `AxTickDashOffset`, `AxTickExtra`, `AxTickMinStep`, `AxTickOffset`, `AxTickOpacity`, `AxTickRound`, `AxTickWidth`, `AxNoTitle`, `AxTitleAnchor`, `AxTitleBaseline`, `AxTitleColor`, `AxTitleFont`, `AxTitleFontSize`, `AxTitleFontStyle`, `AxTitleFontWeight`, `AxTitleLimit`, `AxTitleOpacity`, `AxTitleX`, and `AxTitleY`. The `AxisConfig` has seen a similar enhancement, and looks similar to the above apart from the constructors do not start with 'Ax'. The `LegendConfig` type has been significantly expanded and, as discussed in the Breaking Changes section, changed. It has gained: `LeClipHeight`, `LeColumnPadding`, `LeColumns`, `LeGradientDirection`, `LeGradientHorizontalMaxLength`, `LeGradientHorizontalMinLength`, `LeGradientLength`, `LeGradientOpacity`, `LeGradientThickness`, `LeGradientVerticalMaxLength`, `LeGradientVerticalMinLength`, `LeGridAlign`, `LeLabelFontStyle`, `LeLabelFontWeight`, `LeLabelOpacity`, `LeLabelOverlap`, `LeLabelPadding`, `LeLabelSeparation`, `LeLayout`, `LeLeX`, `LeLeY`, `LeRowPadding`, `LeSymbolBaseFillColor`, `LeSymbolBaseStrokeColor`, `LeSymbolDash`, `LeSymbolDashOffset`, `LeSymbolDirection`, `LeSymbolFillColor`, `LeSymbolOffset`, `LeSymbolOpacity`, `LeSymbolStrokeColor`, `LeTitle`, `LeNoTitle`, `LeTitleAnchor`, `LeTitleFontStyle`, `LeTitleOpacity`, and `LeTitleOrient`. The `LegendOrientation` type has gained `LOTop` and `LOBottom`. The `LegendLayout` and `BaseLegendLayout` types are new, and used with `LeLayout` to define the legent orient group. The `LegendProperty` type gained: `LClipHeight`, `LColumnPadding`, `LColumns`, `LCornerRadius`, `LDirection`, `LFillColor`, `LFormatAsNum`, `LFormatAsTemporal`, `LGradientLength`, `LGradientOpacity`, `LGradientStrokeColor`, `LGradientStrokeWidth`, `LGradientThickness`, `LGridAlign`, `LLabelAlign`, `LLabelBaseline`, `LLabelColor`, `LLabelFont`, `LLabelFontSize`, `LLabelFontStyle`, `LLabelFontWeight`, `LLabelLimit`, `LLabelOffset`, `LLabelOpacity`, `LLabelOverlap`, `LLabelPadding`, `LLabelSeparation`, `LRowPadding`, `LStrokeColor`, `LSymbolDash`, `LSymbolDashOffset`, `LSymbolFillColor`, `LSymbolOffset`, `LSymbolOpacity`, `LSymbolSize`, `LSymbolStrokeColor`, `LSymbolStrokeWidth`, `LSymbolType`, `LTickMinStep`, `LNoTitle`, `LTitleAlign`, `LTitleAnchor`, `LTitleBaseline`, `LTitleColor`, `LTitleFont`, `LTitleFontSize`, `LTitleFontStyle`, `LTitleFontWeight`, `LTitleLimit`, `LTitleOpacity`, `LTitleOrient`, `LTitlePadding`, `LeX`, and `LeY`. `Projection` has gained the `Identity` constructor. The `ProjectionProperty` type has gained `PrScale`, `PrTranslate`, `PrReflectX`, and `PrReflectY`. The `GraticuleProperty` type was added to configure the appearance of graticules created with `graticule`. The `CompositionAlignment` type was added and is used with `align`, `alignRC`, `LeGridAlign`, and `LGridAlign`. The `Bounds` type was added for use with `bounds`. The `ImputeProperty` and `ImMethod` types were added for use with `impute` and `PImpute`. The `ScaleConfig` type has gained `SCBarBandPaddingInner`, `SCBarBandPaddingOuter`, `SCRectBandPaddingInner`, and `SCRectBandPaddingOuter`. The `SelectionProperty` type has gained `Clear`, `SInit`, and `SInitInterval`. The Channel type has gained: `ChLongitude`, `ChLongitude2`, `ChLatitude`, `ChLatitude2`, `ChFill`, `ChFillOpacity`, `ChHref`, `ChKey`, `ChStroke`, `ChStrokeOpacity`. `ChStrokeWidth`, `ChText`, and `ChTooltip`. The `TitleConfig` type has gained: `TFontStyle`, `TFrame`, `TStyle`, and `TZIndex`. The `TitleFrame` type is new and used with `TFrame` from `TitleConfig`. The `ViewBackground` type is new and used with `viewBackground`. The `ViewConfig` type has gained `ViewCornerRadius`, `ViewOpacity`, `ViewStrokeCap`, `ViewStrokeJoin`, and `ViewStrokeMiterLimit`. The `ConfigurationProperty` type, used with `configuration`, has gained `ConcatStyle`, `FacetStyle`, `GeoshapeStyle`, `HeaderStyle`, `NamedStyles`, and `TrailStyle` constructors. The `ConcatConfig` type was added for use with the `ConcatStyle`, and the `FacetConfig` type for the `FacetStyle` configuration settings. The `HeaderProperty` type has gained: `HFormatAsNum`, `HFormatAsTemporal`, `HNoTitle`, `HLabelAlign`, `HLabelAnchor`, `HLabelAngle`, `HLabelColor`, `HLabelFont`, `HLabelFontSize`, `HLabelLimit`, `HLabelOrient`, `HLabelPadding`, `HTitleAlign`, `HTitleAnchor`, `HTitleAngle`, `HTitleBaseline`, `HTitleColor`, `HTitleFont`, `HTitleFontSize`, `HTitleFontWeight`, `HTitleLimit`, `HTitleOrient`, and `HTitlePadding`. The `HyperlinkChannel` type has gained `HBinned`. The `FacetChannel` type has gained `FSort`, `FTitle`, and `FNoTitle`. The `TextChannel` type has gained `TBinned`, `TFormatAsNum`, `TFormatAsTemporal`, `TTitle`, and `TNoTitle`. The `TooltipContent` type was added, for use with `MTooltip`. The `Symbol` type has gained: `SymArrow`, `SymStroke`, `SymTriangle`, `SymTriangleLeft`, `SymTriangleRight`, and `SymWedge`. ### Breaking Changes Some of these are repeated from above. The `title` function now takes a second argument, a list of `TitleConfig` values for configuring the appearance of the title. The `SReverse` construtor was removed from `ScaleProperty` as it represented a Vega, rather than Vega-Lite, property. The `xSort` constructors are used to change the order of an item (e.g. `PSort`, `MSort`). The `ScSequential` constructor was removed from `Scale` as `ScLinear` should be used. The `SortProperty` type has had a number of changes: the `Op`, `ByField`, and `ByRepeat` constructors have been removed, and `ByRepeatOp`, `ByFieldOp`, and `ByChannel` constructors have been added. The `AxTitleMaxLength` and `TitleMaxLength` constructors have been removed (from `AxisProperty` and `AxisConfig` respectively) as they are invalid. The `AxTitleLimit` (new in this release) and `TitleLimit` constructors should be used instead. `AxisProperty`: the `AxValues` constructor has been changed from accepting a list of doubles to `DataValues`. The `AxDates` constructor has been deprecated and `AxValues` should be used instead. There have been significant changes to the `LegendConfig` type: the `EntryPadding`, `GradientHeight`, `GradientLabelBaseline`, `GradientWIdth`, and `SymbolColor` constructors have been removed; the renaming constructors have been renamed so they all begin with `Le` (e.g. `Orient` is now `LeOrient`, and `Orient` has been added to `AxisConfig`); and new constructors have been added. The `StackProperty` type has been renamed to `StackOffset` and its constructors have changed, and a new `StackProperty` type has been added (that references the `StackOffset` type). The `Average` constructor of `Operation` was removed, and `Mean` should be used instead. The `LEntryPadding` constructor of `LegendProperty` was removed. The arguments to the `MDataCondition`, `TDataCondition`, and `HDataCondition` constructors - of `MarkChannel`, `TextChannel`, and `HyperlinkChannel` respectively - have changed to support accepting multiple expressions. The `MarkOrientation` type has been renamed `Orientation`. The constructors of the `ViewConfig` type have been renamed so they all begin with `View` (to match `ViewWidth` and `ViewHeight`). The constructors of the `ProjectionProperty` type have been renamed so that they begin with `Pr` rather than `P` (to avoid conflicts with the `PositionChannel` type). The `Divide` constructor of `BinProperty` now takes a list of Doubles rather than two. The `TitleConfig` type has gained the following constructors: `TFontStyle`, `TFrame`, `TStyle`, and `TZIndex`. The `TitleFrame` type was added for use with `TFrame`. The `ArgMax` and `ArgMin` constructors of `Operation` now take an optional field name, to allow them to be used as part of an encoding aggregation (e.g. with `PAggregate`). The "z index" value has changed from an 'Int' to the 'ZIndex' type. The constructors for the `Symbol` type now all start with `Sym`, so `Cross`, `Diamond`, `TriangleUp`, `TriangleDown`, and `Path` have been renamed to `SymCross`, `SymDiamond`, `SymTriangleUp`, `SymTriangleDown`, and `SymPath`, respectively. The `Legend` type has been renamed `LegendType` and its constructors have been renamed 'GradientLegend' and 'SymbolLegend'. ### Improved testing Added a test suite based on the Elm Vega-Lite tests (based entirely on the work of Jo Wood). The IPython notebooks have been expanded to cover recent changes in the [Vega-Lite gallery](, and include validation of the output (to check against the expected output). ## The minimum base version has been bumped from 4.7 to 4.9, which means ghc 8.0 or later. This is because the release does not appear to build with ghc 7.10. If this restriction is a problem then please comment on the issues list. There have been minor documentation updates, adding `@since` annotations. ## The `Channel` type has been extended to include `ChFill` and `ChStroke` constructors and the `tooltips` function allows you to provide multiple tooltips for a channel. The schema version has been changed from 2 to 3, but there has been limited checking to see if the API correctly reflects the new schema. This functionality was provided by Adam Massmann (massma) and BinderDavid. ## Added the `toHtml` and `toHtmlFile` functions which create the necessary HTML to view the Vega-Lite visualization using [Vega Embed]( (this is similar to how [ihaskell-hvega]( works). This functionality was provided by Gregory Schwartz; apologies for taking so long to get it released. ## The constructors for the LegendOrientation type have been renamed (by adding the prefix `LO`) which avoids the name clash with `Left` and `Right` seen in earlier releases. This is a breaking API change. Clarify how to use the library in the main `hvega` module. Thanks to contributions from Nicolas Mattia (nmattia) and Marco Zocca (ocramz). ## The only change is to the cabal file, where `cabal-version: >=1.18` has been changed to `cabal-version: 1.18`. ## Updated the upper bounds of `aeson` to really allow v1.4. This was not released on Hackage. ## Updated the upper bounds of `aeson` from v1.2 to v1.4. The cabal package now includes `stack.yaml` and `default.nix` (although the latter is *not* guaranteed to be correct), as well as a change log and an extra image. ## This is the initial version of `hvega`, which is based on version 2.2.1 of the [Elm Vega library](