{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mark Copyright : (c) Douglas Burke, 2018-2020 License : BSD3 Maintainer : dburke.gw@gmail.com Stability : unstable Portability : OverloadedStrings This provides the functionality of the VegaLite module but is not directly exported to the user. -} module Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Mark ( Mark(..) , MarkProperty(..) , MarkInterpolation(..) , PointMarker(..) , LineMarker(..) , MarkErrorExtent(..) , GradientCoord , GradientStops , ColorGradient(..) , GradientProperty(..) , TextDirection(..) , BlendMode(..) -- not for external export , mprops_ , markLabel , markProperty ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Aeson ((.=), object, toJSON) import Data.List (sortOn) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Foundation ( Angle , Color , DashStyle , DashOffset , Cursor , FontWeight , Opacity , StyleLabel , Orientation , StrokeCap , StrokeJoin , Symbol , TooltipContent(TTNone) , HAlign , VAlign , fromColor , fromDS , fromT , cursorLabel , fontWeightSpec , orientationSpec , strokeCapLabel , strokeJoinLabel , symbolLabel , ttContentLabel , hAlignLabel , vAlignLabel ) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Specification ( VLSpec , LabelledSpec ) -- As of version, an empty list is mapped to True mprops_ :: T.Text -> [MarkProperty] -> LabelledSpec mprops_ f [] = f .= True mprops_ f mps = f .= object (map markProperty mps) -- | Type of visual mark used to represent data in the visualization. -- -- The properties of the mark can be changed with the 'MarkProperty' -- constructors - such as 'MHeight' and 'MWidth' - although not all -- properties apply to all marks. -- data Mark = Area -- ^ An [area mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/area.html) -- for representing a series of data elements, such as in a stacked -- area chart or streamgraph. | Bar -- ^ [Bar mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bar.html) -- for histograms, bar charts etc. | Boxplot -- ^ [Boxplot composite mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/boxplot.html) -- for showing summaries of statistical distributions. -- -- Tick marks can be added using 'MTicks' and outliers turned -- off with 'MNoOutliers' or configured with 'MOutliers'. -- For example: -- -- @ -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' Boxplot -- [ 'MTicks' [ 'MColor' \"black\", 'MSize' 8 ] -- , 'MBox' [ 'MFill' \"grey\" ] -- , 'MOutliers' [ 'MColor' \"firebrick\" ] -- ] -- @ -- -- The range of the box plot is controlled with 'MExtent' with -- the 'IqrScale' or 'ExRange' options (the default is -- @IqrScale 1.5@). -- -- @since | Circle -- ^ [Circle mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/circle.html) -- for representing points. | ErrorBar -- ^ [Errorbar composite mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/errorbar.html) -- for showing summaries of variation along a signal. By default -- no ticks are drawn. To add ticks with default properties use -- @`MTicks` []@, otherwise supply a list of configuration options: -- -- @ -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' ErrorBar [ 'MTicks' [ 'MColor' \"black\", 'MSize' 8 ] ] -- @ -- -- @since | ErrorBand -- ^ [Errorband composite mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/errorband.html) -- for showing summaries of variation along a signal. By default -- no border is drawn. To add a border with default properties use -- @'MBorders' []@, otherwise supply a list of configuration options: -- -- @ -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' ErrorBand [ 'MBorders' [ 'MColor' \"black\", 'MStrokeWidth' 0.5 ] ] -- @ -- -- @since | Geoshape -- ^ [Geoshape](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html) -- determined by geographically referenced coordinates. | Image -- ^ [Vega Lite image mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/image.html), -- where the image to display is given via the -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.url' channel, and the width and height -- defined by the 'MWidth' and 'MHeight' properties. -- -- @since | Line -- ^ [Line mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/line.html) -- for symbolising a sequence of values. | Point -- ^ [Point mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/point.html) -- for symbolising a data point with a symbol. | Rect -- ^ [Rectangle mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/rect.html). | Rule -- ^ [Rule line](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/rule.html) -- connecting two vertices. | Square -- ^ [Square mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/square.html) -- for symbolising points. | Text -- ^ [Text mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/text.html) -- to be displayed at some point location. | Tick -- ^ Short line - [tick](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/tick.html) - -- mark for symbolising point locations. | Trail -- ^ [Trail mark](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/trail.html) -- (line with variable width along its length). -- -- @since markLabel :: Mark -> T.Text markLabel Area = "area" markLabel Bar = "bar" markLabel Boxplot = "boxplot" markLabel Circle = "circle" markLabel ErrorBar = "errorbar" markLabel ErrorBand = "errorband" markLabel Line = "line" markLabel Geoshape = "geoshape" markLabel Image = "image" markLabel Point = "point" markLabel Rect = "rect" markLabel Rule = "rule" markLabel Square = "square" markLabel Text = "text" markLabel Tick = "tick" markLabel Trail = "trail" {-| Properties for customising the appearance of a mark. For details see the . Not all properties are valid for each mark type. Some properties which take a list - such as 'MBox' - will create a @true@ value if the list is empty, and @false@ if the @\"No\"@ variant of the constructor is used (e.g. 'MNoBox'). In @version the 'MRemoveInvalid' constructor was added, which replaces the @RemoveInvalid@ constructor of 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ConfigurationProperty', and the @MShortTimeLabels@ constuctor was removed. -} -- based on schema -- #/definitions/MarkConfig -- #/definitions/MarkDef -- #/definitions/OverlayMarkDef -- -- #/definitions/TickConfig -- -- ie it conflates meaning data MarkProperty = MAlign HAlign -- ^ Horizontal alignment of a text mark. | MAngle Angle -- ^ Rotation angle of a text mark. | MAspect Bool -- ^ Should the aspect ratio of an 'Image' mark be preserved? -- -- @since | MBandSize Double -- ^ Band size of a bar mark. | MBaseline VAlign -- ^ Vertical alignment of a text mark. | MBinSpacing Double -- ^ Offset between bars for a binned field using a bar mark. -- -- The ideal value for this is either @0@ (preferred by statisticians) -- or @1@ (the Vega-Lite default value, D3 example style). | MBlend BlendMode -- ^ How should the item be blended with its background? -- -- Added in Vega-Lite 4.6.0. -- -- @since | MBorders [MarkProperty] -- ^ Border properties for an 'ErrorBand' mark. See also 'MNoBorders'. -- -- @since | MNoBorders -- ^ Do not draw a border for an 'ErrorBand' mark. -- -- @since | MBox [MarkProperty] -- ^ Box-symbol properties for a 'Boxplot' mark. See also 'MNoBox'. -- -- @since | MNoBox -- ^ Do not draw outliers with the 'Boxplot' mark. -- -- @since | MClip Bool -- ^ Should a mark be clipped to the enclosing group's dimensions. | MColor Color -- ^ Default color of a mark. Note that 'MFill' and 'MStroke' have higher -- precedence and will override this if specified. | MColorGradient ColorGradient GradientStops [GradientProperty] -- ^ The color gradient to apply to a mark. The first argument -- determines its type, the second is the list of color -- interpolation points, and the third -- allows for customization. -- -- @ -- 'MColorGradient' -- 'GrRadial' -- [ ( 0, \"red\" ), ( 1, \"blue\" ) ] -- [ ] -- @ -- -- @since | MCornerRadius Double -- ^ Corner radius of all corners of a rectangular mark, in pixels. -- -- The default is 0. This value is over-ridden by any of -- 'MCornerRadiusTL', 'MCornerRadiusTR', 'MCornerRadiusBL', -- or 'MCornerRadiusBR'. -- -- @since | MCornerRadiusEnd Double -- ^ The radius used for bars, in pixels. For vertical bars it -- defines the top-left and top-right radius, and for -- horizontal bars it is the top-right and bottom-right. -- -- For an example, see the -- . -- -- @since | MCornerRadiusTL Double -- ^ Top-left corner radius of a rectangular mark, in pixels. -- -- The default is 0. -- -- @since | MCornerRadiusTR Double -- ^ Top-right corner radius of a rectangular mark, in pixels. -- -- The default is 0. -- -- @since | MCornerRadiusBL Double -- ^ Bottom-left corner radius of a rectangular mark, in pixels. -- -- The default is 0. -- -- @since | MCornerRadiusBR Double -- ^ Bottom-right corner radius of a rectangular mark, in pixels. -- -- The default is 0. -- -- @since | MCursor Cursor -- ^ Cursor to be associated with a hyperlink mark. | MDir TextDirection -- ^ Direction of the text. This property determines which side of the -- label is truncated by the 'MLimit' parameter. See also 'MEllipsis'. -- -- The default is 'LTR'. -- -- @since | MContinuousBandSize Double -- ^ Continuous band size of a bar mark. | MDiscreteBandSize Double -- ^ Discrete band size of a bar mark. | MdX Double -- ^ Horizontal offset between a text mark and its anchor. | MdY Double -- ^ Vertical offset between a text mark and its anchor. | MEllipsis T.Text -- ^ The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to -- 'MLimit'. See also 'MDir'. -- -- The default is @\"…\"@. -- -- @since | MExtent MarkErrorExtent -- ^ Extent of whiskers used with 'Boxplot', 'ErrorBar', and -- 'ErrorBand' marks. -- -- @since | MFill Color -- ^ Default fill color of a mark. -- -- This was changed to use the @Color@ type alias in version @ | MFilled Bool -- ^ Should a mark's color should be used as the fill color instead of -- stroke color. | MFillGradient ColorGradient GradientStops [GradientProperty] -- ^ The color gradient to apply to the interior of a mark. The first argument -- determines its type, the second is the list of color -- interpolation points, and the third -- allows for customization. -- -- @ -- 'MFillGradient' -- 'GrLinear' -- [ ( 0, \"orange\" ), ( 1, \"green\" ) ] -- [ ] -- @ -- -- @since | MFillOpacity Opacity -- ^ Fill opacity of a mark. | MFont T.Text -- ^ Font of a text mark. Can be any font name made accessible via -- a css file (or a generic font like \"serif\", \"monospace\" etc.). | MFontSize Double -- ^ Font size, in pixels, used by a text mark. | MFontStyle T.Text -- ^ Font style (e.g. \"italic\") used by a text mark. | MFontWeight FontWeight -- ^ Font weight used by a text mark. | MHeight Double -- ^ Explicitly set the height of a mark. See also 'MWidth'. -- -- @since | MHRef T.Text -- ^ Hyperlink to be associated with a mark making it a clickable -- hyperlink. -- -- @since | MInterpolate MarkInterpolation -- ^ Interpolation method used by line and area marks. | MLimit Double -- ^ The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. If the text is -- larger then it will be truncated, with the truncation controlled -- by 'MEllipsis' and 'MDir'. -- -- The default value is @0@, which indicates no truncation. -- -- @since | MLine LineMarker -- ^ How should the vertices of an area mark be joined? -- -- @since | MLineBreak T.Text -- ^ A delimeter, such as a newline character, upon which to break -- text strings into multiple lines. -- -- Note that @hvega@ automatically breaks text on the @\\n@ character, -- which will over-ride this setting. Therefore setting this only -- makes sense if the text does not contain @\n@ characters. -- -- @since | MLineHeight Double -- ^ The height, in pixels, of each line of text in a multi-line text mark. -- -- @since | MMedian [MarkProperty] -- ^ Median-line properties for the 'Boxplot' mark. See also 'MNoMedian'. -- -- @since | MNoMedian -- ^ Do not draw the median of the 'Boxplot' mark. -- -- @since | MOpacity Opacity -- ^ Overall opacity of a mark in the range 0 to 1. | MOrder Bool -- ^ Ordering of vertices in a line or area mark. If @True@ (the default), -- the order is determined by measurement type or order channel. If -- @False@, the original data order is used. -- -- @since | MOrient Orientation -- ^ Orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area or line mark. | MOutliers [MarkProperty] -- ^ Outlier symbol properties for the 'Boxplot' mark. See also 'MNoOutliers'. -- -- @since | MNoOutliers -- ^ Do not draw outliers with the 'Boxplot' mark. -- -- @since | MPoint PointMarker -- ^ Appearance of a point marker joining the vertices of a line or area mark. -- -- @since | MRadius Double -- ^ Polar coordinate radial offset of a text mark from its origin. | MRemoveInvalid Bool -- ^ The default handling of invalid (@null@ and @NaN@) values. If @True@, -- invalid values are skipped or filtered out when represented as marks, -- otherwise they are taken to be @0@. -- -- This replaces @RemoveInvalid@ from -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ConfigurationProperty' -- in version 0.4 of @hvega@. -- -- @since | MRule [MarkProperty] -- ^ Rule (main line) properties for the 'ErrorBar' and 'Boxplot' marks. See also 'MNoRule'. -- -- @since | MNoRule -- ^ Do not draw the rule for 'ErrorBar' and 'Boxplot' marks. -- -- @since | MShape Symbol -- ^ Shape of a point mark. | MSize Double -- ^ Size of a mark. | MStroke Color -- ^ Default stroke color of a mark. -- -- This was changed to use the @Color@ type alias in version @ | MStrokeCap StrokeCap -- ^ Cap style of a mark's stroke. -- -- @since | MStrokeDash DashStyle -- ^ The stroke dash pattern used by a mark. | MStrokeDashOffset DashOffset -- ^ The offset for the dash pattern. | MStrokeGradient ColorGradient GradientStops [GradientProperty] -- ^ The color gradient to apply to the boundary of a mark. The first argument -- determines its type, the second is the list of color -- interpolation points, and the third -- allows for customization. -- -- @ -- 'MStrokeGradient' -- 'GrLinear' -- [ ( 0, \"pink\" ), ( 1, \"violet\" ) ] -- [ ] -- @ -- -- @since | MStrokeJoin StrokeJoin -- ^ Line segment join style of a mark's stroke. -- -- @since | MStrokeMiterLimit Double -- ^ Mitre limit at which to bevel a join between line segments of a -- mark's stroke. -- -- @since | MStrokeOpacity Opacity -- ^ Stroke opacity of a mark in the range 0 to 1. | MStrokeWidth Double -- ^ Stroke width of a mark in pixels. | MStyle [StyleLabel] -- ^ Names of custom styles to apply to a mark. Each should refer to a named style -- defined in a separate style configuration (using -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MarkNamedStyles'). | MTension Double -- ^ Interpolation tension used when interpolating line and area marks. | MText T.Text -- ^ Placeholder text for a text mark for when a text channel is not specified. -- -- See 'MTexts' for supplying an array of text values. | MTexts [T.Text] -- ^ Placeholder text for a text mark for when a text channel is not specified. -- -- See 'MText' for supplying a single text value. -- -- @since | MTheta Double -- ^ Polar coordinate angle (clockwise from north in radians) -- of a text mark from the origin (determined by its -- x and y properties). | MThickness Double -- ^ Thickness of a tick mark. | MTicks [MarkProperty] -- ^ Tick properties for the 'ErrorBar' or 'Boxplot' mark. See also 'MNoTicks'. -- -- @since | MNoTicks -- ^ Do not draw ticks for 'ErrorBar' or 'Boxplot' marks. -- -- The default behavior for ticks is for them to not be drawn, so @MNoTicks@ -- is only needed if the visualization contains something like: -- -- @'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configure' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.BoxplotStyle' ['MTicks' []] []))@ -- -- @since | MTimeUnitBand Double -- ^ The default relative band size for a time unit. -- -- If set to 1 the bandwidth of the marks will be equal to the time unit band step, -- and if set to 0.5 they will be half that. -- -- @since | MTimeUnitBandPosition Double -- ^ The default relative band position for a time unit. -- -- If set to 0 the marks will be positioned at the start of the band, -- and if set to 0.5 they will be in the middle. -- -- @since | MTooltip TooltipContent -- ^ The tooltip content for a mark. -- -- @since | MWidth Double -- ^ Explicitly set the width of a mark (e.g. the bar width). See also -- 'MHeight'. -- -- @since | MX Double -- ^ X position of a mark. -- -- @since | MX2 Double -- ^ X2 position of a mark. This is the secondary position for -- lines and area marks). -- -- @since | MXOffset Double -- ^ X position offset of a mark. -- -- @since | MX2Offset Double -- ^ X2 position offset of a mark. -- -- @since | MY Double -- ^ Y position of a mark. -- -- @since | MY2 Double -- ^ Y2 position of a mark. This is the secondary position for -- lines and area marks). -- -- @since | MYOffset Double -- ^ Y position offset of a mark. -- -- @since | MY2Offset Double -- ^ Y2 position offset of a mark. -- -- @since markProperty :: MarkProperty -> LabelledSpec -- special case the gradients markProperty (MColorGradient dir stops opts) = "color" .= gradientSpec dir stops opts markProperty (MFillGradient dir stops opts) = "fill" .= gradientSpec dir stops opts markProperty (MStrokeGradient dir stops opts) = "stroke" .= gradientSpec dir stops opts -- where are these defined? markProperty (MContinuousBandSize x) = "continuousBandSize" .= x markProperty (MDiscreteBandSize x) = "discreteBandSize" .= x markProperty (MAlign algn) = "align" .= hAlignLabel algn markProperty (MAngle x) = "angle" .= x markProperty (MAspect b) = "aspect" .= b markProperty (MBaseline va) = "baseline" .= vAlignLabel va -- only available in TickConfig markProperty (MBandSize x) = "bandSize" .= x markProperty (MBinSpacing x) = "binSpacing" .= x -- only available in AreaConfig, BarConfig, LineConfig, MarkConfig, -- MarkDef, OverlayMarkDef, RectConfig, TickConfig markProperty (MBlend bl) = "blend" .= blendModeSpec bl -- only available in ErrorBand[Config|Def], PartsMixins markProperty MNoBorders = "borders" .= False markProperty (MBorders mps) = mprops_ "borders" mps -- BoxPlot[Config|Deg], PartsMixins markProperty MNoBox = "box" .= False markProperty (MBox mps) = mprops_ "box" mps markProperty (MClip b) = "clip" .= b markProperty (MColor col) = "color" .= fromColor col markProperty (MCornerRadius x) = "cornerRadius" .= x markProperty (MCornerRadiusEnd x) = "cornerRadiusEnd" .= x markProperty (MCornerRadiusTL x) = "cornerRadiusTopLeft" .= x markProperty (MCornerRadiusTR x) = "cornerRadiusTopRight" .= x markProperty (MCornerRadiusBL x) = "cornerRadiusBottomLeft" .= x markProperty (MCornerRadiusBR x) = "cornerRadiusBottomRight" .= x markProperty (MCursor cur) = "cursor" .= cursorLabel cur markProperty (MDir td) = "dir" .= textdirLabel td markProperty (MdX dx) = "dx" .= dx markProperty (MdY dy) = "dy" .= dy markProperty (MEllipsis s) = "ellipsis" .= s -- combo of BoxPlot[Config|Def], ErrorBand[Config|Def], ErrorBar[Config|Def] markProperty (MExtent mee) = markErrorExtentLSpec mee markProperty (MFill col) = "fill" .= fromColor col markProperty (MFilled b) = "filled" .= b markProperty (MFillOpacity x) = "fillOpacity" .= x markProperty (MFont fnt) = "font" .= fnt markProperty (MFontSize x) = "fontSize" .= x markProperty (MFontStyle fSty) = "fontStyle" .= fSty markProperty (MFontWeight w) = "fontWeight" .= fontWeightSpec w markProperty (MHeight x) = "height" .= x markProperty (MHRef s) = "href" .= s markProperty (MInterpolate interp) = "interpolate" .= markInterpolationLabel interp markProperty (MRemoveInvalid b) = "invalid" .= if b then "filter" else A.Null markProperty (MLimit x) = "limit" .= x markProperty (MLine lm) = "line" .= lineMarkerSpec lm markProperty (MLineBreak s) = "lineBreak" .= s markProperty (MLineHeight x) = "lineHeight" .= x -- BoxPlot[Config|Def] possibly others markProperty MNoMedian = "median" .= False markProperty (MMedian mps) = mprops_ "median" mps markProperty (MOpacity x) = "opacity" .= x markProperty (MOrder b) = "order" .= b markProperty (MOrient orient) = "orient" .= orientationSpec orient -- what uses this? markProperty MNoOutliers = "outliers" .= False markProperty (MOutliers mps) = mprops_ "outliers" mps markProperty (MPoint pm) = "point" .= pointMarkerSpec pm markProperty (MRadius x) = "radius" .= x -- what uses this? markProperty MNoRule = "rule" .= False markProperty (MRule mps) = mprops_ "rule" mps markProperty (MShape sym) = "shape" .= symbolLabel sym markProperty (MSize x) = "size" .= x markProperty (MStroke t) = "stroke" .= fromColor t markProperty (MStrokeCap sc) = "strokeCap" .= strokeCapLabel sc markProperty (MStrokeDash xs) = "strokeDash" .= fromDS xs markProperty (MStrokeDashOffset x) = "strokeDashOffset" .= x markProperty (MStrokeJoin sj) = "strokeJoin" .= strokeJoinLabel sj markProperty (MStrokeMiterLimit x) = "strokeMiterLimit" .= x markProperty (MStrokeOpacity x) = "strokeOpacity" .= x markProperty (MStrokeWidth w) = "strokeWidth" .= w markProperty (MStyle [style]) = "style" .= style -- special case singleton markProperty (MStyle styles) = "style" .= styles markProperty (MTension x) = "tension" .= x markProperty (MText t) = "text" .= t markProperty (MTexts ts) = "text" .= ts markProperty (MTheta x) = "theta" .= x markProperty (MThickness x) = "thickness" .= x -- what uses this? markProperty MNoTicks = "ticks" .= False markProperty (MTicks mps) = mprops_ "ticks" mps markProperty (MTimeUnitBand x) = "timeUnitBand" .= x markProperty (MTimeUnitBandPosition x) = "timeUnitBandPosition" .= x markProperty (MTooltip TTNone) = "tooltip" .= A.Null markProperty (MTooltip tc) = "tooltip" .= object ["content" .= ttContentLabel tc] markProperty (MWidth x) = "width" .= x markProperty (MX x) = "x" .= x markProperty (MY x) = "y" .= x markProperty (MX2 x) = "x2" .= x markProperty (MY2 x) = "y2" .= x markProperty (MXOffset x) = "xOffset" .= x markProperty (MYOffset x) = "yOffset" .= x markProperty (MX2Offset x) = "x2Offset" .= x markProperty (MY2Offset x) = "y2Offset" .= x -- unlike elm, need to sort the stops list since we don't have a -- smart constructor (although it's not obvious this is actually needed, -- as I think Vega-Lite doesn't require this). -- gradientSpec :: ColorGradient -> GradientStops -> [GradientProperty] -> VLSpec gradientSpec dir stops props = let sortedStops = sortOn fst stops in object ([ "gradient" .= colorGradientLabel dir , "stops" .= map stopSpec sortedStops ] ++ map gradientProperty props) {-| Indicates the mark interpolation style. See the for details. -} data MarkInterpolation = Basis -- ^ A B-spline interpolation between points anchored at the first -- and last points. | BasisClosed -- ^ Closed B-spline interpolation between points forming a polygon. | BasisOpen -- ^ Open B-spline interpolation between points, which may not -- intersect the first and last points. | Bundle -- ^ Bundle curve interpolation between points. This is equivalent to 'Basis' -- except that the tension parameter is used to straighten the spline. | Cardinal -- ^ Cardinal spline interpolation between points anchored at the first -- and last points. | CardinalClosed -- ^ Closed Cardinal spline interpolation between points forming a polygon. | CardinalOpen -- ^ Open Cardinal spline interpolation between points, which may not -- intersect the first and last points. | Linear -- ^ Linear interpolation between points. | LinearClosed -- ^ Closed linear interpolaiton between points forming a polygon. | Monotone -- ^ Cubic spline interpolation that preserves monotonicity between points. | StepAfter -- ^ Piecewise (stepped) constant interpolation function after each point in a -- sequence. | StepBefore -- ^ Piecewise (stepped) constant interpolation function before each point in a -- sequence. | Stepwise -- ^ Piecewise (stepped) constant interpolation function centred on each point -- in a sequence. markInterpolationLabel :: MarkInterpolation -> T.Text markInterpolationLabel Linear = "linear" markInterpolationLabel LinearClosed = "linear-closed" markInterpolationLabel Stepwise = "step" markInterpolationLabel StepBefore = "step-before" markInterpolationLabel StepAfter = "step-after" markInterpolationLabel Basis = "basis" markInterpolationLabel BasisOpen = "basis-open" markInterpolationLabel BasisClosed = "basis-closed" markInterpolationLabel Cardinal = "cardinal" markInterpolationLabel CardinalOpen = "cardinal-open" markInterpolationLabel CardinalClosed = "cardinal-closed" markInterpolationLabel Bundle = "bundle" markInterpolationLabel Monotone = "monotone" -- | The properties of a point marker on a line or area mark. -- For use with 'MPoint'. -- -- @since data PointMarker = PMTransparent -- ^ A transparent marker is used, which can be useful for -- interactive selections. | PMNone -- ^ No marker to be shown. | PMMarker [MarkProperty] -- ^ The properties of the marks to be shown at the points. -- -- Use an empty list to use a filled point with default properties. -- An empty object has the same meaning as true, so there is no real need to -- treat 'PMMarker []' specially, but I don't think it complicates things -- here. -- pointMarkerSpec :: PointMarker -> VLSpec pointMarkerSpec PMTransparent = "transparent" pointMarkerSpec PMNone = toJSON False pointMarkerSpec (PMMarker []) = toJSON True pointMarkerSpec (PMMarker mps) = object (map markProperty mps) {-| Appearance of a line marker that is overlaid on an area mark. For use with 'MLine'. @since -} data LineMarker = LMNone -- ^ No line marker. | LMMarker [MarkProperty] -- ^ The properties of a line marker overlain on an area mark. -- -- Use an empty list to use a filled point with default properties. -- An empty object has the same meaning as true, so there is no real need to -- treat 'LMMarker []' specially, but I don't think it complicates things -- here. -- lineMarkerSpec :: LineMarker -> VLSpec lineMarkerSpec LMNone = toJSON False lineMarkerSpec (LMMarker []) = toJSON True lineMarkerSpec (LMMarker mps) = object (map markProperty mps) {-| Indicates the extent of the rule used for the error bar. See for details. Note that not all options are valid for all mark types. This is called @SummaryExtent@ in Elm and the constructors also have different names. @since -} -- based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/ErrorBarExtent -- (ConfidenceInterval to Iqr) -- and combined with the box/band "min-max" and IQR scaling values -- data MarkErrorExtent = ConfidenceInterval -- ^ Band extent between the 95% confidence intervals of a distribution. | StdErr -- ^ Band extent as the standard error about the mean of a distribution. | StdDev -- ^ Band extent as the standard deviation of a distribution. | Iqr -- ^ Band extent between the lower and upper quartiles of a distribution -- (the inter-quartile range, q1 to q3). | ExRange -- ^ Band extent between the minimum and maximum values in a distribution. | IqrScale Double -- ^ A scaling of the interquartile range to be used as whiskers in a -- 'Boxplot'. For example @IqrScale 1.5@ would extend whiskers to -- ±1.5x the IQR from the mean. -- This is a little different from the other calls since I wanted to -- make sure the scale factor was encoded as a number not a string. -- extent_ :: T.Text -> LabelledSpec extent_ v = "extent" .= v markErrorExtentLSpec :: MarkErrorExtent -> LabelledSpec markErrorExtentLSpec ConfidenceInterval = extent_ "ci" markErrorExtentLSpec StdErr = extent_ "stderr" markErrorExtentLSpec StdDev = extent_ "stdev" markErrorExtentLSpec Iqr = extent_ "iqr" markErrorExtentLSpec ExRange = extent_ "min-max" markErrorExtentLSpec (IqrScale sc) = "extent" .= sc {-| Define the form of the (for use with 'MColorGradient' and 'MFillGradient'). @since -} data ColorGradient = GrLinear -- ^ A linear gradient. | GrRadial -- ^ A radial gradient. colorGradientLabel :: ColorGradient -> T.Text colorGradientLabel GrLinear = "linear" colorGradientLabel GrRadial = "radial" {-| Convenience type-annotation to label a normalized coordinate for color gradients. The value should be in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. There is __no attempt__ to validate that the number lies within this range. @since -} type GradientCoord = Double {-| Convenience type-annotation label to indicate the color interpolation points - i.e. the colors to use at points along the normalized range 0 to 1 (inclusive). The list does not have to be sorted. There is no check that the color is valid (i.e. not empty or a valid color specification). @since -} type GradientStops = [(GradientCoord, Color)] stopSpec :: (GradientCoord, Color) -> VLSpec stopSpec (x, c) = object [ "offset" .= x, "color" .= fromColor c ] {-| Control the appearance of the gradient. Used by 'MColorGradient', 'MFillGradient', and 'MStrokeGradient'. @since -} data GradientProperty = GrX1 GradientCoord -- ^ The start of the color gradient (X axis); for radial -- gradients it represents the center of the inner circle. -- -- The default for linear gradients is 0, and for radial -- gradients it is 0.5. | GrY1 GradientCoord -- ^ The start of the color gradient (Y axis); for radial -- gradients it represents the center of the inner circle. -- -- The default for linear gradients is 0, and for radial -- gradients it is 0.5. | GrX2 GradientCoord -- ^ The end of the color gradient (X axis); for radial -- gradients it represents the center of the outer circle. -- -- The default for linear gradients is 1, and for radial -- gradients it is 0.5. | GrY2 GradientCoord -- ^ The end of the color gradient (Y axis); for radial -- gradients it represents the center of the outer circle. -- -- The default for linear gradients is 1, and for radial -- gradients it is 0.5. | GrR1 GradientCoord -- ^ The radius of the inner circle (radial color gradients -- only). The default is 0. | GrR2 GradientCoord -- ^ The radius of the outer circle (radial color gradients -- only). The default is 0.5. gradientProperty :: GradientProperty -> LabelledSpec gradientProperty (GrX1 x) = "x1" .= x gradientProperty (GrX2 x) = "x2" .= x gradientProperty (GrY1 x) = "y1" .= x gradientProperty (GrY2 x) = "y2" .= x gradientProperty (GrR1 x) = "r1" .= x gradientProperty (GrR2 x) = "r2" .= x {-| Determine the direction to draw the text. Used by 'MDir'. @since -} data TextDirection = LTR -- ^ Left to right. | RTL -- ^ Right to left. textdirLabel :: TextDirection -> T.Text textdirLabel LTR = "ltr" textdirLabel RTL = "rtl" -- | The blend mode for drawing an item on its background. -- -- This is based on CSS -- and the default is 'BMNormal' (at least for SVG output). -- -- Added in Vega-Lite 4.6.0. -- -- It is currently unclear how this works with canvas outputs -- (see Vega-Lite -- and -- for more information). -- -- @since data BlendMode = BMNormal -- ^ @normal@ mode (this maps to @null@ in Vega-Lite). | BMMultiply -- ^ @multiply@ mode. | BMScreen -- ^ @screen@ mode. | BMOverlay -- ^ @overlay@ mode. | BMDarken -- ^ @daren@ mode. | BMLighten -- ^ @lighten@ mode. | BMColorDodge -- ^ @color-dodge@ mode. | BMColorBurn -- ^ @color-burn@ mode. | BMHardLight -- ^ @hard-light@ mode. | BMSoftLight -- ^ @soft-light@ mode. | BMDifference -- ^ @difference@ mode. | BMExclusion -- ^ @exclusion@ mode. | BMHue -- ^ @hue@ mode. | BMSaturation -- ^ @saturation@ mode. | BMColor -- ^ @color@ mode. | BMLuminosity -- ^ @luminosity@ mode. blendModeSpec :: BlendMode -> VLSpec blendModeSpec BMNormal = A.Null blendModeSpec BMMultiply = fromT "multiply" blendModeSpec BMScreen = fromT "screen" blendModeSpec BMOverlay = fromT "overlay" blendModeSpec BMDarken = fromT "darken" blendModeSpec BMLighten = fromT "lighten" blendModeSpec BMColorDodge = fromT "color-dodge" blendModeSpec BMColorBurn = fromT "color-burn" blendModeSpec BMHardLight = fromT "hard-light" blendModeSpec BMSoftLight = fromT "soft-light" blendModeSpec BMDifference = fromT "difference" blendModeSpec BMExclusion = fromT "exclusion" blendModeSpec BMHue = fromT "hue" blendModeSpec BMSaturation = fromT "saturation" blendModeSpec BMColor = fromT "color" blendModeSpec BMLuminosity = fromT "luminosity"