module Hydra.Ext.Graphql.Coder where -- (printGraph) where

import Hydra.All
--import Hydra.Adapter
--import Hydra.Adapters.Term
--import Hydra.CoreDecoding
--import Hydra.CoreLanguage
--import Hydra.Adapters.Coders
--import Hydra.Ext.Graphql.Language
--import Hydra.Ext.Graphql.Serde
--import qualified Hydra.Ext.Graphql.Syntax as G
--import qualified Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Dsl.Types as Types
--import Hydra.Util.Codetree.Script

import qualified Control.Monad as CM
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Maybe as Y

--printGraph :: (Ord m, Read m, Show m) => Graph m -> GraphFlow m (M.Map FilePath String)
--printGraph g = do
--  sf <- moduleToGraphqlSchema g
--  let s = printExpr $ parenthesize $ exprDocument sf
--  return $ M.fromList [(graphNameToFilePath False (FileExtension "graphql") $ graphName g, s)]
--constructModule :: (Ord m, Read m, Show m)
--  => Graph m
--  -> M.Map (Type m) (Coder (Context m) (Term m) ())
--  -> [(Element m, TypedTerm m)]
--  -> GraphFlow m G.Document
--constructModule g coders pairs = do
--  fail "TODO"
----    let ns = pdlNameForGraph g
----    let pkg = Nothing
----    let imports = [] -- TODO
----    sortedPairs <- case (topologicalSortElements $ fst <$> pairs) of
----      Nothing -> fail $ "types form a cycle (unsupported in PDL)"
----      Just sorted -> pure $ Y.catMaybes $ fmap (\n -> M.lookup n pairByName) sorted
----    schemas <- CM.mapM toSchema sortedPairs
----    return $ PDL.SchemaFile ns pkg imports schemas
----  where
----    pairByName = L.foldl (\m p@(el, tt) -> M.insert (elementName el) p m) M.empty pairs
----    aliases = importAliasesForGraph g
----    toSchema (el, TypedTerm typ term) = if stripType typ == TypeNominal _Type
----      then decodeType term >>= typeToSchema el
----      else fail $ "mapping of non-type elements to PDL is not yet supported: " ++ show typ
----    typeToSchema el typ = do
----      let qname = pdlNameForElement aliases False $ elementName el
----      res <- encodeAdaptedType aliases typ
----      let ptype = case res of
----            Left schema -> PDL.NamedSchema_TypeTyperef schema
----            Right t -> t
----      cx <- getState
----      r <- annotationClassTermDescription (contextAnnotations cx) $ elementTerm el
----      let anns = doc r
----      return $ PDL.NamedSchema qname ptype anns
--moduleToGraphqlSchema :: (Ord m, Read m, Show m) => Graph m -> GraphFlow m G.Document
--moduleToGraphqlSchema g = graphToExternalModule language (encodeTerm aliases) constructModule g
--  where
--    aliases = importAliasesForGraph g
----doc :: Y.Maybe String -> PDL.Annotations
----doc s = PDL.Annotations s False
----encodeAdaptedType :: (Ord m, Read m, Show m)
----  => M.Map GraphName String -> Type m
----  -> GraphFlow m (Either PDL.Schema PDL.NamedSchema_Type)
----encodeAdaptedType aliases typ = do
----  cx <- getState
----  let acx = AdapterContext cx hydraCoreLanguage language
----  ad <- withState acx $ termAdapter typ
----  encodeType aliases $ adapterTarget ad
--encodeTerm :: (Eq m, Ord m, Read m, Show m) => M.Map GraphName String -> Term m -> GraphFlow m ()
--encodeTerm aliases term = fail "term encoding is not yet implemented"
----encodeType :: (Eq m, Show m) => M.Map GraphName String -> Type m -> GraphFlow m (Either PDL.Schema PDL.NamedSchema_Type)
----encodeType aliases typ = case stripType typ of
----    TypeList lt -> Left . PDL.SchemaArray <$> encode lt
----    TypeLiteral lt -> Left . PDL.SchemaPrimitive <$> case lt of
----      LiteralTypeBinary -> pure PDL.PrimitiveTypeBytes
----      LiteralTypeBoolean -> pure PDL.PrimitiveTypeBoolean
----      LiteralTypeFloat ft -> case ft of
----        FloatTypeFloat32 -> pure PDL.PrimitiveTypeFloat
----        FloatTypeFloat64 -> pure PDL.PrimitiveTypeDouble
----        _ -> fail $ "unexpected floating-point type: " ++ show ft
----      LiteralTypeInteger it -> case it of
----        IntegerTypeInt32 -> pure PDL.PrimitiveTypeInt
----        IntegerTypeInt64 -> pure PDL.PrimitiveTypeLong
----        _ -> fail $ "unexpected integer type: " ++ show it
----      LiteralTypeString -> pure PDL.PrimitiveTypeString
----    TypeMap (MapType kt vt) -> Left . PDL.SchemaMap <$> encode vt -- note: we simply assume string as a key type
----    TypeNominal name -> pure $ Left $ PDL.SchemaNamed $ pdlNameForElement aliases True name
----    TypeOptional ot -> fail $ "optionals unexpected at top level"
----    TypeRecord (RowType _ fields) -> do
----      let includes = []
----      rfields <- CM.mapM encodeRecordField fields
----      return $ Right $ PDL.NamedSchema_TypeRecord $ PDL.RecordSchema rfields includes
----    TypeUnion (RowType _ fields) -> if isEnum
----        then do
----          fs <- CM.mapM encodeEnumField fields
----          return $ Right $ PDL.NamedSchema_TypeEnum $ PDL.EnumSchema fs
----        else Left . PDL.SchemaUnion . PDL.UnionSchema <$> CM.mapM encodeUnionField fields
----      where
----        isEnum = L.foldl (\b t -> b && stripType t == Types.unit) True $ fmap fieldTypeType fields
----    _ -> fail $ "unexpected type: " ++ show typ
----  where
----    encode t = case stripType t of
----      TypeRecord (RowType _ []) -> encode Types.int32 -- special case for the unit type
----      _ -> do
----        res <- encodeType aliases t
----        case res of
----          Left schema -> pure schema
----          Right _ -> fail $ "type resolved to an unsupported nested named schema: " ++ show t
----    encodeRecordField (FieldType (FieldName name) typ) = do
----      anns <- getAnns typ
----      (schema, optional) <- encodePossiblyOptionalType typ
----      return PDL.RecordField {
----        PDL.recordFieldName = PDL.FieldName name,
----        PDL.recordFieldValue = schema,
----        PDL.recordFieldOptional = optional,
----        PDL.recordFieldDefault = Nothing,
----        PDL.recordFieldAnnotations = anns}
----    encodeUnionField (FieldType (FieldName name) typ) = do
----      anns <- getAnns typ
----      (s, optional) <- encodePossiblyOptionalType typ
----      let schema = if optional
----          then PDL.SchemaUnion $ PDL.UnionSchema (simpleUnionMember <$> [PDL.SchemaNull, s])
----          else s
----      return PDL.UnionMember {
----        PDL.unionMemberAlias = Just $ PDL.FieldName name,
----        PDL.unionMemberValue = schema,
----        PDL.unionMemberAnnotations = anns}
----    encodeEnumField (FieldType (FieldName name) typ) = do
----      anns <- getAnns typ
----      return PDL.EnumField {
----        PDL.enumFieldName = PDL.EnumFieldName $ convertCase CaseCamel CaseUpperSnake name,
----        PDL.enumFieldAnnotations = anns}
----    encodePossiblyOptionalType typ = case stripType typ of
----      TypeOptional ot -> do
----        t <- encode ot
----        return (t, True)
----      _ -> do
----        t <- encode typ
----        return (t, False)
----    getAnns typ = do
----      cx <- getState
----      r <- annotationClassTypeDescription (contextAnnotations cx) typ
----      return $ doc r
--importAliasesForGraph g = M.empty -- TODO
----noAnnotations :: PDL.Annotations
----noAnnotations = PDL.Annotations Nothing False
----pdlNameForElement :: M.Map GraphName String -> Bool -> Name -> PDL.QualifiedName
----pdlNameForElement aliases withNs name = PDL.QualifiedName (PDL.Name local)
----    $ if withNs
----      then PDL.Namespace . slashesToDots <$> alias
----      else Nothing
----  where
----    (ns, local) = toQname name
----    alias = M.lookup ns aliases
----pdlNameForGraph :: Graph m -> PDL.Namespace
----pdlNameForGraph = PDL.Namespace . slashesToDots . h . graphName
----  where
----    h (GraphName n) = n
----simpleUnionMember :: PDL.Schema -> PDL.UnionMember
----simpleUnionMember schema = PDL.UnionMember Nothing schema noAnnotations
----slashesToDots :: String -> String
----slashesToDots = fmap (\c -> if c == '/' then '.' else c)